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  1. Holy Cow.... That make me want to slot Soulbound Allegiance's Build Up in my Gang War... and use Burn Out....
  2. Hi! I've got a Thugs/Poison MM and a few questions regarding IO's!

    What about the Gaussian Synchronized Fire Control Chance for Build-Up in the Enforcers... how does that work? Who receives the buildup effect? Is it 2x as likely to proc (because I have 2 enforcers)? On a very similar note: What about the Soul-Bound Allegiance Chance for BuildUp? I assume that effects ME and only when I summon the pets?

    Do set bonus' to defence, resistance, accuracy, damage, ect. apply to my pets at all?

    Thanks in advance, you forum Wizards are amazing
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Fenix View Post
    Nope, it doesn't. At least, not the way you're supposing. The proc will check once per 10 seconds, yes, but it's only slotted in ONE power. Having multiple enemies in range does NOT cause multiple instances of the Invincibility power; it causes the Invincibility power to give you multiple buff icons and stronger buffs. Thus, the proc chance will still be 5% every 10 seconds.
    If I slot a % chance of damage in a toggle, that chance applies to each enemy effected by that toggle, every 10 seconds, and it's also ONE power. Why would % chance of build up work any differently? I get a To-Hit buff for each enemy within range, up to 10 enemies.
  4. My understanding of the %chance proc enhancements is that when slotted in toggles or "always on" powers, they check for the proc every 10 seconds. If I slotted my Invulnerability power sets T6 "Invincibility" with a "Guassian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance of Build-Up" I think that, every 10 seconds, I would have a 5% per enemy within range of getting the build-up effect, to "Invincibility"'s maximum of 10 enemies. Thus, if surrounded by 10 or more enemies, around 50% chance of build-up every 10 seconds.... Does this actually work??
  5. How do enhancements that have a %proc work with caltrops? Is it every damage tick? Is the the first damage tick? The first damage tick per enemy? I'm thinking caltrops slotted with a whole bunch %+Damage would ridiculousness. Also, the %Knockdown from Ragnarok would help caltrops control. Any of these idea's viable?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    This is something I need to address. When people complain of powers that blind them, then you know they have their monitor out of whack, because the powers can only be as bright as the color white on their monitor, when they are reading most text from websites, for example.
    Anytime you're falling with Super Speed on, the big fiery trail takes up an entire vertical column in the middle of the screen. If you're zoomed in close, you can't see a thing. I like super-speed, but it's ridiculously obtrusive. It looks like I'm running on some sort of portable star, the very end of the trail should be the entire power, and even then it could be toned down a bit so it just looks like i leave a train of smoldering footsteps.
  7. Dimension Shift/Black Hole/Sonic Cage/Detention Field - I really like the idea of making them toggles that automatically drop if they're on too long, like the "jump pack". That way, you never have to sit around and wait for the mob to come back to reality.

    Time Bomb - Probably one of the worst powers in the game. Massive recharge, massive interruptibility, and the timer on it is so long that most mobs would be dead by the time it fires in a team setting. Clone the Omega Maneuver and put it in it's place! DO ANYTHING!! Remote detonation is also a popular idea, but I think this power receives more complaints then any other.

    Triage Beacon/Spirit Tree - given the recharge and immobile status, they need something to make them more attractive. The +Recovery is an excellent idea.

    Ignite - I don't know... it just never worked well for me. I like the idea of making it a single-target flamethrower, maybe add a debuff? -Regen, -Res?

    Targetting Drone - should give a very small damage buff to all powers and not just have code to give damage to Sniper Rifle in one powerset. I am talking like 10% damage at most. <--- yeah what he said. One of the biggest gripes with devices is that you don't get build up, which not only adds a lot of damage, it adds a lot of damage where you want it. I've also seen a suggestion that it give a % chance of critical hit. Even a 1% chance gives the occasional "oh hell yeah! That just happened!"

    Also as mentioned over and over in this thread: All sorts of stuff that ruin my costumes.

    How about custom sound effects for our powers? Since we can already change the appearance, it's a logical next-step. I'd much rather have a beam rifle that sounds like "PEW PEW!" then an organ farting.

    Oh right!! I forgot about Stealth.... 2 things: Enemies that ignore it completely (I'm talking about ambushes, not snipers or drones and what-not, those are fine). Allies that are affected by it (the guys we have to rescue).