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Quote:I dont build to impress anyone either. I just harbor an absolute hatred for pure empaths, Fire/kin controllers, and Granite tankers and the inordinate amount of praise even bad ones get.Vigilance is no good when my end is already low, nearly empty. You seem to constantly miss the fact that i do occasionally attack to make use of my def debuff. I have a kin defender, a dark defenender and a rad rad defender, so i know with apropreate slotting their damage isn't always neglageble, but the synergy between their primary and secondarys help in that reguard and my dark/dark defender can effectively solo on invincible without much problem at all, slowly as you say, but she can do it. but my power choices are not purely based on making a great build, they are also chosen thematically to fit the toon.
I have toons of most of the AT's, (no veats yet as i have yet to get a 50 red side) but seem to have ended up playing blasters as that is what my 2 50's and soon to be 50 all are. MediBOT is my more sedate toon where i don't have to worry about dealing as much damage as quickly as posible. the concept and bio state he was created to heal, so that is the focus, his rad attack come from discharging from his neuclear power core. I don't concentrate on uber slotting my attacks because that would detract from my main focus, thematically, with this toon. I'm also not fussed about soloing with this toon either, i have plenty of other toons that can solo much better.
That i choose to build a character in any way i feel best suits the concpet of a character gives you no right to declare it as in invalid build becasue you cant see the worth in it. and declairing how i play, and even, in that first post, my attitude to why i built the character in such a fasion and how i talk cannot be further from the truth. I am not some 12 yo child that is trying to impress thier mates. I am a mature player that feels there is more to this game than building every toon with some uber build that they can brag about, and i would thank you for not doing it again in future.
you have a right to not like the build, or even the character if you have had the oportunity to play with it, but to declair it as invalid because of your personal tastes is completely out of order. As is attacking me because what you wrongly percieve to be my play sytle!
Its nothing against you as a person, just my own sense of revilement for the build you choose for your empath. -
Its mostly for the same reason teams back in radio pug days insisted on fighting +4 and +5 mobs no matter what the team makeup is. Some people just cant get it through their skull that 5000 exp from every mob but taking 2 minutes to kill them isnt faster than 2000 exp from 10 mobs you can kill in 1 minute.
In short. People arent very observant if it isnt blindly obvious. 5000 exp vs 2000 is all they see. Same as a Bubbler defender isnt as hailed as an empath simply because you can see green numbers, you cant see numbers for deflected damage -
Quote:I dont solo. I run TFs with my friends. Mostly on defenders. I've never felt my damage to be subpar or my buffs to be ineffective. If you believe yours is, then you've obviously slotted wrong, as its been shown empaths are perfectly capable of soloing invincible missions. Is it fast? not really. is it doable? Yep.Clawsandeffect, yes, i accept what you are saying, and that you weren't attacking my play style per say, where as Cavatina clearly has twice now, that is what has got me so PO'ed.
Teleport and SS for me are taken purely as filler powers as with 4 pools used already i see no other powers to take to fill what i see as my primary role with this toon.
When i first created it i tried to balence the primary and secondary powers more, and to be honest, could not do it.. the attacks did so little damage that there was no point fireing them off most of the time and my heals and buffs suffered because of it. so i simply decided to stick to my primary role as i saw it with this toon, and that was healing and buffing and to be as good at it as i could be.
And yet again Cavatina is making assumptions based on 0 facts. I never once have said i am too busy spamming heals like mad to make up for a "useless" team. I am buffing, attacking with me def debuff powers occasionally and keeping my end at a respectable level so i have enough if any player gets into a spot of hot water. but no, Cavatina would prefer to pack my build out with much weaker versions of a blasters attacks, drain my end so that when someone accidently pulls another mob ot 2 that start ripping into the team i don't have enough end to cast my significantly weaker and slower to cast heals in order to keep them alive.
But then, Cavatina must be able to solo invincible mishes without taking a single point of damage because they are that much of a better player than i am.
I am sorry... being told my play style with one of my 30 or so toons is invalid without the player ever having seen me play really makes my blood boil!
hell, I've ran the STF with no tanks and no defenders or controllers with a heal power and came out with only two deaths for the whole team total. I'm indicting your playstyle not because its a bad thing to heal and support teams, but because You seem caught in a crazy assumption that just because you do less damage than a blaster or scrapper that your damage and the debuffs they usually bring as well are irrelevant.
