78 -
The mastermind's pistol (quick single shot anyway) sounds like it fires mashed potatoes, it's a really weak sound.
Yeah the thugs were hard to control and I was a touch perturbed by the change in thug appearance from summon to summon. Blond hair to dark hair on a soldier mastermind isn't too troublesome, but when you appear to get a totally different thug each time it kinda negates the need to name them.
I'm liking the dual wield and pistol whipping and sideways 'pimp' shooting. -
*points at signature*
Or you could check the first page! ^.^
[/ QUOTE ]
Looks like I need to find that candy image site thing....
The last slot machine mission was ridiculous as you needed to rescue this hostage in a CoT orenbega map. My hostage was at the bottom of a huge chasm in one of the rooms and wouldnt go into the portal which gets you to the top. Needless to say i had to wait for a GM to get him where he's supposed to be. I feel these missions werent really tested beforehand.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, after begging in this thread to get info to actually get the CONTACT, I finished all the slot machine missions last night and had the same bug(?) as you. Reset it twice and in all three instances, the hostage was put in the watery chasm where he couldn't exit.
Took two GMs to figure out that he couldn't escape and they finally just completed the mission for me. -
I did the first two missions for Slot Machine, both of which are timed. I only mention it because I bugged 3 or 4 things (text errors) before I finally said '***** this' and just did the missions.
Slot Machine could definitely use a good looking at. I can't believe anybody play tested it(and as hard as the contact was to get, I understand why it wasn't found in beta).
Thanks for the attention, States. -
So all these responses and no data? I was wondering if slot machine is 30-35 or 35-40 or some variation? I farmed the greys and got the gangbuster badge. Yes, it was tedious. Now, at what level can I see the fruits of my labor? I'm lvl 33, and have tapped out all my contacts (3 'earned' contacts from Nerva, 3 'earned' from St. Martial). I can do newspaper missions, do a "get the Loot" mission from Ian the Shark every 5 missions or so, but I still don't have the Slot Machine contact. Ian won't give me any new contacts.
If you did the slot machine contact, what level were you when he first gave you a mission?
Was it Ian who introduced you to Slot Machine?
If you got Slot Machine and he no longer would speak to you, what lvl were you?
Focus people!
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No, Ian doesn't introduce you to him, you have to talk to the Slot Machine. He's here. Last I heard he was a level 30-35 contact.
[/ QUOTE ]
TY!I just found him(never been in the giza before except to talk to Hard Case, that place is much bigger than I thought!).
And I can confirm that at lvl 33 he is giving me missions. I'm off to do them now. Thanks again for the tip Hermod! -
So all these responses and no data? I was wondering if slot machine is 30-35 or 35-40 or some variation? I farmed the greys and got the gangbuster badge. Yes, it was tedious. Now, at what level can I see the fruits of my labor? I'm lvl 33, and have tapped out all my contacts (3 'earned' contacts from Nerva, 3 'earned' from St. Martial). I can do newspaper missions, do a "get the Loot" mission from Ian the Shark every 5 missions or so, but I still don't have the Slot Machine contact. Ian won't give me any new contacts.
If you did the slot machine contact, what level were you when he first gave you a mission?
Was it Ian who introduced you to Slot Machine?
If you got Slot Machine and he no longer would speak to you, what lvl were you?
Focus people! -
Is the OP correct in saying Slot machine won't talk to you if you are 35 or higher?
I just got this badge, and can't get the contact. Ian the Shark won't give me any new contacts, and I'm lvl 33.
So can anybody who has done the Slot Machine missions recently confirm the lvl range? is it 30-35 or 35-40? If it's 30-35, how do I 'activate it'? I have the badge. -
Anybody know of a good way to log kills? I've been killing Marcone Capo's for ages and swear I've gotten 200 kills, but no badge. I can't even tell which slider is for them in my badge collection.
15-20 for the virgil tf, though from what I understand the enemies are 20 or 21, so you are better off waiting until you have some 18+ lvl villains in your group.
Hmmmm. In prep for doing the virgil tf later this week I clicked on him last night and he said I'd need 4 people. Maybe he meant me plus 4 people. Can anybody confirm?
Sounds great but the landscape of the game has changed quite a bit since then.
Problems I would have in trying to implement this approach:
1. Depending on your AT, you need certain powers. Scrapper needing confront, for instance. If it's me and I want that power, great, if not, I have to convince somebody else that I know what I'm talking about and they should choose their powers according to my mandates.
2. Teaming. Sometimes just getting a team of 'anybodys' is hard, let alone a team of balanced ATs with specific powersets who play well together and the way I tell them to who can stay for a whole TF. I might 30 minutes or more for a perfect team when I (and they) could have been playing that whole time.
