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  1. That was quite the Teaser. I'll run it.
    Did you come from the school of M. Night Shamalamadingdong?
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    It's okay. At least you didn't cry >,>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm only laughing on the outside
    My smile is just skin deep
    If you could see inside I'm really crying
    You might join me for a weep.

  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the warning Ping!! I'll wait til it comes out on DVD.. it sounds too racy for my sons to watch til they're oh 25.

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    From what I hear, you are a bit too racy for little boys to watch til they're 25. RAWR!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    Proof of my reputation as a moron continues.

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    I told you. Black Amarath wanted this on the forums just to increase is rep!

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    The difference between being Famous and Notorious is being known for good things or bad things.
    When I start playing City of Villains and said I wanted to be Notorious, this isn't what I meant!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    Publically! OMG!

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    Yea but have you seen his niece?

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    Hey. Can't you find some woman your own age to drool over?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    I've heard that Amygdala have special "relationship" with people with Student cards.... Unfortunately I lost mine and can't test this...

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    That one is false, she has a thing for lumberjacks and superbeasts. True.

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    True.. I'm the superbeast i know this

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    False. I'm the lumberjack and haven't gotten any relations.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [BMT of Champion]BlackAmaranth: Ready!
    [BMT of Champion]BlackAmaranth: mt
    [BMT of Champion]BlackAmaranth: pulling
    [BMT of Champion]Dark Friar: Should you be doing that publically, BA? o_o
    [BMT of Champion]Dread Shinobi: of course
    [BMT of Champion]BlackAmaranth: Giggity Giggity!
    [BMT of Champion]Dark Friar: Hop Diggity!
    [BMT of Champion]Dalante: should you be watching?
    [BMT of Champion]May Flowers: lol
    [BMT of Champion]Dark Friar: Absolutely!
    [BMT of Champion]BlackAmaranth: Oh crap.... this is BMT, that's going to make it to the forums isn't it.
    [BMT of Champion]Dalante: each thier own
    [BMT of Champion]Dark Friar: It wasn't... till now.

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    Had to.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    No.... You Really didn't.
    Proof of my reputation as a moron continues.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    @Lucifus Mephisto

    I'm interested.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He's just trying to eat your soul.
    Don't say you weren't warned.
  9. Just remember, treat your computer well, or suffer the consequences.
  10. *sniff*
    My ex-girlfriend left me for a Pterodactyl.
    Thanks for dredging up horrible memories.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been playing since launch.
    What the heck is "bodyguard mode", and how DO you turn it on? o.O

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    Play a Mastermind, and follow the directions.
  12. All the cool kids are doing TFs......
    And me.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    Assuming a certain MR UBERPANTS helps get my dark/pain from 47 to 50. I would have her to bring.HINT HINT

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    Well now, I don't know how you know my old nickname, but I'll help ya.

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    That would be MR UBERPANTLOAD, BA.

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    Actually it was MR. UBERINTHEPANTS, but I just thought she was mispronouncing it.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Assuming a certain MR UBERPANTS helps get my dark/pain from 47 to 50. I would have her to bring.HINT HINT

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well now, I don't know how you know my old nickname, but I'll help ya.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    We're gonna try every pirate-themed TF on the books! Lessee, that would be... um... well there's S... ah, there's always Num... urm, how about Manti... no... this... this is sad, folks. Not only do we need Pirate Masterminds, we need Pirate TFs.

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    Get to writing one! What do we pay you for?
  16. Squid,
    I think you should do the monthly schedule using days of the week, not dates. Like Tanker Tuesday is the first Tuesday of every month. If you use dates, the event varies the day of the week. PEople who could make it Wednesdays would attend the July 1st event. But the 1st of August falls on a Saturday and may not have the same people attending.
  17. YAR!
    Captain Amaranth will lend her steel to as many as possible!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I hate to admit it but this thread appeals to my twisted sense of humor ... and has me fantasizing about bringing out my 50s and asking these basic questions in game.

    Maybe we could start a fad.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Make sure you have "The Master of Statesman's Task Force" as your badge title when you ask about Awakens.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    I think there should be some definite villain team nights because I can hardly ever find teams villain side.

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    I think we need someone to organize a Weekly Villain Night/Day. Someone besides me. I know me. If the organizing becomes too much stress, I'll start looking for reasons to avoid it. High Stress mixing in with my Hobbies does not a happy BA make. (My job is High Stress, and I use CoX to get rid of said Stress, not add to it.) I'll be glad to help, and advertise, and pester Cobalt to play Villains (which we all know he won't), but I don't think I'm the right guy for the job.
    Perhaps my roommate, BrokenGoddess could be convinced. Since BG's nipples go all pointy at the mere mention of Villain Side events. Yes, it's all very disturbing.

    Anyone one else got anyone in mind to organize our Villain Day?
    (I think Dollmistress would have been a good nominee as well....... But...... *sigh*... )
  20. As a person who pretty much joined CoH just to play the Villain Side, I fully support this initiative.
    However, I'm ashamed to report that I have more Heroes than Villains. Also, the only Level 50 Villain I have, I really don't play anymore. I have a few other contenders to be my next Level 50 Villain, but the problem is, it's harder to get a team together on Villain-side so Leveling is a problem. I know I'm not the only one with this issue.

    One thing I'd like to see, that could only help your Redside push, is a Night dedicated to Villain Team-age. A night where people are encouraged to take up the mantle of Evil. We need to get more good, solid players on the red-side, even for one night or day. Make it "Friday Night Villainy" or "The Saturday Crime-Spree" or something.

    I know you want to jump into the Hami Raids, but I think it'll require a few steps to make it that far. We need more people excited about the Rogue Isles again. The more people leveling their lowbie villains, the more people who will eventually have Lvl 50s to bring to the Hami Raid.
    I being one of them.
  21. BlackAmaranth

    Some Doll news

    [ QUOTE ]
    Infact alot of your toons weren't really built that well.

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    Her toons were built to her specifications for enjoyment of her $14.99 a month. Who are you to dictate what makes something fun for someone else or not? Sorry to get a bit flamey here, but I absolutely HATE when someone judges someone else's character as "good build" or "bad build". There is a reason that the game allows you to select your powers on level ups. Because not everyone plays the powerset the same way. IF you can't play with a person because of their build or play style, then you have the right to find another team. It doesn't have to resort to slapping labels on people or their characters.

    Likewise, if the Devs make a change that makes the game not fun for her anymore, she also has the right to take her $14.99 elsewhere. And although we will miss her and would like her to stay, we can express these wants without labeling her, as a person, or her toons, as well built or poorly built.
  22. OK. Seriously.
    Bad Form on that last link.
    It Blue Screened my PC while running Safari Browser.
    I suggest editing it so it's not a browser hijacking link.
    Other than that, not bad Wonka.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    The other night I got Blade Vixen to 50. She's my DB/WP and my very firstest 50 scrapper ever. I'd post the screanie but I clicked it right when a Big Kheldian Booty got in the way :/

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    You know you liked that big alien booty!
    But seriously....
    Congratz! I have yet to know the joy of a Level 50 Scrapper. My scrapper is at 32 now. But boy is she fun!
    So, will we see Blade Vixen at the next Rikiti Mothership Raid?