Wittypirate calls all Bucs to convocate




I just love that word, convocate, ever since I slept through high school Latin, ah well.

Just to let the krewe of rum raiding experts know, there's a Tanker Tuesday tour stop in Pinnacle server this month (Sept. 15th). As some of ye recall, we tried starting up a pirate-themed SG in Pinnacle a few years back named appropriately enough the Bloody Bay Bucs. Which fell apart because everyone's friends were back in Champion server and it was just easier to form a pirate SG in Champ.

But with the Tankage stopover in Pinnacle, a reminder to ye all, if ye got a pirate Tanker in Pinnacle, now's the time to brush him/her off and get some rum raiding done. Or if you don't have a pirate Tanker on Pinnacle, now's a good time to build one!

Just lemme know before the 15th if you make a Pirate Tanker for joinin' the Pinnacle SG, and I'll hop onto the SG leader to invite ye. Also to let ye know, the Pinnacle base is slightly functional now - medbay, workshop, working telepads to major CoH zones (still short on specialized equipment and on extensive Control and Energy devices).

I have, btw, two Tankers - Cannonshot (20 Fire) and Wittypirate (17 Invuln/Energy). If I run a TF for the TT event, I'd prefer the Sister Psyche one (20-plus) 'cause it's easier with the Stamina, but we can try a Synapse TF (15-plus, but it helps to be 16 or 17 min) if need be...

Arrr. Back to work on securing the rum, ye seadogs!

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!



I got my Stormie in the Pinnacle SG, and I've had a hankerin' to try a shield tanker, so I'll roll a pirate one up over there now.

Save me an invite Witty!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*