488 -
Maybe Posi's not -worse- than Statesman was.
Could be he's just -as- 'heavy handed' and 'shortsighted' as Statesman could ever be.
It's all a matter of your point of view...
Let's not forget Posi is the man who brought us RV Isolator.
If that doesn't give you some insight on what we are dealing with then I don't know what will...
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People loved him when he shepherded in reverse-sidekicking and a whole host of other features and doodads - even some that obviously weren't Statesman's cup of tea, but he's now a [censored] for sort of catering to badge, but not the way badge would prefer. Whatever. -
Statesman, for all the problems I had with his design philosophy, was someone who never particularly struck me as aloof. Positron? I can't think of a better word for him right now. Much as I think the NI requirement was a mistake rather than the initial intent, I don't think it'll get either changed or even acknowledged by Positron as a problem. He just can't be bothered.
Harsh? Sure, but I've lost count of the former Statesman naysayers who now wish he'd takeover again after a single issue under Posi's "vision". There's a reason I want the Destroyer badge so badly right now...
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I call shenanigans on this post. There isn't a pejorative label thrown at or perceived attitude attributed to Positron that hasn't been thrown at or attributed to Statesman 10 times and counting. In part, it's the nature of the beast when one becomes Lead Designer. "The Buck Stops Here," and all that. -
The most glaring thing, AGAIN, has been that the only difference the devs have made in the raid is to make it harder on the servers that are smaller.
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Err, Freedom is one of the top two servers in population and still hasn't succeeded a Hami raid since I7 popped. Though, to be fair, interest in Hami hasn't been very strong the past few months. It feels like the devs want to stifle HO proliferation for a few months to allow the hardcore gamers in CoV to catch up in SHO proliferation.
When is the AV/GM fix going in again? -
Well, in my case, living in Quebec= not eligible for anything anywhere with anyone.
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Here in the States, it's been codified that 'french' will be replaced by 'freedom'. (Americans evidently have a lot of idle time on their hands.) In this case, Quebec's frenchiness guarantees you freedom from the tyranny of contest prizes from the USA. -
Secure temporal anchor Delta! Reinforcements at Delta!
Then again, maybe I am paranoid...
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Ya think? -
re: Nowaki's post - good, simple explanation. -
All the physics are client side only, and no information about them is passed from client to server -- so, it's strictly a visual on your machine.
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Ok, I admit I'm jumping in the middle here so might have missed something, but this doesn't seem right. If physics were all on the client side and just visual, then my blaster wouldn't be able to knockback the MOB out of the melee range of my scrapper teammate.
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Knockback existed before the addition of the physics code, so I would imagine that it has little to with the physics code and is fairly limited in scope. I believe the new physics code is more to do with the client receiving a call for a client-side effect like the flying embers, rubble, Grav/Repel objects, and the like being represented. The effects likely look a little different on two concurrently-running computers even if they have the same graphics settings - which would make it difficult to make the original BRB idea feasible. -
BRB = MOB - attacks - knockback resist + 100% dam resist
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That still means that only people with Knockback powers would move the ball, and it wouldn't have the physics aspects that you'd want, since it has to follow knockback rules rather than particle movement rules. It would not 'bounce' properly off of objects.
All of that said, it *could* be done, but I doubt we have the free time in the schedule anytime soon, and even at that it would be fairly low priority. My guess is you'll see it around the same time as the Giant Tape Worm.
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No comment on retooling the BIG RED BALL concept I offered?
At this point, you cannot stop the momentum with your sorry's and your high-falutin clientside physics jibber-jabber!
Seriously, though, I get it and accept it. You can make the ouchie feel better by making a couple of 'red ball' emotes: <ul type="square">[*]one using the snowball animation[*]one with the two-handed forward lunge (re: Power Blast) so we can fake a four-square match.[/list]Both must have that special red rubber ball sound. Must!
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That was pretty much my reaction, too.
All the physics are client side only, and no information about them is passed from client to server -- so, it's strictly a visual on your machine. That means, there is no way for people to play volleyball, or kickball. We could put one in that only you, the player, would see, but I imagine that isn't what everyone would like.
Sorry, folks.
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What if you made it yellow?
