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  1. Army-Of-Jack

    Duo Team

    I am making a spine/fire. Thanks for the help! And for what she's making...probably a db/wp or a Kinetics troller. Thanks guys.
  2. Army-Of-Jack

    Duo Team

    We've started with spine/regen and db/wp, we just died in the second mission. Both of us...I don't like it! >:O
  3. Army-Of-Jack

    Duo Team

    We've thought about spine/regen and db/wp. Or fire/sd and kat/regen (or db/wp)
  4. Army-Of-Jack

    Duo Team

    Yea, I end up with the same end issues with fire aura as well...
  5. Army-Of-Jack

    Duo Team

    Yea, I understand that, lol, I just don't know exactly WHAT to be...I have had thoughts about fire/sd, but my ele/sd is SUPER boring, and he is level 45, so I thought fire/sd wouldn't be so much different. I also have a spine/dark at level 41, I can't even use 2 attacks without my end running out, so I understand it will cost a lot, but either way, a spine/dark could not level to 50 with the end problems it has in a duo team, in my opinion. I do want a spine scrapper, or something that can farm easily, but not something that is going to make me quit within 5 seconds of playtime. I am definitely thinking about spine/regen or something with fire melee.
  6. Army-Of-Jack

    Duo Team

    So I've been looking forward to making a scrapper, and me and a friend would each like to make a toon specifically for us 2 duo-farming and such. I've been thinking about spines, but we are levelling 1-50 together and everything. Neither one of us has decided on what to make, what would you suggest the best duo-team? (I'm going to be a scrapper, she can be anything else lol)
  7. Army-Of-Jack

    New PvP Help

    O.o and hey I got XBL I'll add you (SuB 2the z3r0)
  8. Army-Of-Jack

    New PvP Help

    Okay so I've made and played many toons in CoH only to be farmers, AV soloers, or to buff/heal. I have decided I want to try PvP, it sounds really fun and exciting. So to start it off I was wondering, this will be my first toon for PvP, should I make a blaster or a scrapper? What would be better to start off my PvP experience? I was thinking scrapper would be fun, but I've heard PvP newcomers should start with blasters to get the feel of it. Well I need a suggestion to scrapper or blaster. Other than the choices, I need powerset suggestions....such as if I was to be a blaster should I make a Psi/EM from everyone's positive opinions on them? I have no clue. SO! Blaster or Scrapper, whichever one you suggest, I also need your opinion on my powerset choices too. THANKS!
  9. Ahh I see I will do that, but does bronze give Numina's, LoTG, Impervium armor and such?
  10. So everyone said fire/shield lol...I guess that's it, I have 2 farming toons 1 fully IOed so I can get the money...planning on doing AE rolling silver 35-39, now I just need a build :/
  11. So I'm wanting to make a SOLO FARMING scrapper, first scrapper for farming actually so...not so used to it. I was thinking fire/sd fire/fire fire/dark fire/ele or ele/dark ele/fire ele/ele NOT ELE/SD. And no spine toons, I have a spine/dark about lvl 30. I don't want ele/sd of course mainly because of populated reasons. I don't know HOW SD is getting nerfed for sure yet so not to fond of making an SD scrapper if it's getting nerfed badly. Guys give me some tips on what to make for a solo farmer plz =(
  12. Army-Of-Jack

    Scrapper help

    I guess that's true, but I DO want to try ele/sd. Just the fact that they are overrated :/. Funny because my other farmer is a fire/kin so....I want something great that ISN'T so popular.
  13. Army-Of-Jack

    Scrapper help

    So I've been trying to decide on a farming scrapper, solo farming to be exact. I have a spine/DA so I don't want any other spine toons. I was thinking ele/sd or fire/sd but I dislike the choice because of the nerf/rework coming up. I need some suggestions of a solo farming scrapper without spines, and well I dunno about SD but I don't want it yet, until i18. Thanks.
  14. Army-Of-Jack

    Tank Farmer

    I've been wanting a new farmer, and decided I haven't tried a tank, so I want to make one, and for farming. I have heard fire/fire, fire/stone, etc. and all but they take about 2 hours to kill the mob, even though you don't get hurt. I want one who can take the damage LIKE a tank, but also give damage too, to actually take a mob out quickly. I was thinking an ice or stone defense tank, but tell me some good tank farmers in my particular reason. (And of course tell me how they are good for that matter)
  15. Spine/fire it is! Thx everyone!
  16. Honestly, I know fire and dark are all that great. But I want something that doesn't eat my end like a cookie crumb (Ya I just said that.)
  17. So I'm guessing ELA would be the best rather than regen/willpower endurance wise? But what other reason would it be better? The self-defense buffs I'd guess?
  18. I am sort of new to all of the farming and all, I have a fire/kin lvl 50, and plant/kin 50, but they are my only ones with unfinished builds. (That doesn't matter though) Anyway, I was planning on making a solo farmer scrapper character, planning on spine for the most AoE, but what secondary should I have? I have heard about fire,dark,ele,and even regen being great. I just want one who never runs outta end, that is my most hated thing about the game, lol. I need some advice on a secondary power to use for it, which would be better for end control and made for solo? And why so?