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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    to be technical, the marriage was announced when the final comic was released

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    But they hadn't set a date.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    for all my effort, i cannot even find the usher in Atlas

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    Well, I think you're 2 days early.

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    maybe i misread wrong but it said the event was goin from Tuesday-Thursday, and if im not mistaken today is Tuesday

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    Yeah, I think you misread. It starts on thursday, the fourteenth. The even is on the test server. Event runs until the 28th.

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    i thought that was just the spring fling

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    To be clear, the Ushers won't be available until the scheduled event on the Training Room Test Server only. We will have more information about the event shortly.

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    From the announcement:
    Tuesday, February 12th - On Thursday, February 14th, 2008 Paragon City™ will rejoice in a celebration of love and union between two of its luminary Heroes.

    The first date is just the date the announcement was made.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    for all my effort, i cannot even find the usher in Atlas

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    Well, I think you're 2 days early.

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    maybe i misread wrong but it said the event was goin from Tuesday-Thursday, and if im not mistaken today is Tuesday

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    Yeah, I think you misread. It starts on thursday, the fourteenth. The even is on the test server. Event runs until the 28th.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    for all my effort, i cannot even find the usher in Atlas

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    Well, I think you're 2 days early.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    Thanks for the Feedback Darkspeed. One item to note, the wedding veil on the current live version 16.200801222.5T2 is not displaying correctly. It should appear as mostly see through, like real lace. The current version is mostly filled in. This will be corrected in a coming update.

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    Thanks Lighthouse,
    But part of me is disapointed. I quite liked the look of the current non-seethrough 'hair cape' version. Can you put in a request to keep it as an option alongside the corrected transparent one (with the proper cape colour options and maybe even the cape styles added). I can think of several looks and themes that it would work well with.

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    Well, they could do that...but they'll have to charge you 5 more dollars.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Badge! Badge! Badge!
    Come on guys! join in!

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    No thanks. There's already one can of worms being opened with charging for costumes and emotes. If they threw in a badge with it, it would open up a whole new can of worms with accusations of trying to extort money from badge hunters.

    IMHO, given that they're going to charge for something, this is exactly the right way to have done it. Maybe throw in some kind of prestige power, but certainly not a badge. I didn't like the RMT for the VIP badges, and I wouldn't like it if they did it again.

    As for the event itself, I'm looking forward to it. I'll be there.

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    This is exactly why I didn't put a badge in this pack.

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  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Badge! Badge! Badge!
    Come on guys! join in!

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    No thanks. There's already one can of worms being opened with charging for costumes and emotes. If they threw in a badge with it, it would open up a whole new can of worms with accusations of trying to extort money from badge hunters.

    IMHO, given that they're going to charge for something, this is exactly the right way to have done it. Maybe throw in some kind of prestige power, but certainly not a badge. I didn't like the RMT for the VIP badges, and I wouldn't like it if they did it again.

    As for the event itself, I'm looking forward to it. I'll be there.

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    As I mentioned, I'm obsessive. I'm spending the money anyway. A badge would at least give me some
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Just wondering if this indicates a change in business model from NCSoft. After all, its a low cost pay upgrade with a small amount of content. Im wondering if this is a sign of things to come?

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    Honestly, for some "specialty" items like this? I can't argue.

    Yes, I bought it...

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    It's better to be given the choice of not buying extra costume parts you don't want then to buy the last 3 issues in a box.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    I won't get home from work in time for this!

    Have fun to all attendees!!

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    Read the announcement. It's doing to be repeated every 3 hours. It's not a one time event.

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    FOR the next 3 hours. Not EVERY 3 hours.

  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Wow, $9.99 for a few costume parts? That's a bit steep. $4.99 I might spring for. I love the game and complain about very little, but considering there are not any temp powers or more than basically two costume options it's a bit pricy, IMHO.

    And just to beat the trolls to the punch, yeah I know. I don't have to buy it. And at this price I probably won't. But I will give my opinion just the same, thank you.

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    No, you beat me to it. It is seriously overpriced for a few costumes and emotes. I've been here for ages, and i even want this stuff, but really.

    The same 9.99 could get you an entirely new game, like AudioSurf, for an example. I know that's where my 9.99 will go.

    I think 4.99 is a bit steep, and 3.99 is about just right IMHO. 9.99 is just too high.

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    Badge! Badge! Badge!
    Come on guys! join in!
  11. Anyone else notice that Sister is actually wearing MORE clothes than usual?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    If the throw rice animation can be remade where it lowers perception I'll buy this expansion pack.

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    Oooh, like Solid Snake's Chaff grenades! awesome.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    No badge with it?

