33 -
Holy crap. That was brilliant. Hopefully I'll stop crying sometime soon...
Actually, there are a lot of resources out there to either inexpensively purchase rights to or download music for productions...especially if you are a student. There are a lot of local bands in any locale who would love publicity. And sometimes, if you ask real nice, better-known bands will give you the ok (only prob there is if they've signed stuff over to a label...labels are jerks.) You just have to look around. The music I've used for my machinema series I've created in Garageband for the Mac. If you want to avoid copyright problems, you do what you have to do.
Frankly, if I was a musician, I'd appreciate it if people paid me for my work, or at least got my permission. I'm a writer, and we can have similar problems with people using work without even so much as a how-do-you-do. Had someone use an essay in a book, and only found out about it when I was bored on the 'net and did a search on my own name. They credited me, but still, it was a bit of a bite in the rump that they never bothered to contact (or compensate) me. -
Avast! The stars of the acclaimed (by some of you awesome people) webseries "Queens of King's" are all sorts of piratey.
Captain Yarr:
In action
Better costume shot
Captain Rum Baker:
Ghost pirate in the sky
http://queens-of-kings.blogspot.com For more Yarr and Rum! -
Oh. Damn. URL code got in the way. Fixing now.
FINALLY! I've managed to complete "Episode 6 - Favorite Possessions" of Queens of King's
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gew4Lgish4 -
Thank you Scuzzbopper, you are my favorite font of information as always!!! *hugs and cookies*
--Mrs. rreay -
I've made a promise to myself: Don't drive yourself insane trying to get every teeny tiny detail right. Otherwise, I'd never get a video out. I'll get it to the point where it's as good as I can get it. Once I start tearing my hair out over a 2-millisecond twitch, I put it down, convert it to .mpg, and ship it.
I have a serious sneaking suspicion that everyone who makes fan videos has that feeling of "Oh god, there's that error...and that error...and... AUGH!!!" I know I do. Hell, I go back and watch the first episode of my show and physically cringe. Soooo much wrong with it. But we grow, we learn, and we keep creating because it's fun.
My husband and I do a little indie film-making now and then, so as a wedding gift to us we bought a dual-core Mac (we got married 2 1/2 years ago) and Final Cut Pro Suite. I use Final Cut Pro for editing, Motion for effects, and Soundtrack Pro for audio.
Queens of King's, a sitcom about a group of superheroic friends trying to balance heroism and personal lives, is under construction once more. Episodes 1-5 are up and available for viewing, along with a special bonus.
Episode 6 is in production, currently grabbing the last of the audio from my actors. In the meantime, I'm going to be slapping together some quickie blooper reels. The first one is up on YouTube now.
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_lis...FAD319DEF39F36 All of the Queens of King's videos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ-9lHH5vak Blooper Reel #1: The F Word
And, as always news and videos can be found at http://queens-of-kings.blogspot.com -
Oh noes! Jock has a life away from fanfiction! Release the hounds!
Take a break, Jock. You deserve it. -
These are so very brilliant!!!! Wow!!! Love them love them love them!
That would be me.
Thank you for linking me! Glad you're enjoying them. I'm hoping to be back in production in the next week or so... I just had LASIK, so the world is a blurry place at the moment.
Queens of King's can be located here or on YouTube here . It's a sitcom about a small group of superpowered friends learning to balance heroism and personal lives. -
Episode 4: Team Players is up!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L4Vrb5Zamc or http://queens-of-kings.blogspot.com -
We at QoK like to consider ourselves open-minded sorts.
Villain, hero, buy us a drink and you're a friend of ours.
Hi all! Episode 4 is going live on Sunday, July 1, so we're a-gonna party!!! 1-5 PM, Pocket D on Justice...be there! Flamey Pete, Raid E. Ation, and Captain Yarr will be getting their groove on. (Cosmic may join too, if we get her account squared away...no promises...)
See ya there! -
Update for those who care:
I've run into a bit of a minor snag. Show's almost ready to go out the door, but apparently on the last update, something went kaplooie in the demo playback department, and Rum's nifty purple glow is not working. Only having problems with auras on the girls...guys' auras are just peachy. Feh.
Hopefully it won't delay Ep 4 too long... -
D'oh!!!! They're serious about that 'no loitering' thing, aren't they?
So, a little while back, I was reading the up-and-coming I9 goodies. Amongst the ooh shiny stuff, there was an article for the Paragon Times, detailing a press conference that Statesman had held regarding his new task force. (http://www.cityofheroes.com/paragont...ontimes36.html)
My reaction to said press conference can be seen here:
Much love to the developers and Paragon Times peeps! I tease because I love!!! (Don't kill me!!!)