19 -
I have seen the vangard bow and I left it out because it is a 2D energy construct with a string attached... Huh? Anyway it's not like it would bog the game down and create lag. Look at the energy blast powers and all of the little particle effects when you cast them. There is clearly not as much going on with archery.
IRL the mongolian bow does move when it is drawn. It is to a lesser degree when compared to the english long bow but it is still obvious. There is already a lot of tension on the limbs, if you de-string it is hardly recognizable. Regardless it absolutely does not remain rigid as if it were made of stone.
The point of my thread isn't to say archery or CoH sucks. It doesn't. IMHO it just feels like that part of the animation is incomplete. -
I am a novice archer IRL and I was playing CoH last night and I had a bit of an epiphany. I've always liked the archery powerset, but ever since power customization became available it has never looked right. I figured out why...
Other than the default bow models none of the bows flex properly when drawn or released. In fact they don't flex at all. This goes completely against the physics involved with these bow designs. Not that it effects gameplay in anyway it just really detracts from the immersion factor of the game. The English Long Bow, the Mongolian Horseman's Bow, and even the modern Compound Bow all have limbs that should flex considerably when drawn.
It is ashamed that these bows visually don't work. They do such a good job with everything else in the game animation wise. Its just screams broken whenever I see a toon with a bow that doesn't operate properly.
That is all. What do you think? -
I had a necro /dark /pain or /therm build in mind. I figure /dark has the synergy, /pain would be best for tankerminding, and... ZOMGWTFBBQFLAMINGZOMBIESFTW!
I messed around with necro/therm a bit a few days ago. It was fun but it kind of got boring because /therm is so hands off. Even a set like /FF starts you with Force Bolt. I usually slot that for acc and recharge and end redux then machine gun away with my bots attacking my target. I never take the laser attacks from Robotics.
What do you guys do? I see baby MMs with primary attacks all the time but the upper level guys I've seen usually opt to skip them. -
Don't mind me and my German lol I just re-watched Inglorius Basterds.
Anyway my question is as follows. Aside from the DS whip for its -Res goodness; with the onset of inherent fittnes has the paradigm changed at all concerning MMs and their primary attack powers? Are MM attacks still considered counter productive aggro magnets to be avoided at all costs?
MM primary attack powers... Verboten or wunderbar, and why? -
Quote:Also, which Marvel Gladiator are you talking about? If it is the Shiar one, then his powers are defiantly Superman ones.
Quote:Originally Posted by Marvel Universe WikiMuch, if not all of Gladiator's abilities are entirely dependent on his level of self-confidence. The more confident he is in being able to complete the task at hand, the more powerful he becomes. Consequently, if Gladiator ever has the slightest hint of doubt that he is unable to accomplish something, then his powers quickly weaken.
This Gladiator, yeah the Shi'ar one. This Superman clone's yellow sun is his willpower and his kryptonite is doubt in himself. -
Quote:^ThisAs I said, I'm letting this issue go so as not to steer the thread closer towards the evil realm of Lock-enheim. I just want to say that my silence in regard to posts subsequent to mine do not indicate my agreement with them.
I'm tapping out. Here is my final word on the subject. There is nothing wrong with wanting to see some historical accuracy on screen when you watch a movie.
Speaking of naivety it is far more naive to think that the creators of these movies (who are more often than not, out of touch with the canon material) put as much progressive and liberal thought into the matter of casting as you give them credit for, opposed to just bad casting.
Also this Ultimate crap stinks. These characters became the beloved characters that they are for a reason. All of these movies would have been better had they featured the classic versions of the characters.
Also if mythology Thor/Loki had red hair then they should have red hair in the comics/movie too.
Anyway good fight, good night. That is all. -
@That_Ninja I never saw Kickass, what were his powers if any?
Regarding DBZ I always figured the saiyjins were /Inv. I could see Krillin as a good /WP candidate. -
Quote:Lol ok you got me. Maybe he's not "great" but you got to admit King of Queens is a funny show.Whoa whoa whoa, there.
That's just going too far.
Kevin James is a great actor?
@Obitus Thanks man!
@Durakken Yes, yes I do. Outside of the biblical inaccuracies Mel Gibson got it right in Passion of The Christ. Jesus wasn't white, nor was he black, he was Hebrew, an Israeli. They shouldn't be teaching anything different in school, or in church either. -
A black man should not play a traditionally white character just like a white man should not play a traditionally black character.
The casting directors job is to not only judge acting but also to judge the physical appearance of the character said actor is trying to portray.
Kevin james is a great actor but you don't see him suiting up in blue tights trying to play Superman do you? What is that discrimination against fat people?
A Norse god is not a one size fits all role so yes skin color, physical fitness and looks in general should play a part in casting. -
Not at all it just doesn't work canon wise, mythology wise or logically. Could you take a film seriously where Hitler was played by Wesley Snipes, or if Jet Li played Malcolm X or maybe we could get Ryan Renolds to play Genghis Kahn.
I say its not racism because this is the internet and I am bound to get people who want to jump on the politically correct bandwagon and miss the point of my post. So I have thought it over and I still feel that way.
I honestly think it was a stupid job casting. If we are going to disregard historical accuracy regarding race why not do it regarding gender too. We could get Bruce Willis to play Wonder Woman or better yet we could get Megan Fox to play the Martian Manhunter.
Bad casting is bad. -
I saw the movie and I guess it was ok but what is with all of the ethnic diversity amongst the Norse gods. I am a minority and so it's not a racisim thing but come on. The Norse gods are supposed to be Norse. They should have all been big aryan super vikings. They had a an african american and an asian, what's next Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie star as Black Panther and Storm? Other than that and the fact that Thor didn't seem as super as I would have expected even when he had the hammer, I thought it wasn't too bad. I think I liked Ed Norton's Hulk better though.
