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  1. With iss8 coming out soon and the fact they have added arena boths in to PDP I thought this would be an ideal time to start up a Regular Arena party night. As both Heros and villains can get in to PDP it means that people can chat face to face (well sort of.) have a lil dance after the fight and genrally chill between matchs.

    There would be no Max Lv for the matchs and all toons would be welcome. The nigth would consist of ramdom PvP team matchs such as hero vs villains pentads, mixed team fights, and hero vs villain team fights, and the night would end with a Mass Bar Fight where the lv would be set to the lowest lv toon taking part. I want to try and see if we can have some one DJ at each one of these events but would love to have differnt DJs each time as to mix the music up a bit.(Need to get in contact with a few people 1st.)

    Aslo if the nights take off we start up a Druken Brawlers Leauge not sure what form this would take but pentad sounds fun to me. Also was thinking it might be fun to have some one do comenetary to some of the fights as well if this was possible. I want this to be about a fun night where peeps can come to PvP with out any of the "your a fricken n00b" "cheat lol" stuff that seems to have infested the PvP zones. It should be about having fun chatting and Maybe RSP matchs after the Bar Brawl.

    Of Course this is not going to happen till after issue 8 gose live but it gives us pleanty of time to orangise the night and plan comps an such. It would probaly be on the last sunday of every mounth and would be great to see as many peeps as possible there PvP players and peeps that just want to party.
  2. BadPanda

    I got to know

    [ QUOTE ]
    Is it me or does every mastermind take Dark I mean i hear its good but its got to be boring when pretty much every MM in the game has it or am i being crazy lol

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All you used to was Robots/FF masterminds as they was the FoTM till they got PFF nerfed. Now its Dark thats the FoTM bandwagon as its got so many control powers its silly. And if your a Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind you have more controll and Damage than a controller and some nasty debuffs as well.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I regret to say to you guys that I have left the real world in order to become a tightwearing maniac again. I thought the real world was soooo cool, but I just cant log onto it anymore. Therefore, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I have to leave all the people in the real world, hell maybe I'll be back to it one day, but for now I'll be runnin around shoutin random stuff in tights.

    Anyway.. for those of you lackin the brain functionality to decode the above.. after a few months absence I'm hoping to get back to the game which I always loved since I started playin it. Though I needed a break from the game, I still crave for some enjoyment on those lonely evenings. However, even though I'm back, theres still a lack in REAL activity as I got alot of stuff goin on in the real world. Hence the cause of me not bein able to properly say goodbye apart from the people who were online when I last logged off a while ago. So to the others whom I missed: Goodbye and hello.

    Right.. stupid emotional kinda mumbling mode off.. enable sarcasm mode... I'm baaaaaaaack

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hang on you left.
  4. Not a laught cry or an anecdote but more a prise to the guys in RV tonight. I was on my MM Doc Voodoo and I was just trying to get XP to hit 45 so I could get some new contacts, But there happend to be some heros in the zone so I thought why not have a lil pvp fun. I can honestly say this was some of the best PvP fun I have had in long time if not the only PvP fun I have had in a long.

    There was no [censored] over broadcast or name calling and the only chat going on was peeps saying lol as they where killed or going great fight. This to me is what PvP should be about people having fun and respecting others fun. Any way the peeps names I can remeber where Dead Cell a tech tank and Chaos Warrior a brute there where other peeps but I didnt manage to get there names but I would like to say thanks to them as well.
  5. Big up to the pair of them Quiltys 2nd 50 Blinds 1st 50 ever so I hope she enjoys it. It was a pleasure to be there both times for quilty and the 1st time for Blind.
  6. I like palying my Spine/Regen scrapper from time to time but I hardly ever PvP any now as its just not worth the hassel. PvP should be fun but its just not any fun any more at all for me as it seems the goal posts are changed every 2 mounths and theres a new argument about FoTM builds.

    Unfortonatly with build winning over skill in games like this your going to get FoTM and your going to get people rolling them as they like to be uber. But your also going to get people that roll toons as they like the concept of siad toon and they get braned FoTM as well.

