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  1. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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    Mel and mac are actually correct. I've been making this point ever since I13 came out. Mez+KB is bugged.

    It's very easy to prove. Only toggle KB protection is affected by the bug. Click mez protections (like practiced brawler) are 100% immune. This is obviously not intended design, and nowhere in the game does it say that click mez protections are completely superior to toggles because they don't get suppressed by mez.

    Basically, based on the fact that only SOME mez protections are affected, you can say with certainty that it's a bug. But it's been in the game since I13, and there has been zero word about it being fixed. So it is most likely going to be just like the placate bug. Known about, but ignored as if it doesn't exist.

    Anyway, in my original post, I meant the NPC mez bug, in addition to the mez procs all being bugged. That's all been fixed now.

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    You sure about that max? Practiced Brawler gives 10000% KB resist and 10 points of kb protection. Acro only offers KB protection. Does a mez'ed target running PB's KB protection go down if you monitor it?
  3. or just remove pvp io drops from arena and make them zone only - drive up the zone population and forces people to play to get the reward.
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    Yes of course it was just a mistake, that made it through extensive beta testing - that disabled drops in pvp only...

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    What else has made it through extensive beta testing... let me think... what could possibly have been beta-tested for a long period of time, and had certain aspects of it reported both publicly and privately, and STILL managed to get into the live release? Just off the top of my head... I think I'd have to go with exploit-oriented missions in Mission Architect.

    So, again, quote something official or it's all just wild speculation and trolling.

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    imo they just have to make it hard enough to make it look less attractive for farming. this is as good a chance as there will ever be to do this, if it just goes back to the i14 way it wont ever change.

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    Nothing will make farming less attractive. No one ENJOYS doing it. (Except maybe real-money traders) If you make it MORE difficult, then farmers will be the only ones reaping rewards.

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    so you serioulsy believe all the changes they make are in the patch notes? lol.....
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    Im sorry but i just dont feel this way. Maybe on freedom you can get drops better with more active zones and arena, but on other servers the populace is real low right now, that trying to accumulate these in zones and arena would take a really long time.

    So pvp farming doesnt reward an activity that i do already cause i dont pvp??? Maybe you should check your facts and realize im one of the biggest pvp'rs on justice. Im always in zones and have toons parked in zones. Always ready to fight someone at any notice of time.

    The people i see on justice farming pvp io's are PvPers and do it for this reason alone. You cant aquire them like people do on freedom because of the low pvp population.

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    GB population had nothing to do with it - you can farm with two accounts.
  6. Nah it started with AE - they are all about risk/reward. The reason they freaked out after the anniversary weekend...the pve folks complained with the idea that it gave new players the wrong idea and big rewards with little to no risk, so they took action against those they felt abused it. Same goes for another exploit I can't talk about. Purples drop rarely, and you have to do actual pve content to get them. The pvp io drop rate was hardly as rare as purples and if you knew how to do it you could get quiet a few recepies in a short amount of time with little more effort than it took to hit a few macro keys. And some of them still go for more than purple sets on the market. So yeah you think they want to put a limit on low risk high reward behavior?
  7. wut is lul worthy about that? Just wondering where the Posi like post was for the pvp io farming...
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Depends on how you do it - you can get as much as 3 drops per toon in 30 mins, but the fix was to limit pvp io drops in arena.

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    The "fix" you're referring to isn't in the patch notes. Are you best friends with a dev and they happened to leak that information to you?

    Either quote a source, or stop with your speculation. Farming PvP recipes is bad, but that's no reason to start rumors in the hopes that some dev will listen to you and think "Wow, that's a good idea. We should do that!"

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    i hope this bug forces castle or whoever is working on this to put in some supression timer and up the drop rate to make it less farmable and more likely to end up in the hands of actual pvpers.

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    Isn't there already a timer? Something like ten minutes after a drop is received? Maybe increase that timer...

    As for drops ending up in the hands of actual PvPers, the farmers still SELL the drops they get. And influence/infamy is a joke in this game.

    I'm not a fan of farming, by the way, but I think any reduction in PvP drops hurts honest players more than farmers.

