
Ms. Exalted 2011
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  1. I knew ahead of time some people would judge based on the art alone, there's no way to disqualify anyone based on how they voted. But the trailers are a part of this month's theme, not just part of the prize, so it would be great to check out the entire project and not just the pretty stuff. It's not like any of them are very long.
  2. Only one more day of voting left. Get those votes in people!
  3. Bubbawheat

    AE Storyteam

    Sorry I left on such short notice, I was planning on quitting during that mission and crashed while zoning, and decided not to load up the game again just to say I was leaving. See you next week.
  4. And the trailer for Rise of the Blood Countess is finished. Check it out here
  5. I agree. This is week 5, and the last day of July is Sunday. This started in June. Zwillinger at least has publicly mentioned that he really enjoyed Becky's Revenge. There should be one posted by now. At the very least, those eligible that have been played this month (including the one played at the end of June) should be awarded very early next month.
  6. Added Defiance Jones to the first post.
  7. Nice to see an entry. Unfortunately, the extra time is only two days - which was over last night at midnight. I've been pretty lenient... ok extremely lenient in the earlier months, but have said that I will be more strict in the elimination months.

    What I will do, however, is add your entry to the voting for this month's prize - with the 2 1/2 day voting disadvantage. It's been great to see your art every month, you're one of the artists that have made a big jump from their first pieces to their later pieces.
  8. Yeah, what I meant to say was that my memory expanded the credit sequence into an entire pilot episode.
  9. As a side note, I think it's funny that I always remembered this show as having an actual pilot episode, more than just the opening credits.
  10. Bubbawheat

    Max # of Arcs

    You can only "purchase" up to a maximum of 8 slots, though you can "earn" additional slots past the 8 if you're one of the lucky few who can make a Hall of Fame or Dev's Choice arc.
  11. That's surprising, it's always felt like you've been around longer than I have, but apparently that's not true - though not by a whole lot. Goes to show how much of an impact you've made to the rest of the community just as the community has made an impact on you.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    Oh dear... that's quite a challance indeed!

    Oh.. Bubba, I noticed in the "rules" and stuff a tiny "typo": (also on the July battle, it appears)
    6. Early Bird Points- If you post your final submission early, you will get 1 vote point which is equal to 1 third place vote. If you post your final submission before midnight Eastern June 15th, you will get 1 free third place vote in this round. Hope to see some submissions soon.

    I assume, "June 15th" should be "August 15th"?

    *waves and goes plotting*

    Edit, nearly 4 hours later: ooooh goody, the plot is thickening already! *laughs evilly*
    Yes, and apparently nobody noticed that all last month as I copy/pasted this from July's thread. *fixed*
  13. Somehow, I knew exactly what this would be before I even clicked it.

    "Feels like wearing nothing at all... nothing at all... nothing at all..."
  14. Mostly finished version of Rise of The Blood Countess teaser trailer - would appreciate any comments/suggestions/etc. Hope to upload the finished version this weekend. Video here. Also, updated queue on the first page.

    Current to-do still on this version - might need to replace a couple of the shots, need to add voice over - not sure if I can do it justice, but no idea where to find someone else who could do it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    For the record, I'm not voting. My work's involved in the prize, so I'm abstaining. However, I'm spreading the word as fast as I can about the voting so others can view the art and trailer ideas and vote.

    And I have to admit, I am now seriously afraid of letting down the winner because of how doable (or not) their trailer ideas happen to be.

    Also FYI to the artists (not specifically to the voters) - my ordering of the trailers also happens to be the order of most do-able to least do-able.
  16. For the trailers, my vote is:

    1 - Christopher Robin
    2 - Liz
    3 - Battlewraith
    4 - Darth Delicious

    For the posters

    1 - Darth Delicious
    2 - Battlewraith
    3 - Liz
    4 - Christopher Robin

    which... makes things kinda hard to decide. And my wife can't decide either, so no votes from us this month.
  17. August's theme is Who Will Die?

    We're all excited by City of Heroes: Freedom, and one of the things coming out is the Signature Story Arcs. The first one is a huge 7 part series featuring The Surviving Eight, and one of them will die. We don't know who and we don't know how. How would you do it? Teaser by Samuraiko


    All types of visual art are acceptable for this month's theme. Screenshot manipulations, sketches, graphic design, etc. So long as they incorporate this month's theme into the work.

