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Better cya @ the Kickball Nites ill be hosting soon! also sup and also sucks about ur loss.
Making a Dark/Dark/Dark as a concept toon or making a Dark/Em/Levatian for lolpvp for fun.
I think a Thugs/Sonic would be pretty useful for farming, its a shame that /Kinetics isnt on a MM secondary, a Thugs/Kin MM would be TO SICK!
Quote:I agreeYeah, depending on what other powers are in the set, I see Grav/Time and Mind/Time being very popular, just based around the concept of seeming omnipotent. However, as neither Grav nor Mind are known for being exceptionally powerful (at least not in the farming or AV soloing sense), Time manip would have to pick up the slack without being too overpowered in the hands of every other controller... my brain already hurts just thinking about it!
Quote:http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=265952One o' the few times that I've dipped my toe into the PvP pool was for the nightly Kickballs hosted by the various players over the last year or two, and I will admit that for the most part, I had fun doin' it.
If these start up, I may reinvest some interest in PvP.
Also, if they become a regular event, I'll put it on the Events Calendar and BMT MotD (dependin' on available space).
If u could post it on the Events Calendar that would be cool, if u could on the BMT MotD would be nice too but its there is hardly any room dont worry about it. -
I miss and would like to see come bak when this game is F2P or even sooner are as the following:
Lite of Paragon
Dread Shinboi
Sinful Blaze
X Frost
Toxic Chill
and some more but I cant think of any1 esle atm... -
Alrighty then after some feedback and some new ideas, Ima officially start up doing Kickballs every Saturday on Champion Server @ 8PM EST / 5PM PST til whenever we dont wana keep on going! Shout out to @Brajie & @Myrmydon for helping me co-host this.
Also Thanks to @XxBudwesier8xX & @Brajie for giving me some prizes to give out!
For those of you that dont know what a Kickball is its basically where a group of players get together in a arena match listed in one of the arena terminals and basically they would choose 2 players to each be a team captain and let them choose one at a time who they'd want to be on their team like back in elemenary school if u were to play games bak then. Anyways, then after the teams are all choosen they go into a arena match and fight each other for fun nothing srs.
Basically there r now rules except this is more a request: No Lore Pets allowed in any of the matches please, but if u choose to use them then thats on you.
Any1 and Every1 that shows up and wants in on it r more then welcome to join in.
Going to be giving away prizes every night we host this. We also give out prizes to the 2 ppl who die the most out of the majority of the matches played that night. Prizes consist of random PvP IO recipes or 100mil influ to each person.
If u need to know more info about this event please feel free to PM @Teh Artic
So hope to see alot of new and old and exisiting faces show up for some fun!
This starts July 23rd ( Saturday ) @ 8PM EST / 5PM PST and every Saturday following this partiuclar saturday. -
Did sort of a practice run at this last night and we ran for 2 hours and 30 mins had alot fo 8v8s and alot of fun, no drama, gave out 4 prizes, ppl who hadnt pvped before even showed up which is always a plus so basically im jus saying ima start this official up for this coming saturday night @ 8PM EST / 5PM PST starting saturday July 23rd.
Look for another official thread in champion server fourms for more info and thanks for the feedback! -
Hey Champion, Im thinking of hosting official weekly Kickballs on champion soon and I jus wanted to hear/see some feedback on what would be the best date/time to start this and also if we could get enough to do weekly from now til.
For those of you that dont know what a Kickball is its basically where a group of players get together in a arena match listed in one of the arena terminals and basically they would choose 2 players to each be a team captain and let them choose one at a time who they'd want to be on their team like back in elemenary school if u were to play games bak then. Anyways, then after the teams are all choosen they go into a arena match and fight each other for fun nothing srs.
Any1 and every1 who shows up will be allowed to join in on the Kickball, becuz the more the merrier right?
Too encourage ppl to come Im going to give out 4 prizes each week be that influence or 1 random pvp io recipe to each of the following:
1.) To be fair the Two Players who die the most out of the majority of the matches that night.
2.) The Two Players who gets the most kills overall the matches that night.
Choosing this server becuz this is were the most arena pvp has been happening from what ive seen lately and I wana try and encourage some new ppl to come out and try pvp jus for fun.
Let me know what u think, thanks! -
I would totally bring a team of 8 or even 12-14 if it was going to be jus bring ur own team no draft if this were to happen. I'd also join if it was bring a team of 8 then draft but I'd rather not join if it was any lower then bring 8.
Quote:This game is so boring now its sad. Personally speaking only reason Im still playing this game is for the pvp league on champion, and pvp isnt nearly the same as what it used to be like! Also I personally think its funny when any1 says that this server is a " GhostTown " which is incorrect becuz all the Ghosts left Town.While it's impossible to say for sure, it's highly likely that the population is indeed at an all time low. The fact that people are finding it hard to build teams is one indication.
CoH has been making less and less money which is another indication. Also, for people that have been playing the game for 5+ years like me, just by playing the game it's painfully obvious that there's not as many people as there was. -
Quote:AmenIt's a combination of two things. Firstly, the City of Heroes player population is at an all time low. Secondly, the remaining players are mostly running Incarnate trials, leaving the pre-level 50 content high and dry. Between the two, the server is a ghost town outside of the Rikti War Zone. I started my Dual Pistols / Dark Miasma Corruptor back in March, and it took over a hour to get the minimum number of players together for certain task forces and such. A couple of times I had to give up because I couldn't get enough people together to start something. I never had that occur while leveling any toon prior.
Let's face it. If City of Heroes was doing well, it wouldn't be going free-to-play. -
My team would be down jus dont start it this week is all im asking, next week we will be all bak.
My team will practice with u guys like usual starting next week, this week we r all taking a break since holiday coming up, also **** yea who esle is going to Venice or Newport Beach?
Late UC, its been fun playing with u, I hope u have a good life from here on out!
Its good that his dead but sort of bad at the same time becuz now theres a strong possibitly of another terrioist attack since we killed him but at the same time even though we killed him our forces arent going to withdraw from the middle east anytime soon thats what i think.
Quote:Lambda is easy, at least on freedom it is, I havent tried it with random pug groups on champion yet jus my SG mates/Gobal Friends and they have all been successful, Heres a few tips that I know of when I run one.I needs to get on one of these with you guys. I haven't been on a successful Lambda yet (though only tried twice so far, and once in Beta where no one had a clue).
Clear all Mobs on the Outside and Outside of Base.
Have all temps to one or two ppl only.
Have every1 that has it use Judgment in the inital first attack of when u attack the AV ( It destorys his NPCs around him leaving him alive + very few Bosses but they can be destoryed easy ).
Optional Tip: The front door of the Lambda Sector Base, Keep it CLOSED! ( Meaning Dont let any1 open it), But this is optional jus becuz there is always at least one person on a PuG that is a tard and doesnt want to listen or jus doesnt care.