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  1. *Begins doing a rain dance*

    *Fire begins raining out of the sky hitting everyone in the surrounding area*

    That wasn't supposed to happen. . .oh well

    *Makes a pile of burning bodies with Chaotic, DV, TeCh, and En*

    *Begins to roast marshmallows over their corpses*
  2. Kaega patted Jonas on the shoulder, "Stay here kid. Kuro was it? You seem to be one of standing beyond this Poe character. I would be in you debt if you would allow me to join in this conversation between yourself and Power Breaker," Kaega said as he shifted his scabbard.

    He removed his sightless helm from the spot where he always kept it clipped to his belt and roughly placed it on his head. He handed Jonas his bag of items he kept for battle. He meant this as a show of peace toward Kuro. "I hope this one listens to reason atleast to a greater extent than Xabu."
  3. Kaega shrugged, "I know nothing about magic. That would be Jonas and Conlin. My sword is from another dimension, and even in this dimension were everything has a double, its unique. Here," Kaega pulled a brown leather bag he kept attached to his belt away.

    He tossed it to Bladewing. Inside where the usual assortment of odds and ends Kaega was forced to carry on a mission. He had a few Spirit Renewal crystals, three Guardian talismans, two Soul Awakens, five Blood Breakers, and three Eyes of Zhad.

    ((He's got two blues, three purples, two awakens, five reds, and three yellows. Oh yeah, Kaega has no powers. His sword is what allows him to hit really hard. He's 4800 yrs old and has battled through most of them, so his reflexes are very tuned. For some reason which hasn't been revealed yet he can be hurt, but he can't die.))
  4. Bang seemed to skip in place from one foot to the other. Three identicle copies of himself appeared in a straight line to his left. They broke into a quick rendition "Singing in the Rain" mysteriously sounding like a barbershop quartet.

    The original Bang looked over at Kaega, "Oy! If you wanted to know what I amm, you shoulda just askeded. Sides that makes me kinda sadd that you'd say somethen like that Kaega. I been playin nice so farr," Bang said as he quickly ran a hand infront of his face changing it from the comical smiling mask.

    His mask now had a deep seated frown and a crescent moon under the left eye. "Oy! You with the sharp pointy sword of painful cutting, whats been happening round here to cause all this here trouble?" Bang asked as the three copies dissapeard. They reappeard dancing along the bottom of a few of the floating islands.
  5. *Rez*

    *Blasts everyone with an Emo Canon*

    *Watches as they cut themselves and write bad poetry*
  6. Nice, man. Just nice.

    The reason I think he sat in the pew for so long though: He could have wanted to get to know the priest through his work befor ASing him, He could have just been bored and wanted to do it in private without people screaming bloody murder, He could have wanted the priest to see that no matter how long he stayed in a house of God the holy power wouldn't hurt him.
  7. The swirling cloud of green crystal moved in a sort of shrug before it assumed a humanoid shape, "Trying to get a tan yo! What's going on in here? Heard a boom and I've lost contact with the DWC. The only time that happens is when something of interdimensional power decides to sneeze."

    If any of the others would look around they would notice veins of the same type of crystal Dax was made out of ran through ten of the floating islands. Dax cracked a smile as two of the veins erupted out of their stone housings toward him increasing his size and floating crystal sheild. Dax went from being six foot to ten foot in the space of a few seconds, "I may need the added power if we are going up against something like what I think we are."


    DWC Headquarters
    Terran Earth

    Build's jaw dropped as he looked at the readings flowing along his monitors. The normal energy fluctuations within the Shard had flown off the charts. He quickly shuffled through his folders with a few quick key commands. Crap! The only person who is on standby is Kaega. . .that guy scares me more than Conlin.

    Build entered a few more key strokes before activating his com unit, "Kaega, I know you don't hear a lot out of me cause youre crazy and stuff. But I got a problem in the Shard. Dax is already in there cultivating his crystal fields and he may need a little help if trouble comes. I need you to go and see what's happened."

