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  1. Just to clear two things up:


    [ QUOTE ]
    Again, looking at PvP and PvE as two seperate games will help some understand that most (not all) of those performing the one shot kills are built to do just that and as a result it is all they do.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    In Siren's Call, there's one characteristic most of those performing one-shot kills have in common: They're Stalkers. It is POSSIBLE for a Blaster to one-shot Masterminds with a Sniper power and a LOT of Red Inspirations. Stalkers, on the other hand, can just about one-shot anyone.


    [ QUOTE ]
    Imagine an electric blaster slotted to extremes for end reduction, couple that with the electric cage and boom, few others will stand against them as long as they initiate the attack.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You don't know anything about Electric Blasters, do you? First of all, for PvP, Endurance Drain suffers a 75% nerf. Were you aware of that? Second, even if it did not, the most a single Electric power could Drain in one shot is Power Sink at 75, due to Enhancement Diversification. The "basic" powers (Lightning Bolt, Charged Bolts, Charged Brawl, Havoc Punch, Thunder Strike, Ball Lightning, etc) Drain 5 Endurance. Slotted heavily for Endurance Drain, they'd drain 10. Whee! I know. Terrifying.

    Also, there is no power named "electric cage". Maybe you mean Tesla Cage, which is a basic Hold power. Virtually every Scrapper, Stalker, Brute, Tanker, and many others are utterly immune to Holds.

    I am the Electric Blaster you're talking about. Due to the 75% pre-nerf of Endurance Drain for PvP, most of my powers are utterly useless.
  2. Dysmal:

    I gotta give you credit, Dysmal. ULean REALLY worked. It resized it from 60x60 to 80x80 without any image loss.

    Thanks a lot. I owe ya one.
  3. Dysmal:

    Blech. The image is animated... I'll have to do it frame-by-frame.

    Also, I see plenty of others that when I click properties are 60x60 in their properties... clearly, there's a way to keep it from auto-expanding or these others wouldn't.
  4. Okay. I have a question...

    The avatar image I have is 60x60, and I see others have images that are less than 80x80. However, when I link mine, it's forcing it to 80x80, even though the original is smaller.

    How do I prevent that? How can I keep it 60x60?
  5. RachelRiley:

    No, I just want consistency. If Endurance Drain is "overpowered for PvP", then so is one-shot killing people.
  6. Hear-hear, Million!

    Let me alter the last statement slightly:

    "_Castle_, please undo the mistake that was made with Endurance Drain."


    Combat Jumping will mitigate against Immobilization. Acrobatics will mitigate against Holds. The protections on both are fairly weak, but better than zip. This is why a lot of Blasters take the Leaping Power Pool--I didn't, but I know why others did.

    Also, Health will reduce the duration of Sleep effects (though it won't prevent them), and certain powers out of the Medicine Power Pool have effects, though I've largely forgotten what they are. (Aid Self will reduce Disorient Duration, right?)
  7. Revolver_Law:

    There's only one Blaster auto-hit Aura power: Chilling Embrace. No others. Sorry, Charlie, but you're wrong on that point.

    Second, read this thread about Lightning Field in PvP (link). That should more than adequately put to rest your claim that these "hit VERY often". They don't. Without Aim or Build-Up, it's going to be around 10%. I don't know about you, but that's not "VERY often" to me.

    Third, _Castle_ posted here (Click Link):

    [ QUOTE ]
    You are a Scrapper, no? Probably, these two powers [IR Goggles and Tactics] will not allow you to see a Hide+Stealth Stalker, *if* the Tactics is your power. Looking at the math, we can see the following:

    IR Goggles give a straight 15% bonus to perception range, 50% of the time (checked every 10 seconds.)
    Tactics gives a base 20% bonus, modified by your AT Type and your level. Assuming level 35, that gives you perception of ~775 ft. If you were a Defender, the value would be ~930 ft. A level 35 Stalker with Hide and Stealth has a Stealth radius of ~900 ft. That means a Defender could see the Stalker at ~30ft while the Scrapper cannot see them.

