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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    If an incoming gamer is not willing to invest time and effort in the system, then why should they get the rewards?
    Oh, you mean like Vet rewards that will be able to be purchased if you choose to a la carte?

    Because it's a business, and that's how you make money. They'll have to invest the time to learn to play, but if imho if they decide to throw their money at the game I have no problem with that.

    You also don't come by what you have just by honest play, you're either farming (PvE or PvP) or using some form of exploits.

    Hopefully, you're like I am and welcome new players and guide them as well as help them understand the system as it is. How to make money independently etc..
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    You've pretty much just answered your own question, though.
    Right now, I'd wager quite heavily that the majority of people don't delve too heavily into IOs, outside of maybe one or two main fifties, or franken slotting, which is usually only slightly superior to SOs and made to iron out certain kinks.

    If fully purpled out IO characters become the new standard, then the Devs plain out would not be able to aim content at SOs anymore. If IOs were that easily available, and that prolific, then it would force Praetorian level difficulty and higher to be the new status quo. And that would be a bad thing.
    They already do! IO drops fall out of the sky for a reason. Craft them! Slot your character properly with them ( I do this all the time) If they don't suit the build, then craft them anyway and make some influ/infamy.

    Sadly, your incoming gamer is not going to be so willing to do so. Hell, you're current average gamer isn't either. Time is money!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    You seem are ignorant of economics, so I don't expect you to understand this, but I'll try anyway: Price caps will drive prices up.

    There already is a price cap. It's 2 billion influence on the market. The PvP +3% defense IO already sells for over this cap. I have personally sold one for 2.5 billion. If you price cap things at 1 billion or 100 million on the market, they just sell off market and become harder to find.

    Supply and demand are what sets a price point. It's bloody difficult to set an artificial one. Especially a price cap.
    Hardly ignorant to the matter, I sold 2 for 3.2 bill just 3 days ago. You did that via networking though. Otherwise you rolled up on some rich random suckers. I should have elaborated, excuse me.

    I fully understand supply and demand as well. As players it should be kept in the game as much as possible so we benefit in the long run. (You must've skimmed that part) i.e. a boycott. Play locally and buy locally etc... it won't happen and I understand that. Because greed drives us all.

    But let's admonish the individual who suggested buying influ/infamy with micro-transactions. How dare him try to spend his hard earned money in game and have it reward us with dividends outside of our visual scope presently.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    Okay, clearly you don't understand the fact that you quoted what I originally posted.

    Therefore, you not only misread my original post (which was 2 lines long), but you quoted, agreed & elaborated on it as well, while completely deviating from my statement completely.

    You're not very smart.
    Oh, I fully understand I quoted it. But not with my OP which apparently eluded you.

    And the quoting of your OP was what I still stand by. You're a pessimist, and as long as you approach change with a negative attitude you're never going to see positive results.

    If the development team had your attitude, this game would be long gone and this to and fro of opinions would not be taking place.

    Just some advice, if you want someone to hear you out and take your thoughts and opinions into consideration. You shouldn't be so quick to speak, rather listen and take theirs into consideration with respect and an open mind. Rather than discount as you do.

    I'm sorry you think that PvP is going to die and your answer is the only solution. There were many before you who felt the same way. Again, I'm glad the development team don't have your attitude. But your thoughts have been taken into consideration and dully noted.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
    I'm against gold sellers only because I'd rather see the money go straight back into NCSoft. If I were OK with gold sellers, I wouldn't be posting this suggestion, I'd be buying stuff from gold farmers. But if I could pay $1000 or whatever to NCSoft to just twink out my characters so that I can play them how I want to play them, rather than sinking time into making them look like they do in Mids then I would love to.

    But anyway, I can see that the idea is unpopular so I'll go on my merry way without worrying about this request. I've played for 7 years without it, I guess I can play 7 more without it.

    I can agree with this aspect in one regard. I would rather see those micro-transactions come back and benefit us all in the long run. Not all of us have 10 hours a day to toil while someone else pays the bills. So, make influence/infamy a pay to play as well. Life is a gentle balance. Those who enjoy the game shouldn't be put at a disadvantage either (especially with CoH Freedom on the horizon) to feel discouraged when they see these AH prices! That's hardly a way to get ppl to 'UP' to a subscription.

    On the other side of this coin, just cap the market price on rare/purple/pvp IO's. There's two ways to drive them right out of business and return that revenue back to the ppl that matter. That's just an opinion, but a fair one.

    I find it humorous that those who are against this idea, are probably those hoarding and driving up the prices on the market with salvage and IO's. Wouldn't you rather have a community of players able to access those items in whatever way they see fit to play on a level field?

    P.S. I've always said since playing this game, one thing you can't buy at WW's is skill and strategy.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    How are you posting while I was posting if you QUOTED my original statement?

