414 -
Quote:I think that if we keep limiting stuff a few of the lowering ranking teams will drop over the course of this league and is that really what we want?! i mean come on, i can TOTALLY understand the maps being banned, but is the limiting of the healers necessary? honestly?People will stop showing up, two or three teams will be left fighting for the first place rank. Also, a few teams are already getting these lopsided scores, resulting in rumours of one of the teams dropping from the ladder. If people get wiped they'll either need new builds, new strats or they'll drop from the league.
Or people will vote to limit more stuff. I won't be forwarding any votes myself, unless my teammates think it's important enough.
Just as a imho, it seems better from a meta standpoint to lie in the weeds, get your points from wins where you can and make a push in the final weeks. If you don't draw attention to yourself then other teams can't pull the "banstick" on you, so you can use alternate strats later in the season when nothing can be done about them.
Showing your cards now, when a precedent has been set of archetype limitations, seems unwise.
The other team gets points too. If by giving them 6 points instead of 12 you keep them out of top seed (assuming you don't think you can beat them), that's a viable, if weak, reasoning.
having 2 healers on ur team in a 3v3/4v4/5v5 wont make u auto win. Even having a 1 emp/2 thermal combo wont make u win as we saw in 2 different team matches this week.
I dont understand why ppl would want 2 make this basically a standard jump team vs a standard jump team. Isnt more fun if u mix up the combos that u bring? isnt more fun if u just have fun instead of playing the boring same old stuff every match basically? -
Quote:I would like 2 take a revote on the limiting stalkers if that is possible pls, I for one voted 2 keep no limit on them just becuz i know that for most this isnt ur home server so u only have a hand full of toons 2 play, but thinking over what Lib posted a away days ago I would like 2 change my vote if the Proposal ever had 2 take a revote.I'm fine with public captain proposals/votes. I figured Kat was just trying to keep votes organized by doing it through PM's here. I generally just post her message to my teammates and get a general consensus before replying with our vote anyway.
I don't see a good solution to the multi-healer issue other than making fun of teams that soley play for ties. We've given our reasons for voting against the proposed healer bans, and I think our reasoning makes sense...but I haven't read anything from the 5 captains that voted to keep 3+ stalkers as an option. What were you guys thinking? -
Exile vs dUmb Match Results:
3-1 Exile Win ( Cargo Ship )
5-4 dUmb Win ( Graveyard )
10-2 dUmb Win ( Caves )
GGs all around dUmb! -
Quote:On second thought i think we should ban caves as well as edenR u saying u want 2 try and put a vote up for banning said maps in ur quote? becuz if so i would love 2 try and get eden banned. Caves is annoying but its a not that big of a map so and office i love office and i dont think any1 has any MMs on this server for the league so i think the office is safe ... for now.
Quote:R u saying u want 2 try and put a vote up for banning said maps in ur quote? becuz if so i would love 2 try and get eden banned. Caves is annoying but its a not that big of a map so and office i love office and i dont think any1 has any MMs on this server for the league so i think the office is safe ... for now.To be fair, we had a lower kill count against on cage (0-2) than in cargo or Atlas.
Cage is just a bad map for a variety of reasons:
-You can spawn camp easily, since everyone spawns in the middle of the cage.
-It's easy to get stuck in geometry (the fencing, stairs, corners)
-As others pointed out, you bring Thug MMs/Bubblers/etc and it becomes really dumb.
Pretty much every ladder forever has banned Monkey Cage, Office, Troll Caves. Not so much a stretch here as preserving some mobility and sanity in the league.
I don't know why there were no banned maps...to be honest Eden isn't all that with a 3 v 3 setup either, but there we go.
See everyone tonight, have fun. -
Exile vs Broken Chains Results :
First Match : 11-2 Exile Win, Steel Canyon Map
Second Match: 14-1 Exile Win, Tech Lab Map
Third Match 17-2 Exile Win, Atlas Map
gg All -
Quote:Removed @Smeede, @KinectedTeam Name - Exile
Join Date - 8/29/2010
Team Captain - @Teh Artic
Player 2 - @Hinden
Player 3 - @-Enigma, @Enigma M o F o ( <-- No Spaces in the second word of that Gobal ), @Orsus
Player 4 - @Denomenator, @Denotastic, @Deno Overload
Player 5 - @Lite of Paragon, @Dark Daimyo
Added @Lite of Paragon, @Dark Daimyo -
^ I have been in their vent and I personally know that Cougar Pride isnt budwesier at all.
I can understand that the PvPEC didnt let bud use Sgt.Klaws account but not letting his Nephew play his own accounts in the league just becuz Budwesier has played on that account as well is beyond me. Anyways I Hope this doesnt Cause Elfs team 2 fall apart. -
I believe wat he is saying is that is his newphews accounts, just bud plays on them as well as his Nephew
Team Name - Exile
Join Date - 8/29/2010
Team Captain - @Teh Artic
Player 2 - @Hinden
Player 3 - @-Enigma, @Enigma M o F o ( <-- No Spaces in the second word of that Gobal ), @Orsus
Player 4 - @Denomenator, @Denotastic, @Deno Overload
Player 5 - @Smeede, @Kinected -
Glad 2 c more ppl wanting 2 pvp and im hoping we can get some live action soon and like u said eventually seeing u guys go 2 test 2 join the ladder over there
srsly doubt this is going 2 happen but if it does im 4 it
Had fun @ this event, hell i got a full set of crafted lvl 50 glad strikes just 4 killing cherry =P
gg PvPEC maybe u guys could host the 3v3 ladder for champion if the "other" 1 doesnt start back up or whatever. -
I hope when the free transfers do/if they come bak out ( whenever that is ) that they dont make more ppl leave champion, like it or not r server did get smaller then it was before the transfers. 2 me it got alot smaller. Not saying im moving if that happens just saying I wish the next transfers attract ppl 2 champion not make more leave, and u all cant say that champion didnt get smaller then it was. I mean just look @ how large BMT was like say 1 year ago and look how small it got now... =/
Quote:Lol theres no need 4 this especially considering its just 4 fun anyways.Please be sure to fill up your email with large insperations. You know, after they run out, you can have your friends email you more during the match, so there is no need to conserve them. This is what the winners do already, and if everyone does so, it will even the playing feild a little bit....just make it fast, before it gets nerf'd.
way 2 much work that i dont think many do this.