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    Yes of course it was just a mistake, that made it through extensive beta testing - that disabled drops in pvp only...
  9. B_Witched

    New Doms

    not sure about FF but stalagmites 6 slotted with AA's is 12.5 without DR (not really sure if dr affects it's duration I have not bothered to test it). Having done some dr on matches on test before 15 hit I can tell you a few doms on a team can stun for hella long.
  10. Depends on how you do it - you can get as much as 3 drops per toon in 30 mins, but the fix was to limit pvp io drops in arena.
  11. reading comprehension ftl -
    "Status protection powers still provide Hold, Sleep and Stun protection, even while other defenses are suppressed."

    what word is missing from that sentence? Your first and second quotes just prove my point. Why do you consider acro a defensive toggle? How many defense IO's can you slot in it? Pre acro nerf it only ever took an end rdx. Now it takes KB ios and the description would fall under resistance if anything.

    Look at fly and hover - both are flight powers but hover is not affected by -fly.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    I wonder if they perma banned people farming ios in arena before the KNOWN EXPLOIT was fixed.

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    Are you saying that removing ALL rewards from PvP is a "fix" to PvP farming?

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    yup - the bug part is it caused no drops to happen..
  13. sorry what simple mechanics enforce your point.

    In PVP there is mez resistance that cuts the duration. KB is not a duration based effect you either are or are not knocked back. A Mez does and should supress KB proctection. If not why is acro a toggle? It should just be perma.
  14. you have to take into account dr it used to be a lot higher...there is no mez protection in pvp anymore..you can only lessen the duration. It may appear instantaneous to toons who ran high mez resist toggles but all holds hold, all immobs immob etc.

    KB falls under status protection - the hold part is resistance so even held it will cut the duration of the hold but while held the protection is supressed.
  15. B_Witched

    New Doms

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    Something interesting, the base duration change on mez is very obvious IMO, by at least a second or 2. I found I noticed the duration increase on hold put on me by trollers. I'm sure its at least 5 seconds now with acro, though it could have been 6. Here is the huge part. Stuns are INSANITY now. When on my blaster last night, I counted out 7-8 sec stun on me after being worm holed. I cant believe I'm saying this, but I actually may consider taking that power now lol.

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    holds and immobs should base at 4 across the board...yes some stuns..are oped.
  16. B_Witched

    New Doms

    accolades and ios make +hp easy - since the ranged attacks are similar + dmg is easy too (and acc). Purples for recharge...GO!
  17. your kb resistance but acro is a toggle and while holds to do not drop toggles anymore they do supress them. So if you are mezzed it supressed your acro so - 9-11 points of kb protection...

    Mez then KB....if your not running 42 kb protection without acro your going to get kbed by force bolt or power thrust...
  18. B_Witched

    New Doms

    Oh and lol perma dom - now doms will build like blasters with high dmg % and better acc
  19. B_Witched

    New Doms

    Yah I think people forget everything but EM...but then they get a stun........>.>

    rv was all doms last night lol..and stalkers...toons that hold and high dmg and toons waiting for something to get held.
  20. B_Witched

    New Doms

    I took my earth psi farmer in to RV..lol. Rulz.

    Mind fire or mind nrg will be the new fotms .

    Lift does sick dmg and fire..omg.
  21. They have said over and over - they will not go back to 12, they will not give us a pvp only server. PVE care bears rule this game. The pvp dev even said on test "we don't consider 13 a complete success but we don't think it is a complete failure either.." So they realize there is a lot wrong with 13 but don't care to fix it. They are too busy making new hats.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

    If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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    Bug. We're working on it.

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    Curious why there was no Big post expressing your outrage at abusing the pvp io drop system and people being banned and ios being deleted... I guess the pve care bears didn't complain at taht last get together huh?
  23. I wonder if they perma banned people farming ios in arena before the KNOWN EXPLOIT was fixed.
  24. As has a 2 second interrupt, you said you were spines so I am guessing you have a bind to target and lunge. Lunge has a 1.68 second cast time. So you would have to see them, target them and queue the attack in .32 seconds....
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been running W7 for quite a while now, using the RC build 7124, and I have to say it's refreshing to see MS get something right for once. Everything I've been doing has been running great. Oddly, CoH has been even faster (fps +10ish over previous OSs). Not sure how that works. Coming from Vista over to W7 is like waking up from a nightmare. I'm buying the Ultimate asap.

    Technet, eh... Hmmm....

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    hmm I never really had a problem with Vista other than the nivida driver stopped responding. Truth be told Vista was before it's time. Developers were slow to write vista supported device drivers (cough nvidia cough) and the ones they did supply crashed the OS.