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  1. I love the new events the Supa Trolls are sweet and crazy lookin. I love the new events. The fire fighter one is alot of fun you should though make the buildings a little less noticable. Unless you did that so it wouldnt be too hard for people to find them. Other than that the fire one is fun. Also are you going to allow us to attack the fire with our regular attacks on live or is this a bug?

    Yes finally something fun for my controller to do in his spare time.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    i know that every one else that is going to get cov thinks that same thing.

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    Realy im going to be getting it and i could care less if its 5,10 or 15 dollars more if its a great game that will keep me interested and keep me into it and enjoying it than ill pay, not everyones a cheap [censored] like you sorry, but its true, and ill be paying for wow so i could care less realy. But there are those that dont want to pay too much but thinking your going to be getting it free is pretty ignorant, you keep playing your little dream world but ill stay here in the real one.
  3. I must say yes defenders are pretty much perfect early on, never played too far as they are too boring for me to play somewhat, made a D3 and I love it. I too feel the pain of the huge crossover of the defenders primary powers and the controllers secondary powers, I actually hate the crossover its horrid.

    I also don’t get where you guess think that pets are like this uber l33t damaging destroying power and I can just cast and take a nap. Try taking over 15 min's to kill a group of -2s i think there were 10 of ‘em, DE's, with two bosses, and a few lts and some minions, that’s right it took over 15 min's to kill that not to mention it took three extremely kind defenders flying overhead to help me out, i couldn’t have survived the first 5 min w/o them forting, CMing, RAing, and ABing, without all that i would have died extremely quickly. Pets aren’t as powerful as they seem just because they attack doesn’t mean they blast left and right as fast as a player would. Defenders by far are way more solo friendly than controllers are, speed wise. You actually get to do damage that is noticeable i get to hold something to death, wooooo, ya know how long that takes it take forevarrr. I’ve hit 36 recently on my ice/storm, and i still don’t see why everyone makes such a fuss over controllers they suck big time the only reason i keep him is cuz he’s at a high level and has the potential with a good team to get to 50 before I’m 50.

    I see where he's coming from defenders are a work of art they're perfect in my eyes, i don’t want to see them changed, except maybe FF but that’s it. Kinetics is perfect you get everything in one set, buffs, debuffs, end drain, heals, speed for yourself, a -recharge power Siphon Speed.

    P.S. You kineticists are sneaky little mf's you guys get us addicted to your speed boost then leave and bammm I’m a speed boost junky now, i even started twitching when the kinetics left my team last week, i almost cried like a little school girl. And you empaths and your fort, you darks and your fearsome stare, you FFers and your bubbles, you radiation and your AM, you stormers and your ummmm, hrmmm, uhhhhh O2 boost o_O hehe, yeah your O2 boost that’s it!
  4. Cold_Lightning

    Blaster Damage

    Scrappers get higher damage potential and criticals? Whats up with this BS. Why dont blasters get the same critical strike chance as scrappers get. Or is this going to be one of those they have a greater risk things again?!?! Dont get me wrong love scrappers, love playing them but i love my blaster even more, but getting killed twice as fast as my controller, twice as many times as my defender, and many many more times than my scrapper. I know where supposed to be a little weak but weaker than controllers and defenders (surviability only).
  5. Cold_Lightning

    XP and I5

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    there've been a number of times since Exemplaring was added that I have DELIBERATELY died to get debt, so I could keep making progress on my XP bar while Exemplared.

    Then again, I'm a loonie.

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    Hehe if your loonie than I am too.
  6. Cold_Lightning

    Open Questions

    theres even rewards in pve that you can only get with certain AT's its the same basis you cant always get everything you want I know its hard to understand the fact that someone else might have something that you dont but its true they do. Tankers cant get the healer badges and they probably wont get the debt badges too quickly either. While blasters wont get the healer badges but will probably get the debt badges quicker than the tankers. My point is there should be rewards for pvpers that people who are so against pvp shouldnt get i mean the pvpers are doing somehting that the pve'ers arent, just like the defenders with empathy are doing something the inv. tankers arent doing. And you can get the powers, badges, or titles that everyone else can get in pvp you just chose not to get them by chosing not to pvp so in a sense your screwing yourself over. Its to encourage pvp so if you dont pvp than it wont affect you in anyway.
  7. I agree, having to have specific terrain around you to make a power useful is pretty weak in itself give them either their original wormhole or a new power like grav. version of ice slick or somthing give the people what they want. But then again even ice has a power that people rarely take, anyone heard of flash freeze talk about sucky once you get it everyone has aoe's so its useless.
  8. Cold_Lightning

    Open Questions

    Or a frozen ice layer in the bottom of the ocean that has gian sea thingies protecting me awww yeah give me a giant ice castle with giant ice monsters and giant ice minions and ill be happy

