Bronze Knight

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    So here's a suggestion: an opt-in program allowing its participants to fill out occasional polls from within the game itself, using the same pop-ups ya'll use to give us news about current issues. Give players the ability to opt in at its launch or any time in the future through their Options menu. If you framed it in the right way, I'm sure many of the players would really love to participate and proof of their wishes would be in the pudding with all the charts and graphs you'd get out of it.

    I know it would require coding but I think the shear amount of feedback the devs would get from this would be MORE than worth it.

    The one thing I would have to say is that Free accounts would not... could not count. VIP and Premium only for many reasons.

    But /signed so very much. Please Zwill pass this idea on.
  2. That is a very interesting post Zwill thanks for showing us that.

    Wow 7? I didn't think it was that many... I should post less...
  3. Anything from "The Book Of Eli" is a good idea in my opinion.

    Oh and can we get the wool fingerless gloves he wears in the bar scene?

    I.E. Fingerless gloves that are somewhat thicker and have a better texture to them.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    No offense, but your name lacks the crimson, so other opinions can continue to be expressed.

    (Even if you are probably right from a design standpoint, the fact is that flexibility is the hallmark of the excellent costume system we have, and the comments really only seek to leverage that.)
    I know I presented it as fact but its still my opinion. But I was trying to explain the design standpoint to those that were asking for clean versions and complaining that by not having clean versions the set was limited in its versatility.

    I too hope for a clean version of the mask and pants. And we may get them because the devs are cool like that. It is however unlikely in my opinion.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    (I'd love to know, by the way, how surprised Dink and other costume folks are by how many people have requested that. I am always interested in what surprises the developers in this kind of endeavor.)
    I would say that they aren't. In fact I would say that they expected people to ask for that which is why Dink said in the first post that they would NOT be making them.

    I'll reiterate since nobody read my last post about this.

    We will NOT get clean versions of the Post-Apocalyptic pack parts in the Post-Apocalyptic pack because they would NOT fit into the theme of Post-Apocalyptic. The idea behind all the costume packs is to enable the players to make more characters in that vein. If you start to add stuff that is not in that theme you loose focus on what you were trying to accomplish in the first place. The packs must be limited in some fashion.

    So if you want to use X,Y, and Z costume parts for something else ask for it in the forum of a new pack or an individual costume pack.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I'm not exactly sure where you get that we're not being responsive to Community sentiment. Just because we aren't working on one specific costume set we're not being responsive? Are we discounting all of the other changes and additions, not just costume specific, that we're working on and have accomplished in the last year+?

    In the end, we're going to make some costumes that are fan favorites and we're going to make some that inspired us, either from fan inspiration or personal. There's no specific cadence we're stuck with as it's all released as development and marketing schedules allow.

    You have a development team that is extremely responsive and balances player sentiment fairly well with development and business requirements. Losing sight of the bigger picture through hyperbole does a disservice to not only them, but all that the game has accomplished.

    This is partly the comuintys fault. You asked us if we would want revamped old costume parts or new ones. We told you OMG NO DON"T TOUCH THE OLD ONES!

    This resulted in the "Keep moving Forward" Mantra we hear from you guys when ever we ask for costume parts we already have. So now that we have clairafyed that what it is we want is in point of fact not in the game, steps can be taken to make it happen.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    There's very little that's feminine about that

    That is a very feminine gas mask GG, I don't know how you can't see that.
  8. Could any one tell the non-rhyming dyslexic what the new powersets are? In a post or PM please....
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
    I've got to say, I'm rather disappointed in the decision to not give clean versions of these powers. It HIGHLY limits their versatility.

    You do realize that if they did add clean versions, people would complain about it?

    By not having clean versions this pack is focused on the post-apocalyptic setting. If you add clean versions then what is it? The post-apocalyptic with a working dry-cleaners pack?

    People would say that "I've been waiting for X# of years for clean football pads and now their in the post-apocalyptic pack! I don't want to buy that!" Or people would say that having so many sport based parts and having dirty and clean versions that the pack lacks direction and is a blatant money grab at two different target groups.

    No, they can't offer this pack with clean versions. If you people want a sport pack ask for it, Ask them to use the same things that are in this pack with a cleaner texture. But realize that these packs have to be focused on one sub-set of one general idea. When you break out of that sub-set and add thing that are out of place people get mad. (see the animal tail in the mutant pack).
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    ...That ENTIRE SENTENCE screams "superhero". Especially if you count the 90s. While most people avoid it, it did happen, and we got some neat stuff.
    Yep like Splaterhousehouse for example. Cursed Vodoo hockey mask wearing, chainsaw wielding, sports jock on a mission to rescue his girlfriend.

    AKA SuperHERO.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Please take that discussion to another thread.
    At once oh great master of the tangents!

    So.... you drink that German beer yet?

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    This. What part of a chainsaw-wielding maniac or hockey-stick-swinging pothead screams superhero?
    You know theirs this other side to the game called City of Villains...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Tights alone doesn't necessarily equal golden or silver age hero. There are loads of other costume parts associated with 'em. Come on.
    [s]Not to derail this thread but could you give some examples?[/s]

    To avoid derailing this thread could you give some examples in the "All things Art" Thread?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    I think they need more spikes. And we need chainsaw options for battleaxe, broadsword, Titan Weapons, and Claws. (Yes, the claw blades should be chainsaws.) and more "Rusted Metal" options for non-Katana.

