
Assistant Community Manager
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  1. SSsshhhhh, damn you Niviene!

    *holds cookie of peace for all Virtue inhabitants to see*
  2. Ok I am a bit partial to pageants! Come on Protector!!
  3. Quote:
    I so have this OCR bet in the bag!
    You wish! With all the fashionistas on here, i'd like to see that happening!
  4. Quote:
    Why did that video send chills down my spine like silience of the lambs?lol
    Niviene has that effect on me too at times XD

    Go, go Freedom!
  5. If you haven't sent your submission in yet, remember that the Dr. Aeon's First Challenge ends on Wednesday, December 9th!

    Be sure to familiriaze yourself with Dr. Aeon's challenge here and read the official rules and conditions here.

    Good luck to all the participants!
  6. The live North American and European City of Heroes servers will be offline for a publish on Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

    Start Time: 4:00 AM Pacific Time (7:00 AM Eastern Time / 12:00 PM GMT / 13:00 Central European Time)

    Expected Duration: 2 hours

    Expected Finish Time: 6:00 AM Pacific Time (9:00 AM Eastern Time / 2:00 PM GMT / 15:00 Central European Time)

    Patch notes for this update will be available after the publish.
  7. The North American Training Room is offline for the implementation of some back end fixes, and should be back up and running at around 3PM Pacific Time ( 6PM Eastern Time). There won't be any patchnote for this update.

    Thank you for your patience with this matter!
  8. There are some good info and helpful people participating in this thread so I would like to ask that you think twice before provoking or reacting to provocation. It is best to focus on the discussion at hand at all times, thank you!
  9. The Winter Event 2009 is currently available on the live servers for a sneak preview ending at 8:00 AM Pacific Time (11:00 AM Eastern Time) on Wednesday, December 2nd on the North American live servers and 4:00 PM GMT (17:00 Central European Time) also on Wednesday, December 2nd on the European live servers. This sneak preview will be deactivated and will officially launch at a later date!

    Before you put your winter gear on, we have a couple of things we need to make you aware of so you can enjoy the event to its fullest:
    • If you are in Lord Winter’s Realm and the event timer runs out, you will be returned to Atlas Park (Heroes) or Mercy Island (Villains) rather than the zone you originally entered from (unless you entered from a PvP zone).
    • The Winter Lord will not spawn in Mercy Island and Port Oakes.
    • The Winter Event does not run in the Co-operative or Hazard zones.
    • The Winter Lord will spawn in Bloody Bay, Siren's Call and Warburg but not in Recluse's Victory. Be careful though, since they are PvP zones, you may accidentally attack another player through the "Tab" keyboard button or through your pets.
    • If your team gets split to two different maps of Lord Winter's Realm due to the zone cap, you can rejoin each other through Lord Winter’s Realm Portal. Please note that the primary purpose of Lord Winter’s Realm Portal is to allow split teams to rejoin one another.

    Don't forget to send us your bug reports by using the "/bug" ingame slash command or share your feedback with us in this thread!
  10. The live North American and European City of Heroes servers will be offline for a publish on Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

    Start Time: 4:00 AM Pacific Time (7:00 AM Eastern Time / 12:00 PM GMT / 13:00 Central European Time)

    Expected Duration: 2 hours

    Expected Finish Time: 6:00 AM Pacific Time (9:00 AM Eastern Time / 2:00 PM GMT / 15:00 Central European Time)

    Patch notes for this update will be available after the publish.
  11. I am not so familiar with Thanksgiving; this is not something I’ve ever celebrated wherever I’ve lived. Thanksgiving, to me, was something you’d see on TV, and while I knew about the turkey and mashed potatoes consumption, the etymology of the word never seemed to make sense. Are you supposed to be thankful to the turkey for providing you food? To the potatoes for being so yummy and mashable? Well, the way I am seeing this is that we do indeed need to acknowledge all the circumstances that have converged to make the meal available on our table, the mere existence of the people we love and love us.

    So, here I go!

    I am thankful for everything in my life that’s made me strong, sensitive, sometimes sensible, rarely witty, often clumsy, and above all for my family and all the people I’ve met, loved and been loved by. I am thankful for discovering a City of Heroes game box on a shelf in a PC World store on a rainy Sunday in the late English Winter and for the most bizarre chain of events that has resulted in me working here at the Paragon Studios with extraordinary people and extraordinary players on an extraordinary game that’s so much more than just a game. And all that wouldn’t have been possible if my brother hadn’t bought all his comics when I was younger, making me a sucker for all thing super-heroic!

    So to all of you across the globe, you may not be celebrating Thanksgiving per se, but acknowledge the good in your life and recognize that City of Heroes kicks donkeys!

    Happy Thanksgiving all!
  12. We will be conducting a Winter Event Test on the North American Training Room on Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 starting at 4PM Pacific Time (7PM Eastern Time) until 8PM Pacific Time (11PM Eastern Time).

    Given the times, it will unfortunately only be possible to make this event test available on the North American Training room. We apologise for the inconvenience.

