31 -
The group is ready and the date is set.
Thanks for the great applications and interest for this project. Have had some fantastic reading.
If any other decides that this could be fun to join, send me a PM. We will eventually add more members and will also need guest heroes and SGs, where the only requirement will be that the story and role-playing is the main focus.
A special thanks to the ones I talked with and found that perhaps another group would be a better fit. You were all very mature and understanding about it. I really appreciate that. Thanks. Truly hope you find what you are looking for.
TombWalker -
Last Call-out.
I talked with a few In-game that seem interested in this. Please send a PM as soon as possible, preferable latest the 16th (tomorrow), if you are still interested.
The days of gaming will be Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting at 8 pm (US eastern time) and the first game session will be the 19th of January.
TombWalker -
A nice little group has at this time been put together. A good all-round team with most of the archetypes covered, but more important, a team with some characteristic heroes with some nice backgrounds.
We still have some spots available and of course still free for any origin and types (but a controller and a kheldian would make it complete) as long as the interest for storytelling and role-playing are there.
Start date and time is a little bit under negotiation, but will either be the 18th or the 19th January and will start earliest 8 pm or latest 9 pm (US Eastern Times).
Hope to hear from a few more
TombWalker -
Here you go:
http://www.edenstudios.net/games.html -
Have received some great background stories and concepts. Thanks.
The above mini FAQ have been updated to included the question about not owning CoV and therefore not being able to access bases. -
This sounds like a pretty neat idea. Need the services of my new fire/fire tanker? If you've still got the room I'll send my specs over sometime this weekend.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, send the specs to me (as in the above application form would be neat).
Got a few questions as well, I will try to answer as well.
Q: So I need to make a new character on the Virtue Server?
A: Yes. We will start the story-line in Outbreak, since it a great background for a group to join arms. We will also try to stay close to each other in levels, and I find the easiest way to do such, by starting from Ground Zero.
Q: So you want a picture of my character? How to do such?
A: The easiest way is to make your character and enter the tutorial (Outbreak). In there move the camera around until you get your character in a great profile and hit the Print Screen key. The picture will be saved in a folder under your CoH library called screenshots. Find the picture and send it to me. The email address to me will be send to you in a PM as soon as you have either send the application to me in a PM or by posting it here in this thread.
Q: Why an application system?
A: I just find it a great way to see if you would fit in with this group. Also the question in the application form Why this Group could be Great to be part of will show if what you believe this group is about, is actually so. Hopefully that can prevent some wasted time on a group that was not what you thought it was.
Q: Can I make a Demon, Angel, Deity or aliens character?
A: Yes, you can, as some of them are also to be found in DCs Justice League and Marvels Avengers. But we do not want a whole group of such rare cases. Preferable would be more down to earth backgrounds. But it is free of choice.
Q: I like this idea, but the time you seem to have chosen do not fit my free time. I wish it were different.
A: If the times (Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 PM est.) do not fit you, but you would like to try this, still apply. But add it as a note. Those times are not set in stone and can be changed, especially the days. The hour will be a little harder (that time is fitting for me)
Q: What happened if there was a schedule gaming day and I could not attend?
A: You would just not attend and the rest would play on. You would probably fall a bit back in xp, perhaps even level, but you can catch up on that in-between schedule gaming days.
Q: Im not the best Role-Player, but I would like to try this out? Can I?
A: Make an application and state so. Role-playing is something that is easy to learn if the player is willing to, and so much fun. As long as you wish to try and learn, it will not count against you.
Q: Why dont you want me?
A: I will reply to any application and in the rare case where I dont think you would be a fit; I would say so and explain why. Its not to be rude, but we just want to build a group up around players that enjoy the same play-style. I apologize again, but am certain you will find a better fit in another group.
Q: I do not have CoV and can therefore not enter or build a base. Is that a problem?