And if people accidentally pull a second pack, you dont need a bunch of endurance. when HP totals start flatlining, Vigilance kicks in. Thats the whole point of the power. But then again, thats also the fatal flaw in healing. Its reactive, if you cant heal faster than the damage comes in, then you're buggered anyway. Damage, debuffs, and buffs, are far more effective because theyre proactive. -
Quote:You forgot 4. have enough buffs or control to never take damage to begin with.Most of the Developer-created content is designed to be do-able for the solo player. A team composed of similar level (through sidekicking and exemplaring) competent people can overcome most challenges. High-Level Task Forces and Strike Forces have significant challenges, but there are usually several ways to overcome them.
Tank+Healer can be a good tactic, but overall:
1) Deal enough damage to defeat enemy
2) Survive enemy damage
3) Have enough endurance to finish the fight
There are multiple ways this can be accomplished, other than having a damage sponge, and someone to patch them up. An all blaster team could be very effective, as they would concentrate on #1), dishing out massive alpha-strikes to eliminate the most dangerous opponents quickly, or just AoE-ing everything in sight.
Tactically speaking, if you can adjust your tactics and playstyle based on your team's abilities and strengths, and the strengths/weakenesses of your enemies, you'll usually do well.
However, AE missions are created by players, who have no such mandate to be solo-able, or reasonable for groups of competent players.
Some players create missions that tell a story, create a challenge, or just farm rewards.
Therefore, they can range from the stupidly easy, to the ridiculously hard.
Some AE missions are designed by their players to be very easy, or very hard, for their specific powersets and preferred team compositions.
If you have a regular account, not a trial account, you can create your own AE missions, and allow others to play them.
XP gained is based on the level of the character, the level of the defeated enemy or completed mission, and if the character has XP debt, patrol XP, and size of group.
As previously mentioned, check www.paragonwiki.com for more info.
Generally, the greater the challenge, the more xp gained. In a group, xp is split, but there is a bonus for teaming, and good teams can do very well. -
Quote:Eh, I enjoy soloing, so it's not that big of a deal for me. I just recently started playing villainside more, so there's a lot of stuff there that I've never seen. I'm the kind of player who will stop and read every clue in a mission if I've never run it before. Teams get irritated with that because it tends to slow them down, so I prefer to solo or duo with my wife through content I haven't seen yet.
Unfortunately, AE probably IS the beginning of the end for CoH. Veteran players are starting to leave for other options and the turnover rate with AE is pretty fast. New players get 9 or 10 level 50 characters and quit out of boredom before they ever explore the rest of the game. It won't happen overnight, but eventually the game will start losing more players than it's gaining, leading to a slow, painful death and the final dimming of the servers.
I'll probably still be here, but I don't personally know too many people that would say the same.
No they arent..I love all this doomsaying with no evidence to back it up. I havent seen a single vet on my server leave over AE yet. Just the occasional whiny ***** who cant get radio pugs -
Pretty much my problem with a pure empath is simple. I don't see it as a valid playstyle. A good empath should be nowhere near busy enough with pressing empath powers to need to ignore their secondary. If your teams are that incompetent that they cannot possibly survive without you spamming the living hell out of your heals, then they're worthless teammates.
Quote:Pretty much. I mean. hell, I admit I am a loot ***** who loves rewards. I still run Katies. Not for the rewards, but because I just consider it fun as hell to play.If the only reason you run a task force, or any content for that matter, is the reward attached to the end, then you can narrow all of the TFs down to the one single one that gives you the highest merit-to-time ratio. Only one task force will have the highest ratio, and any other one will be "not worth it" because that one single task force gives you the highest reward.
But I'll ask you this..... what good are the rewards? Every reward in this game serves a single purpose... to improve your character or gaming experience. The reward, by itself, has no value. It's when that reward is applied to a character making it stronger or faster or better, and you apply that character to content within the game, that the reward has value.
In other words, don't forget that simply playing the game has an intrinsic value of being fun. If you overlook the fun of actually doing a mission or arc or task force, and facing different enemies, and being challenged but still overcoming the odds to emerge victorious, and instead just focus on the merits or rolls at the end, then you're going to be dissatisfied like you are now. You'll be in an endless loop where you purposely don't have fun so you can get a reward, only to repeat it again and still not have fun because all you want is another reward.
