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  1. Marty shrugged a little at the interruption and sat down in a seat facing the saurian. "See, the villains have occupied the city. As of yet we only have a vague idea of where the villain base is located. As for where you are, this once was Paragon City one of the main defenses of our planet against the forces of evil. It's a shadow of it's former self, but we are trying to change that."

    "Myself and Caleb have been planing to assault the base for awhile now. Our only problems so far have been the defense of Bastion in our absense, finding enough supplies to keep Bastion while we are away, finding the villain base, and setting up a temporary camp to gather intel somewhere in it's viscinity." Marty was twiddling his thumbs.

    "As you can see we have some problems. We are in dire need of help, and our students are getting restless. It seems every day that I hear one say that they want to attack the villains. If we don't do something fast we may have a few less." Marty was searching the saurians face for any signs, it was hard. The bloke wasn't even human, and if you have ever tried to figure out what a cat was thinking just by looking in its face you'll know what I mean. . .except this cat could break a man in two at a whim and had very sharp teeth.
  2. Justice and Marty waved at the retreating Monarch's back. After a few seconds the blood brothers stood. Justice walked down the long hallway to his room, 181, and dissabled the locking mechanism on his door. He closed the door behind him, the walls were sound proofed blocking all noise from the outside.

    The walls of his room contained recovered scrolls from all parts of the world that Caleb had scavenged from the four corners of Paragon. It contained everything from Buddhist Mantras to seals from Japanese demon summoners.

    The seals surved a dual purpose, the first was decoration, and the second was evident when Caleb removed his suite. Normally people were armor to protect them from attacks. It was the exact opposite with the scrapper, his armor was to protect those he faught from his power.

    As Caleb removed his mask the barometric pressure in the air seemed to increase to the point of being almost tangible, the walls began to do a weird pulsing as if a monstrous heart beat from somewhere within. He pulled off the rest of his suit and lay on his simple bed. He could rest easy now that Marty was safely back within the walls of Bastion where all were safe.


    Marty sat at the stainless steel cafeteria table, his eighth cup of coffee in fifteen minutes had already been drank. He scratched his chin as he looked across at Wolffe, "Well Cap. looks like everyone else is either packing in or getting ready for the night shift. You gonna need any help getting the younguns bedded down for the night?"

    He stood from his seat and picked up the pill bottle from the ground. If he wanted to get any sleep tonight he was going to have to burn the caffeine out of his circulatory system.
  3. Caleb nodded to the doctor as he seated himself, "Yeah Monarch, that's right. We plan on raiding their base. We have encountered two problems though. One: The Close Squad is seriously under staffed (Only Marty and I are left), Two: Bastion is becoming low on supplies, and we must see to the needs of our people before we can attack."

    Marty chuckled, "Yeah we leave and the only people left to defend this place are the kids and the old men."

    Marty had just found the forgotten pill bottle in his pocket. Because of his inability to keep track of events, he had forgotten where he had gotten the bottle and what the bottle was. Since he usually carried caffeine pills on him at all times, he assumed that was what the bottle was.

    He gripped the bottle in his left hand and after several attempts at opening it he stuck the cap in his mouth and began to bite down hard muttering, "Gar Gamn Kild Poof Capfs!"

    Justice annoyedly jerked the pill bottle out of his friends mouth and tossed it at the garbage can, missing it rolled across the floor and came to rest at the leg of a table. "Stop acting like a child."

    "Stop acting like my mom! Ha! Your face dude priceless," Marty shouted good naturedly as he noticed the increasing color of Caleb's cheeks.

    Yeah these two were brothers, by time rather than blood. "We could use a few more hands Doc. You're welcome to join, we just need a couple more." Caleb said as Marty made a few choice hand gestures.
  4. Marty laughed as he pulled his hand from the saurian's hand. He lazily popped one of his knuckles back in place. These guys pack a little muscle. He thought as he motioned toward the hallway leading to the cafeteria.

    "This way mates. Grub's always on supply in the cafe thanks to the scavenger teams. I'm guessing you guys eat meat? and loads of it by the look. We got the hook up. Justice, show a little curtesy to our guests and quit hiding behind that crate!" Marty stated as he began walking down the halway.

    Justice stood and quickly followed, his blue mask hiding the shade of red his face had turned. It sucks when people get onto him, especially Marty. The way the dagger user pranced around in his padded leather pants, old style greaves, gauntlets, Armadillo armor and little else always made Caleb seem foolish in his brightly colored suit.

    In the cafeteria Dragonistic and Wolffe sat at a table talking as Marty motioned toward one of the large walk-in freezers. "Don't be shy mates, eat your fill," was the only thing he said as he made him a cup of coffee and the two scrappers sat at one of the stainless steel tables.