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Then all the Green Lantern clones couldn't play. -
Guest-starring Lindsey Wagner for teh win!
(Even at 6 years old, I knew she was hot. \em blush - with Red Ball sfx, dammit!) -
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That was pretty much my reaction, too.
All the physics are client side only, and no information about them is passed from client to server -- so, it's strictly a visual on your machine. That means, there is no way for people to play volleyball, or kickball. We could put one in that only you, the player, would see, but I imagine that isn't what everyone would like.
Sorry, folks.
[/ QUOTE ]
At this point, you cannot stop the momentum with your sorry's and your high-falutin clientside physics jibber-jabber!
Seriously, though, I get it and accept it. You can make the ouchie feel better by making a couple of 'red ball' emotes: <ul type="square">[*]one using the snowball animation[*]one with the two-handed forward lunge (re: Power Blast) so we can fake a four-square match.[/list]Both must have that special red rubber ball sound. Must! -
Clicking on the 'Favorite Thread! (toggle)' below worked for me before I made this post.
Considering its mass we should be greatful that NCSoft hasn't gone the way of Everquest and now WoW(at least not yet). Meaning at least thus far we get our expansion packs with all the added content for FREE. If I had prepaid additional money just for i7, THEN i would complain about the wait.
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Just a niggle point:
EQ2 and WoW both provide provide periodic 'no additional charge' content updates in addition to the paid expansions. They may put a little less into their 'no additional charge' content updates than CoX, but it's a variation of the same business model that NCSoft/Cryptic are using. Also, a buck or two a month of our monthly fee goes toward those "free" content updates in CoX. So, they're not so "free", but rather provided at 'no additional charge' beyond the monthly and are reasonably priced.
Otherwise, I'm in total agreement with the rest of your post. -
Sheese! If he keeps this up Im going to have to let him go. Worse than my kids.
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It's true, his kids are screaming for booze all day long. At 9pm it's 151 and Nyquil for the kiddies!
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Nyquil-tinis for everyone! -
Again I will also reiterate that PvP in CoX is NOT very Comic Book like.
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One could argue that MMOGs in general are not comic book like. Moving on. -
2. The spawning at 1 hp thing is almost completely negated if you have a self-heal.
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I wonder how long before Defenders start staying behind at the base, patching up the wounded so they can get back to the war ASAP. I know a few people who might really like this idea...
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I hope this doesn't become the norm.
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Fast way to get healing badges, though. -
Folks, we've never seen an Issue expansion drop on live prior to a major holiday weekend.
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No company rep ever mentioned I7 going Live in time for Memorial Day weekend. Not sure how your statement applies to anything in this thread before your reply. -
Please learn to link in a reader-friendly, Dumb_2099. It's a little irritating to have have to scroll left to right to read posts when you link like that unnecessarily. Here's what the link should look like:
Positron's Post -
it's a nice turn of events on the test server today. Bajillions of villains everywhere and the heros running for the hills.
Every now and again you will see a well organized team of heros make a stand and start making headway....then BAM! They get zerg'ed by the army of elec/elec Brutes that are overtaking the server.
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It's the Bloody Bay event all over again. Delicious. -
From the latest patch notes...
Recluse's Victory: Players can control Heavy units again. A character can only control one Heavy unit at a time.
Recluse's Victory: Alternative sally port exits have been placed in both hero and villain bases, to help alleviate front door camping. Each base has two new doors near the temporal portal on the ground floor. These are connected to 5 doors inside the zone, which will be randomly chosen each time a door is used. The outside doors are not guarded, so players use them their own risk.
In the hero base they appear as manholes, in the villain base they appear as sewer entrances.
Recluse's Victory: Fixed more bugs that caused captured Turrets to disappear or spawn in the wrong location.
I think the sally points will definitely prevent base camping. Though I expect people to complain about the random part...
[/ QUOTE ]
Awesome. It may not make the zone all things to all people, but these changes do remove a fair amount of potential [censored] and moaning once this goes Live.
Shout out to Archon_Voss and his crew! -
So does anyone still have a rock?
Will the rocks return someday?
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Several on several characters. -
what if it spawns with kids playing around it
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I hope they're comfortable with crying, because my overhand spike knows no mercy.