30 -
Thanks guys! We made the votes and now are submitting our grant! I hope we get it and I appreciate anyone that helped or even just read this lol
I will let this drop for now as I'm sure everyone in this sub forum is sick of me posting and putting this back at the top XD
Next post is a few months from now when we know if we get our $250,000 grant or not!
Peace! -
Just wanted to give an update to anyone watching this thread lol .... we are up to 204 votes!!! Only 46 more to go by June 30!! XD
Thank you for everyone who is voting but doesn't want to post here .... your help is very appreciated and I think we will meet our goal!!!
I told my boss that this was the best community on the internet and that they would lend a hand....you guys are awesome!! -
Thanks Zwillinger!! We are working hard to expand and it really does help people. I was really out of shape and having problems with my range of motion. This type of training helped me lose 40lbs and two pant sizes lol. I really believe in it and I appreciate the good word
Thank you guys so much for your support!!
We are still a ton of votes short of the 250 needed to qualify but with the deadline being June 30th I am hoping a bunch of people can come through in the home stretch.
If anyone reads this and hasn't voted yet please please please do! Trust me it's for a good cause otherwise I wouldn't be posting on my gaming forum about it lol.
To give an example of the work out today .... we focus on the movements we all made as kids. Crawling, Running, Jumping and Climbing .... today was the "550 workout"
This is where we crawled forward and back on hands and feet (not knees) for 550 yards ... not feet ... yards lol. And then that was alternating with jump rope.... I did 550 jump rope forward and 550 backwards. This was the first time I was able to complete the whole workout and I feel exhausted and great lol.
Sooooooo thanks again anyone that helps out by voting and/or posting it on their Facebook or Twitter!!
You guys are awesome! XD -
Hi guys,
I figured this would be the best place to put this that wouldn't irritate anyone on the other forum subsections lol.
I am a long time City of Heroes player and I have called for help from the community once before and received overwhelming support so I'm hoping for a miracle again.
The gym that I work/volunteer my time at is one that trains people in the way that we were as a child. Running, jumping, crawling, climbing, ect .... we train people to eat healthier, get a better range of motion back, extensive yoga, and also help train individuals for their own life challenges like marathons, fire fighting, veterans, police work, and people fighting with disabilities. We are working on starting programs to help children with obesity, teach them and their parents to eat better, and even martial arts classes.
We basically train people to be real life superheroes....heck my boss can do a one handed hand stand pushup...stop and imagine that in your head for a second... if that's not superhuman I don't know what is....seriously he looks like Spiderman lol.
We do a lot of good work here but we are small local business struggling against the mega gyms like Golds Gym and Planet Fitness.
This is where you can help!! Chase Bank is holding a contest where they are giving away grants for small businesses of $250,000! They are giving away a bunch of these but only for businesses that can get 250 votes on their page. This would be huge for us! We could build our new location complete with new studios where people have space, separate yoga and martial art studios, showers, a kitchen to teach nutrition, and even a two floor rock wall for kids and clients alike to use
Again ALL you have to do is log in with your Facebook log in on their page and search for MONKEY BAR GYM in Milwaukee, WI. Vote for us and if you are feeling extra generous share it to your Facebook page so that more people can see it and hopefully throw a vote in for us as well.
This is the voting page:
This is our gyms website for anyone that wants to see what we do and what you would be helping support! :
Thank you for anyone that helps in anyway and post below if you voted so that we can keep this going!
I will be posting something similar to this on a few other forums that have outstanding members so if you see it again please don't think it's spam lol.
You guys rock and I will let you know if we make our 250 votes!!!
Amrat -
Back to the foul depths that spawned you Lep! lol....
Dude you already have a Elec stalker and Elec is in my opinion better for a stalker or scrapper due to how the damage bonus mechanics of this game work.
If you want a really high damage farming brute you are going to need to take SS or Fire or settle for a medium damage farming brute but with also very high damage single target attacks and some cool animations(This is all assuming shields as secondary)
As others have said Patron Pool AoE's can help a lot with this.
See you online man
Peace -
Yea the wife even mentioned needing a Phase Shift power and she hasn't even play PvP before lol
I like the concept of two blasters or two stalkers for quick kills .... but she has a high level Plant/Emp controller that she is good with and I have a long ranged Arch/Eng Blaster ... could they work well together for Zones? What is the secret of Blaster/Emp combo's?.... just buffs and heals?
