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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dragon_Surge View Post
    Also experiencing this problem from the forum link, however, this link from the Support page appears to be functioning..
    Well with this new link at least I can now get the character lists for all servers to pop up and I get no error when selecting one (IE said it has been added to the queue, Firefox just gives me a blank screen). But with two empty slots on my test account nothing copied over, but at least we are closer. Maybe the copy queue is jammed or something.
  2. I have been having this issue since Saturday and have been trying since then everyday to get my toons copied over. I came home today and checked it again but still nothing copied. So I tried the tool again and this time my toons showed up under 5 minutes. It seems to be working again.
  3. Instead of listing all my favorite moments I have created a collection of screenshots I have collected over the years with my comments. ENJOY!!!
  4. Correction: It is busted again!

    I had been on it for about an hour, got off and played on the live servers no problem. When I just came back it tried to download the SoundVMusic7.pigg file and came up with the same error as originally (not enough diskspace or don't have permissions). I deleted everything out of my COHTEST folder except my AE folders and copied everything from the live COH folder like I did before but I get the same error.

  5. Yep, it works now.

    I originally started to let the patcher start downloading but when I saw it was going to take 30 minutes (for a cable connection) I deleted everything from my cohtest folder except the AE stuff and copied it over from my live coh folder. When I launched it didn't do any updates and took me right in.

  6. Nope, still broken for me. I went as far and deleting my cohtest folder and copying my city of heroes folder to it but I get the same error.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Too bad they can't program it where every now and then the Zombies pop out of the ground and do the "Thriller" dance!!!
    That would be awesome!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, it would cool if instead of zombies they would have Democrats and Republicans pop up out of the ground. Then they would argue why you should vote for them. Not because of where they stand on the issue but what their opponent has done wrong in the past (the "We suck less" defense). Now THAT would be scary!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    So... when does it end? The announcement says 11:59pm EST on Sunday, Nov. 2, but when I was playing this morning, it was still going. Just curious - was it extended?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, this original post states through Nov 4th (though the announcement when you first launch the game is for the 2nd). I think is this it coincide with the scariest day of this year... Election Day!!!
  9. Had reported last week on the test server that the Mini 2 and Mini 3 skirts have the slits on the front and back now instead of the sides so that the character's underwear is clearly visible. Checked today's update and sure enough now the same issue is happening on the live server. Don't know if there are any other clothes items this happens on. I have bugged it on both servers. FYI
  10. Well, I have mixed feelings about this. On one paw I miss the early days when you stepped into a mission wondering IF you could complete it or not. Where you had to keep your tank constantly supplied with fresh Inspirations. When team wipes were not that uncommon, it just made it more challenging. When you had a victory it felt like a victory. All introduced by Cryptic. While on the other paw this change could instill a new challenge to the game, not just to the difficulty of mission but the variety of taking us to new dimensions and new worlds (still waiting to be able to go underwater). So I'm taking a wait and see attitude on this for now.
  11. I'm curious (hey, it's a cat thing) how PI was. The last X2 weekend there were a billion toons in their teens and below doing shouts for PL to 50 which brought lag (at least for me) to a crawl even with all my graphics minimized (the other zones weren't as bad). I know this kind of leveling just doesn't happen during events like this. A few weeks ago I was on a team with a guy below lvl 10 who was bragging 10 of his 12 character slots were 50's lvled in this mannor (what is the point IMO). I didn't venture out to PI this time so I was wondering if that zone suffered more than the other zones again.
  12. Actually, this time around seemed to go better for me. Last time I had a lot of the problems mentioned here (couldn't login, serverally lagged, nearly unplayable) but this time around everything went pretty smoothy. Their were a few spikes but that was about it. Weird since last time I haven't changed servers, computers or my ISP. But I did manage to sqeeze out 6 lvls with not that much playtime so I'm happy... For a change.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Great! I can add a few more XP to my characters before i let my account expire and switch to World of Warcraft. If you have any sort of life it takes far too long to level once you get past 25th level.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh yeah! Well I'm cancelling my account so I can go and play Pong all the time! :P

    Don't you just love Trollers?
  14. So is a webcam going to be pointed at the servers so we can all witness them burst into flames from over use this weekend?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Muahahahahahaha my plans went off without a hitch. It was indeed I, Smilin Joe Fission who orchestrated such brilliant thievery.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You can't fool us! We all know you didn't do it! We didn't all fall off the creation screen yesterday! Logic dictates that you could have never pull this off! I mean, no villain would be called Smilin!