1046 -
Snagged one! Thank you for the heads up.
...and he's done already. He said it'll be posted today. That is a turn around time with Acme rocket rollerskates. I told him you referred me. -
I would have it so each vote is worth a certain number of points, such as 1st is 3 points 2nd is 2 and 3rd is 1. Person with the most points at the end wins and there is no elimination. That does take from the thrill of it coming down to the wire toward the end though.
Ansel Adams. Famous for nature scenery photography. Did a lot of photos of the American national parks. I suggest you google him and look up his incredible images.
Well, to me the law is my guide. While I don't know the applicable law for all of those scenarios, I try to use that as my compass. If I don't know I will play it safe.
So, predictably, because it was for school that was fine in my book. It also sounded like a very good concept. Did you win? Buildings and landmarks are up for grabs for anyone to make images of and sell. However, if you were an architect and tried to pass off the blueprints of the Empire State building as your own...
Oh, did you have Buffalo wings in your picture? Their my favorite! -
Judging by the sheer insurmountable number of questions and the gatling gun rate at which you fired them Caemgen, I'd venture a wager that you've had about a year of experience being a five-year-old sometime in your past.
The judge is a former teacher at the college. What she taught, I do not know. Doubt it was art. If I can I'll take some pictures and post them tomorrow.
Quote:I think that these are very valid questions, and I've asked some of them already in this thread.
The basic question to me is; where is the line, and who get's to draw it?
(the line being the guideline - not artistic line)
Another question that could be added is - what is 'fair use' of someone else's creative works? Can I draw Batman as a piece of Fanart? Can I sell that piece? Do I need to get permission to draw it? Can I print it? Can I edit it to a certain degree to make it 'my own'?
I thnk that a lot of our questions are similar.
All those questions are straight forward to me. Everyone has their gray area, and their black and white areas. Do what you know is right and answer to no one.
To me, at least, my answers are the following:
Do you consider costume design original art?
Creating the concept: Yes. CoH costume editor: No. Otherwise, shopping for clothes is creating art.
Is replicating one theft/copying?
Theft: No. Copying: Yes.
If you change the colors or the gender of the characters?
Still copying.
Do you consider assembling and posing commerical render objects original art if you have not designed any of the assets yourself?
I would say that if it makes you perceive them in a different way, then it is art. Slapping a pepsi logo next to a coke logo? No.
Do you consider photomanipulation theft/copying?
Theft: It depends on the permissions the photomanipulator has. Copying: No. It's manipulating a pre-existing image.
How much must be altered before its considered an original work?
Enough that the original image is not what I think of when I see the new one.
Do you consider subject substitution original art? (ie, taking an iconic comic/movie/bookcover scene and changing out the characters)
If you are talking about something like cutting and pasting Dragonball Z characters on the Matrix poster, no. If you mean when an artist makes an homage, yes. Stipulation: Making an "homage" for its own sake. If an artist does it because it looked cool originally, I feel that diminishes the art. -
Related news: There was a student art show at my college. The painting that won the oil paint category was a master copy.
I pointed this out to some other students, and we, along with my teacher agreed that it shouldn't have won. It was a good copy done with a lot of skill. But it was still a copy. I'd rather see skill AND creativity rewarded rather than skill alone. A printer could've won first place. I wouldn't normally be bothered but this art competition had cash prizes.
Not to mention that first place in Life Drawing was a disproportioned gesture on newsprint (for those of you who don't know, newsprint is a cheap low quality paper meant for more disposable work, like warming up). "Weak," my teacher called it. Third place was a beautiful photorealistic charcoal portrait. Powerful emotion in it. Excellent use of dark and light. Third ****ing place!? I'm sort of glad I couldn't finish my piece in time. I'd have felt like a hack if I'd won and been full of rage if I hadn't.
Overall I was very dissappointed with the judging. What does this teach me? Art is subjective to the point of insanity. -
You know, for some reason I thought it was you, FrozenDeath, who said a while back that ANY use of reference, even looking at a live model, diminished a piece so I came in expecting to bristle up and argue. After searching, it must not have been.
I agree with everything you have to say. You covered every angle so well that I can't really add anything except one comment. I do believe that copying via reference and stating where the original came from is fine so long as you do not try to profit from it. I think that is legal and when it comes to art, I think the copyright laws we have in place are pretty good.
Suichiro, I think you have it backwards. Technique is something you can imitate all day long, and it can be a lot of fun to try someone else's. Plus, I don't think there are enough techniques out there for each to have their own. It's the creation, or image that is protected. Not the style.
Wassy, another thing about photos is they flatten the image and someone referencing them tends to have drawings that appear flatter if they are less advanced.
And I hate Dadaism. -
He's very good! That's a good handle on anatomy. I think you should get him an anatomy book (that would be suitable for his age). I bet you would see a huge jump quickly. The talent is there.
That's wicked... I want a barely noteworthy piece like that.
Just got some sidewalk chalk last night. I'll be doing it tomorrow.
I've got a demon summoning cowboy. I'll post pictures later tonight.
Quote:I never really enjoyed them either. I always drew with pencils.This month should be interesting, all the digital inkers and colorists brought to their knees by a crayola crayon. I dunno that i really enjoyed crayons as a kid. Most of my teachers made sure everybody brought a box the first day and then all those went into a bucket, and that was our bucket of crayons for the year...the lack of order, the brokeness...the mixing*sobs* poor crayons never saw it coming.
Well I may not have lightened the mood but at least I stunned people long enough to get away. *zoom*
Sterno? Thinking too small. I want either the phrase, "Are we far enough back?" or "Should we be standing behind something?" to be in the video. That will lock in my vote. I played with matches and light sockets when I was a kid. I still can't smell things all that well.
I'd be happy to offer my critique if you want it. Here is my reviewer resume. My dad was an art teacher for over 25 years, I'm currently in a life drawing class, and I got a chance to look through a fellow student's portfolio recently who just got accepted into the Chicago University of Art. It is a prestigious art thing place. Art is a hobby of mine.
I don't know, I like having no work. But is this moonlighting to support your art habit? I think you may need a twelve step program. Or a fix! Buy some MOAR!
I'm bad at interventions. -
It looks good to me. Chin to the nipple line is one head, and the shoulders should be one head width on either side. You're probably used to seeing comic book proportions, which shrink the head and... enhance other parts.
Quote:I like it. Extra points if it's political too?Oh! I've seen a few Chick Tracts, but must have never seen the reference to death cookies and/or didn't remember.
Now I really do want a cookie month. Everyone should raid Larissa's kitchen for supplies! Or we can do a month using nothing but various religious iconography and see how much bans we can rack up. Person with the longest suspension for their entry wins immunity! -
I'm on team Edward. He's dreamy. If only he would shoot sparkling anime horses riding rainbows and covered in lens flare out of his eyes he'd be the perfect man. Wait, does he in a later book? I'll have to topeka it.