If we went with two blasters or two stalker ... any particular combo's to look at?
Thanks for the info so far though -
Hey guys,
My wife and I have started playing again together and I have started thinking about what we could play together when we felt like pvping. We would always play together, play mostly zone pvp, prefer playing blue side but have most of my money redside lol.....want something that we can work together with to get some fun kills so she enjoys it and we can play more lol :P
Any suggestions?
Two blasters for spike kills? -
Well I have already played two Kinetics to level 50 ... I could make another one i guess since they are very sweet paired with a scrapper lol.
Does Fulcrum Shift apply to Carrion Creepers? That might make a Plant/Kin more interesting...
With Empathy though I was thinking of how nice a power boosted Fortitude plus Adrenalin Boost to really push her into the unkillable levels lol
Course I am seeing the benefits in playing a Defender and getting all the powers much earlier .... grrr this is a hard desicion lol
Thank you for the suggestions and I am going to ponder it more ..... /Cold or Cold/ is sounding better and better also -
Hey guys,
My wife is just coming back to the game after a long absence and after several hours on the character creator screen she settled on a Elec/WP scrapper and I am inquiring about what would be good to make as a partner for her.
I was thinking something Controller or Defender flavored with a good coverage on protecting her and dishing out some of my own damage.
What AT would you want running behind you buffing you if you were an Elec/WP scrapper? lol
So far I have thought an Illusion/Empathy controller would be fun for me to play and lend powerful abilities to her and I leveling fast and taking on big groups
Any suggestions? -
Maybe Friday would work for some people lol
But I would love to team with you also ... my blaster needs the merits and it's hard to solo those missions sometimes with the mez's
Hey Triumph,
My play time most weekdays is from about 10am CST to 5pm CST and I was curious if there was a chance a MS raid could be done during those times someday? schedule it or something? lol ..... I really need a ton of merits and soloing mission after mission is not getting me many lol. I see MS raids starting up very often right around 5pm when I have to log .... any suggestions?
Amrat -
Just to put my two cents in ...
I just got my first blaster to level 35 and she is a Arch/EM and she is bloody awesomeI stay at max range almost all the time thanks to Boost Range, Hover and the mobs not being able to reach me from that distance lol. I plan on going Munitions also for the LRM Rocket because I enjoy ITF's and other missions with lots of baddies ... and being able to cycle through four AoE's is sick
AR/EM was my second choice and is also a great combo but don't count out Arch/EM .... I am very happy with mine
Amrat -
I find it amusing to see cracks about my grammer/spelling on a video game internet forum
My wife is a writer and enjoys giving me crap about it lol .... no biggie though since I know I take much greater care in it when I am writing a paper for school or something.
Now for something ironic ... the day after I make my post complaining about listing fees (Happy Obsidius?) .... I made my first billion red side
I am very happy despite that I will probably not use it for IO'ing out a character ... I will more then likely just keep using it to make more lol.
My elite Ebil'z
So I guess I should stop complaining about those fees eh?
(P.S. Oh mogura thanks for the compliment on my avatar ... I am quite a Hunter fan myself so kudos on yours)
I just hate trying to build up my nest egg and seeing profit going *poof* because the game needs a money sink
Listing fee's ... I hate them
..... that is all
Amrat -
i wouldnt go with any of those secondaries.
if you want to mostly aoe, that means some herding. and to herd, you gotta survive
while the secondaries you listed can survive most mobs - they all have a group or two that just eat through them.
personally if i were to make another herding brute it would be an /sr brute. why? defense debuffs in the form of various lethal attacks are EXTREMELY common in this game.
sadly none of the brute primaries are very good for aoe. it's too bad we dont have spines.
[/ QUOTE ]
Grrr I had a much longer post here but am refraining myself ... JupiterMoon you dispense awful advice in almost every post I read of yours and preach it as truth .... stop it ... stop it right now
To the OP: I would go with what Smurphy said and roll up a SS/Fire ... I have seen a few good ones in action and they are just sick.
Amrat -
JiI: ... are they still arguing about Schroedinger?
E, Sally: YES.
JiI: ....
Arachnos Flier: Hey, guys, I got bored over at my place, no one arou... oo, nice scale patterns, babe! and no tan lines, VERY daring of you...
Sally: *turns red and ducks under the water*
E: ... oh good going, genius. Now the only 'babe' in our weight class is Lusca, and she's TOTALLY clingy, man.