    As with the previous Winter Event tests, there will be a Global Chat channel called “Winter 2009” to facilitate communication between all participants.

    Please make use of this thread to leave your feedback and bug reports corresponding to the 2009 Winter Event test.
  13. We will be conducting a Winter Event Test on the North American Training Room on Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 starting at 4PM Pacific Time (7PM Eastern Time) until 8PM Pacific Time (11PM Eastern Time).

    Given the times, it will unfortunately only be possible to make this event test available on the North American Training room. We apologise for the inconvenience.

    As with the previous Winter Event tests, there will be a Global Chat channel called “Winter 2009” to facilitate communication between all participants.

    Please use this thread to share your feedback or bug reports with us. For your convenience, feedback for the previous event tests is still viewable in this thread!
  14. Woaw, 510 Millions, that's a whole load of Inf I've never ever had in my little purse in all 57 months I've played City of Heroes...

    I'm sorry I couldn't be there but I'm looking forward to doing plenty of Leeroy Jenkins with you
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    What powers do the red name toons have? What ATs?
    I have a Tanker with Super Strength and Shield Defense. However my little Tanker has behavioural issues and will happily aggro a ton of mobs before realising that she's too puny for that and running back towards the team for them to deal with.

    I usually play squishy characters so I thought I'd play differently! You've been warned
  16. C'est sur que ce système aléatoire est lourd et ne convient pas à tout le monde. Il n'est cependant pas prévu de mettre ces codes de costume en vente pour le moment. Dès qu'un article a une valeur marchande, ça devient beaucoup plus difficile de l'utiliser spontanément pour un événement ou un petit jeu de dernière minute.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ExXen View Post
    @'Tea, tu saurais me dire si oui ou non vous allez redistribuer quelques codes costumes type PPD, Freak etc. ?
    Pas pour le moment sur Twitter mais nous en distribuerons de nouveau par la suite.

    Et bravo à ceux qui ont pu mettre la main sur un de ces codes !
  18. Niviene voulait tester l'utilisation des forums au lieu de Twitter suite au mécontentement de certaines personnes.Si Twitter ne vous dérange pas, rendez-vous sur notre page pour avoir l'occasion de vous procurer un de ces codes pendant la journée !
  19. Dieses Thema ist ganz anders...

    Dort wird Niviene speziellen Codes posten, und mit einem europäischen Code kann mann das Prätorianer-Clockwork-Kostüm erhalten!

    Behalte also dieses Thema genau im Auge!
  20. Gardez l'oeil ouvert et le bon !

    Au travers de ce fil de discussion, des codes de costume Ferrailleur prétorien seront mis à votre disposition par Niviene et il vous faudra être rapide si vous voulez vous procurer un code européen que vous pourrez aplliquer sur votre compte de jeu européen City of Heroes.

    Une fois que les codes seront utilisés, Niviene supprimera les messages correspondants.

    Bonne chance !
  21. The live North American and European City of Heroes servers will be offline for a publish on Thursday 12th November 2009 to apply the latest update onto the live servers.

    Start Time: 4 AM Pacific Time (7 AM Eastern Time / 12 PM GMT / 13:00 Central European Time)
    Expected Duration: 3 hours
    Expected Finish Time: 7 AM Pacific Time (10 AM Eastern Time / 3 PM GMT / 16:00 Central European Time)

    Patch notes for this update will be available tomorrow.
  22. In light of the recent issues experienced on the live servers and the resulting downtime, we wanted to let you know that the Halloween event has been extended until Wednesday, November 11th 11:59 PM Pacific Time (2:59 PM Eastern Time) on the North American Servers and 11:59 PM GMT (00:59 Central European Time) on the European servers.

    This should give you all enough time to finish gathering those Halloween badges and salvage and generally enjoy the event for a little while longer!
  23. This morning's publish introduced a map instability issue and we are looking to fix this today by reverting to the previous build which we know to be stable.

    Start Time: 3:45 PM Pacific Time (6:45 PM Eastern Time / 11:45 PM GMT / 00:45 Central European Time)
    Expected Duration: 2 hours
    Expected Finish Time: 5:45 PM Pacific Time (8:45 PM Eastern Time / 1:45 AM GMT / 02:45 Central European Time).

    *Please note that if a character logged in and claimed the "Walk" power, the Walk power icon will appear grayed out and unusable.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding!
  24. Relive the most vibrant moments of Hero-Con 09 through our gallery of pictures now available on the City of Heroes® Facebook page!

    For those of you who couldn't attend Hero-Con this year, or for those who were there and just can't get enough of the wonderful time that was had there, we have just released a super-heroic number of pictures taken by our resident photographer extraordinaire!

    The pictures are conveniently divided into 5 main sections and will cover the Board Games and Bevs with the Devs as well as general pictures and photos of the Panels, the Live Mission, the Costume Contest and those that were taken of our various Contest Winners.

    We had a great time and it was an amazing opportunity to meet so many of you!

    Join in the Community discussion here!