A: No. Base-building will be a part of this group, but not a must have or must do. The scheduled gaming day will not be centered in the base. The base will mainly be used as a recreation center and just a place to call home. By playing the game following the above concept, it will also take an extensive time, before enough prestige is earned to build something worthy and useful. So CoV is not needed, but still recommended.
TombWalker -
Please, also add in your application if you have interest in just playing and be part of this group, making artwork and/or writing the Story of this group on a weekly basis. Apologize for any inconvenient.
TombWalker -
Many fought the battle of the streets. Fought in the shadows of the alleys. Fought in the light of former titans. The score was in balance, neither weighing in favor of the minds of crimes or the souls of virtue, and each day new spirits of both sides emerged.
It was time to stand together. It was the hour to start a new era leading to the end of the war and bringing Paragon back to its glory.
And so started a legacy of a few of the many who formed the shield of alliance, lifting the cloud of fear and despair by strength and numbers.
Yes, as youve probably already guessed, this is yet another upcoming supergroup, but with a twist. To avoid wasting too much of your time going over the agenda, I will list a few key points. If it doesnt spark an interest from you, you should not waste more time here. If it does, I will be looking forward to meeting you.
Schedule Group-Gaming Days
Small level-spread in Group
Heavy Role-Playing
Storytelling outside the screen
Free choice of Origin and Look
Democratic Leadership
Building base as a team
The above key points are explained in detail below.
Schedule Group-Gaming Days
Twice a week, this group will meet and play together. This is the meat of the group. As it stands now those days will be Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 pm (eastern US time) and will each last a few hours depending on time available (at least two hours). These times can change depending on demands. If everything goes well, first time will be on the 18th of January.
Small level-spread in Group
The group will advance together in levels to keep a consistent challenge for all players involved. To keep the levels together, players are only allowed to gain experience, outside the scheduled gaming days, if they are not at a set max. level. The max. level will always be the level the highest character had at the end of a scheduled gaming day. Some of us will probably want to play more with the character than those two days allowed and often we will have already reached the maximum level. That is possible by joining some of the newer heroes of Paragon and exemplar down. That way we can show our masks outside the group and also later on, it will benefit the group by earning prestige. This is also a great opportunity to find a few of the exploration badges if you are into that. Just be careful not to get in a fight where you will be rewarded XP.
Heavy Role-Playing
Role-playing will be of high importance for this group. This is not the group for you, if you are more into reaching higher levels and/or gaining the highest output of damage. When we play, we will communicate In-Character (talking as our character as if we were actually Superheroes in a world full of crime) and with emotes (using descriptions/texts to allow our characters to do more than what is possible with the in-game animated emotes). We will try to bring our heroes to life with more than just powers and levels. They have a past, fears, goals and so on. In-character in this group, is not done be use of Internet Slang (acronyms made for the web such as LOL and BRB) and emoticons (such asand :P).
This group will hopefully also be an opportunity to gain a few more friends outside the game, so OOC (out of character opposite to In-Character) will be done when we meet up and before the actually gaming starts, after the end of actually gaming and if you feel for it, by tells. If you need to say something OOC to everyone (we will all need a bio-break now and then), rather than sending a tell to each hero, it could be done with brackets such as this: ((Insert OOC messages)).
Final note: Role-playing is not about premium spelling and correct grammar setting (Im a European, I know), but about being able to bring a character to life through text and staying in-character. So, do not be afraid of joining, if you are not a native English speaker as long as you have enough skills to make yourself understandable. The will to role-play is all it takes.
Storytelling outside the screen
Together, we will hopefully make an interesting story worthy of sharing with the CoH community outside the group. So if you enjoy writing or are an author, this group will be a great opportunity as training and to show your skills. We will, if any of the members decide to write the story of the group each week, make a site, in which other members can access and read about our heroes and our ventures. We will supplement those stories with in-game screen pictures and/or if any is an artist with drawings.