Lusca: ... OOOH I heard my name mentioned! Hiiiiiii! Are we having a party?
JiI, E, AF, S: ... damnit.
[/ QUOTE ]
My favorite post in this whole thread lol
Physics e-peen contest aside .... I had not thought about the spawns of GM's and the like that pop up on timers. But those messages we see when one spawns "The Kraken has been seen in Perez Park" ... those could just be background notifications alerting us of the roll over of the GM's timer.
At this point IF we enter the zone it is during a time the GM should be spawned as the zone loads up.
As was stated before we the playerbase have no idea the fine details of this unless a Dev/programmer feels like chiming in. I just think it must be a waste of resources to keep all the battles and mobs spawned in a zone like The FBZ or the Storm Palace.
Interesting notion though eh?
Amrat -
I was just running through Dark Astoria and I had an interesting thought ... does this zone exist if no one is in it? Does the game load it up only when at least one player is in it? And if not why not? I would think it would save a bit on server work ...
Anyone know?
Amrat -
Read the EULA and you will probably figure it out.
No Drug references
[/ QUOTE ]
Does Superadine count?
How about Council Super Soldier Serum?
How about Shift?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, exactly my point. But he was obviously paraphrasing from memory because there is no such prohibition that I can find.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is the main one I want to know because it's preventing me from making an arc I want to do. I have a feeling that whether or not it's going to get pulled is whether or not I use a real drug or one of the CoH genericed drugs like Superadine....
Amrat -
I am just curious how far we are allowed to go for controversial missions?
I know we should have no swearing, sex, or direct copying of things like Wolverine and such ...
But we can have stories where we murder, kidnap, corrupt, attempt to conquer the world, or even raze a village of innocents to the ground... right?
So how does this deal with making missions with real world issues? What if I wanted to make a mission involving drugs? Would I have to use ingame concepts only like Superdyne? What about using real world drugs and drug problems that arise? What's the difference? Would they only be allowed if they were Villainous in alignment?
What if I wanted to have a mission dealing with alcohol abuse and the damage he caused or the redemption of someone suffering from it?
The CoX world has it's own world leaders and presidents and such but what if you wanted to make a villainous one where Recluse has you assassinate one of these important people?
I believe the PTB would not have many problems with the heroic aspects of many of these ideas ... stop the assassination, arrest the drug lord, or help a fallen hero suffering from binge drinking because he let a child die .... buuuuuut since we also have that whole other side of the game which is villainous ... what is stopping us from making missions doing the exact opposite?
I think a lot of us have watched The Watchmen by now or read the graphic novel .... I don't know about you but I really dig how their issues are grittier and not so cut and dry with what normally flys in comics.
We were given this MA system to allow our creativity to flow but before I start crafting something I want to know where the lines are. I would hate to work hard on an arc just to have it brought down because some people find it "controversial" regardless if I stay in line with what ideas are allowed to be explored with this rampant creativity. What if the arc had a warning on it?
I guess an easy answer would be this ... from what we know of what kinds of stories get pulled .... What is the worst kind of mission that is NOT getting pulled? Could this be used as a warning or metric of don't go much farther then (blank)?
I love the MA system and can't wait to flesh some of my ideas out but I want to make something a bit more Sin City and a lot less Powerpuff Girls if ya know what I mean?
Thank you for listening to my semi-rant and I am curious to hear what you guys think about this.
Amrat -
I miss HST today sooooooo.........
Hmmm well I have my graphics cranked ...that's not the problem. It's strange really .....it can look real bright on my screen and then be real dark on the screenie. I might have to try that whole open it with Paint or something and up the brightness on the pic.
Any recommended zones with good lighting? My SG base is kinda dark lol.
Thanks for the suggestions so far though....the helpful suggestions -
Hey guys,
I have been trying to take some nice screen shots and post them up on an image site. The only problem is no matter what I do all of my shots look too dark. I see all these people with bright great looking screenshots and I am just curious if anyone has some tips to take some real nice pics of their characters.
Thanks! -
Wow! Thanks for the swift reply guys.
Well it looks like I need to start up a photobucket account and get some screenies hmmm?
I'll set up the account today and take some good screenshots tonight with my graphics card cranked. Tomorrow I will put up the links and if anyone is interested in taking on a character that would be awesome. As far as ingame rewards we might be able to work something out
Thanks again guys!