Question to the talented artists here .....




Hey guys and gals,

I started looking over this section thanks to the City Scoop Article and I am curious if there is anyone here that does some of these badass art pieces I keep seeing for free. I know the artist have to make there money but I am broke for spending money's on things like artwork. I have several characters I would love to have memorialized by a nice art pic that I could maybe get printed out and hang above my computer. Now I would never ask an aspiring artists to eat up their freetime doing multiple characters unless they wanted to. So if anyone that is looking to practice or is feeling particularly charitable I would love to chat with them and see if we can work something out.

If not that is fine also but I figured I'd give it a shot.

Either way I want you guys to know your work is appreciated by more then the person commisioning you. Keep up the great work and I'll see you gameside

Grey Ghost Music



Often the best way to get art done for no money is to offer a trade or win a contest. If you have the time to hang out and watch this forum pretty often then you can be right on top when someone asks for characters to experiment on.
I'd recommend putting a link to a good screenshot of your character in your sig line, just in case.

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



It also helps to entice a perspective artist by having screenshots to some of your toons in your signature. Some people make Photobucket or Image Shack accounts for this purpose. There's also the Unofficial Guide to the Virtue Universe on Wikipedia...

What I'm getting at is, that often it's the person's concept and costume that make "free" art a doable thing. Otherwise it does become working for a client for nothing. Some will work for influence, though with the Invention system that's almost not necessary.

But even that can be bartered for... a good invention drop is worth anywhere from 500k to 20 million. Shoot I want to earn my batwings... but heck I wouldn't say no to a gift anyway I'm just gabbing... I've got little to no time as it is...



Personally, I've been prone to take a challenge from time to time. LJ is correct though, entice the artist with screenies and/or some influence/infamy in game to sweeten the deal. I may have some time to do a sketch or two.

But that's just my opinion.


The Neverending Battle Continues; Be Heroes!!

Stuff I've Drawn

My Deviant Art Page



If Jim says he may have some time and both he and Lady J drop hints about how to get noticed by an artist... it's a good idea to listen... both of them are well worth the time if you get on their good side =)



Wow! Thanks for the swift reply guys.

Well it looks like I need to start up a photobucket account and get some screenies hmmm?

I'll set up the account today and take some good screenshots tonight with my graphics card cranked. Tomorrow I will put up the links and if anyone is interested in taking on a character that would be awesome. As far as ingame rewards we might be able to work something out

Thanks again guys!

Grey Ghost Music