    1. Use City of Heroes/Villains Characters- This is, afterall, a CoX Fan Art competition, so I expect you guys to keep that in mind. If there's nothing relating to City of Heroes/Villains in your entry, you will be disqualified.

    2. Keep It PG-13- All entries this month must be postable to these boards without a 2 click.

    3. Deadlines- All entries MUST be submitted to this thread by Monday August 29th by Midnight Eastern US time. Voting will begin by Tuesday August 30th, held here on the CoH boards. The pieces that I put up for a vote have been personally verified by me, so if you disagree with their qualifications, please take it up with me rather than the artists.

    4. On theme- This month's theme is "Who Will Die?" based on the upcoming signature story arcs. Your piece can be a teaser for the story arc, it can be a what-if scenario based on how the arc might play out, as long as it ties into the Surviving Eight - Statesman, Positron, Manticore, Sister Psyche, Citadel, Numina, Synapse, and Back Alley Brawler.

    5. There will be eliminations this month instead of points, you may use the points you have accumulated through this point as you see fit, either privately or announced in this thread. At least 1 person will be eliminated through voting. If you don't submit this month, and don't use your points to save yourself you will be eliminated. The top artist based on votes is safe from elimination no matter how many people use their points to save themselves from elimination.

    6. Early Bird Points- If you post your final submission early, you will get 1 vote point which is equal to 1 third place vote. If you post your final submission before midnight Eastern August 15th, you will get 1 free third place vote in this round. Hope to see some submissions soon.

    7. Prizes- The artist with the most votes each month will receive 10 million inf sent to them through in game E-mail. The overall winner of the year will receive 100 million. Thanks to Draggynn and Amerikatt for their donations to the prize fund.

    7. Uses for points:
    You may announce your use of points in this thread, or privately through PM to me. Privately used points will be revealed in the voting results with the adjusted points totals. You may use points until we are down to the final 3 artists.
    5 points: Head Start - find out the next month's theme in advance.
    15 points: A Little More Time - Allows an entry to be submitted and/or modified up to 2 days after the deadline. No adjustments will be made for any votes already cast if applicable.
    30 points: Overruled! - If your piece is judged as not being within theme, you can overrule the judgement and have your piece placed in the voting thread anyway (This cannot overrule rules #1 or #2)
  18. Sorry to see a couple people eliminate themselves due to real life issues, but I'm glad that they both made it this far.

    The Voting

    Anyone can vote.
    Everyone must vote for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice.
    1st choice will count as 3 votes, 2nd choice will count as 2 votes, and 3rd choice will count as 1 vote.
    Darth Delicious gets one free 3rd place vote for her "Early Bird" entry.
    Voting will be open until Monday night August 1st at midnight Eastern time.
    Voting is for the poster and trailer outline together.

    The Elimination

    Airhead and Defiance Jones are eliminated due to their lack of entries/late entry.
    There will be no elimination due to voting
    The winner of this month will get 10 million inf sent to them in-game through Gleemail. They will also have their trailer outline brought to life by Samuraiko productions.