    Yes! We need Chainsaws for claws then I can finally make another tribute to my favorite fighting game Resurrection:Rise 2!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
    New super packs next week?

    I really hope so.

    ATO2's are NOT ready. Coruptor, Dom, and Controller all need work.
  15. This looks good!

    Can we plese please please have the Welding mask the Scrapyarders/TUNNEL Connection guys wear? Its very post-Apoc on its own and is already in game.

    Rest of the set looks good. Could use a nice big pair of spiky steel towed boots tho.

    Also in before "Another Mohawk for men!" rage.

    EDIT: Player/Dev communication of this kind is awesome. Not through some third party site not on Twitter or Facebook. THIS is the kind of communication I like in-progress shots, concise description of the objective, and what the reason/background is. More stuff like this please marketing. Less Twitter code BS.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    There are also powers who are naturally loud.

    Yes! And there are some that are naturally quite! Namly titan weapons, I have my game sounds set at 20% And I have iTunes running in the background playing music. I can always hear my attack sounds on everything but my TW character. My BS/SD I can hear over ACDC I can hear my DP/Traps over Guns and Roses I can hear my Bot/FF over Five Finger Death Punch.

    I can NOT hear Titan Weapons over the sounds of Shiny Toy Guns. (Or any of the other above mentioned bands.) The only way I can hear the CRUNCH of my TW character is if I just have the game sounds on. Which is very upseting when I see my character swinging around this massive hammer and hear nothing of the impact.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Thing is, a thread on the boards is a *really* bad sample of "what people do." The posters are a tiny portion of a tiny portion of the overall playerbase.

    Plus, scrappers (generally) need another attack like a drowning man needs a glass of water, IMHO.

    Yea maybe if confront was replaced with a power that spawned a ROFLOLCOPTOR or one that built a cottage around yourself I would take that.

    But another attack? I end up dropping one to two attacks at 50 due to high recharge anyway. And I almost always have enough attacks as I level.

    I wouldn't want another attack on my scrapers aside from being a balancing nightmare and a lot of work to do it would just be unnecessary.
  18. AFAIK the reason they did crash was to discourage people from relying on them/seeing them as the only good power in a set. (Like Granite) That is why we got things like "Unaffected by global recharge" and what not.
  19. Oh I forgot one of my biggest pet peeves.

    The Music.

    Or rather the lack of the game music. Currently the game music will only play once and only when you cross a neighborhood boundary. I would like to see, as a temporary fix at least, the music loop repeatedly. In addition I would like to see some music added for missions!

    In my opinion if you have the game music on it should never stop playing. Log in to log out. But that me and I tend to be a bit more extreme about these things.
  20. Bronze Knight


    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    Nope. The game was released in April of 2004. Cryptic Studios was founded in 2000, so the engine (the first iteration of it, at least) was created not too long afterward. And in relation to WoW: CoH and WoW ran the convention/expo circuit together in 2003, and were neighbors at I think E3 2003. CoH launched a few months before WoW.

    Of course, this furthers your point.
    Right so its at least 10 years old. Going Rogue was a big update for it, but still...

    I can only imagine how bad some of the tools must be by now. Maybe they just need to bludgeon the code monkeys harder?

    EDIT: Do we know how mutch of it was made by Criptic? I mean yes its their engine but that doesn't mean that parts of it weren't outsourced.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    . But I do like having something like Taunt that is different from just attacking.
    Why? Why not just have attacks? Why do you need a taunt power?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    That's fine. I'll be over there, soloing the x8 'Lone Wolf' missions from the DA arcs, quoting Optimus Prime and being unkillable
    Yes and I'll do the same on my SOA, Scraper, Coruptor, and MM.
  23. Bronze Knight


    Cyber the code that interacts with your sarcasm detector isn't working.
  24. Bronze Knight


    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Ugh. Please tell me you work on MMOs or some similar sort of 3D game world building occupation. Otherwise you remind me of people i deal with in daily life who think some things are easy because they know just enough about the abstract concepts and techniques of doing something to think that it's all easy to do in no time at all. And it's not a matter of outdated engines per se. Even things that seem straightforward and simple when you look at the basic design specs can involve many, many hours of work to actually execute.
    No. But I have done some work on mods for Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Skyrim....

    Yea, I'm one of those people ya got me. And I get that things can take many hours of work but what I said was based off of a lot of the things they said over the years. About how its easier to make a new zone than to re-make an old one and how slowly we get new mission maps for things like paper/radio missions. Really does sound like map editing is harder than it should be.

    Still at then end of the day, I know NOTHING. And you can quote me on that.

    (I may still argue my point tho, see sig.)
  25. Bronze Knight


    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    On behalf of our Environment Art team...

    There is nothing *easy* about changing world fixtures.

    Ramble: It's tends to grind game developers gears when people make statements that "such and such would be easy..." without understanding the full impact or scope of work of said changes.

    Mutter.. Grumble... Darn POS, backward, OpenGL, out of date, Cryptic engine.

    To be fair I was only thinking about making the statue it self. Which appear to use the same model as the costume parts with a rock/granite texture applied. IT may also be baked into one piece. That much should be easy. I totally forgot about issues that might crop up placing it in the world-space, although if its that much of an issue it tells me that you guys need better dev tools. Maybe some sonic ones, eh?