252 -
Do Envenom and Weaken stack with multiple applications?
I rolled an Illusion/Poison Controller last night. I joined a DFB team and expected to run the trial. The leader then gets the whole team of 6 a power level instead. Now I'm 25 and haven't a clue if those powers stack. Thanks in advance. -
When you go 1-50 in less than 24 hours.
When you pentabox between 3 computers and 2 other people's accounts, sliding around between 2 desks.
You play on Guardian.
When you tell yourself, "OK, I'm not going to powerlevel this toon. Seriously, 1-50 doing content. Ok, maybe just 25-35..."
When you can't stand playing a Fire/Kin 'troller for anything else, because it feels like work. -
So what are the chances to crit for the APPs? I am not familiar with the actual crit rate numbers for scrapper ancillaries.
I thought I saw a thread a little while back that said not all of the ported APP's give Crits from hide. I've been messing around in Mids with Claws/Ninjitsu/Weapons as an all out ninja. Would like to know the details on all the APP-PPP crits if someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
I keep seeing posts regarding titan weapons builds in mids, is there an updated version that I am missing with this set and the new incarnate abilities? If so, can someone provide a link, because the link from paragonwiki is the version I already have.
Because I have had such a hard time staying interested in the game, I can't really justify buying it right now. I don't think anything with redraw would fix that problem, either.
Quote:For good damage and control, look no further than Plant. It does ridiculous amounts of aoe damage and is practically impossible to run out of mezzes since it has 60s on its every-spawn hard control (instead of the standard 90s). You'll want to take one of the APPs with good single-target blasts, i.e. ice or fire, since Plant's ST hold and immob have really bad DPA.
I did always love my Plant/Kin. I guess it wouldn't hurt to repeat it, since it would probably be more potent all around. I feel like I'm trying to get someone to tell me something special about a set that I don't already know, like all of the sudden Earth and Ice do damage or something.
I'm down to Ill or Plant I think. Laev, any chance you could mock up Plant/Time build for me, just so I can get an idea of how to slot up the powers? I'm capable of making a finished build, I would just like a guide. And if you wouldn't mind posting your Ill/Time as well. You're the best! -
I am very familiar with how the powers of each set function. I think what I am trying to get from you guys is slotting ideas and what has the most potential, outside of fire control, to do good damage and control. I have always kind of hated the lack of aoe immob from mind and ill. Would all the slows in time alleviate that?
Hey Mental, good point on the defense, but I usually like stone mastery for easy capped hp. But now that I am starting to lean toward ill/time, that seems to be a pretty useless attribute. How do you folks feel about mu/soul/leviathan mastery for even more pet madness? Seems like a really good idea to focus on letting the pets do the dirty work while I do the debuffing.
Can someone explain how chrono shift actually functions? What portions of the power are actually perma? I thought I heard from someone that the regen/recovery bonus only lasts a short while?
What is the popular slotting for time's powers? -
Got a build and some play style tips? How should I slot my powers?
I am a long time player who is having a hard time focusing on the game these days. I hear great things about time controllers, and I would like to ask you kind time playing folks to make your case as to what is the most fun pairing for time. I will most likely go with stone mastery regardless of set unless someone can make a case for something else. Please post your builds, data chunks only please, they are the easiest to put into mids. I am almost always the first one into battle, would like good damage but overall fun is what I am seeking, I also almost always play on big teams.
Edit: forgot the most important part, I would prefer to stay away from fire. I have played too many fire sets. Also looking to steer away from plant as well, but not as adament about that, I have just played it quite a bit. -
That's the challenge, Commando. I'm sure it won't be THAT hard. This game's pretty easy
A friend and I decided to pick a duo, and decided it would be fun to only pick from powersets that were proliferated in i21. We are going to purchase the Rikti Costume Code, and run as dual Rikti themed Psy/Posion Corrs.
My question to you folks is: with the changes to Poison Trap, is it worth taking now? Is it more or less appealing as a duo? -
I am going out on a limb but I don't think they mean 30% defense, etc. I think they mean more of like an extra 30% enhancement to defense powers you already have. Similar to how Alpha works. This pool, if nothing else, could save some slots.
