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I run the Retrospective SG on Virtue and we have a decent core group of experienced players. we also have an age restriction of 18+. all that being said if any of your mentors have a neophyte looking to join an SG and they fit with in the age category i am more than happy to take them and help mentor them as would my officers. i personally would volunteer to be a mentor but i have had bad experiences with the under 18 crowd so i don't think i should be a mentor with you guys but i will offer our services for any neophytes mentored by you guys. Again they must be at least 18 since discussions in SG and ventrilo chat get more than a little NC17. I am also willing to Coalition with any current Mentor SG on Virtue. PM me here or contact me via @Chroam ingame
OK people are mad because veteran rewards are cool and it sucks that we have to wait so long to get them???
ok now i may be a bit off, but TBH the extra powers Vets get are kind of like ninja run or mission teleporter right, these are powers of convenience or at the very least useful until you out grow it..such as ninja run...its a nice travel power until you get a real one... then its actually not cool at all its a horrible end drain!!...honestly as far as Veteran rewards go, as far as i am concerned almost and i stress almost all of the vet rewards are cool for about 10 minutes and probably wont be used very often or they are use once only anyhow such as respecs or free costume tokens... but to my reason i got annoyed enough to post... not a single veteran reward is GAME BREAKING DOOOM... the fact, that he or she has something i want or what not, is a reason to keep playing the game... i personally cant wait for the map reveal power ... but either way those that have stuck with this game for so long deserve these rewards and even if they did give a bit of an edge in pvp or some other nonsense(which they dont), i say more power to them, they deserve it ... they put the time in ... congrats to all those who have gotten a 69 month vet badge i cant wait to get mine!! -
i agree with you about widows, i jus tdont find them fun to play...as far as PB they are able to assume those forms but they cannot take the place of the blaster or Tanker. i am pretty sure you can slot enough to make one for or the other really really good but in the grand scheme of things you cant be great at both, if that were truethen i would actually reconsider my opinion, but the problem is the White dwarf is about as good as a tanker as a scrapper and the squid form is about as good a blaster as a defender is ... im pretty sure we should agree to disagree before this gets repetitive...anyway i enjoy discussions like this so definitely looking forward to debating with you on another topic, until then i want I17 :P
as much as i would love to keep the discussion of EAT going, id really appreciate the "release date" to I17
To be honest in response to those of you who think that Epic AT should just be extra AT without being better, then that is your opinion, i however feel that if i have to attain a certain level(regardless of that level) then it should be something better, something to work for not just another Blaster wannabe, or whatever. On that note i believe that they should at least be equal to the other AT if not better, and in my experience, they just aren't.
ok apparently i am one of the few people who felt that EAT are horrible versions of already existing AT, when i got my first 50 and i was so excited to play a PB for the first time it was awesome!!! so i leveled it up awhile, and realized that wow these EAT are not as "E" as i thought they would be , time went on i decided to try Warshade, again basically the same as a PB so meh! Blue Side EAT lost my interest very quickly. So i got my first Red Side to 50 and tried out those EAT and i realized omg i am so glad i really like the other AT because the Epic ones are garbage on both sides... and then i thought maybe they will be good for pvp, come to find out EAT are horrible in pvp compared to the other AT, i say stop the pretense and make the current "EAT" a regular AT available at lvl 1 and start over and create new EAT that are truly Epic.
Random forum troll adding meaningless input to an otherwise dead thread, suggestions and comments regarding OP suggesstions while ignoring huge gap in Original posts' Date. Concurrently summarzing entire thread and creating a improbable rebirth in interest that is devoid of any technical knowledge regarding game developing and or production.
of course where there is mud i like to clear it up, remember my comparison is not one toon vs another toon, this is all just one toon with the same mission, only difference being one is +3 and the other is +4 but i appreciate your help
Quote:i agree and that really was my argument, i didn't quite phrase it properly in my orig nal post it is EXP over time that i was arguing not exp per mission thanks for making it clearer.If you're arguing for xp over time as opposed to raw xp, then you can't limit your test to 3 full runs of the same mission. You need to set up the test to see who ends up with the most xp after a given unit of time (say an hour).
3 runs of the mission at +4 will net more xp than 3 runs at +3, if you both kill everything. However if he completes the mission 2 and a half times at +4 in an hour, while you complete it 3 and a half times at +3 in an hour, then you will indeed end up with more xp.
I typically run at +3*3 but the *x isnt a big deal since i was comparing only +3 vs+4 ...all other things being equal... so whether its +3*3 or +3*8 as long as i am comparing it to +4 *x...x being the same multiplier in the +3 mission then the results will be the same. In a given time say 3 hours you will always net more EXP running at +3 vs +4
as far as +1or +2 i am not sure but i think the same is not true since there is such a big gap between +2 and +4 say for example it takes x seconds to kill a +2 enemy and will take me x*2 seconds to kill a +4 while i have not tested it i think the exp at +2 is probably 1/2 the Exp at +4 so technically the EXP of a +2 vs +4 over time would be close to the same although if the exp of a +2 is more than half the exp of a +4 then of course the same will be true as my original argument i may test later to find out. -
This is the Situation, my friend and i were arguing about a mission for best exp. his argument is that since enemies give more exp per enemy at +4 setting then obviously, in a given mission, you will always get best exp at +4 setting. the conditions being, one character first running the mission solo at +3 and then the same character running the mission solo at +4. My argument is that since you can kill +3 enemies faster then "by my math" technically over time you will get more EXP at +3. For example, at a given level (lets go with approximate exp for my lvl 43 Scrapper) at +3 it takes me x seconds to kill one enemy worth 13k EXP and at +4 it takes me x*1.5 seconds to kill one enemy for 17k EXP. my math may be wrong or i may be just too stubborn to admit it but doesn't that mean that if that one character were to run the mission at +4 and then at +3, over time, you would actually accumulate more exp in the same amount of time in the +3 mission. we have agreed to disagree at this point but im wondering if my math is wrong. Also i will point out that since it is the same character running all the missions comparing builds is not a valid argument. any thoughts?
*Just realized this is probably the wrong thread for this so please don't flame on account of that until a moderator can move this to the appropriate thread for me*
*bold print has been edited to clarify my argument*