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  1. If I can make it, I'll be there. Going to a sprint triathlon race Saturday morning though.
  2. As for passage of time in game, I always viewed that as the interesting part of my characters' lives. Like a movie with all the boring parts (Them going to their hideout to sleep, eat, or go to the bathroom) cut out. The fast days and nights are just effects of the editing. It is entirely up to you though. There is no reference to that aspect, and I believe since it is supposed to take place on Earth and not some made up place that the days are supposed to be 24 hours long. I don't know about Cimerora or the others, but I'd bet it's the same. Maybe some Portal Corps worlds are different. You could certainly say so.

    In the end, the developers left a lot ambiguous intentionally for us to decide.
  3. Blood_Wolffe

    Thank you Foo!

    Cool! Nice work Foo!
  4. Blood_Wolffe

    Pumpkin Vote!

    Damn that's cool Red. I would've voted for that if you'd entered. Although... Coin did carve the pumpkin with their three year old son. That's got to be harder than using a knife, and technical points would have to be given accordingly.
  5. Wow. Hot, weird, cool, weird, highly skilled lines, amazing color, and weird. Your friend is good.

    But what are we supposed to eat now? Petroleum jelly? Delicious, but not nutritious.
  6. Blood_Wolffe

    Pumpkin Vote!

    It's a tough call, but I vote for Coin's.
  7. Really cool! I hope we'll be seeing more of her.
  8. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Thanks everyone! I thought about putting it there, but didn't because of the guidelines. Didn't want to post something there without knowing how flexible the rules were. Next sketch I do will go in there. I'll even try to do one in five minutes. We'll see how that goes.
  9. Blood_Wolffe

    Hallowee pic

    Those are both REALLY impressive screenshots.
  10. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    I thought I'd start my own thread, since I've been starting up again and don't want to clutter the boards. It's a good stress relief and I need that right now. I'll start with a quick twenty minute sketch I did tonight.

    I'm pretty happy with the results. DeviantArt page is here.

    More will be coming along.
  11. Bummer. I could watch this weekend too. I think my wife's in a race next weekend, but it should be a short one.
  12. Damn these are cool! So you want art you did for people from conventions? Am I understanding this correctly?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Apparently we don't have many pumpkin carvers around here....
    It was 100+ degrees out and I don't have TV, so no Halloween specials. It just didn't feel like Halloween this year for me. Snuck up on me. Last year I did carve two. This year the holiday snuck up on me.
  14. Very cool. I like the ice, the limpness of the head, her mouth. All of it really.
  15. Blood_Wolffe

    How long...

    I wouldn't feel so bad about writing all that. He should've at least communicated better. It's one thing to be an artist, but when someone pays you for it, it is a business, and in business there is no excuse for failing to keep your promises. It's a tough deal, but if you can't rise to the standards you set for yourself you shouldn't be getting paid for offering to meet those standards.
  16. Wow, she is a really good photographer. And I haven't posted yet that you are an amazing artist. I've just been quietly following along, admiring each new piece. You've got a lot of talent. I bet it will take you to cool places!

    Edit: Oh yeah, it can't be more boring than my Halloween. Stayed in and watched Nightmare Before Christmas. One group of trick or treaters.
  17. Should I ever do a livestream I'll make sure to do my australian accent. I think I'm pretty good at imitating other accents.

    It would be boring though. Most of my time drawing consists of me staring at the screen, drawing a line, and erasing it immediately after.

    Which brings me to a technical question Eddy. What tools are you using? Mouse or tablet? You mentioned drawing with a webcam, but your digital painting looks like you are using a tablet. I don't know how else you could get the soft edges. Ever since I got my tablet I go digital from start to finish.
  18. Blood_Wolffe

    Gift Art Update

    Thanks everybody! No more steps from me. Eddy_Swan said he was thinking about coloring it, but after watching the archived livestreams, he has a lot nicer lines to play with.

    I don't think I'll do anything else with it in the foreseeable future. Coloring is torturous for me and I'm not good at it. Although I did learn some things from the livestreams. In the past I've done all my shadows and highlights on the same layer as the flat. Maybe that's why it's been so awful to deal with. I also need to learn some Photoshop shortcuts.
  19. Blood_Wolffe

    Gift Art Update

    So I cleaned up the Fenris Vs. Gray Huntress pic. I'm pretty proud of it. Not bad after... a long time of not drawing.

    More on it here.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Obviously he's just faking the accent. He's not from Australia, he's from Detroit. She he can fake an accent with his voice but only REAL Aussies sound like aussies When you read what they typed!
    Oi! Dingos drink Fostah's cause it's Australian fuh beeyah!
  21. Of course, anyone who's been to my DA page knows about Fenris Project, the Council super warwolf and the Handler. But here is one few have seen.

    My PPD hero, Omni Tank...

    I drew inspiration from Robocop for him.
  22. Wait. Who's on first?

    I'm on Arizona time (We don't need no stinking daylight savings) so... according to my calculations... I need to get a black hole, a rubber band, a stargate, a kite for the wings, and a gum wrapper to view this, because I'll be at work.
  23. I was going to use my pumpkin from last year, but I went out front to take a picture, and it's not doing so well. Must be those Arizona summers.
  24. Been a long time since I drawred... or posted here. I'm not even sure if I'm doing this right... Anyway, Fenris vs. Gray Huntress. This one's been floating in my head for months. Other reasons on my site.

  25. I too have eaten crocodile meat. It was in South Africa. Taste and texture were just as RottenLuck described. It didn't sound all that appealing, but I figured I'd eat one since they'd be so eager to eat me. Kind of like getting payback beforehand just in case it should ever happen.

    I'll tell you something though. NEVER try any of the more exotic biltongs (similar to jerkey). The Ostrich biltong was so bad I spit it right back out. Few foods have ever made me do that.