Your experience with the KHTF was unusual in that it was abnormally long. Even when I don't need merits, I'll engage in a KHTF simply because it's fun. It's a few relatively short missions that are unique with their own unique challenges, so I'll engage in them anyway. Just like I'll engage in a PUG when someone's going up against an AV and needs help. I don't get merits then, but it's still fun. Your first goal should be to do the things that you think are fun. You'll get drops and recipes and experience and influence, and they can all be applied to your character so that you can keep improving him/her and have more fun.
Like others have said, you just had an unusual experience on that particular night. Either the combination of characters on the TF were bad or they were inexperienced... it was unusual. Normally, you'd breeze through the TF in about a half an hour. -
Yeah, I got that part. but a lot of the current fluctuation isnt as much the ae's fault as it is because of a certain double expee event.
Not to mention its practically a guaranteed level if you're anything below 34, and two runs of it at 34 (an hours work) gets you to 35 and Cimerora/RWZ
Quote:If abuse means getting rid of people who think having 3 travel pools and ignoring a rad secondary for MOAR EMPATH POWERZ then I'm all for it.I really don't see the problem here... I have a emp/rad "Pure empath" defender i rolled many months (16-18) ago who i have been lvling slowly, mainly due to people favouring kins over empaths nowdays, He only has, at lvl36 or 37, can't quite remember, neutrino bolt for an attack, has taken all the heals and buffs, most of which are now 6 slotted, first pool was teleport, for recall friend, second is speed, for hasten, 3rd is leadership, for more buffs and finally the fly pool for thematic reasons... that is 4 pools gone, as a team support toon the only other primary power i'm due to take is cozmic burst for it's -37.5% defence debuff (all) and epic pool psy mastery, for mass hypnosis and woc... so that limits me for any other powers.
As team support that is what i concentrrate on, so calling me a bad player because you view my choice of travel powers (teleport, super speed and fly) as stupid i resent heavily.
I will admit that on a couple of my toons i have been AE PL'ed to some degree, mainly on my Fire/Mind blaster where i used a farm to get from mid 20's to 32 for psychic shockwave, the power that was central to my build and which i was under perfoming without in that range, I also used an SG's PI arc team to get my L4 archery blaster up to 15 so i could start the faultline arcs, but all other lvls on them, and all other toons were worked for, either solo or in proper teams. My first 50 took me 1 day shy of my 12 month vet badge, mainly due to my altism, but now, aproaching my 21 month vet i still only have 2 50's and a 47 and i worked hard on each of them.
I have met players at 40+ or with mulitple 50's that ask very basic questions or make very silly mistakes that anyone that had played the game content outside of an AE PL/farm would know/not make, i don't complain about them, i try to help them. I can see the allure of getting some high lvl characters quickly, to join in with the big contant with other players at higher lvls, if that's what they wantto do, that's fine, but when they do decide to venture out of AE and experience the rest of the game do you REALLY expect them to stick arround, or at the very least leave the safe haven of an AE building if all they get from the vets is abuse reguarding to how they got to where they are? I don't think so.
I want a real empath, not a "pure" empath.
The reason people favor kins over people like you isnt because they favor kins over emps, its because a kin can just take SB and FS and be relatively good at their job, an emp who is all over the map like you isnt likely someone who keeps the whole team constantly RA-ed and keeps a few forts up while blasting when they have spare time. -
Quote:People who truly play it "for fun" wouldn't be in it for the rewards anyhow. That's like playing poker for chips instead of money and then being mad you didn't get a billion dollars.If you have a tanker, a couple of controllers, a couple of defenders and the rest scrappers and blasters you can finish it in 30-45 minutes. You have to know exactly how it works to do it this way.
Doing it fast involves skipping over most of the second and fourth missions. Most teams get someone with invisibility and Recall Friend to make the second mission easy. The fourth mission can be accomplished by a few characters with Flight, as I recall.
Check out the Paragon Wiki entry for this TF at
I think the merit reward system is broken. You should get a base number of merits for doing a TF, and then extra merits for the number of mobs you plow through (up to some maximum). That way people who just play it for fun aren't penalized by the playstyle of the people have optimized it to death.
I never understood how Katie is "ruined" when the people who arent out for efficient rewards claim it is. The story's intact, its an amazing levelling tool, and very fun. The only possible way its "ruined" is if you feel entitled somehow to rewards for your time, in which case you're trying to have your cake and eat it too. -
Quote:He didnt flame you. No offense, but other than TFs that take HOURS, not a single one will get you more than one go at rewards a day.so standing up to a flamer is flaming. interesting mindset. by no means accurate but interesting.
