2935 -
The people who would benefit the most from this post will never look in this forum.
And I think it's time for me to take a break from City of Heroes. I may be back when i22 goes live, but at least right now it's not feeling too fun when I log into the game. Apologies to the Player's Choice award winners, but I will keep you in mind and if I get the inkling I will make good on those trailers. But my account will be lapsing in a few days so I won't be able to post here anymore. Until next time.
I watched it, enjoyed it, and that post will be up Sunday. I'm watching the movies with my daughter where appropriate, but I'm not cutting out the R or the hard PG-13 rated movies. I'm just watching those without my daughter.
Quote:For me, for this blog, for this first year, I'm being very specific so I don't get too overwhelmed. My definition of a "hero" is pretty much a costumed superhero along the lines of Batman or Superman with either special powers or no powers but a costume/gimmick definitely if it was a comic book first. Krull is too much fantasy, he doesn't really have any powers beside the Glaive, and he has no costume (though I do own the movie), Blood would be closer, but there's no real costume to go with it, she's just a vampire in a schoolgirl otufit (though I do own the anime version). Ice Pirates is too sci-fi from what little I remember of it.Gotta ask what your definition of "hero" entails. There's a few movies that may or may not fit your criteria.
Would the movie Krull fit the definition of "hero" for you? I watched it as a kid and it was great fun.
How about the live-action Blood The Last Vampire? Probably wouldn't let a kid watch it due to the violence.
How about Ice Pirates? Another one that was great fun when I was a kid.
Then there The Crow. That one probably is too heavy for a kid to appreciate. Combined with its violence.
Hellboy, at least the first, I'd probably let a kid watch, provided I was there supervising.
Crow and Hellboy are both on the list and I own both of them. There's no way I'm letting her watch The Crow, it's rated R anyway. Hellboy I would probably let her watch. There's no blood, and Rasputin is only briefly scary looking.
The one movie I'm much more on the fence about is Chronicle. They have somewhat traditional superpowers, but no costumes, and it's more about the dark side than the hero side. -
Review of the Incredibles is up, with the animated DVD movie Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths coming up as a bonus review on Tuesday, and Super coming up on Thursday.
#60197 "Becky's Revenge" by @New Age Ronin
Fear and Loathing on Striga #350522 by @FredrikSvanberg
Against the Wickerwork Khan #346904 by @Clave Dark 5
Drakule vs. the Werewolf Bikers from Hell #340316 by @LaserJesus
Golden Age Secret of the Paragon Society #344596 by @Wrong Number
Talos Vice #338380 by @PW
A Hero in Need... is a Friend Indeed! #375018 by @Wrong Number
Vernon von Grun's Extraordinary Extradimensional Excursions
The Time Bandits - Arc 39008 - by IantheM1
Arc #444732 - Fresh off the Flier
The Invasion of the Bikini-Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! #61013 @Aliana Blue
Teen Phalanx Forever! #67335 @PW
One Million Eyes #71933 @minimalist
Celebrity Kidnapping #1388 @PW
In Poor Taste #259920 @Wrong Number
The Next War on Drugs #245042 @anachrodragon
The Heart of a Gemstone (ID 504716)
#384776: Made to Wave the Flag
#260284: A Warrior's Journey: The Flower Knight Task Force
#29262: Hopeless
#6017: Mercytown
#8925: Forget the Rose, Send me the Thorns
#318983: Ignition of the Machine
#118690: Sibling Rivalry by @Sister Flame
#2260: The Burning of Hearts by @TheDeepBlue
#5073: The Bravuran Jobs by @GlaziusF
#298290: Papers and Paychecks by @PW
#380417: The Star-Dwellers by @K'aji
#87333 The Internet Is For PWN! by @VoiceOfIsaac
#58363 Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force by @Cavatina
Grim and the Green Arc ID:61156 Heroic by @Quinch
#379488 "Storming Citadel" by @MrCaptainMan
#25295 "The Extadine Lab" by @Vanden
# 175660 "The Heart of Talos: a warriors task force" by @Djinniman
# 89438 "Facing the darkness" by @Leandro
# 60280 "Dr Dave and the Copper Legion" by @TheHedoren
Bricked Electronics #2180 by @GlaziusF
Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black (ID#161629)
Missing Arc#41922
Big Daddy's Dilemma Arc#333680
#144447 "Gladiators of Venus
Madness + Murder = Bedlam! (arc# 259194) by @Swelter.
