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  1. BatFan

    Tech Talk

    Thanks for the info and tips. Sadly my computer is so old the only gang it has is a gang of gerbils on treadmills inside it.
  2. BatFan

    Obi-wan Caine

    Thanks for that, I loled.
  3. Swimming is really good exercise, and you won't experience any back pain or other joint or muscle issues. It's good aerobic activity, relatively safe and fun. You don't need a lot of equipment, just a bathing suit and a towel, maybe some goggles if you like. It will help a lot if you can change your diet and eating habits, just don't do any thing dumb or extreme, fad diets don't work. I hope this works, and know your not alone in this, I am a big man and I have some weight issues as well.
  4. I had a friend how did almost the exact same thing, losing his own life but saving his sisters. A true hero indeed.
  5. Well I liked it... but then again I'm a wee bit biased... I want to be bat Mite when I grow up.
  6. Lucky for me, firefox browser seems to stop a lot of unwanted stuff from activating, this issue being one of them, so, Yay for firefox!
  7. Oh my word, I loved Pink Five! Thanks for posting that!
  8. No no! divorce is terrible! Think of the children weeping alone in their rooms... so sad. ( But don't let that stop you from posting!)
  9. Sweet Sorah, I well definately be tuning in!