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    Seriously. I'm compulsive, so I WILL buy this, no matter what. It would be nice If I was at least buying a new badge. lol

    <edit>I think we found a contender for the "I paid money for this badge" badge.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Gratz on 500 redside badges, ir0x0r!

    I could insert my subrants about Master Thief and Vet rewards; but I think those have both been beaten into the ground. So, I'll stick with expressing my admiration that somebody finally made it redside.

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    ...Well, I'm CLOSE...:P
  15. ir0x0r/500 badges #1 villain

    Congratulations on that. I wonder how long it will take topdoc to get MLRSF...:P
  16. CaptainMoodswing

    Moving Day!

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    My box has a flavor! (^o^)

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    What's up with your name being spelled wrong on your avatar?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    PVE & PVP build that I can toggle.


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    Personally, I would like to see powers/power sets that underperform in PVP be reexamined. i.e. blaster's archery and stalker's ninja blade, just for starters.

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    Not to mention *cough* ENERGY AURA, or basically any defense set.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    We are all fine, just a rumbling that had Ghost Widow, Jay, Castle, and I all wondering if the sky was falling!

    It was just enough to shake the cubies and ground nothing fell.


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    I am no stranger to natural disaster either. Just the other day, it was raining quite fiercely!

    Boredom is the price of safety, I guess.

    Glad everyone's alright!

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    Hate to burst the bubble, but there is no such thing as "safety". Have a nice day!
  19. Ostentatious is spelled wrong in game right now. It is currently spelled "ostentaious", missing the 3rd t.

    I only know this because I spent twenty minutes trying to verify it on

    <edit> It's also curious that you chose a rather non flattering word for heroes and villains to describe themselves as. :P
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    but why not one Arachnos costume?

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    Because you can get one through Agent G's arc in Faultline, and since issue 11 will have Flashback, chances are you'll be able to get THAT costume whenever you want.

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    Villains aren't allowed in Faultline. Even though arachnos apparantly is. Odd.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    This does look promising.

    My only concern.. are you going to lock us out of test server again? This new ritual, started with i9 I think, has got to stop. You didn't used to lock us out of test server

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    So we can have another issue 7? No thank you.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone else notice that the main bad guy looks like Stan Lee?

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    Yeah, can we actually choose to LEAVE Stan Lee in charge? I hate that whole spider theme. Lord Recluse stinks.
  23. [ QUOTE ]




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    America! **** yeah!

    That's what that post made me think of.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    Im actually curious if anyone knows the reasoning behind removing lv 45 and 46 from getting a hami during the raid.

    Seems like the risk is still there so should not the reward be as well?

    And yes i know they cant use it, but they can still get it and use it when they reach 47.

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    There are only level 50 Hami-O's. So, a level 46, for example, couldn't slot a Hami-O if they took it as a reward. Previously, people in those level ranges could select a Hami-O but the server wouldn't cough it up for them and well, they would be a very sad panda that they went through the raid and got nothing in the end. As the fix for that bug, we simply removed the option for getting a Hami-O. There are some other rewards in the table they can choose from.

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    Can't tell you how many times I killed an AV or completed a TF and got an SO drop that was Red to me. I went and stuck it in base storage or left it in my tray until I could use it.

    Would a simpler and more player friendly change have been a text change to the reward screen emplasizing in COLOR & BOLD Click to receive a LEVEL 50 HAMIDON ORIGIN enhancement.

    There, see how easy that was?

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    Actually, no. You see, the response that you QUOTED says that if they did that they would get NOTHING. That is the bug. The solution here is that you are not allowed to pick the bugged option.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
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    The combative inhabitants in a zone will move off the streets and to safer locations when a Rikti Invasion takes place.

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    ... but the civilians don't.


    The combat NPCs don't move around much. It's the cars that continue to drive around on the roads, and the couple of hundred NPCs walking around, that are making the lion's share of the network traffic in the zones with the worst lag. And it makes even less sense for them to ignore the Rikti; they're unarmed! That first blast of the alarm siren should trigger the panic emote, then a dash to the door, for every pedestrian non-combat NPC, and every car should stop in its tracks and not move until the all clear signal.

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    Actually, the last few invasions I've seen, civilians do head for the hills in panic (Except maybe CoV? Didn't pay attention last raid in CoV).

    However, we're still getting hit by cars, and the contact NPCs are rock stead (although it would be a nuisance IMO for contacts to disappear during a raid, albeit a temporary one).

    At least make traffic stop or disappear as well, just for lack of another annoyance. Unless they're heading out of town at 90 MPH; now that would be humorous

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    Yes, in the next patch, Positron and Valkyrie, instead of standing around oblivious as the city crumbles around them, will now run away making scared girly noises like the useless idiots they are. :P