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  1. In my opinion, 5 bucks is a great deal for a costume set. The power, while nifty, is not the selling point at 5 bucks.

    While I myself would like to see the timer shortened a bit, I also understand why its at 2 hours.

    Before Merits I would not understand why the timer is set so high, however now that rewards are directly tied to completion time I can understand it. Giving a power like the mission teleporter on a short timer like a half hour would give a massive advantage to players who payed over those that did not in regards to being able to earn merits. On a half hour timer few people would take a travel power and they would be able to travel without risk between missions. In short, at a half hour it would be too good. At an hour there is some advantage to be given to players who pay for it, but not nearly as much as the half hour timer. An hour though may be too short. At 2 hours, its handy but does not give a massive advantage over players without the power.

    at 10 bucks I may have considered whether or not to buy it, at 5 the choice was easy.
  2. The problems with how some of the pieces either wont stick on the wall, or are supposed to hang from the ceiling but are grounded for whatever reason like the AES.

    Rent is not an issue for me. Every single of my bases have made out far better in this system than before. My small functional bases that I kept on a 8x8 plot to avoid the rent that was a bit steep for my partially active toon to grind out can easily be taken care of in a few missions on whatever plot size I can afford to upgrade to.

    Getting rid of raid pathing was the best thing ever. It makes stacking and creating new base designs easier than ever, and some people have been able to create amazing things in their bases that were not able to be created at all before.

    all in all, things are awesome.
  3. sorry /unsigned.

    level cap increase does nothing. Why not just make a brand new game and involve everyone as opposed to the few who have a 50.

    There are well over 100k subscribers in this game and people constantly complain about some servers being ghost towns. Take that number, cut it dramatically, and then what?

    I would rather they kept working on COH rather than split to COH2, especially if the player base that made COH as good as it is is mostly kept out of COH2.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    1 Numina's Unique is 250 Merits...That's 5 Posi runs on 1 guy. How casual of a gamer can you be and still have time to do that and nothing else.

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    How casual a gamer can you be and want a Numana's Unique?

    My characters get maybe a few pool A recipe sets during their careers. Four or five if I'm feeling ambitious. The build you posted is alien to me. I seriously doubt there are very many casual gamers who would attempt such a thing now, let alone after I13 goes live.

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    This all depends of course on how you define casual. If you define casual player as one that doesn't care or know about the fine details of the game, has no care about IOs, then you may be correct. If you define casual as a player that doesn't have a massive amount of time to devote to play the game then you are wrong.

    I personally define casual as related to time investment. I am a fairly casual player, I don't have time to do 5 or 6 posi's for a numina, I did have time to run a katie before I logged off for a chance of a numina, which has paid off in the past. The best thing was that if I didn't get a numinas, I had a chance to get something else that was good and had enough inf to buy a numina from someone who got one and didn't want to use it.

    I don't have that option now. Now I have to grind to get what I want. It just doesn't seem to be a very casual friendly system.
  5. Good luck to you lighthouse.
    Take care of yourself.

    And thanks for putting up with us for so long.
  6. I think there is a player event planned that will theoretically take down some drop ships as they are spawned in talos.

    I think its linked in the player events section.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Greetings Starfighter! You have been selected by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Zur and the Ko-Dan Armada.


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    So Hero 1 used Death Blossom... but still failed? I'll defend from behind you.

    Also, what exactly is this thread for... I'm confused.

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    Its an experiment, to see how many people will stand in line for no apparent reason.

    Me? I just like the paperwork.
  8. name: Bureaucrat
    global: @bureaucrat
    Level of Classification: 50
    Origin: science
    Supergroup rank and supergroup: Great Changer(top rank): Scions For Tomorrow
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    People are uneasy about the removal of a menu on completion...it changes a lot of live Tasks such as Hess, Katie, Cap and others to be sure.

    Remember that Open Beta is still there; though things tend to be 'cemented' in closed and the Merit System won't be torn down, your feedback on the Merit System award iteration is important. Many will likely be quite upset at losing the reward menu.

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    I like the idea of a Merit system and this seems like a good effort on the part of the Developers, I'm just not sure why they are removing the old mechanic in conjunction with this implementation.

    Has there been any Dev rationale for that? I was under the impression that the merit system was supplemental or alternative to the current reward system.

    Open Beta is more about load testing and I doubt things will change unless there is a significant outcry and even then, we may not see a change.

