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  1. Cien_Fuegos

    A Big Picture?

    I been thinking that the letters and petitions arent enough of a visual for the folks at Ncsoft
    heres a proposal
    would it be good if we all went to Atlas or another spot and take pictures of large groups of our characters maybe sending Ncsoft will give them the visual they need?
    then send them off to ncsoft and keep pictures on facebook and titan network
  2. I never did a full magisterium and i never Rped in the D
  3. im having a hard time killing them off

    no cant have my stuff *whacks pogo in knee*

    and i havent decided how to kill them yet
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wild_Rabbit View Post
    Im there what to wear.
    lets all do them nekked!
    Originally Posted by Exxcaliber View Post
    Heres what I plan to do. I will try to form all of these at 7EST unless otherwise stated.
    Always been more of a hero than a villian so I have more hero stuff listed, Multiple runs of the same event are welcome. All the things I run will be 'speedy-ish'. I've tried to do them in an order that will give some closure to events. Group pics will be taken after said events with the contacts if possible.
    Nov 1 Old school Positron TF
    Nov 2 New Posiron TF
    Nov 3 Hami Raid[s] 6 EST Blue then Red
    Nov 4 Synapse TF
    Nov 5 Sister Psyche TF
    Nov 6 Yin TF
    Nov 7 Citadel and Manticore TF
    Nov 8 Numina TF
    Nov 9 Calvin Scott TF
    Nov 10 Hami Raid[s] 6 EST Blue then Red
    Nov 11 Dr Quaterfield TF
    Nov 12 Apex and Tin Mage Task force[s]
    Nov 13 3rd Respec Trial
    Nov 14 Hollows Trial and Katie Hannon TF
    Nov 15 Eden Trial/ Mortimer/Sutter TF's
    Nov 16 Lambda/BAF and Keyes Trials
    Nov 17 Hami Raid[s] 6 EST Blue then Red
    Nov 18 Cathedral of Pain Trial Blue then Red
    Nov 19 Justin Augustine and Sara Moore Task Forces
    Nov 20 Underground Trial/ TPN Trial
    Nov 21 MoM and DD Trials
    Nov 22 Barracuda Strike Force
    Nov 23 ITF/Dr Khan Task force
    Nov 24 Hami Raid[s] 6 EST
    Nov 25 Lady Grey TF and subsequrnt Rikti invasions
    Nov 26 Mothership Raid
    Nov 27 Lord Recluse Strike Force
    Nov 28 STF/MLTF
    Nov 29 Magisteruim Trial
    Nov 30 The Last Hami Raid 7 EST and massive street sweeping, all heroes cleaning up the streets of Paragon once and for all
    quite the plan exx
    Originally Posted by Exxcaliber View Post
    =D ta bump!
    Originally Posted by Pogothulu View Post
    I still need to do the Yin Tf, that new one in IP with the new ship there, and the underground itrial and the other itrials that came out after that one as well.
    i can do yin if you want to do it earlier pogo
    Originally Posted by Acanous_Quietus View Post
    There is a calvin scott TF?

    I did not know this.

    I'll be there for as much as possible. I intend to run a last marathon on Nov 30.
    All the incarnate trials, back to back. Like I usually did on Mondays.
    calvin scott tf is a flash back in oro
  5. i dont think we ever gotten along or had a conversation but i do think you draw great sorah and I think your very generous for making art of your friends toons i think thats very sweet of you.
  6. mail sent to ncsoft
    hate to break it to you Ncsoft..but your should have added more stuff to coh before you quit us
    GW 2 is gonna fall and ill tell you why..YOUR UP AGAINST THE BIGGEST MMO IN THE WORLD>>WORLD OF WARCRAFT

    COh you could have

    cut the servers to one
    raised the monthly
    sold us issues
    sold the company to another company

    BUT NO you took the hacksaw way and its gonna cost you 120k subscribers

    in short words **** YOU NC SOFT
    hope it gets into their thick heads
  7. I always loved maggie rock and the comics rocked please repost links to them

    in paragon hub in steam and in the facebook page

    here is a letter i sent to ncsoft
    mail sent to ncsoft
    hate to break it to you Ncsoft..but your should have added more stuff to coh before you quit us
    GW 2 is gonna fall and ill tell you why..YOUR UP AGAINST THE BIGGEST MMO IN THE WORLD>>WORLD OF WARCRAFT