Free choice of Origin and Look
This group will not be more theme-based than DCs Justices League or Marvels Avengers. There will be room for any look and origin of character. But we do shoot for a more serious story line, so characters from Q 4orce or The Paragon Funny Papers would not fit very well within the group, neither in background or looks. But with the free choice do come thoughts. You should think a bit about your characters origin and looks beyond of just choosing Natural, Magic, Science, Mutation or Technology and hitting the random button under the making of your character.
We will try to put a group together that could work fine in the game and complement each other well, but it will not be of the highest priority.
Democratic Leadership
I will try to provide the group with more details of the story beyond what our contact would tell us, kind of a Storyteller/Gamemaster/Dungeonmaster. My origin and powers of my character will help with that. I will, based on what is fitting for the group and story choose a mission or in some cases missions to choose between. That will mean that in only rare cases you will have to gain an in-game contact. The missions will hopefully therefore be more story-like than just an assignment given by a random bystander. But this does not mean, that Im the leader of the group. The leadership of the group will be found in-game, in whatever way we as a group choose, E.G. by natural selection (some just have the charisma to be seen as a leader by all) or democratic election (whatever it will only be once, weekly or again what the group choose). So everyone joining will, if they wish, have the chance to be the leader of the group.
On the Supergroup roster (when we have reached level 10th I will make the group. Name will be discussed in-game) I will be the only one allowed to promote, demote and kick-off players. This is only done to prevent if any conflict should occur, where a player would wish to do harm by E.G. disbanding the group. The four other rank positions will be used as how the group decides. Everyone will have access to base building, color and symbol changes and so on. Just keep in mind that most of that should be decided in-game and as a group (again depending on how the group decides the leadership should be).
Building base as a team
We will all earn prestige for this group, so all should have access to explore the building part of this game. The team will together and hopefully In-Character, decide the building, structure and form of the base.
Yes, application does sound like work and it is a little bit. This is just to make certain that you would fit in well. This group will start even with a limited number (3 members is enough), so you should find that acceptable before applying. The max. numbers of members will of course be 8, so we all can team up on the schedule gaming days. That number can later be increased if we are in need because of low attendance and/or members that leave. Other plans are also in the works, such as starting a Group Friendship-list.
To apply you can either reply to this post or send a PM to me. When that is done, I will send a PM back to you with a private email-address where you can send a JPEG file, picturing your character.
Before applying you should make your character under the Virtue Server, just to check name availability. You can/should enter Outbreak, but do not play. Our first session will start there.
When applying, please use the following form:
Characters Name: (No copyrighted name. Just to avoid too many heroes in the group called GenericHeroXXX)
Gender: (free choice. We do not ever need to know what your real gender is)
Archetype(s) and Powerset(s): (Which Archetypes and Powersets you wouldnt have a problem playing within this group. If more than one, please put them in the order you prefer. Only choose more than one if you are certain you are willing to play either one of them)
Origin: (Choose the one you would prefer to play the most)
Background: (No need to write a novel, but enough to get a picture of your characters background. This background should be fitting to your first choice Archetype and powerset. If you get assigned one of your other choices you are of course free to change the background for your character. This is mainly to see, if you are willing to put a bit of thoughts into your character)
Why this Group could be Great to be part of: (Just another check-up to make certain that what you believe this group is about, actually is about that).
Looking forward to hear from you, and even more to play with you guys and gals.
Note: It has come to my attention that this thread probably should have been under Supergroups and I apologize. I do believe that this group will contributed to the Storytelling of Paragon and therefore hope I can be forgiven. -
Yes, earth-walkers. We have come. The Scale and Balance between evil and good has been tipped too much toward the side of night, and that darkness is sending disturbance beyond the planes of Realms. It has to be stopped and you humans dont seem to be up to such assignments. So we have found it necessary to send our best to help. The first of our kind has already crossed the weave to be here and more will follow.
Recruiting (on Virtue).