    Edit: The above numbers assume the Scrapper and Defender are the power users. If the Defender has the Tactics, then both use the Defender value, while if the Scrapper has the Tactics, both use the Scrapper value. [emphasis mine]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Unless _Castle_ is mistaken, you should not be seen by Tankers/Scrappers using just IR Goggles or Controllers with IR Goggles & Tactics. Perhaps _Castle_ was mistaken?
  8. Revolver_Law:

    There are not that many tools to prevent a Stalker one-shot.

    1) There are a tiny handful of auto-hit Aura powers. Five? Six? They are scattered across a number of ATs secondaries. If you weren't lucky enough to pick one of those ATs, you're just SOL on that front.

    2) PBAOE powers. These not only have the same problem of availability that the auto-hit Aura powers do, but they also have to hit. Realistically, this is only going to happen against */Regen Stalkers. There are plenty of posts over on the Blaster Boards of people specifically testing Lightning Field with three (3) Single-Origin Accuracy Enhancements slotted and it still only hit a Defense Set (which comprise the other secondaries) Stalker 10% of the time. These are simply not a reliable defense, even if a person's AT has access to them. Most simply don't.

    3) It requires not one +Perception power. Not two +Perception powers. It requies three +Perception powers to detect Stealth + Hide. This requires that a hero be lucky enough to have access to Glacial Shield (Ice/* Tankers), Minerals (Stone/* Tankers), Focused Senses (*/Super Reflexes Scrappers), Cloak of Shadows (*/Dark Armor Scrappers), Targetting Drone (*/Devices Blasters), or Shadow Cloak (Warshades); AND Tactics; AND buy IR Goggles. If you do not have access to one of the above powers, you're just SOL; as has been confirmed repeatedly, if you're not a Defender, Tactics and IR Goggles will not be enough to see a Stalker who's using Stealth + Hide at the same time.

    A long time ago, the Developers said they did not want to "require" players to take any specific Power Pool power. These statements were made in the context of Hasten and Stamina, but this is really the same issue: if someone wants to engage in PvP, he or she will need to take Tactics if he or she is a hero. Furthermore, he or she will need to know several others who have also taken Tactics and/or he or she will have to lay down 10k Influence every 30 minutes to keep PvPing.
  9. _Castle_:

    With all due respect, this seems to be a way to avoid dealing with some of the realities of PvP.

    As my post regarding Siren's Call demonstrates, with Build-Up and one (1) Enrage, Stalkers can easily one-shot Controllers, Defenders, Peacebringers (Human/Nova), and Warshades (Human/Nova).

    Furthermore, Trip Mine is only available to certain secondary powersets (Blasters' */Devices, Masterminds' */Traps, and Corruptors' */Traps, I believe). Not every Blaster, Mastermind, or Corruptor even has access to the power.

    Every single Stalker has Assassin's Strike or some variation of it, however.

    It's not a "Trick Question" as much as it is a "Red Herring" to distract away from the issue of the easy Stalker one-shot kill.
  10. Add The Velvet Mafia to this list, a g.a.y/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/queer/g.a.y-friendly Villain Group.

    Every new recruit gets a toaster oven!

    Yes, we recruit!

    Contact Lavendar Menace in-game.
  11. Nice try, Positron, but no, this is not acceptable.

    Try again.
  12. Channel name: Pride
    Purpose: Social/chat for queer (LGBTI) and/or queer-friendly players and/or characters.
  13. Adapt.

    Play things by ear. Don't plan your character from 0-50. Odds are, your choices may not work out the way you want them to.

    Pick powers because you need them or want them at the time you pick them.

    You have three respecs. Use them if you need to.

    Test things out. See what works for you and what doesn't. Experiment. Some combinations are unlikely, but definitely workable.

    I hate to say something as cliched as "think outside the box", but really... Almost everything we have is useful somehow, even if it doesn't look like it on the surface.
  14. A correction to the Thunderous Blast entry:

    2.7778 SMASHING
    5.5556 Energy

    Then between 0-2 waves of 2.7778 Energy. 0 seems rare; 1 and 2 waves seem equally common.