    Are you a master of space time manipulation?

    You're just being combative, I encounter people like you all of the time.

    So, how I know you posted while I was posting. Simple: Sinny is my g/f and that monitor is a foot to my right and mentioned that you had already posted while I was in the process.

    Not so mind boggling now, is it?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post

    I understand the resources that it would take, and the overall likelihood that Cross-Server PvP would ever happen (See: it won't).
    So, it may behoove you to read what others post and ingest it before you are so quick to respond. The most immediate and simple solution is giving us a zone on the VIP server. We will have free token transfers monthly as subscription players, and again it just makes good business sense.

    At the very least, as another advocate of PvP change sooner than later I would think you could find the logic in this.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    In your first response to me, you claim that they hopefully give us that (that being: Cross-Server PvP) on the VIP server, which is a clear illustration that you did not fully read my two sentence post.

    Why are you lecturing me on looking at things from a "coding" standpoint? I understand the resources that it would take, and the overall likelihood that Cross-Server PvP would ever happen (See: it won't).

    Do yourself a favor and reread my first post. Actually, here, I'll requote it for you.

    Are you done?
    Actually, I was posting while you were posting, so that was in response to the first two posts.

    And if you consider that lecturing, then you come from a defensive standpoint which is no way to approach a conversation or debate.

    As it is, that is your opinion and you're entitled to such. As I am to mine and thank you.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    Are you just trying to increase your post count?

    The VIP server is one server specifically designed to house the VIP Playerbase without distraction from F2P customers.

    How exactly does Cross-Server PvP become an exclusive function of VIP server only?

    Cross-Server PvP is at it sounds; it is (or could be) a system that allows players from any server to access arena matches and engage in them.

    Moving your PvP playerbase to the VIP server is a terrible idea, and does not further the potential for introducing Cross-Server PvP, either.

    So no, it is not the best solution. It isn't even a solution at all.
    Because from those I've talked to, they think it's the best place to gather for a true VIP zone experience. Especially considering that transfer tokens will come monthly, it's logical rather than spending money out of pocket. Not to mention you're asking more of the dev's to thread all the servers than just utilize a server that is already in the works.

    You need to think about this from more parameters than just your own. Consider it from a 'code' standpoint, then you're only asking for more delay. Cross-server, that's ridiculous! That's like asking for cross-server incarnate trials because some don't have the population to run one at certain hours of the day/night. It just makes good business sense.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    Going forward, the likelihood that you are going to see positive improvements to the PvP system in this game are next-to-none.

    Cross-Server PvP is a nice dream to have, but that's about it.
    Hopefully in that dream, they give us that on the VIP server. At the very least, it's the best solution. Rather than debating this person from this server is better than so and so. We would have our own playground.

    I'm willing to bet those who are already here would be there instantly. And for those attracted by CoH Freedom looking for that element, would be some of the first ppl to 'UP' to get access!

    In this gaming era it is what ppl will pay for more than anything, IMHO.
  11. All truth and I really hope this is taken into heavy consideration, and sooner than later. As VIP's that have to form leagues to get any real activity for full speed PvP feel as though we're being last consideration or put to the wayside.

    As mentioned, this is a great tool to capitalize on with the coming of CoH Freedom! How 'Super' or 'Villainous' could a new player really feel (besides those already playing mind you) being travel suppressed? At the very least make these numbers minimal at best!

    I am aware the staff was diminished considerably only until the last year or so. And WE appreciate your hard work to keep this engine moving! Rather than throwing in the towel, you essentially lived up to the game theme and stuck it out, in true heroic fashion.

    Those of us whom enjoy the facet of PvP are only standing up for the same ideal. Give us our own zone please! It would be no different than offering badges to incarnate content than it would be a zone where you enter at your own risk! Not muddled down for the PvE only player base. We are VIP's too and it may possibly be in the works. I would just love to know how long until my gaming experience and loyalty is rewarded?

    Not to beat a dead horse, but we are VIP's too! Ty
  12. Another aspect I caught on the Ustream they'll be doing all week (10:30 Pacific/1:30 EST) is that instead of waiting for every issue for signature arc, there will be new ones for us to play and engage in monthly. I like the sound of that!
  13. I PuG sometimes when nothing else is going on to meet new people to run with. Or at times we'll fill our teams by inviting from searches.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post

    Who are the very elite PVPers on Champion?

    No drama. Just curious.
    Well, the original thread was speaking of this league. And that being said there are several in there to learn from who are participating.

    Aside from Void and Lib, I consider Artic and Enigma to be elite PvPers. These are just the people I've seen PvP and a few of them I've known and seen PvP for years.
  15. I'll just co-sign with all of those saying this is over-reacting as far as I'm concerned. However, that is only my opinion and you are of course entitled to yours. Now more than ever does this philosophy apply, "It's your 15 bucks, do as you will!".