    *SIGH* a kid can dream cant he.
  9. if they do give a 10th power i think it should either be a giant grav pet like a crazy monster or somthing or make it a team phase shift but a click phase. that would be cool imo.
  10. One thing i noticed in pvp when i hold another person than use lift i dont get the extra boost in damage has anyone else noticed this but they might have changed this havent done pvp in a while.
  11. Cold_Lightning

    XP and I5

    Why does everyone refer to a change as nerfing its noting nerfing anything. Nerfing is making one thing weaker than it already was thats nerfing. They are making it easier for low lvl characters to navagate the lower lvls w/o the risk of debt. Its helping the people who enjoy making many alts but dont want to have to spend the lower lvls getting rid of debt. And as far as i know it was never the first 5 lvls that were debt free it was the first four lvls as far as i know. You had lvls 1-4 that you couldnt accuire debt. Then once you hit 5 you started to get debt per death.
  12. Cold_Lightning

    XP and I5

    One tiny tiny problem with your "solution" if you use this /noexp comand some people may forget their using it so i say make it a button like thing in the options window.
  13. Cold_Lightning

    XP and I5

    I think this is a good idea on the basis of the hollows. The main place people go after hitting 5 is the hollows. After a while once you get to the missions after the first two hunt ones you get missions that are extremely far away. In personal experience i have been at lvl 7 or so and had a mission there that was on the other end of the map on the mountain and its not exactly easy with no travel powers to get there so right there trying to get to that mission i get killed about two or so times.

    This is the part where i plug my ears and go "lah lah lah lah lah lah lah i cant hear you lah lah lah lah" (from all the bashing afterwards)
    Also it helps the newer players to get a feel for the game over a longer period of time w/o consiquences and it gives them time to find a good team to go with or a good place to hunt and not rack up a butt load of debt. Personally when i first started i didnt understand debt it confused me more than it should have (its probably just cuz im a little dense but...). I never knew debt slowed my lvling down till someone told me that my xp got split i just thought i got two times as much xp for one kill, right there i knew i was pretty dumb for thinking that..... But I think actually explaining it a little more to the newer players might help like have a second mission in Outbreak where you actually have to die and explain what happens at lvl 5 or 10 as it will change. I.e. tell them about debt in that way it will get them more acquanted with it better. just my opinion.
  14. Cold_Lightning

    XP and I5

    [ QUOTE ]
    heh... 5 more levels of using the hospital as the fastst travel power in the game

    In the Hollows: Ding, level 8 at last!

    *runs into a spawn of lvl 15 trolls because it's the fastest way to get back to Ms. Liberty.*

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    And i thought i was the only one who did this hehe. I still do it even after im able to collect debt. yay a tp to another zone whooohhoooo.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    A single-use AoE Lift seems a bit like a waste of endurance to me. I mean, it would need to have a higher cost than Lift, probably by a fair bit. Otherwise, why use the regular Lift?
    For three seconds of villains lyring down (provided they're not knockback resistant or partially held). How long can you keep that up before your endurance runs out, especially if you have any toggles up to keep you alive for longer?

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    I always figured if they added an AoE Lift, it would be something along the lines of no damage, but with a Disorient upon landing. Just the Knockup by itself wouldn't be very good for controlling a group, imo.

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    Well what if it was an AoE lift but they stayed in the air like a floating in the air for a while completely unable to attack but they take no damage from it kind of like ices glacer an aoe hold with no damage from it.

    If their going to give you a DS why not just a single target one or one that you can click two foes and they switch places and are shifted for a while and after the shift they get disorient for a bit too?!?!?! That sounds like an ok idea i guess.
  16. May i just say this is the best thread ive read. It has the most intelligent and intelectual comments on it ive ever read and you guys have helped me understand the whole soloing and teaming thing better. I did start after I3, so i didnt know about all the additions from it. So tell me if this is a good idea. I go to a place with nice sized mobs around +2 or +3 my lvl maybe higher and send in my pets while im phase shifted (pets first) and let them do the work and not worry? does that sound like a good tactic or a bad one for soloing? i just hit 35 so 36 is kinda far away but maybe i could do something along those lines.
  17. I dont know about you guys but it seems that teaming isnt even encouraged its almost a necesity. If you dont team its more than twice as long to lvl cuz when you team you get the xp increase. I say give soloers an xp increase of at least .5% or something i mean come on i bought this game thinking sweet a game that ill play for the next few years cuz its gonna be a great game. But wrongo, lets see i can hardly solo a lvl past 14, due to the little xp gain, and i wont even go on to the other things i have problems with cuz there wayyy too off subject. But i love soloing its the best part i mean to get to send out my ice pets and let them wreak havoc on the mobs instead of me is fun but its way slower on the lvling department certain groups shouldnt get punished for being or doing the things they do. ie i dont have 900+ hours to play this game in a few months it might take me two years to get that much time in and in those 900+ hours of play i probably wouldnt be at 50 by then because my time is more scattered than if someone would have done it in 6 months DONT punish soloers, workaholics who just want an hour or so to play a game after/before work. Or even a few hours in after school not everyone has 10 or 12 hours a day to play this game.