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  1. MoITF was successful, though I have to admit it was 75% PuG. I'd like to organize a MoReichsman TF (Hero side, so MoKahn TF technically) for next weekend; Saturday 8pm EST. Send me a tell in game to @Armless Dan or sign up here for a spot.
  2. I'm all for this as well, please post if you run this again, maybe send me a PM? =D
  3. Just reposting; MoITF attempt Saturday night @ 7:30 EST, still plenty of room. In game tell to @Armless Dan please, to reserve a spot.
  4. I'd like to run MoITF Saturday night-ish. I'm usually done playing Warhammer by 6pm, so let's start around 7:30pm EST. Send me an ingame tell, sign up here or pm for a spot. I'd like to bring my Scrapper.
  5. Attempt called on account of only 3 people interested. I'll try and free up another day for this, but I don't know what it will be.
  6. Just bumping for the attempt tomorrow night. I'm leaning more towards RSF, since I have a decent debuffer for that and I've never tried it, but I'm willing to give STF a whirl. Send me an in game tell or sign up here for a spot (Please include a global handle).
  7. Everyone feel free to organize your own runs; I was unsure whether we had a thread going for this so I decided to "jump in feet first," and make a place to do so. I don't have a huge Super Group or a ton of friends who would even want to try Master of runs.

    I'd like to set something up for next week, Thursday night around 7-8pm EST. This can be a RSF or STF, whichever seems to get more people.

    Sign up here or send me an in-game tell to @ArmlessDan and I'll see what we can stir up.
  8. I'd like to set up a network of people who want to try for the "Master of..." badges, be it Statesman, Lord Recluse, or the "new" Reichsman and Imperious task forces. Personally, I only have the Statesman, and that took over two months of trying, so I know how difficult these badges can be to obtain. Yes, some people get them first try, but I consider that the exception not the norm.

    The nature of these task forces encourages "ideal teams" of at least some caliber, so yes, some ATs may be restricted for some runs. My main badge character is a Scrapper, but I am willing to "trade" runs with him for another AT I have available, and I hope that others are willing as well.

    Leave a note, for what you want to run, what kind of characters you can bring, when you can play, and your global, and I'll see what I can stir up.

    I'll get the ball rolling; Armless Dan, looking for:
    *Master of Imperious, Master of Reichsman (when they come out).
    *Martial Arts/Invulnerable Scrapper.
    *Willing to "trade": Dark/Dark Corrupter, Stone/Axe Tanker, Rad/Rad Defender (Not quite 50).
    *Available Thursday and Sunday nights, after 5pm, but schedule is flexible. Friday and Saturday usually unavailable.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Baalat View Post
    A woman that fine, you gotta romance first.
  10. Sign me up, ArmorShrike; Martial Arts/Invulnerability.
  11. My Bane Spider went from 36-38. Helped a friend move, and played some Warhammer too.
  12. Yes thanks for that link.
  13. TEN! We got TEN! That was awesome! Great job everyone, and thanks again to Sylph Knight!

    I got some great screen shots too!
  14. I've had a screenshot of "Justice Hundredfold" in my sig since that happened. It's from my old computer, it doesn't look great, and the UI is on it. I'd really like a better picture.
  15. ArmlessDan


    I got WORK last year, but I've been infection free for some time now.
  16. Why does Lord Recluse have a gun, holstered on his hip? It shows up in several places; both of the statues of him in Grandville, on his character model, and even in some of the pre-release City of Villains art. The fact that it shows up in so many places, says to me that it is a detail important enough not to be over looked.

    Edit: Side note; it's on his left side. Is Recluse a lefty?

    I'd also like to reiterate my initial question, of what happened to Apex? He's my favorite signature Hero in this universe, and I'd like to think he's still fighting the good fight somewhere.
  17. I'm staying.

    Though I'm sure nobody cares; just like I don't really care that people are leaving.
  18. Posted my Villain arc today!

    Title: The Kraken's Fang
    Arc ID: 109988
    Difficulty: Medium; Recommend level 30+ (Yes, I know the first mission bumps you down to 19)
    Number of EB/AVs: 2
    Story Type: Serious
    Mission Count: 5
    Estimated Play Time: An hour to an hour and a half

    Constructive criticism is very much welcome.
  19. Both by me, @Armless Dan
    Both arcs are Heroic

    Title: Seeking Redemption: Yal'Tesh Company
    Arc ID: 6161
    Difficulty: Medium; Recommend level 35+ (Most missions contain Rikti)
    Number of EB/AVs: 1 (with allies to help)
    Story Type: Serious
    Mission Count: 5
    Estimated Play Time: 45 min to an hour

    Note: 90% of the dialog is Rikti thought-speak. Story contains Rikti-based spoilers.

    Title: The Column's Shield
    Arc ID: 18453
    Difficulty: Easy; Recommend level 30+ (All missions contain 5th Column)
    Number of EB/AVs: 1 (with allies to help)
    Story Type: Serious
    Mission Count: 4
    Estimated Play Time: About an hour

    Please give constructive criticism feedback; If something is bad I want to make it better!
  20. I've done a few arcs on my lowbie MA only brute, that I'd like to suggest:

    1001 - Johnny Sonata and the Hitmen
    1931 - The Do-It-Yourself Laser Moonbase Project (Was a bit rough but manageable)
    1006 - Ripping Out Reform: A Rogue Island Police Story (Had a Wyvern EB in one mission, but I was able to beat him pretty easily)
    6017 - Mercytown: The One With All The Fish
    44333 - "Healing" the Lame

    All had a great story and were fun to play.
  21. Assaults on Ft. Cerberus usually get me a few levels passed 5, on a villain, and would be fun with a team.