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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bud View Post
    We started with 2 full teams and finished with about 3 and a half, i think.
    That sounds about right.
  2. Maybe it was the less people, Maybe there was a patch put in place, Maybe the tooth fairy accidentally blew fairy dust on the Champion Server, but whatever the reason the Static Team Mothership Raid last night was mostly lag-less. A little lag here and there, but not unbearable.

    Here's hoping tonight is as good.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TFury View Post
    Yep, still on for tonight. I should have the Soul Eaterz static team there with space for about 2 (we may need a kin for our stoney if Rednecker is unable to attend).
    If a Kin is absolutely Necessary, and one can not be found, I'll take one for the team and bring my Rad/Kin Corr instead of my Elec/Inv Brute Static Toon.
  4. BlackAmaranth

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
    Dear CoH,

    Where is my pony?

    No love,

    P.S. Please fix the clipping on my skirts. My skinny-mini toons are having their butts hang out of the flared skirts whenever they move and that just ain't classy.

    Mmmmmm..... Slutty.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beetle_King View Post
    Everyone is invited, Ive got a company credit card
    Captain Stubing's gunna be pissed!
  6. Soooooo.....
    What's the verdict?
    Do we go for it?
    On the Roof near Pylon 17?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    and now we're the only server experiencing major lag during Rikti mothership raids.
    Tell me you're kidding!
    You mean those yah-yahs on Pinnacle can Raid the Mothership whenever they want, and get NO LAG?????
    OH YOU SON-OF-A-^#$%TW#TG(@$()#YKEY)$$&MK#$O^J#T)#UT^#YN#Y)JU$T
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    I've officially confirmed with Back Alley Brawler that the lag we've been experiencing with the Rikti mothership raids the past couple of weeks have absolutely nothing to do with costumes, so feel free to wear whatever y'all want to wear this week.
    Pink Bunny Outfits Encouraged!
  9. BlackAmaranth

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
    Dear CoH,

    can you make the pitiful Vault system actually useful? Why would you make it just salvage storage? Still blows my mind that you cant store recipes and enhancements. Isnt that what your personal storage is suppose to be for? In ALL other games, you store your equipment - recipes/enhancements is that equipment in CoH....
    Yeah, these dead hookers are really starting to pile up. Why won't you let me put them in the Vault? Ted Kennedy did it? Why can't I?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
    As a heads up to the static team members using the Big Bads base, there's a couple sets of level 20-ish miracles in the bins that are up for grabs. They were respec'd out of my therm a while ago and I don't have a use for them.
    Speaking of, I better get on the ball and get those Teen and Twenty IOs I have into the base for you guys. You're starting next week!! September went by REALLY fast. Did someone stick me in a Deloreon with Doc Brown while I wasn't looking?
  11. BlackAmaranth

    Is it worth it?

    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lad View Post
    I'm with Stray and Flash on this. I haven't experienced anything too different from before i-16. I'm inclined to think it's more an ISP or server issue than anything else.
    I didn't have very much lag at all on the Mothership Raids, noe did I get Mapserved very much before Issue 16. I will admit there was some complaints of these issues from others before Issue 16, but I personally have noticed a SIGNIFIGANT increase in lag, bandwidth traffic, and server issues.

    We can wax poetical all night about why it does this or that or what is the cause of the lag, but since none of us know the stats on the game servers, oe the NCSoft Network or have actually SEEN the game source code, we are literally stabbing in the dark (let's hope Jack Emmertt is somewhere in that dark).

    What we all need to do, (as Stray suggested last night during the Mothership Raid) is to petition the Devs like crazy! Whining on the forums has a slim possibility of reaching the Devs ears, but if you submit a Petition every time you are subjected to a large amount of lag, eventually the Dev will do something about it. The more petitions they get, the higher on the priority scale the problem goes. And also, if they are able to see the situations, times, and variety of effect users, they can better pin-point the problem. As an IT professional, I always go by the motto "When diagnosing an Issue, too much information is ALWAYS better than not enough" and I'm sure several of the Devs would agree with me.

    In short. Griping here is nice to help you vent and get things off your chest, (and I'm not at all knocking anyone for that, we all need to vent our frustrations) but venting with petitions at the moment is much more effective way of getting movement from the technical personnel about it.

    Just my $.02
    We now return you to your regular forum day.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stray Kitten View Post
    [BMT of Champion]Gideon F: The scenery is great as well. There is a large breasted blonde on the team. I don't recommend cybering however because while it may be flattering I will post said cybering in the BMT randomness thread.
  13. You know, I hate to torture anyone, or make anyone do anything they won't find fun, but I am still up for it. I mean, we were expecting a lower turn-out than a regular Raid, so maybe the lag won't be as bad as normal.

    But, if the consensus is to forgo the Raid, I must yield to the prevailing opinion.

    So guys, Yeah, or Nah for trying this next Wednesday?
    I personally vote Yeah.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    Celestial Lad or Celestial Lord? Celestial Lord leads the thursday night raids.

    I have a vil static team on wednesdays but we're all just baby vils still..

    although rwz is now open to any lvl... hmm..

    kidding people, i wouldnt do that to anyone.
    Oops... Yes. I meant Celestial Lord..... My apologies to both Celestials for mixing them up.
    And why not come along? We just get one 50 to join your team as leader and you're golden!
    What harm could it do? Your baby villains would probably level up at least 4 levels in one raid, if done properly. And what a story, eh? REALLY start those toons off with a bang!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TFury View Post

    Thanks for putting this together BA!
    No, No, No.... Thank you for coming!
    Anything I can do to promote MOAR TEAMAGE (static or otherwise) is my pleasure.
    Because what's good for the goose is good for the gander. (Read: What's good for my Teammates, is good for me too!)
  16. Check out the other Static Team thread "Calling all Static Teams" for details about the propsed Mothership Raid next week!