    The Entries

    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post

    -Show PG13 warning shortly then fade to black.
    -Fade in to text: DeeDee productions and Dreamworks Pictures present
    -Fade in to a silhouette of Neko taking a hot shower. The doorbell rings.
    - Fade to black and fade in to text: in association with Paragon Studios and Warner Bros. Pictures
    -Fade in to a nervous looking Montague Castanella handing Neko an envelope. Neko has wet hair and skin from the shower and is wearing just a towel.
    VO: Good intensions do not always get you what you want.
    -Fade in to Neko with her hands on her hips looking angrily at Mysterious Mike. They are standing on the street between some warehouses. Neko says: “Stop following me around, I can take care of myself!” Mysterious Mike then steps forward and plants a fist in a thug’s face, over Neko’s shoulder. The thug was about to smash Neko’s head with baseball bet but is now knocked back by the blow. “I can see that.” Mysterious Mike answers dryly.
    -Fade in to Mynx with a naughty look in her eyes, gently, stroking a claw over Neko’s cheek, saying: “All you need to do is ask nicely.”
    -Fade to black while VO: Sometimes you have to cross the line.
    -Mysterious Mike thrashing his fist violently into the ground, causing such a ripple that the 7 vile looking arachnos soldiers are thrown back.
    -A strong pose of Neko rapidly turning a dagger in each hand, ready for action.
    -Fade to black while VO: And do something stupid.
    Fade in to a Neko and Mysterious Mike close up, a destroyed building on the background. They are almost kissing when Neko suddenly turns around, throwing her sweeping hair in Mike’s face and walks away, leaving Mysterious Mike gaping after her.
    -A burning building collapses.
    -Neko screaming as she’s overpowered by an arachnos fortunate.
    -Fade in to a an overlook of a destroyed city.
    - Fade to black.
    - Title Neko’s Mischief then fade in the words Coming Soon
    - A sudden shot of Lord Recluse doing a massive attack toward the camera.
    - Black and fade in to the logo’s of DeeDee Productions and Dreamwork Pictures.
    - Fade to black.
    Originally Posted by BattleWraith View Post

    The character in the poster are identified in the comments on my DA page.


    1. Ominous music. Fade in view of Paragon City at night. Cut to fade in to view of the exterior of an arachnos base at dawn.
    2. Medium closeup of Arbiter Clarke (male) seated in a room. Holographic projections of data floating in the air in the center. Arbiter Murakami (female) visible in background.

    Clarke begins to speak, becomes voice over: "In a group of five, just five, you have two--possibly three non-human entities. One of the five is a villain, an actual criminal.

    [After he says "group of five" scene changes to a conference table, Hypercube in background to the left and Supercreep visible on right--space in between. Mere Mal Faire materializes in the empty spot as the others turn to look at her. On "one of the five" closeup of Purple Twilight smiling]

    3. Motion graphic of the camera flying along the edge of a war wall. Suspense music.

    VO: A city of heroes.

    4. Cut to closeup of SuperCreep catching a knife blade between his palms.
    5. Cut to medium shot of Hypercube blasting a group of zombies away with a force beam.
    6. Cut to long view of Mere Mal Faire at the bottom of a giant arena space looking up at an army of robots clamoring down the sides towards her.

    4. Continued motion graphic from #3 above. The camera starts to move faster, the shape of the wall curving.

    VO: A city of evil.

    5. Shot of a young woman from the rear as she stumbles upon a group of Vahzilok surgeons huddling over a body.
    6. Medium closeup of lead Vahzilok rising and shouting "Get her!"
    7. Cut to undead woman with glowing eyes beckoning in a hallway and moving backwards into shadow out of sight.
    8. Cut to Arbiter Murakami in night widow armor swinging a whip-like weapon in the mist. Purple twilight suddenly emerges from the mist, spinning through the air as she dodges the whip.

    9. Continued motion graphics from #4. Several war wall lines converging as the camera flies over them.

    VO: A truth concealed.

    10. Cut to establishing shot of Purple Twilight's safe house, a victorian mansion, floating in a blue void.

    11. Cut to distant view of the main characters standing over a person on the ground. In the distance a massive bronze colored metal sphere approaches. The camera shakes as it lowers to the ground and begins rolling towards them, looming over them as it approaches.

    Clarke's Voice in VO: We've got to either get these people immersed or break them apart somehow. If they pull back the curtain, the whole thing could unravel.

    12. Cut to closeup of Van Vogt smoking and saying: Which of those will I have to kill?"
    13. [aggressive music] Downward View of Mere Mal Faire, charged with crackling energy, pulling herself out of a heap of twisted metal.
    14. Close out of Mere yelling "YOU WILL DIE!!!"
    15. Quick long shot of Mere Mal Faire's tiny form launching a huge bolt of lightning towards an immense robot.
    16. Motion Graphics continued from #9. The Camere pulls back and the war wall lines turn to form the title: Demon at the Gate.

    VO: Demon at the Gate [ominous/mysterious music]

    17. Cut to medium shot of Purple Twilight standing in front of a wall of energy. She says "Mere, don't look at it." Fade to black.