Another in game reference to TV that I noticed is the Warden Contact Jessica Flores. She is a nod to Mindy Kaling's character Kelly Kapoor from The Office. Anyone else catch that?
Thanks I'll have to check out Star Brand. So then basically WP isn't cut and dry mind over matter, it can be a mixture of healing factor, natural toughness, and attitude based resistances/defenses?
Yeah that's right Sentry too, his powers failed on him because he believed that they were dampened but they really weren't.
If Wolverine is WP that would make Sabertooth and Hulk WP as well, but I'd say Deadpool is straight up a Katana/Regen Scrapper.
Another thing about Cyclops, I would consider him a NRG/PD blaster... PD standing for Plot Device of course. Ugh, I never was a big X-Men fan. I can take them in small doses but Joe McEyebeams just gets under my skin. -
Quote:^ThisI have a hard time considering Batman, Joker, Punisher, etc as Willpower characters. The OP mentions the way the set works in the game, which is basically like regeneration (but better), so if Batman had CoH Willpower, Bane would break his back, turn to walk away and then have Batman back up on his feet in perfect condition maybe 10 seconds later. Then someone might shoot Batman, emptying an entire clip into him and having him collapse in a pool of blood only to rise up yet again a few seconds later. Willpower in real life can let you ignore some injuries, but CoH Willpower makes you Wolverine.
Batman as far as CoH goes would be a MA/SR Scrapper with the APP that gives you the shuriken (Batarangs), Punisher is absolutely an AR or DP /Traps Corr with the fighting pool, and Lobo is a SS/Inv Brute... He can bounce bullets and duke it out with Kal-El.
So what do you think maybe DC's Zauriel is a natural or magic origin WP/SS Tanker?
Mousedroid lol that example makes me think of Cyclops, President and card carrying member of the "I Should Be Dead" Club. -
So who in the comics other than Marvel's Gladiator would be assigned the Willpower powerset and what AT would they be?
I want to create a WP toon but thematically I'm having a tough time wrapping my mind around a non mutant/magic origin character that decides that bullets, energy blasts, baseball bats etc. don't hurt and thus isn't effected.
What do you guys think? -
Thanks for the input. By fun to RP I guess I meant which choice sounds like the more interesting character? Who would you rather RP with? Who would you rather read about in a comic; the cyborg, the renegade experiment, or the disillusioned mutant?
Hello all. I have a concept for a new toon on the Virtue server and I wanted some input as far as origins and travel powers go. I have decided on either a cyborg (technology) AR/NRG blaster or a (science or mutant) AR/MM blaster.
Thematically I have the cyborg figured out and I can justify taking the technology origin and any of the various travel powers. I am more interested in AR/MM and I really want to play this character, but I want it to make sense RP wise.
The character is a politically opinionated anti-establishment type mercenary. He is sort of a cross between the Flag Smasher and Civil War Captain America personality-wise with a lethal mix of firepower and psionics in his arsenal.
So here are my 2 ideas...
For a Science origin I was going to say that he was once a willing participant in a government experiment intended to create a psionic commando unit. However he learned that the government intended to implant a kill switch in the soldiers to ensure they could maintain the secrecy of the program in the event of capture. So he escaped and from that point became a mercenary and an enemy of the state.
For a Mutation origin I would say that he was a veteran of Afghanistan who's military career was cut short when his mutant psionic powers manifested themselves in a firefight with the Taliban. His commanding officer and the rest of the unit took the common view that mutants are dangerous freaks that cannot be trusted. He was given an honorable discharge and his proud nationalism and faith in the system was destroyed. So he took his morals his military training and newly found powers and became a vigilante.
Which of those ideas do you think would seem more fun to RP and how would I justify travel powers in those cases? -
Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely consider generic IOs and Grant Invisibility in my future build. How do Architect enhancements compare to standard SOs?
Do you think it is worth it to trade build up and conserve power for the st hold/aoe sleep or are the forementioned powers too redundant with Kinetics as a primary? -
Hello all. I've been playing CoH on and off since beta and I've never found a toon that I've wanted to commit to long term. However I just recently rolled a Kin/DP Defender and he just feels right. I've been reading the boards for a while and I've heard various conflicting opinions about Kinetics and DP powers and pools etc.
First a few comments... While playing this toon the combo of Hasten/Siphon Speed/Siphon Power is just ridiculous. I really felt like a super hero gameplay wise and that is without enhancements.
As far as pools go I plan on taking Stealth/SS for "free" invisibility and Inertial Reduction for vertical movement. I also plan to take the Leadership Pool (minus maneuvers).
I will be honest I understand IOs but I've never really embraced the IO system. I plan to get into it once I hit 50. So far I've been taking the old school approach of selling everything until I hit DOs and only buying enhancements when I get to the 2 levels below requirement.
So my questions are as follows:
Since I'm slotting for leveling is 1x Acc in all of my to hit based powers plus 6 slotted Tactics 3x End Redux 3x To Hit Buff cool accuracy wise till IOs?
Does Stealth/SS still stack for invisibility? If so how come I see builds with SS, Grant Invisibility and Invisibility yet no Phase Shift?
Should I take Pistols, Dual Wield and Empty Clips? I've seen some posted builds drop one of those 3 powers. It seems that the 3 together would make for a pretty stable single target attack chain. (I know Empty Clips is a cone.)
Any general advice for my SO based leveling plans? Am I unnecessarily gimping myself doing it this way? I don't really have a lot of Inf so I plan to play it cheap and save up for end game.