@dragon-hawke : arc 221617 - Unification of Villainy
@twiztid dragon : arc 217401 - Creature Feature Cruise of Terror
Arc 137005 : An Introduction to Mission Architect : The Heroic Badge Collection
Arc 206108 : An Introduction to Mission Architect : The Villainous Badge Collection
Arc 448313 : An Introduction to Mission Architect : The Rogue Badge Collection
Arc 448387 : An Introduction to Mission Architect : The Vigilante Badge Collection
#1396 "Grim Riddles" @Mantid
Arc 149433 The fall of Mender Moebius : Part 1 : The Beginning of the End
Arc 331466 The fall of Mender Moebius : Part 2 : Arachnos Park
Arc 324392 The fall of MEnder Moebius : Part 3 : The Abductions
Arc 263911 The fall of Mender Moebius : Part 4 : Penultimatum
Arc 263823 The fall of Mender Moebius : Part 5 : The End of the Beginning
arc #487283, Crafter's Cafe
#452144 "The Murders in the RWZ Morgue" by @FredrikSvanberg
#322373 "Dead Fellas" by @Sand Sultan
Dhahabu Kingdom and the Indelible Curse of Hate: #367872
Dhahabu Kingdom and the Unfathomable Nightmare of Sand: #453511
The Consequences of War #227331 @Dalghryn
The Echo #1688 @MrCaptainMan
Outbroken #379017 @Aehaed
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 @twelfth
The Christmas We Get #356477 @Venture
Unfair Trade #373846 @Lazarus
#25622 "Teh Freakshow Artz Klub" by @Geveo
#26811 "Love is in the Error" by @Witch Engine
Suppression 374481 @Gypsy Rose
A Very Special Episode 457506 @Wrong Number
#517859 "Crime is Art and Art is Crime" by @TwoFlower
no blue in there for me, not that I'm bitter or anything.
I'm pretty close to your number with 44, and I think there's a couple more I played but don't remember. -
The Holy Flame guessed Darrin Wade, but paired him with Manticore. Close, but no cigar
The folder should be available for submissions for reals now. I wish I could participate, but I don't think I can drum up something quick or good enough in the amount of time there's left on top of the other stuff I have going on. Time's running out, it'll be the end of the month before you know it. Remember, you can still enter as a free player if you're a member of the #CityOfHeroes deviantArt group.
I've said this before, but congratulations again to those who guessed Statesman, since nobody got it exactly right, you all win 123 million inf. I will be sending out e-mails to all of the winners to confirm that the globals are still active. The prizes will go out when I receive replies back.
Wow, Spawn was only PG-13? I guess that makes sense, there wasn't really any blood but it was a really dark movie, and yeah didn't have any plans on watching that one with her.
Finishing out the Superman series, Superman Returns is up. Captain America the 1990 movie is up, and the new Captain America review will be posted on Thursday.
Would love it if someone could make a banner for my Superhero movie blog in my sig. I feel like a good one would be a Superhero and his daughter viewed from the back, sitting in chairs watching a movie on a TV. Superman's costume would probably work the best. Having it 940 x 200 pixels would make it perfect.
My pace is slowing down as I've started a new project and have been slowing down a lot on my City of Heroes playing. I'll still be around for a bit, but probably not as much. I'll still be getting these trailers done for the Player's Choice winners, but they may take a bit more time than I originally planned.
Anyway, the first prize from the Player's Choice awards is finished. Check out the winner of the comedy category - Crime is Art and Art is Crime by @Twoflower. -
I've been listening to Kevin Smith's SModcast pretty much ever since it started. It's expanded a ton since then and the ones I still listen to are the original SModcast - talking about anything and everything usually involving movies and sex jokes., Hollywood Babble-On - talking about anything and everything Hollywood related going on during the week along with lots of impressions, Tell-em Steve Dave - another random talking about anything and everything while often giving each other a hard time, and Mohr Stories. Jay Mohr always has an interesting guest with him and you never know who it's going to be.