    Mere Mal Faire VO: "Purple what are you going to do?"
    Purple Twilight VO: "I'm going to write your name in the book of heaven."

    18. Screen remains black. End credits in white text.
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

    For typing brevities sake FI= fade in FO=Fade out etc.

    FI: A backshot of a skinny frail looking scientist in his lab tinkering with several vials of liquid. FO
    FI: close up of his face shows him to be clearly insane (one of the crazy looking villain faces)
    He thrusts his hands into the air in a "Eureka I've done it!" gesture.
    He then grabs two vials and mixes the contents but before he drinks it down he goes into... FO
    FI: dream sequence of himself drinking down his concoction and suddenly there is a weird shift and his body outline spreads out in waves on either side of him (one of the costume change emotes) and POOF there are now two of him. They give each other the thumbsup and both start to spread out/shift again POOF there are now four evil scientists. POOF now eight. FO

    FI: there is now a small army of cloned scientists running about committing various crimes (robbing banks, stealing purses, pummeling Statesman, throwing a barrage of snowballs at pedestrians in the middle of summer... you know truly evil stuff ) ending with a shot of all of them doing a simultaneous victory emote. FO
    FI: day dream has ended and he is now just about to drink his concoction when over his shoulder a portal opens and out of it spills a mass of Rikti!
    Flash to a view of a Rikti firing his pulse weapon at the scientist and him being blasted through the air. He lands in a heap and the Rikti proceed to blast everything.

    The attack ends and the Rikti all retreat back through the portal except for...
    The portal dissappears and as the camera sweeps across the now ruined laboratory it spots a lone Rikti monkey.
    Zoom in: The monkey holds a vial of liquid in its hands and quickly drinks it down and shatters the glass on the floor. It doubles over and POOF it begins to multiply rapidly. FadeToBlack.

    beat: CITY (word or part of the official logo if possible appears on a black background)
    beat: OF (appears beneath it)
    beat: MONKIES!
    the words "Coming Soon" scroll across.
    Screen goes dark for an instant and then briefly shows a scene of Atlas Park beseiged by waves of monkies. After a second or two one runs past turns to face the camera/viewer and launches himself at it/you.
    Screen blackens just as it's face/teeth fill the screen.

    Originally Posted by syrusb View Post

    Soft enchanting music plays over a black background.

    Fade In from center, Penny Yin alone mending her father's store. Whispers are heard and she looks around for the source of the voice. Clockwork Gears are seen moving about the store, Fade Out.

    Cursive text:
    A girl with a great gift and new to learning how to wield it.

    Clockwork robots patrol the outside of Yin's store. They then drive away a group of Lost ruffians as she directs.

    The music turns dark and haunting.
    Cursive text:
    A great mind locked in a primitive body, a dark past hangs over him like a storm cloud.

    Fade In, Sepia Tones, The Clockwork King battling Blue Steele. A fallen Clockwork army surrounds the pair. Blows are exchanged, Blue Steel strikes a final triumphant hit, the King falls slowly, Fade Out.

    In Color, The Clockwork King in his hideout, minions work about him quickly and busily while he stands hunched over. There is an empty space about him to emphasize the feeling of being alone.

    The music changes pace, picks up in tempo and fullness.

    Suddenly, he looks up and turns around, then makes a gesture with his arm and the Clockwork minions rush away in the pointed direction.

    Cursive text:
    He would try to lock her away...
    Back at Yin's storefront, from behind, a large shadow stretches out to cover Penny. Zoom In[/i] on Penny's wide eyed expression with a quick Wipe Out.

    Cursive text:
    But she... would set him- free.
    Uplifting music with similar tones from the opening score.
    Fast fade in from black, zooming out and away from the Clockwork King, his court assembled all around. Quick Scenes then follow of Penny with the Clockwork and/or their King of her telling tales, explaining things, laughing and looking happy. Fade Out.

    Music fades.

    VO: Penny: He's really quite sweet.

    Cursive text:
    Friendship has no boundaries.
    This last piece was done after the deadline, so isn't part of the voting, but I still wanted to include it for everyone to see.

