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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
    pes memorized so if we need something set up for the lobies I can stock the bends after I clear my BM slots.
    I've already started farming some influence, and making some Lowbie IOs for you guys I just need to put them into the Tables for you to get them. But, I figured I had time for that.

    Yet another incentive to use the same SG.
  2. BlackAmaranth

    Server therapy?

    Originally Posted by Wyattearp View Post
    Thank you very much I was just curious, since some MMO's have servers for different time zones to make help with setting up raids, pvp etc. since the majority of the players that will be on that server are in that time zone. But like I said I was curious lol :P Champion is a very good server, i have met a lot of great players and made some friends on here. I had to take a break for awhile due to real life issues. But I am getting back into CoH/CoV again and I missed it lol.
    As some one in your area, (Delaware. I noticed you are in Maryland), I can tell you that even though Champion is supposed to be a "West Coast Server" the lag on it is no worse than the supposed "East Coast Servers".

    Just a teeny FYI.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    *heh* i took advantage of the deal even though i suspect i ended up on a naughty list somewhere since i haven't received a single closed beta invite since the CoV beta. i can't recall offhand anything i might've done except for sometimes being a snarky inglourious basterd on the boards now and again. That and only occasionally logging on during open betas and reporting the random odd bug. (The one where typing % into chat instantly crashed the client to desktop was my personal favorite.)
    Right there with ya' buddy.
    Yet, my roommate who is NO WHERE as active as I am, and is over a year younger in Vet Time has gotten Closed Beta Invites TWICE!
    I'm the Network Engineer here! And I have done Closed Beta Testing before (Matrix Online, and Earth & Beyond), and I'm passed over again, and again.
    Who's Wheaties did I crap on to get on the blacklist?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GATTACA View Post
    I'm hoping for at least two weeks for the devs to iron out all the quirks and what not.
    I need a good laugh this morning.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
    Fwiw, I don't even run an anti-virus, but that's not something I would recommend.

    All kidding aside,
    It's not great, but it's better than nothing at all.
  6. Ah, don't you miss the days when YOU were indestructible too?
    I'm 32, and I blew my ankle out yesterday stepping out of the FREAKIN' SHOWER!?!?!?

    I remember when my niece was 8, she was on a hayride, and it hit a bump, she bounced off the hay cube, onto the wood deck of the trailer, rolled off the back, and into a pile of uncarved pumpkins which toppled over on her, laughing the whole while. I freaked out, leaped off the back of the trailer, and all she said was, "WOO! Look at me I'm the Great Pumpkin!", I just sighed, started my heart again, and said, "Yes, you are. Let's get you a candy apple, Great Pumpkin." She hooted and hollered and bounced off the pumpkin pile back down the path towards the orchard, as I shook my head and laughed.
    A fall like that would have snapped my neck like a twig, and she thought it was the most fun thing in the world.
  7. I'm hoping that the New Static Team(s) will want to use the same SG (it just seems a shame to let it go to waste) so I just need to know who are the Team Leader(s) to promote them in the SG.

    I will be playing a Alternate, or "Guest Starring" as I'm apt to call it. I already have my toon created and in the SG "Knee High Crab Guy". Guess what he is?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post
    Normal is certainly doable. It's masters that I would think would be quite hard. Maybe I'll make a Kheld one of these days and try.
    OH GAWD! Shinobi! What have you done?
    You don't even know do you?
    You've thrown down the Gauntlet.

    Kahlan will try making a LR Tankable Kheld, then War Admiral or Cherry will try it, and Ping won't be out done, so he'll re-make his build, then Someone from P.o.N. will do it just to spite Ping, and to keep the Pingu rep up, Dal or Jester or some other brain-damaged Pingu will make one, and cycle starts all over again and before you know it, the whole damned server is overflowing with Khelds all-hopped-up on the most expensive Procs known to man, and itching to beat the piss out of anything with the word "Arch" in the description!
    Doom I say....
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
    Hmm... are you sure about that?
    OK, maybe you like him Pantsless, but I prefer my slacker sandwich with dressing.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
    agreed .. always fun ...

    Cim (and others)
    never be afraid to ask if you can join in. there are only a few times I will say no.
    And those few times, you'll be glad he said it...... You don't want to team with a Pantsless Slacker. *shudder*

  11. Yeah, I think it's probably like that.
  12. BlackAmaranth

    Server therapy?

    Originally Posted by WittyLibrarian View Post
    While many players in Champion are friendly, do be aware we have our fair share of BACON.
    Fixed that for ya.
    Join BMT of Champion Channel, play here for a week, while chatting and participating in the events listed in, and teams formed from that channel, and you'll never want to leave.

    To join that channel, just send a msg to @cobalt_azurean
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
    I know I am an A$$, I dont need the forum to remind me....
    Every little bit helps.
  14. Under the name where the ONLINE or OFFLINE banner is. The bottom left corner of the post. The Scales. It allows positive or negative remarks that add reputation or take it away.

    Try Adding some Rep now! hint hint.....
    Try Removing some Rep on on of Elf's posts.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
    So wait, something was nerfed the day before the official release?

    That has to be a record.
    For Jack Emmert, it's just another day.
    Nerf isn't what he does, it's who he is.
  16. I got my Stormie in the Pinnacle SG, and I've had a hankerin' to try a shield tanker, so I'll roll a pirate one up over there now.

    Save me an invite Witty!
    Another one bites the dust.

    Sad now.

    Although I know the rigors of sacrificing hobby for work. It sucks, but it has to be done.
    Whatever happens, you know there will be a spot on my team for you to play when you get back.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demon Keeper View Post
    A note for you bacon haters: For some reason unbeknownst to me, the bacon in my school's cafeteria is placed in the vegetarian section. I don't think that it is vegetarian bacon, though, 'cause there is no bacon in the non-vegetarian section...And who would have vegetarian bacon without the original? That'd be blasphemy. I therefore assert that bacon is vegetarian-friendly and, furthermore, is healthy.
    Your education dollars at work.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
    I left for This game.
    I always thought you played like a 12 year old girl.

    I promised a few people I'd try CO, but I never did say when.
    I'll let it go through some patches before I dip my toe in.
    I'll give it a month or 2 before I try.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GenderPoison View Post
    A stranger could be a friend you haven't made yet. GL Peterbilt!!
    Or he could be a butt-plug you didn't want yet.
  21. Well, for 2 years, I've brought Angry Woodsman to the Shard for Shardober. I think it's time I bring my other Hero 50 out there. Electroconvulsive I don't think has any of the shard badges. So I think 2009 is her year!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    <Pops in>

    I'm surprised no one's mentioned this site yet
    I knew about that site. I figured everyone in this thread knew about that site. I mean it's pretty much a virtual church to bacon, and the gluttony it represents.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by talon_arsenal View Post
    i've seen bacon in a can at military surplus stores... But it didn't look that delicious. In fact, it was so gross it almost turned me off bacon completely.

    Bacon is now added to my zombie survival-kit checklist.
    im yur shelltur eatin all yur bakons!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TFury View Post
    I once gave CriticalKat multiple "Oh's" while kinning her blaster.
    So worthy an accomplishment, you shoulda earned a badge.

    "Made her Scream my Name"
    Description: You have buffed your allies so well, they can't help but exclaim your praises at high volume, again, and again..... And Again!
    Benefit: All her friends want to "team" with you.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post
    The best part of that LGTF was when I pulled the AV and he runs straight up to bronx and does a massive Disembowel.
    Eviscerating Bronx.
    Always a good decision!