    Every time I come to these boards and I think to my self have some of these people forgotten why they play this game.
  7. Come the revolution brother come the revolution.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    /Traps can be frustrating in a team. Yep, you'll rarely be afforded the time to set up before everyone else has piled in .

    When you do get to play with it, it's fantastic fun, and works very well.
    And it is an absolute blinder in base raid defense . Build your base to suit your /traps MM and play to it .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sod the team as a Mastermind your best off soloing I have yet to play with a decent team in CoV. Solos the way to go on your MM you will get xp so fast that it will make Regens and PL cry.
  9. Im just asking here to see if any one would be up for forming a villain pentad team. Im close to getting Doc Voodoo to Lv 50 and I want to get some arena practice in with him in the villain side of the game and thought a pentad team would be fun. If any one is interested pls let me know its more for poops and giggles than any thing else.
  10. I thought for a moment his balls had droped but gratz on 50 and the balls should follow soon.
  11. Its Qulitys Birthday and he thought we wouldnt notice. Any way I hear he is getting a full body shave so that he is allowed out with being caught on film agian like this.

    Quilty out for milk
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    You should see his Warshade it's pretty trippy too

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean he hit the ramdom button agian and played with colours.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean, there's another way?!?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah you got to use da 5kills bro.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    You should see his Warshade it's pretty trippy too

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean he hit the ramdom button agian and played with colours.
  14. I can see it being fixed as I recon the devs will says its not WAI.
  15. BadPanda


    Hasten and brawl I can get a full domination bar up in about a min and a half with on my plant thorns.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Its because I have a Huge E-[censored].


    See its massive.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Edited for accuracy

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Carfull or I will beat you to death with my E-Willy.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    plight is a damn good dueler (although he did cheat using tactical start with an end drainer, he wont be doing that with me again )

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    I thought it a little cheeky when he did that against me, too

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sod nerfing Aid Self nerf Plight and then then slap him for being cheecky.
  18. Its because I have a Huge E-[censored].

    B================================================= ================================================== ================================================== ====================3

    See its massive.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    I dare the Devs to nerf Aid-Self. There will be so much backlash they'll have to put it back to how it originally was.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You mean just like with Burn or /Regen?

    Huge reaction the numerous times both of those have been altered (just about every issue) and neither is anywhere near how they were at launch.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah but Burn was being abused I mean fancy mobs running away from fire who would of thought it. And Regen is still god like the people moaning about these nerfs really had nothing to moan about.

    Where as if self heal gets nerfed it will be because people are moaning about some thing that they have not found a way to get past in PvP. Self heal is working fine if you ask me its not giving any one an unfiar advantge as every one can get it if they so wish.
  20. "Zomg I was b34ting on th15 bl45t3r 4nd h3 h35l3d h1m s3lf [censored] this pow3r n33d5 n3rf rolfcoppter." I think sums up any one asking for a pOwer to be nerfed in PvP.

    If you cant adapt or take being killed by some one dont go the the pvp zone. And also if there kicking your [censored] they arnt they squishy are they.
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    Plant/ and Earth/ controls are easily negated in PvP by jumping around. You get "Held" each time you hit the ground, but can bounce back up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How the hell do you jump when held. I think what you wanted to say is that Plants and Earth holds dont have a -fly part to them. Wich I can kinda under stand but why dose cages and roots have -fly then bloody stupid design if you ask me.
  22. But Terra Chew is a complete and utter [censored] take on the other hand.
  23. BadPanda

    Beta SG

    Beta-TryHarder.(couldnt resit sorry)
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    i dont see any time when running back to the ship is acceptable, running is fine but running back to the ship at the first sign of trouble is pretty much cheating IMO.

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    TO me that reads as a variation of "Stand still, turn your toggles off and don't attack so I can kill you".

    If you can't prevent your opponent from running away then you do not deserve the kill.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What a load of balls you deserve the kill as you kicked there [censored] and any one that runs from me I take as a victory any way as it proves I beat them.

    And the dont run the ship thing dose sound a bit like dont use Insperations to me. No one likes a runner and I dont really like to run my self but if the ship is in range and it stops like 20+ peeps whaling on me then I will run to the ship and wiat till its safe to hit the beach agian.