With that said, perhaps I should admit the real cause for this post. We want to include more Sprites in our group. But we are a bit; lets call it, exclusive. We do not believe in quantity, but more in enjoying the game with others that share the same play-style. But to always have someone on when you feel for playing this specific character, we must admit we need more Sprites. So here you come in. If the following appeals to you, consider contacting me with a PM here and perhaps be included in this group.
Agenda 1: Role-playing. We have all gotten used to persistent role-playing after DMing, Hosting and playing on NWN-servers that was shining in that game-style. But we have found it harder to stay in character 100% within the CoH worlds and we suspect it to be because of the lack of interactive DMs. But that shall not stop us from making colorful characters with traits and a personality that brings the game to life and make this an experience that is not only about leveling, but also about acting, story-telling and having fun. We have chosen a theme that makes room for making joyful and extreme characters, which often should bring a smile on your lips while you are playing. So one requirement is for you to be willing to step into the shade of a character, that have no idea what XP and leveling means.
But we are still heroes. We still fight more crime than sitting in a circle, chatting about personal problems. The conflicts within and between the characters will come to life, while we bring peace to the streets of Paragon.
We do have to add that quality-writing skills is not a need. A couple of us are not of English heritage and it shows. The key is to stay in character almost 100% and your character will be brought to life even if the English is no more than a C-.
Agenda 2: Theme.We have chosen to make a theme instead of a group consisting of random heroes. The reason is to make the group more consistent and to make us feel more as a unit. To reach that goal we have seem it necessary to make some restrictions. Our powers will show our heritage (the keyword is Archery) and our skin and costume, show our kin and unification. More about that if you become interested, but said here, to make certain that players that want freedom to make whatever they want, dont waste their time. But we have to add; we are kinda cute.
Agenda 3: Prevent Level-gap. We have some rules in place to prevent the gaps between levels to be too huge. Those rules can prevent you for playing all you want with that character and therefore we recommend you to have at least one other Alt that is not within this group. Exemplaring is a valued tool. With that, you can help the rest of your teammates, to close the gap and still play with this loveable character.
Agenda 4: Play as a Group. No reason to gather a group if each of us chose to play alone or prefer to play with others, so we have rules in place, that make us be more social and interactive with each other. The Sprites never solo is one of them. We are realistic and know that often you can find yourself alone on the server. Do not just sit and wait or you will quickly grow tired of this group, but instead, start up one of your other Alts. We have a Group Channel in place and we will be added at each others Global Friendlist, so we wont miss each other while playing other characters.
If the above is something that make you shake your head or think oh man. What are they thinking? we apologize for taking up your time. Perhaps we will still meet in-game and you will see what a skull-crushing group we actually are, even when we are some of those geeky role-players.
If you instead think man, how did I ever play the game before the *drum rolls* Sprites or Take me, take me. Or perhaps you just find this a fun and appealing way to play this game, send us a message, tell us why you wish to be part and we will reply with more information and hook you up. We have just started (It is not a day since, we helped Paragon with an Outbreak of contaminated thugs), so it is a great opportunity to help breathing life into this group.
Thanks for reading and hope to see some of you around, either as a Sprite or an Ally.
Some small purple lads and lasses. -
Here is a good guide for how to role-play.
The guide was made for another MMORPG (neverwinter nights) but it can certainly be used for any game as such.
I'm not saying it is the right way (because we all do it differently), but it is a good guide.
The link
Find the download on the page.
Note: It's a PDF file -
Yes, I was thinking about that. To let everyone join, but with a "If you can't be a persistant role-player, be prepared to feel the butt-kicking boot of Wraith".
But than the next step would be:
Who should have that boot? The community? One man? If one man, how should he be chosen? A vote? And if a one time vote or a monthly vote?
With those above things, I would vote for one man, voted in by the community once a month. A man, the rest of the community can go too, and say that they have noticed that x-player maybe not belong in this community. -
Everything sounds great in my ears and I agree. I made the level limitation system, just to make certain that no-one would join, that prefered the "xp" more than the role-play. But I do understand the worries about it. And I can see some of the worries come from people that I believe is having the same opinion about role-play as I have.