They're not intended to be chainrun over and over, and merits are based on average time of completion, not on the fact your pug was competely incompetent.
But if you'd rather retreat into delusional "standing up" to imagined flames based on your flawed position, by all means. -
Quote:anything does. Especially because all the hot button issues have reactionaries on both sides.Yeah the market is now pretty much all demand and no supply. I'm not screaming for a fix because the only characters that I ever planned on giving purple sets too are done. Everything else from there is just IOs.
I just think perhaps in the near future they should consider a way to fix the Market. I have suggestions but this is not the board to do it in.
...that and pretty much any suggestion about AE gets attacked by a pack of rabid players who are pissed about the game. -
Quote:Hardly. A taskforce is what you make of it. I love Katie, its great exp, massive amounts of influence if exemped, and possibly the most fun TF in the game other than ITF or STF. so for me, its one of the BEST taskforces.i guess what im trying to say is that a tf that isnt worth a reward recipe roll isnt really a tf!
Well, you could always do some AE (not even farms if you dont wanna, just regular stuff)and cash the tickets in for recipes. Even yellow recipes that are good are going for millions right now.
Quote:Yes, it has. I agree with that part of what you're saying. I just disagree about this current huge fluctuation being anything but a temporary one week thing.I know what it does. Dont get ignorant
I been here long enough to know what goes on. Messed with the market enough to know also. It isnt just 2x XP weekend. Stuff has gone WAY up since AE. I know better..
K??? Thx. -
I fail to remember a time when 50 was anything more than a personal accomplishment. My first 50 I got over 2 years after i started playing, but even by then some people had 10+ 50's
Quote:I do the opposite and take advantage of rich idiots mercilessly to become rich, but I respect you at least know that patience is more likely to be cheap goods than screaming at devs to fix it.I think it's nutty and try to stay away from the market game myself. I use it to quickly get rid of salvage and recipes, and that's about it. If there's something I must have, I bid low and wait. Eventually I will get what I want.
Quote:Sucks dont it? The only thing that will so called fix it is if people ran normal content more than AE stuff. But as long as they can get their easy levels with hardly any risk, it wont happen. People have proved in this game they like the easy way out. I wouldnt doubt some of the people that PL like mad in AE also buy inf from RMTers..If I was wrong then the RMTers would be out of business now wouldnt they....
Only other thing they could do is increase drop rates because of so many not doing normal mission arcs. Lack of supply and increse in inf does the market bad.
and once more people show they have zero grasp of the effect of double exp weekends on economic situations. -
Quote:Its right after a double exp weekend. theres hundreds of new 50's absolutely flush with cash that want their shiny IO-ed out builds NAOSo...Just doing a random survey.
The prices in WW are through the roof and before it was actually possible to complete a build with lots of purple set pieces but not things like Armageddon cost 180Mil a piece, and that's just for the recipe.
Thoughts? Feelings?
I have subscribed to this thread
Ergo prices skyrocket due to sheer demand.
when half the stuff on the market has 2000+ bidders and 78 supply, what do you think is gonna happen? -
Quote:Yeah. those are selling even better this week due to double xpI do hope you are taking into account the recipe drops that you get as well? I did Katie a couple of weeks ago and picked up a respec recipe as a drop - worth 78mill at WW. Fortunately I was able to sell it as I get 3 respecs with each toon as vet rewards which I rarely use.
Pretty much. I only chainrun katies if I'm trying to blast a new alt to 35 at high speed or its double xp and I'm farming influence.
Quote:did the Katie Hannon tf last night. a pug team, we had 4 team wipes, several other deaths, then finally on completion we recieved 9 merits. not enough for a merit reward roll.by my calcuations you would have to do this tf 8 times to get a reward roll. the risks were way more than the rewards here. i know some people say they could do it in less than an hour, but with all our deaths we took over 2 hours to complete. wont be doing this one anytime soon!
Uh.. a merit reward roll is 20 merits.
at worst you're looking at 3 completes.
as for your completion time..thats highly abnormal. the average run on katie is 30-45 minutes, tops. the reason its worth so little is a well built team can blitz it in 25 or less.
Plus Katie is insanely good exp, and has a decently interesting story, so I run it all the time anyways.