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  1. Don't go in expecting something R rated, but it's something the mods might not be ecstatic about. It's been too long and I don't remember the limits to push them to.

    Edit: And the wife says to tell you that she got 2nd place overall in the aquathlon.
  2. Thanks for the comments guys. I got quite a catch.

    As for Harley Quinn, we'll see. I didn't get my act together in time for that run the costume was originally intended for, but there's always next year.

    Also, if you register on Westley's fansite, there is one bonus picture I didn't feel comfortable posting here. It's not a wardrobe malfunction, but... well, register and you'll find it.
  3. Remember that promise I made a long time ago that I would finish my wife's power girl costume and post pictures? No? Well promise kept anyway!

    I thought the gloves would be hardest as I couldn't find ANY suitable blue gloves. Turns out, chemical protective gloves from Ace and latex spraypaint are a simple, effective solution (my idea).

    The hardest part was surprisingly the belt buckle and shoulder... emblem thing. Go out and try to find a lightweight brass metal circle with no holes or dimples or ridges or other stupid crap. If you do find it, I'll be mad.
  4. I can't believe they still haven't found a way to get a bipedal robot to balance itself half as well as humans do. Where are their priorities?
  5. Blood_Wolffe

    Perfect Endings

    The Usual Suspects.



    The Fountain.

    All these movie endings gave me chills.
  6. There I have no advice. I've got no acting ability whatsoever.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
    Bah, roasting garlic is for wimps! My favorite way to fix garlic is to mash it in a mortar until its a fine paste, sprinkle on some salt, add some lemon juice and pour in some olive oil.
    I just read this and tried it. Put it on burgers. It was good. Thanks for the recipe.

    What I also put on burgers:

    Salt and pepper them. Then mix coriander, paprika, cumin, dried mustard, and chili powder in a mortar (or bowl if your coriander is ground). Lay it on thick on top of the burger.

    For the recipe you put on guacamole, chopped onions, and nacho chips, but it works just fine on a normal cheeseburger.
  8. I like this and want to see you continue doing it. I do have some advice though...

    Ham it up a bit. Could use some more energy. Either that or more dry humor with the sedate approach. Right now you're in between and it feels awkward

    Also, a few more comments on what is currently happening on screen. Like a joke about when the gameboy went from completely useless, playing pong in front of the enemies to unleashing hell. I recommend this scene to highlight that.
  9. I doubt they try to do much real crimefighting, not with those costumes and no weapons.

    But for fun, if I were a superhero...

    Costume: camouflage and armor (unless urban ops, then civilian clothes concealing armor and gear)

    Gear: Hunting rifle, assault rifle, pistol

    Abilities: Stopping crime at long distances from safe vantage points. Leaving the area immediately after using the first ability.
  10. I understand your stance on the rules, I just don't think highlighting people to get modsmacked - even though your post is made in satire - is the correct way to fight the system. Unless you do it to yourself.
  11. I'm surprised there is no "amazing feats" category.
  12. You snitches can't even read one title there.

    On topic: Cute cat. I hope it's as much of a menace and causes you as much headache as the cat I recently got.
  13. I'll play Devil's advocate.

    Batman, by spending a vast majority of his free time risking his life to defend the public, shows that he values the lives of the many over his own life and pursuit of happiness.

    The Joker has always been a threat to their lives. He has also escaped so many times that Batman must know it is a high probability that he will escape again. Either that or he is Einstein definition of insane (repeating the same action expecting different results).

    If he knows he will most likely escape and he knows the Joker will try to kill many people again, then he is accepting a risk that many may die.

    If his morals stop him, then he values them more than the lives of the many. He does not want to live with the guilt, and is willing to risk lives so that he doesn't have to. A person who truly values the lives of many would kill the Joker, as confinement has become impractical. That would be valuing the lives of many over one's own morality. To do something that may haunt you forever, to condemn yourself so others may live, that is to truly value life. To do anything less requires cowardice (inability to overcome the fear of consequences in this case).

    Five word summary: The ends justify the means.

    One word summary: Utilitarianism.

    If he wants the Joker to escape it is either because he values risking his life (death wish) or he is pursuing happiness.

    By any of those conclusions other than insanity, he is at fault - not that he doesn't have a case for insanity. I don't think he is that insane though, he still knows the consequences of his actions.
  14. Popping in to say, while I'm no expert on tea, I like English Breakfast the most of all I've tried. I know I don't like it cold and I do like it sweet.

    And of all my kitchen tools I need most, my skillet and my oven are most precious. While I make an excellent Filet Mignon Au Poivre (cheap, easy, and impressive) baking is my hobby.
  15. Blood_Wolffe

    Defender Hoodie

    Not what I was expecting. Better than no protection I guess. Boy would the impact hurt though if it didn't just push the hoodie into you along the path of the bullet.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    First tick, no Americans writing the screenplay or directing. No offence to the Americans, but JD is very much a British creation.
    This statement scared me until I realized it would continue to be a British creation. For some reason my first thought was Eastern European production when you said no Americans writing.
  17. Then I would submit them all as individuals and the whole thing. Think like a corporation. Saturate the market. Shift paradigms. Think outside boxes. Practice your execu-speak.
  18. Can you do multiple submissions? If so I would submit as many varieties as possible. Something's bound to stick.
  19. For the respawn shirt, I would do the faces individually and try to sell each one to that site. I'm not a hardcore fan of all of those characters, but I am of some. I think having all of them on there would keep people who love one but not another from buying it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
    Please, Super Sentai, the Japanese Series whose combat footage is taken from to make Power Rangers, has a total of 35 seasons. America was late to the game, Super Sentai was already 15 seasons old when the deal for Power Rangers was made, and even then Powerangers SKIPPED an entire season, they only used footage for the white ranger from that season, and used footage from another to do the whole 'Alien Rangers' bit that showed up when the Power Rangers were turned into kids.

    However, Super Sentai wasn't the 'original' Tokusatsu Hero series. It had an older brother, Kamen Rider. However, Super Sentai has a longer season count than Kamen Rider because the Kamen Rider seasons were longer, and for ten years (the 1990s) Kamen Rider wasn't aired.
    Well I've learned more than I ever wanted to know about that.
  21. Sorry for the delay in response. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I can't believe it got noticed as I barely noticed it myself and I haven't been posting at all lately. Again, thank you.
  22. My name is Sleestack Decimus Meridius, commander of the Suggestions and Ideas, General of the Freedom Server, loyal servant to the true CaH/VC mayor, Shonuff. Father to a banned son, husband to a banned wife. And I will have my vengeance, on this account or the next.