So what can we do? Anyone having some great idea, for still making certain this community will only attract role-players? Other idea for making certain that a "race" for level not eventually takes over the role-playing?
Please let me hear, and when details have been discussed finished (let us remember to use courtesy. We can't all agree), maybe make a SG instead or continue with a role-players only community. -
Still here. Sorry that there have been no futher announcement on what we will do, but the reason is
*drumrolls and a big smile from this author*
my wife have already given birth to a healthy young lady, and I'm going to enjoy the smile from that angel 24/7 the next couple of days.
So give or take a few days, and I will return to this project, only change will be that I will have a broad smile painted on my face.
For others that are interested, there have not been and will not be a deadline for being part of this. If you write to me, and you don't get a reply right away, see the above for reason -
Very true, GothicGirl. But I didnt really lose anyone since I had no one on the wagon in the start. At some time, I was close to change it, but I still believe if this was to be a larger community it would have added to the quality. And I wanted quality time instead of quantity.
An update to the players that have choose to be part of this:
3rd July is close, and we have gathered a group of four players. Even with a few more, the logging in when we feel for it, and hope to find at least one other member will not really be a success. So are you interested in changing this community to just a group?
Make arranged times weekly/bi-weekly, where we log in with our specific character, and enjoy some time together. No need for a level-limitation system than, since we would play together and together set the pace, whatever it would be quicker or slower.
We would still keep the group open for other players that would be interested, and if enough (8 or more) could return to the original concept.
If we do so, maybe we should also plan out how we joined together (like one of the other known groups out there, such as X-men or the Fantastic Four) or of course we could just log in on the same start day and find reason for meet up and join arms? Should I make us a board, or is there really no need for it? It is your choice.
Send me a PM or a reply here about what you wishes to do, if we shall continue. -
1. The character I roleplay with is already level 10. You have no acceptance for anyone above 4 at the start. I already remade the character once, and refined his powers and story to where I like it, so I'm not remaking him again.
[/ QUOTE ]
When you add a level limitation system, than everybody have to start at the same level (1st) or else what the reason for one and what fairness would there been in it?.
2. The AMP thing on the name. It's too "clan-ish". I know you just backed out on it, but to suggest it in the first place... that's Diablo territory, or Half-Life. Can anyone who seriously role-plays a superhero ever imagine picking up an issue of X-Men or Spider-Man and seeing the names as "Wolverine_XMEN" or "Spider-Man_INDIE" behind the title? We're imagining characters in a comic-book world... it just doesn't fly. Once again, I know you backed out on it, but ouch. "The first impression is always the most imporatant", they always say.
[/ QUOTE ]
So true. I will even second what you say. The plan was to use the friendshiplist, but found out that it had a cap. So in a rush (to quick I have to add) I found some other to recogenize each other in-game. Other people have now enlighten me (BTW enlighten me, can be done better than by your way), and of course no AMP in end. Sorry to have given you such a bad impression
3. Level restriction according to "weeks". This is just bothersome. I'm no "power-gamer" as a previous response said, but this raises some serious questions.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, you have a lot of questions to that. But the simple answer is just, that it is to increase the attention on the role-playing instead of the xp gaining, whatever you are going solo (which would also be possible in the community. Being the Hulk just with the pro that you know which people will actually play by that, with like "Hmmm. We could always ask the Hulk to help us"
"Nah, he perfer to be green..eh, I mean alone". Hope it make sense.
One more thing:
Well, sadly, you had me then lost me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ehhh, when did I have you? Out from your post, I have never promised anything, that would seem to fit you.
To the rest:
Questions is very welcome about this community...bashing I really don't care for. I'm very aware that the main part of this community don't see the need for this or maybe even the understanding. If the main part did, I would never have felt the need for such a community.