    I'm actually optimistic about it, especially after thoroughly reading before just reacting. There's restrictions to what they can do from AT's to Global Channels. If anything, some of the true 'new F2P's' will pay to get all the goodies we have. If that means more activities and a larger player base to eventually cultivate for Champion, then I consider this good news. Granted, probably the minority of them will be those who get hooked and choose to subscribe. It will still be newer players interested in quality teaming and willingness to learn, as well as the return of old friends.

    Imho, it's like when I was a kid, Go-Bots vs. Transformers. You'd play with a Go-Bot if it was free or a gift from a relative that were clueless. You wouldn't spend money on one though! But, you'd save your allowance or get a paper route to go out and buy a Transformer. At least I did
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Why are you concerned about it?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Void View Post
    It's my understanding that the majority of the players participating in this league are new to pvp and many of which have no experience outside of the pvp bootcamp recently hosted on champion. I would hardly consider them elite or experts by any means in that case. Furthermore, The rules and guidelines set for this league are dramatically more restrictive then the standard recognized rules to ensure a more newbie friendly environment which makes this league way more casual and less competitive then leagues past. being one of the veteran pvpers on this server I can honestly say that the skill level across the board when it comes to most of the players participating (myself included) is no where near past leagues. Your lying to yourself if you believe it is.

    Also, just for lulz, please name off some of the “elite pvpers” participating, chances are it’ll probably be someone that I have known for quite a while now. A lot of them will probably be the first to admit they while they are skilled, many people with much more skill have come before them.
    It goes without saying that this was a next step after the 'boot camp' for a lot of the players to get more experience. So, obviously it's going to be more casual and less competitive as not to deter those who are new. Before this, they would have never entertained the idea of participating in PvP at all. Considering the whole objective since the first boot camp was to revive something that is otherwise dead on Champion.

    I never compared this league to any leagues of the past, so no I'm not lying to myself. It has more to do with having some elite there to learn from and scrimmage or team with. I am aware there were some 'elite PvPers' to which are no longer playing the game. Albeit a shame they are gone, things since i13 have really made it less enjoyable for them I'm sure. Time goes on and games change (evolution or devolution) arguing this would be semantics and really get us nowhere positive.

    I refuse though to participate in a debate of this person is better than that person. If you'll notice part of the rules in this league were implemented to avoid such negativity as it's counterproductive and achieves nothing worthwhile. I am glad that as a veteran PvPer you and others decided to participate in this league, and didn't consider it something 'beneath you'.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CHAMPIONYEEEEEEA View Post
    What's the basis for this statement?

    Are you actually saying that you are of the belief that the current players on Champion, or specifically, players in this league are comparable in skill to the players of the past?
    Yes, in the current league there are some very elite PvP'ers and happy to be there PvPing with and vs them. As far as comparable to skill of ones in the past, again the response is yes. They were elite then and they are still elite now, specifically some of the players in this league. Considering PvP itself has changed for many reasons over the years due to changes in the game itself, your point has no validity.

    Nobody else here posting has to make a trial acct to post (in your case troll) a thread. Logic would dictate that it's your elementary school mentality and ignorance having to use the slurs that in your circle is considered 'witty'.

    I'm quite certain the most special thing about you is that extra-chromosome you were endowed with upon conception. In conclusion, continue with your aimless rambling and mindless banter as I'm certain you will. Don't let it interfere with your e-love life though. I'm gonna go eat and try to get fat
  19. LOL I'm flattered you took the time to do that!

    P.S. I don't ask ppl to join my SG ..they ask

    P.S.S. I don't make fun of disabilities, but the I goes before the J. lol
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost of Johnny Priest View Post
    Hey I'm from virtue too. Please don't insult my home server like that.
    I'll take your feelings into consideration in the future. I'll also give some friendly advice that you'd do yourself a great service not taking anything you read so personal.

    It's just fun and sarcasm, sorry if that eluded you. I can get my 4 yr. olds crayons and draw you a picture next time if that would help.
  21. You know vindizzle, instead of all that trolling you could have signed up as pvp'ers from all servers were welcome! Then I noticed you're from Virtue, so it must've been an RP pvp league.

    There's the attention you keep vying for, a little pat on the head. Now, you don't have to keep tugging on our collective pant legs like my 4 yr old.
  22. Good to see you signed up there Horus. The more the merrier!
  23. Braije

    Accolade Groups?

    A lot of the players with new toons for the CAPE PvP league are starting and more will be as the next week or so rolls on, Ren. As we run 'em I'll check globals and see if you're on to run with us on the kills and TF's if needed.