    [Edit: Could someone confirm the damage waves on Nova and/or Inferno? It strikes me as strange that Thunderous Blast's waves would be different.]
  15. Lucid_Liberty, the behemoths that come out of the portal in the Infernal ArchVillain mission are worth exactly 0 XP apiece. I was paying attention one of the last times I did it and watched as I got exactly 0 when I Zapped one of the minions that popped through.

    But, hey, if you wanna think you're earning mad XP doing it, go right ahead.
  16. See, that still doesn't answer my question.

    If the "puppy" exploit was "so last year", then why the hysteria over it being closed down?

    This thread alone has 250+ posts--and there are at least four threads on the Suggestions board--most of them whining by cheaters and exploiters that this one particular exploit got shut down.

    As I said before, this level of hysteria, this volume of whining, would not happen if there were a reasonable alternative. People would move on to one of the other methods of cheating instead of screeching like harpies that this exploit got shut down.
  17. Notably, you tapped an argument I already countered in my post.

    If people didn't care about this mission, if they really had "moved on", then why are the exploiters here complaining that this one exploit got closed down?

    If people were herding other missions, as you say they were, then why was there a constant stream of shouts for "wolf-herding" but not for "Malta-herding" or "Carnie-herding" or anything else? Why was the barrage of blind-invites I got between levels 42 and 45 exclusively from people looking for a "bridge 4 wolf herding", but not for something else?

    No, that just doesn't add up right. The outrage over the timer is out of balance with your claim. If you were correct, people would just shrug their shoulders and move to the next one. But they didn't. They came here to whine about it, instead.

    People don't whine if they have a remedy at hand to their situation. They don't cry about something being "unfair" if they could just move on and do it in another mission.

    The volume and hysteria in these posts is inconsistent with your claims.

    I guess time will tell, though. If there's another "herding" exploit mission or series of missions, it's not like we won't hear about it. The nature of the exploit requires those engaging in it be public about it. They need "bridges" and, given past experience, have to solicit strangers to get them or broadcast publicly for them. As smug as those are who claim "there's another mission, we'll just be more quiet about it" are, the fact is that they can't be quiet about it. Of course, I think they're just blowing smoke with the claim that there are other missions.
  18. There are a bunch of fallacies with the pro-exploiters' logic here:

    Logical Fallacy #1: "AV missions shouldn't be timed."

    Before two weeks ago, I would have agreed with this statement, but then I was invited onto a team by a lone tanker who had a timed ArchVillain mission--one that was not Shadow Hunter. Other ArchVillian missions in the game are timed, so there's nothing inherently unfair about that.

    Logical Fallacy #2: "Now people won't have a chance to get the Portal Jockey badge."

    If someone is recycling one of the critical missions for the Portal Jockey badge over and over and over, she or he is clearly not intending to get it, anyway. This argument is entirely disingenuous on the face of it.

    Logical Fallacy #3: "Powerlevelers who herd can just use other missions."

    If they could, then they would have been doing so already; they wouldn't be coming here, begging the developers to return their exploit to them. There were reasons the "wolf-herding" missions were favored by exploiters while other missions were not. No one ever shouted for "kitty-herding mission" or begged total strangers to "bridge for Carnies". The fact that thread after thread has appeared on these boards, enraged that the exploit has been curtailed, indicates how favored this one particular exploit was. This thread alone has 250+ posts in it, most of them exploiters whining about the loophole being closed on them.
  19. Oh, what a bunch of pure, unadulterated HOGWASH about people "enjoying" the wolf missions.

    They were exploiting them in their haste to get to level 50 to "win the game".

    Or they were exploiting them for pure profit.

    People "enjoyed" putting their character at the entrance to the mission, the Homer Simpson drinky-bird on their keyboard to keep them from getting auto-logged out, and then walking away to watch American Idol.

    People enjoyed getting $800 to bring a character from level 1 to level 50, and now their style has been cramped a little, and they're angry.

    Be honest with yourselves, if not with each other.

    If you want to play a game by standing there, doing nothing and getting a reward for it, go find some touch-feely kindergarten teacher who'll give you warm fuzzies for just being you.