"If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking."
(General George Patton Jr.) -
Yes, I will agree to that. It was a bad alternative. So please don't add the AMP. It is silly. Instead you can take a print of the roster when it is announced and maybe add the AMP in the start of your characters description. That should be enough for us to find each other.
The member list is still very, very small, so if you are just the bit interested, give me a holler.
If the memberlist don't grow much more now until the 4th July, I will send mails out to the few and ask for what they want to do. Proceed (maybe with arrange events only) or just cancel it all. -
I just want to add again, that it is not ideas just graped out of the blue air. It it from 2 yrs experience being part and helping with playing, evolving, building and DMing different role-playing servers for the Bioware's Neverwinter Night. The servers that have the highest quality of role-players is the one that have the most restrictions actually and attract roleplayers (because it discourage people that can't be that in a persistant way). I was hoping that it could be implemented in at least one server here. But the people have spoken. So I have the choice to accept it or move on to other fields. No griping from me, just trying to make this game closer to what I prefer.
take care, have fun and enjoy. -
All right, forgot some more important information. Of course this event is not just a new player and I. It is several members of the community, who signs up for it, that is involved with this new players transformation, whatever they actually is part of letting it happen or just for helping him/her out in this characters new life.
An Association of Marvelous Role-players (AMP) Player event Dawn of a Hero
This is an as if event. As in if the community will have a good enough member count to actually be a community that is worth moving on with *hint hint*. For you that have no idea what Im talking about, click the link in signature.
The date and time of the event is not yet schedule because of the author of this (yes, me), is having a high pregnant wife and she will soon bring a little angel to this world. When that happened my PC will be locked down and hidden away, and no scrapper or tank should try to prevent me, to be part of that miracle, unless they want to see true powers (alright enough of my secret real-life).
But it will be schedule here in July and will properly be a Tuesday at around 8 pm US Eastern time. The event will be as following:
Dawn of a Hero
In the streets of Paragon waves of unique humans, artificial creatures and even creatures that call home, somewhere further away, than the human race have discovered and even heard about, roam and gain all the publicity. Who would notices a single soul going through the change of his life, a soul that in the near future might change everything? And even if, who would care?
One new member of the community, which will not be announced on the Roster list, will have to make his AMP SuperHero plus a normal alter ego for the same character (without adding the AMP in the end of the name). That player will be introduced in this event as a normal citizen and while the event runs, something will happened, that will either awaken or grant him/her some striking abilities.
More will not be said here, since it will be planned in secret between me (I will be the Player DM in this one) and the player that choose to start his membership this way. That player will have freedom to choose how to get the abilities, all I will do, is to help the event move on. Questions about this event can be asked in this thread. Only members of AMP can join, but the community is open for all that can follow the associations rules (see signature for link to rules). -
Small update 1:
Our reporter's ears have captured some street talk about a cap on the friendship-list. Since it was plan A to know who was a member of the community by adding each other to the friendship-list, we find it needed to move to plan B instead. Plan B is as following and as easy:
The character you are making for this community must add three letters in the end of the name, the letters "AMP" and in that order. If you add a space between your real character-name and the three letters, you will still have 11 letters for your name. Hope that is enough and don't give you to much trouble.
Small update 2:
On this board secret talking have been found, and deciphered. The talking was about rewarding role-playing instead of penalizing. We find the talk as wise, and have thought how to do that, without the power as DMs or moderators. We cant reward with xp or items, but instead with prestige and change of the level limit. It will be done as following:
Bi-weekly a thread for the community will be made here on this board (at least until our own board or words from the admin here, say it is a no no). In that thread each member can vote for another member. Just an I vote on <superhero> plus a small explanation, why that superhero have your vote as the best role-player of the AMP community. First, hopefully the whole CoH community will gain from that, to see what (at least us) find as good role-playing, second that player will gain some prestige. He or her will also be allowed to add one level to his/her max level limit. If the community will reach a member count of 20 (alright, let us at least first reach 4 members) we will add a 2nd place, and now the 1st place will gain 2 to max level, and 2nd place 1. At 50 members a third place, and one extra to each place will be added to max limit.
