32 -
The blasters that are good at soloing the new bosses are ice (2 holds) and */eng because knockback is king against bosses.
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Well as a level 40 Eng/Eng blaster there are enuff bosses that are resistant to KB that its still impossible to solo them. Also some bosses have ranged KB of their own - which as a blaster screws me. A even-level crey power tank or PP can own me because of their KB attacks. -
They are just +1.
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You say it - but I don't belive it. My blaster could take on a +2 (purple) boss pre-issue 3 (was risky but not impossible) - now a +0 (orange) boss can kill me if I don't suck down 15+ insps.
Although oddly enuff this boss change has had zero impact on my scrapper (level 28) - they take a few more attacks to KO but he doesn't seem to be in any more danger than before.
One other thing concerning the boss situation - because of their increased HP/DMG it makes the Mission Difficulty Slider totally useless to my blaster - I would like to fight yellow/orange minions in my missions - but the red/purple boss at the end would prove impossible. Not to mention missions that have multiple bosses.
Now I know you want to promote teaming - but right now its really hard to get a team togeather - if my few CoH friends arn't around it takes me just as long to get 1 or 2 more people for a team as it does to actually do the mission. Sitting around spamming LFT or NEED HELP sucks and is not fun. And unfortunatly at my blasters level (40) I have no option as every mission has a boss(or bosses) or AV.
I'm just a bit sad I have to retire my main at 40 because progress has become so slow and painful its not fun anymore. -
We will be revamping some of this stuff so crazy sitations like being put in an area that's WAAAAAYYYY too tough doesn't happen.
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Thank you Statesman - I really appreciate that this is being looked at as its a serious issue for me and others. -
Yeah okay I am super pissed off right now.
Level 6 Scrapper - get my mission "End Gang War" - timed - in the Hollows. Fine. So I run there only to find its a mile out on the far side of the gulch in the "red" area (where all the 12+ mobs are).
Why does this keep happening? Is the random door code so poorly done that doesn't take the players level into consideration? Why the hell is a door mission from a KR contact in the Hollows anyways???? OH SORRY RUNNING ACROSS ZONE AFTER ZONE AND THEN DIEING AND HAVING TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN IS GAMEPLAY WOOOO!!!!
Seriously the Devs do such a good job with somethings then I have to put up with crap like this.
So I petition - simply stating my situation and the impossibility of doing the mission - and I quickly get a reply. A totally usless reply. Stating that they cannot reset or change a mission - which is odd because I've had it done before - in fact I have had a mission door move while I was LOGGED OFF - so thanks for that.
I am also given advice to "get a team to help you get there". Well gee I thought of that all by myself - but you know what a team of level 6's is going to do out there? Just the same as I did -DIE. So what I should have done is invite some players to come get some debt in a futile attempt to reach a door mission. Yeah thats a good one. Maybe I should have stood around for 45 minutes begging higher level players for a TP or an escort - yeah cause that is fun too. For all involved. Right.
Also the sage advice was to "take a path to avoid the mobs". Really? No kidding? Well since mobs in the Hollows are so packed its nearly impossible - and even when you can you get what happens to me EVERYTIME I go into the Hollows - mobs spawn on top of you out of thin air. So avoiding the mobs that dont exsist till you are inside them is going to be tricky - but what the hell I'll give it a spin.
Surprise of surprises - I die along the way to such a mob.
Well now that I have wasted 30 minutes and no have more debt that XP given by the mission bonus - I am happy happy.
Can't you tell. -
The reason Hazard Zones are so empty is because they are so damn dangerous.
Statesmen and crew, I implore you to please look into doing something with the Hazard/Trial zones. You hold by "risk = reward" but these zones do not provide that. Something extra needs to be put into these zones to draw people there - GIVE US AN INCENTIVE PLEASE! -
I think it would be better if the Archvillians HP and Damage scaled by how many people took the mission.
I thought I would try something a little different with my new hero and would "fluff" him up a bit and give you all something to read and (maybe) enjoy inbetween all the "pie" and "nerf" posts.
This new character is called Hero Device and I have written a history and a log file of his activities in Paragon City. It is all written in a "role play" sort of way - but general enough that I hope all can enjoy it.
The first two pieces are here:
Character History and Background
First "Log File" of Actvities
I will be doing additional log files as I play the character out. Probably 1-3 updates a week.
Hope you enjoy it