MM and IO's Questions!
Set bonuses have no effect on your pets, Soulbound's build up proc effects the pet it's slotted in and has a chance to go off every time the pet attacks and can even doublestack, though rarely. Fire Control in Enforcers will give each enforcer a chance for a build-up effect every 10 seconds, since the power it's effecting is a toggle (the enforcer's Tactics)

Holy Cow.... That make me want to slot Soulbound Allegiance's Build Up in my Gang War... and use Burn Out....
Well, keep in mind the folllowing: When souldbound goes off it benefits only the one pet who triggered it (you have two enforcers, it checks on every attack from each of them but only buffs the one that succeeds).
Holy Cow.... That make me want to slot Soulbound Allegiance's Build Up in my Gang War... and use Burn Out....
also, soulbound will check on you when you summon the pet, and on the pet with every attack.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Hi! I've got a Thugs/Poison MM and a few questions regarding IO's!
What about the Gaussian Synchronized Fire Control Chance for Build-Up in the Enforcers... how does that work? Who receives the buildup effect? Is it 2x as likely to proc (because I have 2 enforcers)? On a very similar note: What about the Soul-Bound Allegiance Chance for BuildUp? I assume that effects ME and only when I summon the pets?
Do set bonus' to defence, resistance, accuracy, damage, ect. apply to my pets at all?
Thanks in advance, you forum Wizards are amazing