Sonics has a lower accuracy than Electric, I recall.
[/ QUOTE ]
Charged Bolt: 100%
Lightning Bolt: 100%
Ball Lightning: 100%
Short Circuit: 130%
Zapp: 120%
Tesla Cage: 100%
Thunderous Blast: 140%
Shriek: 100%
Scream: 100%
Howl: 100%
Shockwave: 90%
Shout: 100%
Sirens Song: 90%
Screech: 100%
Dreadful Wail: 140%
Sonics doesn't have *bad* accuracy, in general, but Electric has very good accuracy.
[/ QUOTE ]
What I don't understand is why these numbers (and for all other powers, for that matter) are not in the game to see when you select ATs/Powers/Enhancement slots. If not in the game itself, why not on the website for those who want to look them up. Ultimately, I would like to see the numbers put into an offical hero planner.
I have read in the past that States doesn't want the game to be 'numbers driven' where everyone goes cookie-cutter with their builds for optimization. But I just don't understand what is ok about people putting precious slots and enhancements into powers for practically no effect simply because they don't know any better, and simply saying that more than 3 slots of the same type becomes ineffective:
Combat jumping provides defense!! I'm gonna put 3 Defense Enhancements in it! Right?