    There was a short burst of static before a gruff voice spoke, "Blasted peice of metal crap! How do you get this thing to work!?! If you can here me I'm gonna take Bang with me and go see what's happened with Dax."

    Build paled a little. He had only met the Court Jester on one occasion and that meeting with Bang had been more than enough to ensure that Build never wanted to see him again, "We only have enough standby power for a oneway trip Kaega. You'll have to find your own way back."

    "That's fine. Wouldn't be the first time I've had to go through that type of situation. Kaega out." The comlink went dead.

    Build let out a sharp exhalation of breath, "Man I feel sorry for anything that has to go up against the combined might of Kaega, Dax, and that psycho Bang." Build thought as he went back to work on his current project.



    "How long do you think?" Kaega asked the annoyingly spry jester.

    "Oy! Could be a minute? Could be an hour!" Bang shouted as he flipped from one floating stone to another, randomly appearing in a flurry from one of the stones to another.

    Bang saw Bladewing standing beside Dax. He pulled a quick flip and dissappeared, instantly reappeared standing upside down on one of the islands floating directly infront of the two metas. "Oy! What are two handsome blokes like yourselves doing in a place this severely lacking in beautiful damsels?"

    A rip appeared in the air beside the two metas as Kaega shoved himself into the space with a pop as the air was dispersed, "Blade, don't take any notice of Bang. . .we are still trying to figure out what exactly he is."

    ((For information sake this is roughly what Bang looks like. His height ranges from everything between three feet and eight feet, but here his height is 6'2". He is garishly clothed in the traditional jester wear, the colors of his clothing are purple and black. He wears a silver face mask that is like liquid metal, which right now has triangular shaped eyes a smile and a star under his right eye. Wait a little while and you'll get to see how his powers work.))
  8. Wow!

    Now I have a goal to shoot for when writing my own.
  9. *Rez*

    *blasts Chaotic, HellSpite, and En with the brown note*

    *Allows them a long painful death*
  10. Kaega sighed, "Lets get outa here kiddo," Kaega said motioning for Jonas to follow.

    Jonas swiveled his head around to look at Kaega, "Sorry bossman, if I could move I would."

    Kaega grunted and grabbed Jonas under the arms and pulled him out of the door. Kaega shifted his arm and brought out a blue and green talisman. He placed the talisman against Jonas's chest and watched as it vanished in a flash of light. A radiant glow appeared around Jonas healing most of his wounds and restoring his strength.

    "That better kid?" Kaega asked with concern.

    "Yeah thanks, and don't call me kid. I'm over three hundred years old," Jonas replied.

    "Still a kid to me," Kaega said introspectively remembering his own son who he hadn't seen for over a century.
  11. *Rez*

    *Grabs TeCh*

    *Drowns Tech in Giant bowl of milk and cookies*

    *Eats said bowl*

    *Grabs Bladeheart*

    *Dresses Bladeheart in a Carebear suit*

    *Watches as small children tear Bladeheart apart*
  12. *rez*

    *Shows DV the inner workings of my mind*

    *He's driven insane*

    *Bashes his head against the wall till it resembles spaghetti*
  13. "I'm cool with teleportation," Build said from his seat as he pulled out his dip can. He packed it loudly and stuck another pinch of tobacco inside his lip.

    "Siberia right? Gimme ten seconds to reconfigure my pocket dimensions to allow me to use them that far away from their power source," Build said as he began to rapidly tap the commands into his wrist panel.
  14. Kaega popped his neck loudly and looked around at the other metas, "That was easier than I thought it would be. Darkin, I order you as First Rook. Power down and come out of the Slip World."

    There was a crack as a rip of dark energy appeared in the air. A long, multy jointed arm reached from the darkness. The arm seemed to find a hand hold on the fabric of reality, pulling the air around it creating ripples in such a way that the human mind would have trouble comprehending. The Darkin's upper body stretched through the portal.

    "You would think to command ME?" The Darkin asked incredulously, "I am more powerful than you Kaega. What gives you the right?"

