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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Comrade Hero View Post
    Well, Comrade Hero has been baked...

    No photos at this stage since he's a dark, blotchy mess due to the baking process. Hope to bring you some updated images soon-ish.

    Aaw. I'd be intrigued to see what it looks like baked.
  2. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Thanks! Bladerunner is what I was going for. The idea behind Fenris' pose is she shot him in the back and he's spinning around. The fire is mostly there for coolness, but it's also her secondary with her fearlessly trapping each other in and keeping him from rampaging on civilians.
  3. Blood_Wolffe

    Feral Kat artz!

    You've got an awesome collection, and it just keeps getting awesomer.
  4. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Click pictures for DA pages...

    I started out drawing Fenris...

    and realized he had no one to attack. So unless I was going to make him brag to his warwolf homies after a slam dunk, I had to find someone. I looked in the art request thread and picked Darth Delicious because she's done a lot of free art for other people...

    Lots of experimenting going on in here, so I'm not happy with everything. I learned a lot though.

    And on the topic of learning, I want it known that I am open to critique on anything on every piece. Don't be afraid of hurting my feelings, I told my art teacher and I'll tell anyone else, I'm here to learn, not to get pats on the head.

    That said, I want constructive criticism, not "it looks like a dump truck," or other comments that generally confuse me.

    The only exception to wanting public critique would be if I were hired for commission work. Private would still be fine though. Don't need people picking apart something I'm selling in front of the customer.
  5. Happy birthday! Party at Dragonberry's house!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
    I just thought it was kinda funny. Yes I know It was my mistake but I have been called a phallus on my home server for some time now, you know a Richard.

    Anyway thank you so much. I learned my scanner sucks going to have to use the digital copies I have to colorize them.
    Actually, I got it under the wrong name too. But I thought it was amusing too. I'm not a chick.
  7. Blood_Wolffe

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    Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
    I'm closing in on 20k pageviews on my DA page. Any suggestions on how I should commemorate that landmark?
    Do a piece with some characters of people that regularly post in your thread, visit your DA page, and/or watch your livestream. *waggles eyebrows*
  8. Your latest piece is really cool! I love the cats and her expression. Very narrative.
  9. Whoa. That is incredible. Did the artist tell you what's next? This process is fascinating.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
    What happened to the whole "This is just a fun contest and we don't need to worry about the rules" way of thinking? I thought that the whole idea was that everyone was getting along perfectly and that we didn't need to muddy up the waters with rules because the "prize" didn't mean anything.

    Boy, you'd think that there was actually something to the idea that dramah was lurking under the surface this whole time. Sure is a shame nobody said anything about it.
    There's a difference between a rule obviously put in as a joke not to be taken seriously and one like every vote counts.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    I say the little elf dude in the Ski Chalet... what does he do with all those candy canes anyways??

    Or Waldo... think about it, no one ever sees him coming... until it's too late.
    It's the butler dude. Always the butler.
  12. I don't understand people who want attention so bad they don't care if it's negative. It seems stupid to me.
  13. If there's such a thing as weaponized cuteness, it's that video.
  14. Blood_Wolffe

    Buy This

    Actually, no. That is right where I am at. It must be because I'm working on a picture with two characters, so they are smaller and I was zooming in until they were as large as yours.

    That's a relief, because I was just about to really mess with some settings in photoshop. Thank you for the help.
  15. Blood_Wolffe

    Buy This

    Just tried that with a variety of brushes and they all come out pixelated. Even at 200% you can really see it or at an off ratio zoom like 33.3% so I am guessing I have no antialiasing? How do I get it? I have CS2.
  16. Boxing who? I googled and I still don't get it.
  17. Blood_Wolffe

    Buy This

    Meant to ask you during the livestream but I got another phone call, how big do you work? 300dpi at around what by what in inches on average?

    I tend to work small. 300dpi at an average of 8x11 inches and it's not working out so well. Everything gets grainy zoomed in. I don't want a single project to take up half a gig though. Not until I replace my busted large capacity HDD. My small fast one is generally for my programs, not my files.
  18. My favorite time was the Rowr/TA/Feral Kat reign. So much stuff was getting pumped out, it seemed like commissions and new pieces of art were popping up by the hour.

    After that, it would have to be the rescue thread people talked about but won't mention any names of.
  19. Well, since everyone else posted theirs, here's mine. Fenris!
  20. Ethics are societal. Morals are personal. Values are cultural (although you can slap values at the beginning of either of the other two, this is where I put it).

    lols are not allowed.

    Since we are talking individual beliefs on right and wrong we are talking morals.

    My artistic morals line up more with FrozenDeath, but not just for reasons of moral high ground. I feel you learn faster when you do things the harder way.

    Juggertha does copies sometimes, and to the best of my knowledge it is all legal. At worst it is universally unenforced law.

    So if someone's morals are different than yours, and theirs are legal, there is nothing you can really do about it other than state your opinion. Check that box for this thread.
  21. If anyone is interested, I posted pictures of the recent art competition, including one of the first place master copy. Just click on the link in my signature.
  22. Those are some thick, heavy lines. I dig your style.
  23. 1-Bubbawheat