    In any case, I will be making my preference known to leave the reward window in place with Merits being an added option upon completion. I urge all who are just learning of this change and disagree with it to do so as well.

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    Originally this whole merit system was pitched to the players as a additional way to get a recipe, however it has been implemented to remove the option to have a random recipe drop.

    I dislike this a lot. It gets rid of the incentive to run the shorter task forces since they are going to be worth less than they once were. the base for a lot of the task forces are 25, which is enough for a single random roll, which is good. If the random recipe drop were reinstated as an option I think the merit system would be fantastic.
  10. 2 things

    first: Hamidon gives 40 merits

    second: the removing the option for a random roll at the end of the task force isn't real popular.
  11. Bureaucrat

    Issue 13 Update

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    Also, When I sent ingame feedback I recieved an Email from the support team which had my login information and was asking for the CC I used nearly 5 years ago to start my account, The date exactly when I started, The original name of account, and several other pieces of information ,that is to my knowlage, available in my Account Details on the NC-Soft site whom (unless I got lost) are soul owners of the game now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    from what I know NCNC should never be asking for a credit card number, ever.
    best thing to do would be let them know about the email, and make sure everything is updated in your plaync account.
  12. so far I am loving this event. My mind/emp was able to get all 4 badges in one zombigeddon. it was kind of boring though. However my Kin/elec had a fantastic time. I died a couple times, mainly because a nightmare would spawn in front of me and take exception to my spamming fulcrum shift.

    The mass of zombies, and how they spawn really does give that zombiegeddon feel to it. I love how the zombies look and the feel of the whole event.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    Lighthouse has just posted announcement that Cyborg Auras will be changed so as to be available at level 1 instead of unlocking at 30

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    I can see why they did it, but that seems hardly fair. I hope they intend to do this for the Special Edition capes as well, after all we had to pay extra for them too.

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    What do you mean? Still only the people who purchased the pack can use the auras.

    They just don't have to reach level 30 and complete the aura mission first.

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    And only people that bought the DVD versions of the game can use the capes they came with, but we still have to wait til lvl 20 to earn them.

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    The DVD didn't cost you extra. Meaning it didn't cost you game+x, it just cost you what the game cost. The special edition capes were free. If you decided to re buy the game just to get the special cape, then you chose to buy the game all over again.

    You didn't pay a specific extra amount just for the cape. You decided to buy the game again to get the free cape. Thats the big difference.

    I for one am glad that combat auras are available at level 1 now.
  14. So I blew myself up last night.

    something odd about a guy in a suit sparking and steaming then exploding. what fun though.

    The costume parts look great.

    Now for the critique.
    the combat auras, I would really really like to have access to those from level 1 and then unlock the rest of the auras after the aura mission. This could also spill over to the special holiday auras, like the halo and whatnot. This way the aura mission is still a good thing to do, but special auras can be unlocked earlier.

    And now for the self destruct.
    I like this power. For balance though I almost wish that wakies wouldnt work at all, nor self rez, however its pretty good as it stands.

    all in all, I like it a lot.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh Dear Lord... who will save the children???

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    obviously the players who bought the save the children expansion pack for 9.99
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    At least with a flight pack, the power isn't as game affecting as a nuke. Any AT can pick up the ability to fly from a power pool, but a scrapper just isn't supposed to be able to nuke. This is game affecting and in a big way.

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    to be perfectly honest, the flight pack is more game altering than the self destruct power.

    I think people are overestimating just how useful the self destruct power really is. It kills you. You can't be rezzed, cant be used for veng bait. You can self rez, if you have one, or pop a wakie. Personally I would really like it if that was changed, but its not that big of a deal.
    The flight pack is vastly more game altering since it grants a travel power that is always useful and for 5 bucks a month frees up 2 power choices. If blue side had a repeatable jet pack mission I would feel differently about it, however it doesn't so it strikes me as a bit more game altering than a self destruct.

    I guess I don't see what a lot of people are complaining about for the self destruct power. I guess the people worried about it just dont know what it really does.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd love to see some screenshots of these.

    [/ QUOTE ] link to the thread with the pics.

    good stuff.
  18. Personally neither change will effect me at all. When I run task forces I usually run them with my sg and everyone knows up front how long its going to take and what to expect.
    I have run a few random trials and task forces with pugs and as long as everyone knows what to expect there is rarely an issue with it.

    most of the people complaining about these changes are the exact people who this change was meant to effect. No one who ran task forces the way they were supposed to be run has been effected by this in any way.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    Hello. I am a horrible teammate to do a TF/SF with, or team with.