    Kaega snickered a bit, "For one, I'm blind and I still was able to dodge almost all of his attacks. And secondly, you used your true form to fight Xabu while I have not even transformed into my Rook form. Lastly, you know what effect my sword has on beings from the Dark World."

    The Darkin shrugged, "As you wish, you will have your protege Jonas back. In return you owe me a boon."

    The Darkin's power seemed to seep from it's body into the surrounding air, destroying what living matter there was around him. The Darkin appeared to shrink in upon itself, returning to Jonas.

    For those that were interested in Jonas's physiology would notice that the tattoo on his arm and back had spread even further. It had grown over the right side of his rib cage, and up the right side of his neck.

    Jonas blinked a few times and looked at Kaega, "I don't wanna look boss. How far?" Jonas asked

    Kaega gave Jonas a look of sympathy, "Up your neck and down your side. It's fine Jonas, from what I can tell you can still transform atleast two or three more times without it taking over."

    Kaega looked at the others, "How long before we have more visitors? I atleast want a few drinks under my belt before the next fight."

    ((For those of you wondering how Kaega knew Jonas's mark had grown, He can mentally sense forms of Dark World energy. Especially energy dealing with Darkins.))
  15. Saliva? That's the best you can do?

    *Burns away the saliva with a personal drying unit*

    These things are awesome for those unexpected showers!

    *Opens interdimensional portal to the Madness World and sucks in DV*
  16. Should know it's better than being called fugly
  17. Build sniffed the air lightly and mumbled to Conlin, "Smells like Nerva. I just remembered, I forgot to turn off my visual sensors. Let's see what they picked up."

    Build felt a mental click as the status of all the things he looked at while in Husk Corp appeared in his mind, "Looks like they are on a predetermined life span."

    Conlin looked around, "Wha? Sorry bro, that chick over there was given me the eye!"

    Build snorted, "Yeah the eye that says 'I wanna keep my purse!' "

    Build looked at Conlin and nodded, "Let's go home man. I never wanna see anybody from Husk again." He activated his wrist teleporter and a milisecond later both he and Conlin were standing in the transportation room of the DWC Terran head quarters.
  18. *Rez*

    *Looks around*

    *Sneaks up behind En*

    *Steals En's pants and strangles him with them*

  19. *rez*

    Thanks En!

    *eats En's soul then takes Chaotic out with a rabid bunny launcher of infinite carnage*
  20. "Uh?. . .There is a really good explanation for this," Build said looking from the figure to the Husks, who just seemed to have stopped.

    With that Build told the whole story, from getting the ooze to their eventual arrival at Husk Corp.

    "I don't know who you are. . .but is there any possible way you could help with sending us home?" Conlin spoke with a reflective, somber voice.
  21. ((Not to mention Build and Conlin are probably gonna pop up around Brother Mauthe's Island (depending on how many more wrenches Diov throws at me). . .bringing a bunch of Husks probably.))
  22. *Rez*

    *Steals popcorn*

    Look over there!

    *Watches as everyones head explodes from repeated exposure to Meatspins*
  23. Kaega side stepped a whipe of energy as it sizzled through the air were his head was. He held up his blade of pure energy for a tenth of a second before his body's natural defences kicked in. He began to bob and weave his way through the multitude of energies toward the speeding Xabu.

    "What's wrong nano-second man? Getting slow in your old age?" Kaega laughed as a beam of energy ripped into the upper portion of his right arm. He brought his energy sword down through the air creating a rift in the dimension. He stepped through appearing infront of Xabu.

    He took on the Dragon style offensive stance as he performed a basic thrust toward Xabu.


    Build nervously smiled. "Hey uh. . . guys? Yeah guys will work. Wanna see something cool?"

    Build tapped a button on the inside of his right wrist. A panel opened on the underside of his arm releasing a Force Feild Generator. "That's part one, here's part two!" Build pressed a button on his tactical belt, activating his Group Teleportation feild.

    Build, Conlin, and what was left of their small army was instantly relocated to within 2 feet of the door. As they reappeared, they both broke into a headlong sprint for the waiting node.