    ((Marty's armadillo armor looks like the spine protectors from the Roller Ball remake. The only difference is that it is larger covering most of his back.))
  5. ((Ask Marty or Justice once everything cools down, and we all get acquainted.))
  6. ((Close Squad is the lead scavenger/tactical assualt and infiltration team of Bastion. Both my chars are in it. I want to keep the total number of people around eight with a few reserves. Feel free to drop a toon in it or ask to join.))
  7. ((I would suggest Sirens Call for the Villain base, provides quick and easy transport between the isles and Paragon.))
  8. "HEY! Nobody kidnapped anyone, you guys just popped in. Now explain if you are capable of doing so, why are you here?" Justice shouted as he motioned for Marty to take cover.

    The dagger weilding scrapper shrugged a little as he boldly walked toward the two new comers. He extended his hand toward them in greeting, "Marty Cross, lead striker of Close Squad. Welcome to Bastion. If you wanna fight I'm sure we can be more than accomodating. But if you are here for peace, and maybe a meal, you are welcome to stay for awhile."
  9. ((I haven't posted that much yet. . .let me get warmed up. And En you need to drop a char in. I'm interested in seeing what future Bladewing is like))
  10. Marty was blasted back over twenty feet, the flesh was gone from his face and upperbody. He smacked into the pavement, a wet gurgle eminating from his scorched throat. Three seconds. Two seconds. One second. Bye bye freak boy.

    His teleportcard gave a weak beeping sound. Completely and utterly pissed the scrapper concentrated on healing. The previously burned away flesh seemed to instantly heal, tissue replaced tissue and so forth. "Damn peice of [fecal matter]," he shouted as he took the card from his panel pocket.

    He smashed it between his hands hard enough for the card to break. The card gave a loud burp and light eminated from the damaged card and Marty was no longer there. He had been whisked away to the safety of Bastion.


    Marty appeared in a flash from an old/repaired medbay. He stumbled into the open and looked at the gathered heroes. He noticed the two armored figures and Caleb crouched behind a crate. "So we throwing a party?" Marty said wryly cracking a smile.
  11. ((Yes! Your name is too cool))

    Caleb had dodged to the side and rolled behind some forgotten crate as the two armored figures appeared. He felt his suit powerup from the influx of adrenaline into his system.

    "I don't know who the hell you two think you are but ju got some splainin to do. And make it quick, you got about three seconds before I pull a Psycho 13," Caleb said as he ground his knuckles together.
  12. Marty grunted, his eyes filled with tears as the firey lace stabbed into him just below his sternum. His eyes became bloodshot as his teeth ground together in rage. He forced himself up the almost solid fire weapon. He brought his second dagger up and then brought it down towards the Freaks exposed jugular.

    Ten seconds. Nine seconds. Hurry the hell up.
  13. ((There goes the neighborhood. . .but I guess it isn't a party until Sov shows up. Welcome aboard mate. Juice and crackers are in the back.))
  14. The skin on his left shoulder and the left side of his face blackened as the firball narrowly missed Marty. He gave a hiss as he sharply inhaled, the wounds healing seamlessly. He slipped the impromptu teleportcard into a panel of his Cross Guard as he turned to glare at the Freak(?)

    "Listen bud, I don't know what the hell you are. But I can make sure nobody ever finds out," Marty said as he flicked one of his daggers at the flamers head, it flipped end over end aimed at his left eye. The scrapper ducked behind the corner of the building. "Twenty seconds. Nineteen seconds. Why do these damn things take so long to work. Seventeen seconds," Marty thaught as he slowly counted down the seconds till the teleport card worked. . .hopefully.
  15. Build

    WoW vs CoX RP

    I hear someone say leaving out villains? That's playin dirty. It's not a party unless I'm invited. . .and well, who is more villainous than I?
  16. Marty Cross hung suspended upside down from the rafters, heavy loops of industrial chain bound his arms and legs. He had been undercover, acting on orders to infiltrate and eliminate a local Family drug ring. "Comeon guys you've had your fun, now let me down," He said with a lopsided smile at the warn out Underboss that stood infront of him.

    They had been questioning him for the last few weeks, pulling out methods of torture from all over the globe (and even inventing a few). But all in all it came down to Marty being slapped around and the Underboss ending up with bloody knuckles.

    "Tell us what we want to know Micky. We'll end it quick for you if you do," The Underboss said breathlessly. Micky was the name he had assumed to fit in better with the Family's ruffians. He had risen quickly through the ranks because of his healing abilities and wanton destruction.

    "You know what my answer is gonna be, bud. No I don't have anything to say. . .wait. Can you bring me my Cross Guard from over there. I'll show you how you can find what you're looking for," Marty said with a coniving grin.

    The Underboss motioned one of his men forward with the Armadillo style back armor. The Underboss jerked it away from his subordinate, put a hand in the middle of Marty's chest, and sent him rocking back and forth on the chain. The chain links bit deeply into his hands and arms, the blood began to flow freely down the links. Marty's smile lengthened.

    The Underboss held the bit of armor infront of the scrapper's swinging face, "So how do I open it?"