The other one I listen to, and it's a much more work-safe/family friendly one is Talkin' Toons with Rob Paulsen. It's a great podcast if you like or are interested in voice acting with the voice of Yakko, Raphael, and tons and tons of others. He also often has guests from the voice acting community. The one with Billy West has been my favorite so far. -
More updates! Superman IV and Supergirl have both been posted. Check them out and leave a comment!
I don't know if I would ever want to eat a black hamburger bun, it does not look appetizing at all, it looks moldy.
Added a blog post about violence in superhero movies, will be posting a new blog every Tuesday, though I won't always advertise it here. A question for those watching, would you watch the new Captain America with your kid, if you have one? What if it was a 7 year old boy? What if it was a 7 year old girl? Is there a specific age? What about some other movies that aren't specifically thought of as a hero for adults?
From one of the UStreams, the knockback was actually an error from one of the new devs noticing that the gravitational constant for the world wasn't correct, so he "fixed" it, which also ended up reducing knockback effects because things were suffering from real world gravity instead of comic book gravity.
I've noticed what I call the "knockback hold" for a long time, though it may have gotten worse lately. It used to be a rare but enjoyable occurrence on my MA/SR scrapper. -
Two that I created myself and used as avatars for a time.
Quote:I didn't say anything about removing content. The idea is to remove old zones with little to no content, and move that content to a different older zone alongside revamping it in some cases.... wait, you guys are seriously rallying to have more content -removed-?
Im all for a zone revamp like what was done for Faultline. Heck, I think -every- CoH zone needs to be revisited and given clear story arcs like how redside works. But removing things is bad. -
I may just be in a slump, but I've got enough juice in me to post my review of Superman III just in time for the new year. Enjoy.
Personally, I think the game should have less city zones overall. I like the nice starting Atlas Park, especially since it just got revamped. I think there should be a more slummy or run down city zone, like maybe revamp Kings Row to make it more of that type of zone. I think there should also be a nice high end city zone which would be a good fit for Peregrine Island.
Independence Port/Terra Volta is a good concept for a docks type zone, although it doesn't need to be *that* large, unless there's a lot more to do in there, *and* if the missions are packed closer together for more of a progression through the zone rather than skipping around opposite sides of the zone haphazardly.
Faultline is a good all around zone, though I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a new arc put in there. Boomtown and the Hollows are too similar to each other as a "destroyed city zone". Croatoa is great for a more magical/natural zone, and Eden is a pretty nice zone in itself though it could use some more content in there.
I'd like to see more high-tech sci-fi style zones like the oft-requested moonbase zone and maybe a high-tech city zone as well. Oroboros would be a nice starting point for expansion.
Cimerora is another great zone that barely used. It's a beautiful, unique zone that we barely have a reason to go to.
Villainside I think is set up pretty great, though I could easily see a continued revamp of Mercy Island, adding more content to it and destroying Port Oakes to go straight to Cap Au Diablo. Other than the supergroup registrar, Port Oakes is imminently skippable.
Praetoria obviously just needs more content in First Ward, there's enough room to add content for at least 5 more levels and then one more zone to finish out the level range to 50. -
Thanks for the the thoughts on Whack a Mole. I agree it could use a few more enemies. I kept it lighter because I was planning on expanding the arc to parody the other trials as well, but haven't gotten around to that part yet, and not sure if I will anytime soon.
Also, for those running low on arcs they haven't played before, find some arcs to put on the recommended arcs list. This club isn't just about playing each others arcs, it's also about finding other good arcs that haven't been found by a lot of others and sharing those with the rest of the community. -
There's more than 25 zones - just counting Hero zones. I picked 25 because it's 6 per side, plus 6 co-op/pvp, plus 1. Lowered the OP to 20 anyway, thought it's just a rough number anyway. People who ignore certain sides can choose less, it's all discussion anyway.
In my opinion, the City of Heroes world is getting too big for its population, there's too many zones that look too much alike with content that's too spread apart. I think it was a good first step to destroy Galaxy City, but if you had to whittle City of Heroes down to say 20 zones total - Hero, Villain, Praetorian, and co-op (leave out Praetoria if you wish). Which would they be?
Feel free to add concepts for zones that don't exist as well, and feel free to swap around level ranges.