And now let move on to other news: People out there. Role-players out there. Just somebody *a small sob can be heard* that is interested. PM me soon, so I can see if there are interest for this, at least from a few, or if it is just a sinking galleon and I should move on to other ideas.
Remember there is no binding contract, and you are free to have as many other action, lite roleplaying or no limited role-playing character beside your AMP character.
As for now, there is no specific time or place on when or where we will meet. Mainly because I thought and still hope that the amount of role-players that finds this thrilling will be huge enough that we at all time will have a least a handful of members on the Guardian server. It will work as following, that on the 3rd July the member-names will be posted in this thread (a few posts up) and when you enter the game (the 4th July or after), you can go through the list adding the members to the friends-list (/friend <hero name> enter). That way we can quickly recognize each other, and know who follows the same rules and is ready for interaction in form of role-playing. This is the plan if the member count is high enough.
If the community will only include a small number than we will change it a little bit, to arrange times for us to be on and join in adventures, stories and role-playing. -
Yes. You are very welcome to be under the limit. The limitation is only for disabling some power-gaming (all right now it was said...power-gaming) within the community. We have all done it and it is tempting when we see the 26 level hero fly past us. If you can even be more relaxed about gaining levels it is only a bonus and plus for the community.
About DMs. Oh, I wish and hope that we can attract some DM attention from the people behind this game. I'm certain we will, if we can show strength in number and quality in role-playing, but until than we can always make our own special events. When the community is gathered let's talk more about Player Events and how to do them. Have done it\and been part of that on other MMORPGs and always with the reward of a great evening and experience. -
TC said:
Sorry, guys. I can't believe that the max level attained is in any way indicative of how well a character is being role-played. Maybe the player is just really, really smart. I can't see arbitrary rules like this as being important. Since I've been role-playing for 30 years, I figure I should know how to do it by myself without someone telling me the rules.
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It is not at all an indications on how grand a role-player you are. Sorry if the thread/text is seen like that. This is not the bible for what a great role-player does/are. This is a rule we have implemented for us (plain humans) not to be tempted in the rush for levels for the cost of role-playing. Nothing more and nothing less. We could have made other rules instead, but do not have the powers since we can't change the mechanisme of the game, but a rule we need (at least just for making us special)
Player-list (add all of the members on your friendship list in-game, which make it easy to find each other and together join up in grand adventures and stories).
Name of Character-----Week started-----Weeks played-----Max level allowed
Will be posted the 3rd July.
None as of yet -
All right I got it. How can I join?
If you have reached this post you have either wasted your time (sorry) or you find it interesting and want to join. It is a simple as this:
Make a character on the Guardian server. Yes, thats right, the Guardian server, not Virtue, which is the un-official role-playing server. The reason for that is so you can keep playing on the Virtue server with another hero that dont follow the The Association of Marvelous Role-players rules and dont get confused when you meet a fellow member, about if you are using the right character or not. And the second reason for it is that it cant hurt to get two un-official role-playing servers.
Make your character, so you are certain that the name you want can be taken. No need for level since you should be first level when you start here. When you are added to the member-list (see next post), start playing. You will see what week you started and what week we are in (a week start on a Sunday), and can with the use of the time played/max level system see what level you max can reach.
Remember we will first start 4th July.
This thread will be updated when needed. If this community seems to be a success, we will not use up this boards space and instead make our own private board.
Now, take care, have fun and let us together make CoH a great role-playing experience.
To the moderators/admin of this board
Please send me a PM before deleting this thread if needed for whatever reason, and give me a short timeframe to set up a private board, with the above details. Thanks. Also be welcome to contact me for further information or suggestions/ideas (you can of course also post it in this thread).