    I am a 24/7 caregiver to a wheelchair-confined man with multiple sclerosis. I often take unexpected AFKs, sometimes half an hour in length, to take care of his needs.

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    Same here. Stepfather has MS & diabetes, and is wheelchair confined. Thankfully, He is able to be alone for long periods (school) and has people come throughout the week to assist.

    Suddenly running to the pharmacy to get a medication he just realized he ran out of, or going to the doctor due to sudden symptoms, ect. can cause me to have to leave quickly. Forcing me to abandon the thought of joining a lengthy SF/TF is utter nonsense. "Positron" (use your real name for once!) is truly deluded if the thinks a GAME is more important than real life.

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    I don't think that anyone is saying that a game is more important that real life. This is a fairly straitforward change to adress a problem that was people softloading some missions to plow through a couple of missions to get the reward in 20-30 minutes. Now there is a minimum spawn set. This really doesn't change anything for people who ran task forces the way they were supposed to.

    If you didn't have the time to do a task force before then nothing has changed.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    This game needs more, yes, LOTS more paid expansion packs. Something above and beyond a few emotes and re-hashed costume pieces.

    Not only does it need more paid expansion packs, but they need to ADVERTISE them. Get new boxes on the shelves. Get people aware of it.


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    you know what would be an awesome combo to see in stores. PlayNC cards with a month and a costume bundle. pay 20-25 bucks or whatever for the card, get a month and a costume pack. make the package kind of like the Itunes cards with the graphics printed on so you know what costumes you are getting. This way people who just play with the month to month cards can get the costumes and it gives another product that can increase the visibility of the game.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I am sorry, but I think you have it backwards. Most are NOT happy with the idea of spending additional monies for something we have been getting all along included in our current subscription fees.

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    have the numbers been released on how many bought the pack? As it stands we have no idea if 'most', 'few', 'many', or 'no one' likes the idea or bought the pack. there are some people here who have bought the pack, some who refuse, and some very vocal people who claim many people think or believe something. we know that some people bought it and some people didn't but we wont know the success or failure of the pack untill they release the numbers.

    Its my opinion and the opinion of the EULA that the 15 a month goes to getting access to the game and does not entitle me to anything else. The fact that NCsoft constantly updates, creates new content, and patches the game is fantastic and a good business move on their part. If the game becomes stagnant then people stop playing and paying. We technically only pay to play the game as is, we dont pay to get new content.

    bottom line is that if you feel its a good deal then buy the pack, if you think its a rip off then don't. Its really just that simple. If this pack had some game altering effect then I would have some kind of problem with it, however its just fluff so who cares.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    RE: the live event

    Casual players ain't on test, yo.

    In a more verbose fashion: I realize that CoH is a very friendly game to us casual folks, and I don't mind the occasional hardcore fanservice. Y'all go have a good time with your $10 wedding packs.

    BUT... it's never fun to be so obviously disinvited to party with the cool kids.

    I look forward to the resumption of normalcy, ie. events which are advertised more than 2 days in advance, last longer than 3 hours, and don't require some new installation of software.

    Let us not even bother with the fact that only a fraction of a percent of the hardcore CoH folks will actually get in- these other hurdles block me and players like me far more effectively than some usher ever could.

    So, in the future, Ex, Lighthouse- could we have more community building please, and less community exclusion? I believe that is your job, yes?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    casual players are on test. anyone can get on test. I consider myself a casual player and I find myself on test now and again to try out new powers, see some changes, and play around.

    Having this event on test the way it is is trying to get everyone involved. They cant make the rounds to all of the servers so the only way to give everyone a shot at being a part of the event is to have it on test.
  23. I got this pack last night as did my wife. Personally I like it, which is why I paid for it. Conceptually I like it as well. I figured this was all overtime stuff that they did and are trying it out to see if it may pan out. would I always pay 10 bucks for some costumes, probably not but once in a while for special stuff I may, especially if its always an option to buy.

    I don't think that this spells doom for free stuff down the road but I think if it does well enough they may do it again for more trivial stuff.

    for me it was worth it, so I paid for it. its not game changing nor is it deal breaking. Buy it if you want and if you feel its worth it, don't buy it if its not worth it to you. Seems fairly simple really and not worth getting worked up over
  24. [ QUOTE ]

    The Divorce Pack (halves your influence/infamy,lose half your enhancements)

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    And locks you out of your base.