3. Leveling isnt everything. Other people on your team may want to do badge missions, make contacts happy so they can get hard to find enhancements, play with friends, go leeroy jenkins, play with sgmates, roleplay, eat dinner, etc. You approach the game like "this is my only day off so I need to get my new character to 22 so I can get SOs before I have to go to work tomorrow" when very, very few people will match your objectives, play times, and play styles.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with your guide, your style, or your need to level. I'm just saying that finding 7 other people who share it is a tough thing, especially if you have to do it several times.
Thats my 2 cents anyway. It was an interesting read. -
Friends and I have been planning a sg based on the zodiac idea as well. I won't tell you our name(don't want it stolen before we get to 10, but we will be smallish (just RL friends mostly). We probably won't get in your way, probably.
Any revisions planned because of the new defender inherent power?
Great guide, btw. -
Thanks, haha, just found this post while searching for info...not too bad a curse after all....
There is a park in the far south east corner of DA that spawns them a plenty at night and occasionally during the day. It's a little rectangle of green on your map. I did all my hunting there and it didnt take too long. Once I clear the park of masks, I run directly north to the massively high cemetary wall and then right back to the park, this seems to help them spawn again.
Something that always helps is to invite ANYBODY who is also looking. No reason to compete, maybe one can run the route the OP describes above and another can camp the park(there may be range issues when hunting in a team outdoors, not sure). Just about any park area in DA seems to have a chance to spawn these masks btw... -
The character and all rights to them have always been the property of NCSoft/Cryptic. You never owned them. You were always paying to borrow them and run them around a city which is not yours. You have less control over them than you thought, that's the only thing you can complain about and you should be complaining to yourself. You perceived the situation poorly.
Cancel your subscription if you don't like it. -
Oooooh, what does the Geas of the Kind ones badge/accolade do? It mentions a curse.
Not only will she spawn more, but I hear they are giving her a contagious disease/blood plague! You can only rid yourself of the plague by rubbing yourself on War Witch which leads to a host of other problems.......
LEGAL CIRCUS now recruiting! Step right up, step right up!
Hero Name / Sidekick Name: Midway Barker/ Circus Amber
Server Name: Victory
Link to Picture of Hero/Sidekick together: Midway Barker & Circus Amber (Legal Circus)
Bio/Back-story of Duo :
Amber Thessalault (Circus Amber) and Jacques Petit(Midway Barker) were two highly trained circus performers who were taken in and brainwashed by the Carnies for their criminal activites. Defeated during a hero raid on their Carnie compound, they were set free from the mental shackles which enslaved them and immeditely registered as heroes to try to make up for the crimes they had been duped into. Fighting crime as the duo 'Legal Circus', the two also seek to educate the populace about the Carnie threat while seeking to reverse the PR damage done to their beloved circus industry.
The above is our entry into the duo contest thread today. But while we're at it, Legal Circus seeks to recruit other former circus folks turned superheroes. We are a laid back group who take crimefighting seriously, but just about nothing else. If you have a 'Carnie' theme, maybe there's room for your hero under our big top....send a global tell to @church. -
I found that site through another thread....it's awesome! TY!
I wasn't aware of any serious problems with Mozilla, but I'll look into it. It is unfortunatly not high on our priority list, due to the fact our web stats indicate less than 10% of you use Mozilla.
This IS however, higher than Netscape users, which account for about 1%
[/ QUOTE ]
I can't quite tell if this is just another misspelling or what, but your site url doesn't work. Villain <> villan....I'm at a loss. -
Plasma has way more badges than me and a great avatar to boot!
I also locate continuity errors in the game (often with the help of players) and make sure they get fixed. I want the players to feel immersed in the game and its storyline.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know if it is a continuity error, yet, but... Any plans to flesh out the story of Sally, the erstwhile mascot of the university and reclusive dino of the deep? The badge seems to be given for believers who have seen her, but it is possible to defeat the creature too(and you actually have to for the badge, strange). Seems like you wouldn't want superheroes trouncing there own university mascot. She seems like a great figure to place a storyline around....any hints of things to come?
Secondly, I truly do enjoy the vast majority of story arcs and wish there was some way to better 'interact' with them. Any plans or would it be possible to use more character specific info like origin/AT in how the stories progress? Any plans to help roleplayers create and share the stories they make? There's a wealth of storytelling that happens in addition to yours (and your team), it'd be great if we could somehow feel more in tune with the world. Things like Fractured Dawn winning the movie title contest are great, and random npc mobs giving feedback about your previous missions is nice too, but I'm thinking why can't there be a list of who has done what recently? "Hero XYZ stopped the freakalympics, fought Hamidon, thwarted a family arson job and mentored other heroes for 18 hours this month" or "Supergroup XYZ fought back 3 base invasions and completed the sewer trials."
Too often it feels like our adventures happen in a vacuum, never to be seen again or appreciated by our fellow heroes....can't we find ways to get into the stories and reality more? Any plans to move in this direction?