I am thinking of turning my long since gutted Night Widow into a mez heavy Fortunata with Mu Mastery. Mu gets the AoE Immobilze and some nice AoE in Ball Lightning. I have a great build, at least recharge and survival wise. My main question is how much damage will I really be pumping out? I will have a full ranged attack chain with Psy and Nrg damage. I know I won't be pumping out Scrapper/Brute/Blaster damage but will it be at least Corruptor or Dominator level?
Thanks so much for your advice on slotting for the pets, and the other little things that i went overboard on. The main reason I posted was to get good advice on how the pets worked and an optimize slotting.
Selling Shield Wall: Teleportation Protection, +Res(All) for 2.2 billion, pst to @BL00DBATH.
I think I finally found a Mastermind I will love, Rena the Reanimator, a Necromancy/Time Manipulation. Here is my first crack at a build, please let me know what you would do differently, if anything, and why. Thanks in advance!
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65944B4F13611486BF615A4B4B4B5BA0A54081963B2D9 48E9AB85063226282B|
|658C4A8714326652893B4D386526377FE064DF427A878DB19 74E70F70A70105BCAD|
|7421BAD0753D73CE693B491BC83373BEF77BCFFB5DDAF49D0 B6E21EE9E13926F3EA|
|F96CBAB69B5BCA56D167463CD9E56737AD6735533D4C86D6D B3AC170DC521840837|
|25AB2B9542A1682496B4EC66B1A01AD96AD43278BEB2BE9EB 8A617343035F45225A|
|F6E818770658AC57C62A5A4696B5E7C4C69EA1AF86FE8250F BE5FD4731B5BBA9173|
|D7474BF0125E28E9D984C53DAD66354E5B0D41AC18FC3FB60 BFED46431DF2684222|
|6CFC09B4D6E50F927CCF26EC0A27C2A99A5E94788D92788B9 6DC41EE824D2D9A414|
|96DAAE109610B634E132E223C865896CE5371860740731F69 AF00AB10D41296B4DB|
|24731D12C6114B6D8C1238E7D14CF1E203E81B793A33833D8 CE4D5DDD14AC93A274|
|51B067E0DFC12BEC780B0EDD22FA8E12F156D43902FD3C14B ACD13C7149D8410611|
|F3A7BD9CAFB013C06856F8FF01ED1B58B780E2DFDA4B3FBBF 6329F40DD17F48F88A|
|88FC04C9A488FCC5380701331BB977936D0F35E921DB2035F 143CC00C70C04708DC|
|1537CA84C0924BD64257A6BF0112F20521F47EA3B4BAAC80F F48B8664D323CABB30|
|C69CABE25E1D42AA01EE3640DDC2DCA54E19BA0DF2610FF64 AA6E7D071F41C0AD25|
|B08F112320CF3910ED3292B84CFD064848F7484CE28D62FCC 39B178138A9821F917|
|908FB37C9C6EC004DD80093AF309BA0193741F6C906F8A973 0454B98E6E875EE40D|
|C384BE22499E1A13A8FE0F721C1E91314678E1004FF244D16 49DE225BE36B057FE6|
|01C45A2AC9968AD25239D15239D9524999156E2F64BC4AE9A 6A896B135BEB942C20|
|94E1FE878F4970B4679B2749A56FABB5993A5EBB89EF64B92 79535D8B8405C49175|
|EE146EC51FEBD48798E5D83DC20344FB7DC4325C748574B55 B2E734BE9F9A6E5F98|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------| -
I would say either soldier of arachnos would work pretty well. If you went huntsman and skipped mace powers you get nice ranged dmg from heavy burst and the other gun shots and the ability to do extra damage while hidden from bayonet and pummel. The stealth option is great and you get nice debuffage from venom grenade. I love playing this style SoA, it feels like what ar/devices should have been. Oh yeah, and passive buffs for you and your team are nice.
Crabs offer a similar experience, but have a few more options for good set mules in the higher tier powers. And for mid level exemping, the crab can tank really well.
It is hard to find a toon that can be as fun to attack with as well as ad as much to a team as a SoA. And you could even have 3 builds if you wanted. A crab for mid lvl tanking, a huntsman for low level demolition and a 50 build of your choice. I prefer crabberminds at lv 50.
It is also very easy to maximize recharge on either of these builds bc so many defense powers are offered.