    Originally Posted by Defiance_Jones View Post

    City Of Heroes Fan Art 2011 July “Movie Poster” Trailer Description

    Voiceover: “The Heroes of Paragon City are the Best”

    Image of several ICONIC heroes (including Statesman and Synapse) facing off against several ICONIC villains (Including Ghost Widow).

    Voiceover: “The Fastest”

    Image of Synapse doin' his thing.

    Voiceover: “The Strongest”

    Image of Statesman lifting a truck off a trapped man and throwing it at a villain.

    Voiceover: “They are truly the best and brightest at what they do”

    Show the heroes high-fiving as the villians run off in defeat.

    Voiceover: “...or ARE they?”

    Inside a nice, hi-tech Superbase, show Synapse, then other members (except Statesmen) with a cup of coffee. Suddenly, Synapse cries out and begins to BARF! Followed by each of the other members!

    Synapse: “Yech! Who's turn was it to make the coffee?!?!”

    Statesman turns with his arms out, shrugging in dismay: “What's wrong with it?”

    Synapse: “Dude! That is THE WORST Coffee. EVER!”

    Statesman: “Oh come on, it can't be THAT bad!”

    Synapse: “Wanna Bet?”

    Cut to a Vahzilok Cadaver barfing.

    Show Statesman doing a facepalm or other equivelant emote of self-despair. “I've... I've Failed the TEAM!”

    Synapse: “Awwww, its Okay Big guy – you can't be the best at EVERYTHING.”

    Slow zoom into Stateman's face as he slowly lifts his head. “NOT. The. Best?”

    Cut to Statesman surrounded by dozens of magical tomes, as he scrounges for the answer. An ethereal voice speaks to him: “Statesman! I can guide you to The Ultimate Cup Of Jo, but first you must complete a special Task Force to prove your worthiness!”

    Cut to Lord Recluse's Lair, where L.R. Himself watches Statesman on a secret monitor while Ghost Widow lounges next to him.
    Lord Recluse: “Ha HA! I, Lord Recluse, must get there FIRST, and prove MY worthiness to the disembodied voice FIRST and thus DEPRIVE that simpering simpleton Statesman of this victory!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

    Ghost Widow, as she dumps out her own cup of coffee: “Thahnk GOODness, DAHling! Maybe then we'll fahnly be able to haves a decent cup of coffee around here!”

    Voiceover: “Paragon City's Greatest Heroes versus its Most Terrifying Villains in an All-out, No-Holds-Barred Battle to prove who has the right to the Finest Cup of Coffee Ever Made! Who will win? The Heroes of Goodness, or the Villains of Eeee-vil? And just who IS the Mysterious, Disembodied voice?”

    Cut to Paragon Police Officer Vic Johanssen in a row boat in the middle of a large body of water, he looks upward and proclaims: “I KNOW who you ARE!”

    Voiceover: “City Of Heroes – Quest For Coffee! In Theaters, July 32nd!”
  19. Bubbawheat

    The Dead Pool

    And I'm also running an event for this. It will be fairly long-running, unless they do the reveal early in the series. But if you want to enter, you can send your guess of who dies and who kills them (single person or enemy group) by in game e-mail to @Bubbawheat. First guess requires a 1 million inf entry fee. Each additional guess requires a 10 million inf entry fee. You can guess as many times as you want. Winner will get over 600 million inf. Full thread will be posted soon.
  20. Was super tired and went to bed early last night. There will not be an elimination unless either Defiance Jones or Airhead submit an entry within the extended deadline using their points. I'll have the vothing thread and next month's theme posted later this afternoon when I get home from work.
  21. This is one of my biggest pet peeves with the AE system. In the AE, every villain group and their mothers can disable the medical transporters, and the arcs all point this out. It's annoying to me.
  22. When life gives you lemons... f the lemons and bail.
  23. Last minute-ers... it's close to the last minute. So get your post on!
  24. The odd thing is, I'm usually a big fan of these games. But for some reason, I'm not really interested in this one. Not really rooting for one over the other. Maybe it's just because I'm holding my own contest about the event. (Full details here) Curious to see how it plays out, even if 30 seems like a lot to start with. I guess it's ok with only 8 to get rid of.