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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lll Phoenix lll View Post
    having two players that only have 2 emps I think it should be better for vex not to use his emp. also some people like me have only blasters that forces dex to use another toon
    vex and spiner are two of the best emps in coh today. Not picking a fight but Vex was on Jik Jak Joo on the tuesday dumb re fights so he was on his stalker and according to dex everyone showed up for tuesday. I think the only person you were missing was March.
  2. Actually - Kat tried to keep her team together - after our match PF and Condro quit, Kat talked Condro into staying for the people who still wanted to play but in the end I think they all decided to call it quits. She even went as far as to trade out people to get them placed on other teams so they could continue playing.
  3. you could be the first person to say that after getting rick..

    j/k rick.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Artic_Chill_44 View Post
    Dropping @Exit, adding @Starr Struck

    IF L&Ts r really disbanded!

    does not matter exit is core if rick quits l&t then it's done.
  5. nvm I guess dumb withdrew too - GL BFG and NS!
  6. all kidding aside - is it really fair to put us in? I mean if we beat dUmb by some chance the team with the best league record is out. I'm all for it and if dumb agrees that's cool - but in fairness to them I think it should be bfg vs ns winner plays dUmb for title.
  7. gg teaming with you all - despite having almost no pratice and never having 8 we lost all but three of our matches by a lot. The most fun I had was the first cave map with AJ going 21 to 21.

    Shout out to Haunt for never making a match!
  8. can we let the people in AJ play our accounts?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tricant View Post
    chris was playing vex's rad.. while vex was on dex's pain

    ah well if that is true that is kinda shady...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    Chris is a ______ (insert whatever) Yeah he is. He ditched his team and I was not at all shocked. He did not ditch them to join us. He ditched them because he didnt care about playing the game anymore. He was not willing to pay for it at all.

    If you want to bring up old pvp and say it justifies your actions but not mine then let me bring up WHOLE teams ringing for other teams in the ladder.

    It wasnt till AJ absorbed half of MMM good that chris wanted to play for us. He said there was no way he'd go back to a team that had you kat.

    To quit because something is lame is in itself lame. Lame things happen every week.
    all of that is understandable - I guess the question is did Chris play on Vex's account (or anyone's I guess) in official matches for BFG?
  11. then I am pretty sure -fifa is silit, I re-join just to quit again in protest.
  12. havoc come wiht pf to liars and tiger blood.
  13. silit's global is under vex, so I quit again..also -fifa is -scott now and I think he bench rides for dumb so that one might not count...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Galactor View Post
    Eating 4 purples, falling terminal velocity down to 1 HP to get maximum defiance, and blasting as many targets as possible.
    definace changes were before i13 changes...that and blasters being able to attack while held.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Borderline Boss View Post
    Hands down, out of everything I liked in PvP before the changes, the thing I liked the most is Everything.

  16. THis is scary - we go from not being able to field 8 to maybe having to sit someone out if everyone shows for our last matches!!

    woot welcome pf!.
  17. could a leader type from mmmmm get in contact with justin or hot pls?
  18. nota captain but


    1 - L&T Steel
    2 - L&T Striga
    3 - L&T Caves

    GG MMM GOOD and TY for matches.
  19. Core

    @RIP Hot Heals (Captain)
    @Inspector Justin (Co-Captain)
    @Hauntopotamus @Hauntopotamus1 - never shown
    @MissMalice - computer broke
    @Emo Bitter @2Emo2Bitter - never shown


    @Robo Bug @Inflated Donkey @Sappermagnifico
    @Darlington @Shydez
    @Wahoo @Wahoo1
    @OhK Bye
    @Starr Struck
    @Ricky Rage @Truth Medic @Will Chance All Freedom - has hot on ignore
  20. about zone? nothing
    About arena - that we can turn off almost all of the dev's mistakes and get kind of close to i12.

    pvp ios were a good idea but you can get them now without pvping.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha_Zulu View Post
    Do you mean you actually pvped pre-13. Or you went to the arena, last week and turned off TS and Heal Decay? If it's the latter, then that doesn't count. Because turning off HD/TS isn't the "old rules" by any stretch.

    I wish I would've said this. But either way, Z make sure you read this. Twice.

    Even better - read it - go ask the devs and come back with a real honest answer.

    we know - "we are looking at pvp at some point" "we are not working on pvp right now" "we realize some changes were not a success"

    Do all of us a favor and ask them point blank - "do you plan on rolling back i13 changes in pvp, at all or ever?"

    Come back here and tell us the definitive yes or no answer. If you can be honest with us from the get go, you will gain a lot of respect. Coming in with the "hey we know pvp sucks right now and no one is planning on working it but tell me what is groovy about pvp for my term paper" tact really is not a great start.

    The majority of people who pvp - who have been here since before issue 1 to the ones who joined later but still drive to keep it alive have told you the same thing. Remove i13 changes to pvp...TPTB have to be blind not to know that. Now tell us..do they listen?

    p.s. if you read barrier's post on pre i13 pvp you can tell that was a great time. Using unorthodox teams, skill over guts over button mashing. Compare that to this

    i19 arena pvp is - one tker 5 blasters 2 emps. TK is a 15 second hold you cannot get out of unless you take dmg. TK, EF, BLASTER SPIKES..Rinse and repeat.

    It's boring.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lll Phoenix lll View Post
    Z , if you really care about us , please show this post to the rest of the developer team
    that is problem Phi - they know...they don't care.

    Not really sure what he is trying to accomplish - he has pretty much said they are not planning on doing anything with pvp in the immediate future, nor are they going to roll back the i13 changes. It seems his goal is to refocus us to achieve some sort of goal and by sharing our best pvp experiences in this and other games - he can take that to the devs and boil down what is great about pvp and infuse it into coh...just a guess.