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  • Joined

  1. I am amazed at how many posts have gone on without a single MT that I've thrown in there coming up.
    I guess I'm just lucky no one remembers any of them.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    You would pass up an evening with seven dudes, to hang out with one?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The whole face-to-face thing kinda trumps the number of people involved. And now my brain is taking me in disturbing and dirty directions so I shouldn't say any more.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't do anything I wouldn't do!
    Scratch that.
    If you did that, you be like me and not have a date for 4 years.
  3. Niiiice.
    But, you really want the 1337 Title?
    Do a 4 Man MoSTF!
    I'll personally send each of you a Celebratory Sombrero if you pull it off!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    BMT is a fake channel. It doesn't really exist.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    BMT is a Pingu Plot.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    Icon Pictures

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hey now! Can I get me a pair of those Sneaks?
    Are those the new Air Juzams? With the pointy Curls?
    That's hot.

    And nice to see the Steve Clones are still around.
    Hadn't heard from you guys in awhile.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What is that from?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you can believe it, I made it up. If you can't believe it, I still made it up.

    I have an overactive imagination.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I give you, the Writer of the Month for Penthouse Forum, Ladies and Gentlemen!
  7. We did it!

    AceMace, Strikeout, Double Freeze, Celestial Lad, Pirate Twitchy, Marta Starr, Plasma Ash, and myself, Electroconvulsive have succeeded in the Master of Statesmans Task Force!

    And to be honest, it was the smoothest STF, Master or not, that I've ever been on!
    Not a single person even got into the Orange, let along the red.
    I got to give it up for the Team they did Fantastic work!

    Hope the 9pm PST run has as much luck!
    Thanks All!!!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    like i said... trust in BK lol

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "... Now you remember that, and you will live a long and healthy life!"
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Is anyone able to stealth/TP on this team other than Cherry? If not, we might be fighting our way to the tree rather than tping. I dont think going to be able to make it to the tree w/o being killed in order to tp the entire team.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And remember, the Vet Reward & Safeguard TP Powers aren't available in a Master Run. No Temp Powers.
    We made that mistake twice last weekend.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Where's the love for BA?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Youre doing the early run friday =(

    I was on your last team tho, and wanted to be on this 1 its 630 pst tho and thats early for me

    I still <3 you tho for being patient last weekends run.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, good luck.
    Maybe we'll get the chance to run together on another MoSTF if they start being weekly again.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Master of Statesman Task Force
    5/22/09 9:30pm EST
    1- @BlackAmaranth - 50 Rad/Elec Def - Electroconvulsive
    2- @AceMACE - fire/mace tank
    3- @Meowtch - 50 cold/ice def - name escapes me
    4- @Prvt. Slacker - Sandra Twitchy - Blaster sonic/fire
    5- @Netminder - 50 Mind/Rad/Psi cont - Strikeout
    6- @ResplendentMs - Leftee Sonic/Elec blaster, or a Def - Emp/Kin/Dark/Cold/Rad as necessary
    7- @Runoff - 50 Sonic/Rad Def, Martensitic, or a Shield/Fire Tank if we want a 2nd Tank
    8- @Celestial Lad - Elec/Eng blaster

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OK Badge Hunters!
    We got our Team!
    See you all tonight, on the Boat in Independence Port at 9:30 Eastern!
    Bring your Game Faces!
    And a handful of green inspirations!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Well folks,

    I had hoped that it wouldn't come to this but I had to cancel my account today. My finances are just getting to tight until I can find another job. But the prospects in my area right now are a bit slim at the moment.

    I'm just gonna go cold Turkey as of today. Why torture myself until the account deactivates in a couple days.

    Take care all,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn you economy!
    Why must you take everything from us?
    We must pray to the economy for mercy and it shall grant us boons!

    I understand ES.
    I work for a chain of car dealerships, with several of them being Saturn. If Saturn isn't bought up by some other company or organization, I might be sitting right next to you at your next job interview.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Im going to be hit and miss for the summer. Cruise ships are back, and its time to make a living

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was thinking more alone the line of the bartender from The Love Boat. BK lives in Alaska so maybe it would be like The Love Boat redone by David Lynch.

    Actually, that would be pretty cool.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If i had the wit, soul, and mustache of Isaac, I wouldnt be in Alaska...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Gotta respect the 'Stache.
    Damned fine Avatar picture BK!
    Made me laugh almost till I cried.
    What do you do on the boat?
    I've always been interested how the employees on the cruise ships like it there. I'd hope that you guys have a good time, or at least high morale. One wold think that if the job sucked, it would be even more unhappy being surrounded by people who are having the time of their life at your expense.
    So, is it as fun as the Love Boat?
  13. Sincerely Congratulations.
    I know what it's like to be out of work for a long period. That Unemployment Check, if you even get it, is often more insulting to your life than helpful, and the demoralizing boredom is just nuts.
    Getting back to what you do best, feels so good. Especially in this job market.
    (And I can't believe anyone hasn't said it yet)
    Here's to you bringing home the bacon!
    Wait.... Sunday.
    Oh. Nevermind.
    I'll be at a BBQ anyway.
    So I wouldn't have been home to attend anyway.
  15. Oh blah dee, Oh blah dah, Life goes on.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    what are my options or where do you need me

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I wanna be on the same run as fang.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Where's the love for BA?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Im going to be hit and miss for the summer. Cruise ships are back, and its time to make a living

    [/ QUOTE ]

  18. ..... with plastic explosives.
  19. Thank you.
    That should lessen the confusion.
    So, it starts at 9pm Pacific time, so...... that's Midnight Eastern time? it's 3 hours right?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Master of Statesman Task Force
    5/22/09 9:30pm EST
    1- @BlackAmaranth - 50 Rad/Elec Def - Electroconvulsive
    2- @AceMACE - fire/mace tank
    3- @Meowtch - 50 cold/ice def - name escapes me
    4- @Prvt. Slacker - Sandra Twitchy - Blaster sonic/fire
    5- @Netminder - 50 Mind/Rad/Psi cont - Strikeout
    6- @ResplendentMs - Leftee Sonic/Elec blaster, or a Def - Emp/Kin/Dark/Cold/Rad as necessary

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is my run. The other Pacific run is someone else's project. I had hoped people would have read my request and not try to schdule another one so close to mine, but oh well.

    Look at the line up and think what on your toon stable might go with the team listed above....
    That is if you want to join my 9:30pm EST team.
    If you don't, please make it clear, and don't sign up, as not to take a spot way from someone who can make it.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I used to lick my armpits to turn pervs off. I've advised my daughter to do the same.. oh and it takes 12 lbs of pressure to bust a knee cap.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But, it's more amusing to do it with a Nine Iron.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    i'd be up for a friday run.. ill bring the tank if you wish i want the badge on him

    Fanged Knight Invul/Ice

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here we go again.

    My run or the Pacific Time Run?
  23. Trust me Frost.
    We've been through every simple step in the book.
    We've been through most of the complex steps in the book too. (The ones we could walk Gattaca through at least)

    He's had no less than 3 Professional IT Specialists cramming troubleshooting steps down his throat for weeks. There is a variable we aren't able to get around. Either the Slot/motherboard/BIOS or Card is bad. That is the only conclusion we could finally come up with.

    Now, if Gattaca would only PM me his address I'd send him this other card I found, and that can help diagnose this even further.
  24. [ QUOTE ]

    Got a bin full of stuff in the basement that she can have back when she gets married to a nice, rich, celibate boy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fixed that for ya.