    And spead the word about it! I'd like to get every Static Team on Champion represented. I realize probably not every character there, as some people are on multiple Static Teams, but I'd like to make a good showing.
  17. I dunno.
    It seems that most of the Wednsday night Static Teams play between 7pm Eastern - 11pm Eastern, so we should probably schedule it somewhere in the middle of that. Say, about 9pm Eastern.

    Does that sound like a decent time for everyone?
    Meeting on the Rooftop next to Pylon 17?

    How does that sound?
    Maybe even though Celestial Lad isn't a Static Team guy, maybe we can recruit him to lead the Raid, since he's much more experienced than most of us at leading Raids.
  18. OK, maybe not all the Static Teams.... But certainly the ones on Wednesday Nights.
    The Wednesday Night Villain Static Teams are at, or closing in on Level 50. And as I understand it, the Wednesday Night 'Unleashed' Hero Static Team is all at 50. I've heard rumor there is another Static Team on Wednesday nights.... Something about a Role-Playing Static Team.....

    Anyway, the Villains have been taking about it, and we would like to invite ANY AND ALL STATIC TEAMS (even ones who don't meet on Wednesday... I'm talking to you Sunday Heroes) to come out next Wednesday Night for a Static Mothership Raid! Heroes & Villains!

    I think we can get enough People together to do it.
    Whatdaya Say?

    OH, and while I have Static Team Members attention, we made a Global Channel for people interested in Static Teaming. It's called 'Static Champion' and you can hit @Stray Kitten up for an invite.... (and I think others have invite rights too, so asking in other popular Global Channels for an invite might work too)
    Even if you aren't currently on a static team, join the channel! Static Teams are ALWAYS looking for people to fill in some empty spaces.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NetMinder View Post
    I dont think its the capes/auras so much as the customized powers. We never had a problem with capes and auras prior, so I don think they are the culprit.
    True, but every little bit helps. Because you just know some Ya-hoo is still gunna show up with tinted powers and refuse to take them off. And that's going to drive up the lag. And as proven in the past with the old Hami Raids the less Capes and Auras we have the better.

    If we are going to Low Lag, go the Whole Nine Yards!
  20. The Angry Sysop has reached Level 50.
    Last night during a Crey Mission... (And on the kill that got me to 50, I got the "Crey Power Tank" Gladiator badge at the same time. Weird.)
    I want to thank my Static Team for putting up with me!
    All the tardiness and missed nights.... And my Faceplants... The Oh, so many Faceplants.

    It was a great run to 50, and I love running with you guys. I'm happy to have another 50 Villain, but I'm so sorry to see the Static Team end.
  21. It's not from BMT, but it was LOL-Inspiring, just the same.

    Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
    09-23-2009 22:18:20 [Team] Angry Sysop: you in BMT of Champion channel? That is the best channel to get groups in
    09-23-2009 22:18:30 [Team] Fossil Eyes: oh i am.
    09-23-2009 22:18:46 [Team] Fossil Eyes: but i have no time to do SF/TFs and such.
    09-23-2009 22:19:00 [Team] Walking Grave: the problem is people know 'Da White Rapper'., not 'Phovos'
    09-23-2009 22:19:08 [Team] Angry Sysop: ah there's your problem..... all the cool kids do TFs now.
    09-23-2009 22:19:24 [Team] Walking Grave: you got served
    09-23-2009 22:19:26 [Team] Fossil Eyes: ya think? i was trying to change my name to Phovos. But the boards don't let me....
    09-23-2009 22:19:26 [Team] Walking Grave: heh
    09-23-2009 22:20:11 [Team] Fossil Eyes: cool kids have all the time! lol
    09-23-2009 22:20:12 [Team] Walking Grave: im telling you, change your global to 'Da White Rapper', and watch the panties drop....heh
    09-23-2009 22:20:23 [Team] Fossil Eyes: lol ya think?
    09-23-2009 22:20:23 [Team] Angry Sysop: ROFL
    09-23-2009 22:20:26 [Team] Sandra Fu: stun, held and not in the fun way
    09-23-2009 22:20:27 [Team] Walking Grave: no
    09-23-2009 22:20:33 [Team] Angry Sysop: that was almost sig worthy!
  22. A quote in which Crackback was the one staying on topic?
    Madness, I say. Madness.
  23. OK, so it's settled then?
    Tonight people should be wearing "Low Lag, No Capes, No Auras, No Tints" Costumes?

    Can we spread the word to others about the Raid Costumes? I still refuse to wear the Raidkini.... But you guys go ahead and rock on with your bad selves. I will be supplying melon-ballers free to anyone who wants to take their eyes out due to banana hammock overload.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MindRipper View Post
    Stray invited me into the Static Global Channel Earlier this morning and I have Ops status so you can shoot me a tell as well,@MindRipper, to get invited.

    When we have members that cannot show up for a game night we would take a substitute villain.

    I have Champion MA as a Global channel, and I can't remember EVER seeing any chat going on in there. So I'll drop it like it's Stray and pick up the Static Channel!

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post

    BA: I was on for a while last week, but after waiting a while I switched over and teamed with afew ppl on hero side.
    I noticed. The SG list had you online when I signed on. I sent a message to SG chat, waited for a minute or 2 for a response, go nothing, checked the SG list again, and you were offline. Just missed you. Fail.
    I chatted with Team Butter for a few more minutes, tried to coax an offer to join them out of them, but failed, then switched to my Rad Defender and tried to run a MoITF and failed.
    Lots of fail that night, yet I still had some fun.

    I would have rather ran Angry Sysop with you guys to 50 though.