    COh you could have

    cut the servers to one
    raised the monthly
    sold us issues
    sold the company to another company

    BUT NO you took the hacksaw way and its gonna cost you 120k subscribers

    in short words **** YOU NC SOFT
    hope it gets into their thick heads
  8. mail sent to ncsoft
    hate to break it to you Ncsoft..but your should have added more stuff to coh before you quit us
    GW 2 is gonna fall and ill tell you why..YOUR UP AGAINST THE BIGGEST MMO IN THE WORLD>>WORLD OF WARCRAFT

    COh you could have

    cut the servers to one
    raised the monthly
    sold us issues
    sold the company to another company

    BUT NO you took the hacksaw way and its gonna cost you 120k subscribers

    in short words **** YOU NC SOFT
    hope it gets into their thick heads
  9. im on steam as cien fuegos

    and we joined paaragon hub and started a rookery hub on steam,co,sto,dcuo,wow, and SWTOR

    here is a letter i sent to ncsoft
    mail sent to ncsoft
    hate to break it to you Ncsoft..but your should have added more stuff to coh before you quit us
    GW 2 is gonna fall and ill tell you why..YOUR UP AGAINST THE BIGGEST MMO IN THE WORLD>>WORLD OF WARCRAFT

    COh you could have

    cut the servers to one
    raised the monthly
    sold us issues
    sold the company to another company

    BUT NO you took the hacksaw way and its gonna cost you 120k subscribers

    in short words **** YOU NC SOFT
    hope it gets into their thick heads
  10. mail sent to ncsoft
    hate to break it to you Ncsoft..but your should have added more stuff to coh before you quit us
    GW 2 is gonna fall and ill tell you why..YOUR UP AGAINST THE BIGGEST MMO IN THE WORLD>>WORLD OF WARCRAFT

    COh you could have

    cut the servers to one
    raised the monthly
    sold us issues
    sold the company to another company

    BUT NO you took the hacksaw way and its gonna cost you 120k subscribers

    in short words **** YOU NC SOFT
    hope it gets into their thick heads
  11. mail sent to ncsoft
    hate to break it to you Ncsoft..but your should have added more stuff to coh before you quit us
    GW 2 is gonna fall and ill tell you why..YOUR UP AGAINST THE BIGGEST MMO IN THE WORLD>>WORLD OF WARCRAFT

    COh you could have

    cut the servers to one
    raised the monthly
    sold us issues
    sold the company to another company

    BUT NO you took the hacksaw way and its gonna cost you 120k subscribers

    in short words **** YOU NC SOFT
    hope it gets into their thick heads
  12. Cien_Fuegos

    A project

    mail sent to ncsoft
    hate to break it to you Ncsoft..but your should have added more stuff to coh before you quit us
    GW 2 is gonna fall and ill tell you why..YOUR UP AGAINST THE BIGGEST MMO IN THE WORLD>>WORLD OF WARCRAFT

    COh you could have

    cut the servers to one
    raised the monthly
    sold us issues
    sold the company to another company

    BUT NO you took the hacksaw way and its gonna cost you 120k subscribers

    in short words **** YOU NC SOFT
    hope it gets into their thick heads
  13. email sent to ncsoft
    hate to break it to you Ncsoft..but your should have added more stuff to coh before you quit us
    GW 2 is gonna fall and ill tell you why..YOUR UP AGAINST THE BIGGEST MMO IN THE WORLD>>WORLD OF WARCRAFT

    COh you could have

    cut the servers to one
    raised the monthly
    sold us issues
    sold the company to another company

    BUT NO you took the hacksaw way and its gonna cost you 120k subscribers

    in short words **** YOU NC SOFT
    hope it gets into their thick heads
  14. Cien_Fuegos

    A project

    can you kill cien fuegos? i tried but dont have the heart to do it
  15. Cien_Fuegos

    I Remember...

    debt taking more than a week to get rid of
    failing the reactor
    dropping out of a tf and not getting credit

    sitting outside a portal gaining xp
    doing snake rides and meow AE mishes for xp
    more double xps weekends than i can remember
    the devs being friendly and listening to us
    Posi talking to me about not bringing up a game improvement over and over
    a lot of memories for a great game
  16. Still feel very sad at coh closing
    yes i feel like this

    to help with the grieving process im going to give all my toons a final farewell story
    im killing one 50 a day for next 65 days ( ihave 65).....then killing rest of my toons

    starting with my favorite cien fuegos....(namesake)