91 -
This thread is making me feel old.
Not sure what anyone calls it, but Hardcore in the Diablo sense of hardcore, where debt = deletion. Iron Eagles is the most prominent group to my knowledge.
Accessing creation tools was generally an end feature of MUSH and MUSEs actually. Most traditional MUD codebase systems just let you have access to low level administrative powers, but only the convenience ones like unrestricted teleportation.
And MUDs started as MUDungeon, but later on most people referred to them as Multi User Dimensions due to the distinct lack of actual Dungeons in game.
EDIT: By "Later On" I mean ~1990, as opposed to the early-to-mid 80s >.>
I ran my own from ~1995 through 2006 and was staffed on them prior to that, and of course a player of numerous before that. -
The TA team takes down rommie like he's nothing at all. The ambushes in the cave and the robots give us more trouble most times.
We literally just stand there debuffing and attacking him and he barely does anything. -
Grav/TA and Grav/Storm is some of the best play out there, but both secondaries bloom late (esp TA) in helping fill grav out (aoe damage) which also blooms late so it's a bit of a trial on the way up.
Grav/TA can be an extremely supportive debuff machine once you get sing and oil slick. -
Ever? Some parts are funny. Like when Bugs tricked the hunter into shooting Daffy in the face. That was pretty funny.
Could be they don't know you're ignoring them.
Can we fork into a discussion of you attempting to limit civil liberties? Mod08 will surely lock it if we do -
The only feedback I have (having not run this) is that it reminded me to setup my bookshelves in the office tonight. I have this book somewhere in a box >.>
That's why Waffles is the answer to everything.
You did continue to fight, as you identified, so everyone is at fault for this thread should one find fault be required to place.
Even waffles are at fault, for assisting in keeping this thread on the first page. Freakin waffles. -
There wasn't a debate to be kept up with for the most part. The two sides consisted of "My personal experience is this" versus "My personal experience is that" in the end.
All sides failed to disengage in the non-debate. The only way to win such a fight is to decline participation. -
As far as the channels bit goes, Create an extra chat tab for the sole purpose of looking for/forming a group and keep those channels on there exclusively.
I've got like a dozen channels I never see except for when I need to employ explicit purposes for them. -
I don't think anyone has disagreed that PVP has diminished. PvE teaming population has not has been the main disagreement.
Almost every post from everyone (on the other forums) indicates the lack of PVP since i13. (not due to architect, but to the decimation of PvP that came with i13)
I also wont track back 33 pages to figure out if anyone that has an investment in PvP play said PvP is more populated.
As far as server PVP.. Infinity always seems like a ghost town to me when I bop in to look at the PvP maps. I don't PvP at all myself, but I like badges. -
Factually, it's an indication of a shift in populace behavior, not populace size.
It's almost impossible to find people to do PuG teaming on anything but loot-desirable instances (meaning general questing) on even the most populated servers in World of Warcraft, but it has nothing to do with there being less or more people. It has to do with what the current population wants to do.
SG/Clan/Guilds are the magic bullet to group finding. It forces a bunch of people to "know" you and feel somewhat obligated to team with you. Kind of like the strange uncle that no one actually wants to talk to but will just because he has genetics similar to yours. -
You can't overdo waffles really, they're quality food and you really need to savor them.
I'm certain waffles will come up again in the future soon. I'm here all day today. -
Maybe it's post count / days since registration ?
You've posted a lot by that formula, given that you've only been regged for just under a year. -
Post deleted by Moderator 08
Obviously need more information on Crimson. Captain Red in the second one is supposed to reveal more info about Crimson, but the escort with betrayal never worked so it turned into a basic rescue so he could drop the badge. All the rogue longbow are supposed to be agents of Crimson. G's longbow rescues aren't required, they're just listed in the objectives.
If you let the longbow live long enough they fight Mako as well, they're all set to Rogue so they should have been fighting absolutely everything they ran into.
Totally surprised the end encounter worked right for you, one of crimson or sturgeon hasn't spawned for me every single time so I've never gotten to the bomb/chambers spawn bits to even test it correctly.
I'm surprised you criticize it for being labeled as heroic when you're wiping the database and destroying the equipment of a megalomaniac geneticist trying to clone an army out of one of the most ruthless Arachnos elite. (Mako) I'll try and get more information in there about what's going on with Mako. It's impossible to include Mako himself as anything but a kill boss objective, though, without incurring multiple Makos (last try had 7 and then 24 of them together) showing up at once which is really, really silly.
It's supposed to have the "killer GM" aspect to it, though. It warns you at the getgo it wasn't built to be soloed. -
I believe the topic has switched from people discussing their personal experiences on the Freedom server some time span prior (X months/issues ago) to now to that of waffles.
I enjoy all manner of waffle myself, but prefer belgian style, not always with accouterments either. Butter, I feel, is not necessary for the enjoyment of waffles or pancakes for that matter.
If we could do a find and replace on this entire thread against "forming a team" and implement "making waffles" the entire thing would make more sense. -
Good to see you back in the game. Always enjoy reading your lambasting of people's arcs
The map is pretty big. You can actually play the final mission in its own arc alone. (posted it for cross-testing)
I'm using a lot of objectives, but they're spread out. I've tried it on a larger map and still nogo.
I also have a council map mish with absolutely every objective used up (no random spawns at all in that one) and everything still spawns correctly :/ -
Fire/kin trollers with transference? Maybe if u are io'd out and slotted for some major rech, tried it before without stam, it sucked terribly. Give me more terrible builds to play without stam please.
[/ QUOTE ]
Fire/Kin without "major rech" and "io'd out" is not a farm build. You go from just another */kin controller to farmer once you have absurdly expensive slotting.
Do you also want to bring up how non-permadom dominators without stamina are unable to farm or handle PVP? Or perhaps non-capped scrappers? The Mako pool attack is also really heavily weighted attack in PVP, but are pretty much crap in normal gameplay.
There are three "extreme" effectiveness areas in this game:
PVP, soloing AV/GM/AT Challenges and Farming. An effective build in one is almost always ineffective at the other 2.
Most of the time board denizens are only interested in the second realm. The first realm depending on which board you're on or the AT in question.
If you fail to specify the context, you will get proven wrong in a way you deem incorrect.
All of my 50s can handle soloing challenges and soloing AV/GMs without stamina. None of them are built for PVP, especially after debuffs and controls were nerfed into oblivion. -
I've specced out of Stamina on almost every single 40+ character I have, and never had stamina on my TA/Electric defender ever. They're still more than functional.
If relative balance means they can have tons of both at the same time, then sure
I'd be fine with using boss objectives if they actually worked everytime. I still can't get more than one of two bosses to spawn in the final mish of my Girls arc. No one has ever finished the entire arc due to the boss not showing up :/
I'm wounded, bubba. The fish children deserve better recognition!