    "Easy, press the plate at the bottom," Marty began moving his arms from side to side, shaving away skin and loosening the chains a little.

    "Like this?" The Underboss pressed the cleverly hidden switch at the same time Marty's hands came free. Using the pendulum motion of the chains, he swung forward just as two side panels opened on the armor and two long daggers shot into the air.

    Marty laid a hand on each as he flipped over the Underboss's head. He hit the ground, flipping the daggers around to a position in which they would be easily used. Turning swiftly he brought one of the daggers to bear against the man's throat. "Mind given me my armor back? Or am I gonna haveta give ya a shave?" Marty said as the man's menions took a step forward.

    "STOP! Idiots he'll slit my throat before you can take another step. Here, take it and leave," The Underboss said as he held the peice of armor to the side. The scrapper's left hand had almost closed over it when the bigger man's elbow connected with his sternum.

    Marty's breath left his lungs as he gave a grunt. He fell backwards, the minions coming closer. He whipped his right hand out, flipping one of his daggers into the chest of one of the Underboss's hired muscle. The dagger gave a wet thump as it imbedded itself to the hilt.

    He flipped off the ground, sinking one dagger into the other hired muscles shoulder as he retrieved his second dagger. As it pulled free he twisted, bringing the dagger into Shoulder Wounds stomach. He turned both the daggers at the same time and pulled them out.

    He turned, bringing both daggers into an attack stance, "See that's the reason you can't keep" *BOOM*

    The load of buckshot tore into his midsection as the Underboss hastily began to reload. Marty crashed to the ground, his blood making a pool around his prone form. "Tough Micky. I woulda let you go too," The Underboss said as he approached the form, bringing his gun to bear on the downed man's head.

    Marty rolled, stabbing upwards with both knive. One found the man's abdomen, the other a place that was very much softer. Marty let the man fall to the floor. Without a second look he approached the crates that they had been sent to retrieve.

    He pushed one of his daggers into the top and wrenched down using it as a makeshift crowbar. As the top came off he saw that the box was filled with canisters. All labeled Tombstone.

    He quickly palmed one and went running out of the warehouse cursing to himself, as he pulled his old Police Ban out of his armor (He had taken it from the Underboss as he had ran out of the building). He flipped open the screen and sent a message to Flagstone. "Listen Flag, coming back to base. They had some very nasty stuff on them. Bringing a sample back. If it's what I think it is we may have trouble."

    He reached the end of the block and enabled a makeshift mediporter, they didn't really work nowadays when they needed to but they could be used as a quick getaway. In twenty seconds he would be back in Bastion, and relative safety.
  17. ((Nice TeCh. . .maybe this will turn into a future RP???? PWEEEZE!))
  18. Caleb nodded at the doctor, "Good to hear doc. Haven't heard anything outa Marty, have ya? He's been gone for over a month. If I thought there was anything out there strong enough to kill him I'd be worried. I just want to know what he's been doing for all this time."

    Justice nodded to Wolffe before he propped himself against the wall. Feels like something bad is brewing.
  19. Justice looked from the dragon to the good doctor. "Evenin Doc, been awhile since you've been back. How are things topside," Justice Reborn said extending his hand in greeting.

    Flagstone looked at Justices outstretched hand, "You sure you wanna go shakin a Doc's hand like that Caleb. For all you know he could be one of them whatcha callits. . .germaphobes."

    Caleb lauged a little, "He fights. Never met anyone who gets there hands dirty a germaphobe Flagstone. Comeon you two. Lets go make your introductions to Wolffe."

    Caleb Boxer, the son of a former hero and hero himself, motioned for the two to follow him as he started to go deeper into the base.
  20. Kaega chuckled a little as Acanous used his jetpack to travel upwards, "Real men don't need jetpacks, we just need our hands and willpower." Kaega jumped a good thirty towards Tyrant's rock.

    Dax shrugged as Kaega said his little man schtick, "Yeah well crystal men don't really need anything besides minerals." Dax dissipated and began to flow like a brilliant green river over the empty space.

    Bang laughed as the air gave a loud pop. He appeared on a surf board, riding the Dax river. "Oy! Daxypoo! Gimme a wave or somethin mate," Bang said as he squared his feet and began riding toward the rock.
  21. *Pulls out Super Emo Cannon of Wrist / *

    *Shoots Chaotic in the foot with it*

    *Watches as Chaotic's foot begins to play Lincoln Park*

    "What anybody else want some?"

    *Gets bored and shoots Chaotic in the face with ita*

    *Watches as his face cuts itself*
  22. Manbearpig??
    No dude it's Pigbearman.
    Really I thought it was Bearpigman.
  23. What'd you know. Prodi is a scholar. Yep that's Ralph to Piggy LotF.
  24. Definately gonna use it to make alternate versions of Justice. . .y'know like two or three. . .okay so probably eight or nine. Sucks to your assmar.

    (Anyone who gets the quote gets a nickle)