880 -
Quote:Yes it is a 15 day event and it is still going on.The date of this event confuses me. Is it a 15 day-long event?
If it's still going on I'll rustle up a a team and give it a go!
The RO Anniversary Celebration is from Aug 15 - 30th (15 days) and the Training Day Challenge is open until the end of the celebration (Aug 30th). Teams can practice and decide to have an official run, with an RO Observer, anytime during the contest period.
When you are ready to get an official time, post here, send me a PM, or contact me via in game global @Alty. We will assign an RO observer to your team and your time will time will be recorded.
We also have other events going during these 15 days so check out the link in my sig! -
Quote:You can use Vengeance and Fallout, you cannot have someone who's only purpose is to be a vengeance/fallout dummy.Questions: Are we not allowed to use Vengeance or Fallout at ALL, or just not in a way where it seems to have been planned or could have been easily prevented?
Do we have to defeat-all on the missions, or just complete the objectives?
Also, about Smurphy's challenge: it seems right now, if a team BEATS Smurphys time, they get LESS than if they DON'T beat Smurphy's time. (50M vs 250M). There a typo there or something?
There aren't any "defeat all" missions. Some objectives may be easier to achieve by defeating MOST...but that's up to the team.
I can see where you're confused:
Those who attempt (this means finish all 6 missions) Bunny/Smurphy's Bonus challenge will earn 50 million.
If one of the team beats Smurphy's time then they win 1 BILLION inf prize. If team also had the fastest time of the normal competitors (those not going for the bonus) then they would win the normal prize of 2.1 billion as well. The gamble is can you beat Smurphy's time and the other contestants to potentially walk away with 3 billion.
If no one beats Smurphy's time then the team with the fastest (The Losers) win a 250 million inf prize.
You are actually get more cash going for the Bunny Bonus: 50mil to complete all 6 missions. You don't get any cash for finishing the challenge normally, but you may have a better chance at getting the 2.1 Billion. -
Training Day Challenge
Training Day Challenge -- Heroes & Villains
Saturday, August 15 through Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET
Take a team of 5-7 players thorough a series of six MA missions and live to tell about it. Do it quickly and get rewarded handsomely. There also a Bunny Bonus (aka Smurphy's challenge)
Contact: @Alty
Prizes: 300 million x7 + 5 Participation Points| Total Prize Value: 2.1 Billion Inf
Bunny Bonus: 1 Billion Inf + extras
Players can can register their teams by posting here or sending me a PM with the following information:
- Your Global Name:
- Your Team's Globals:
- SG Affiliation:
- Server:
- Date & Time preferred for Official Observeration:
The Details
The Challenge
Training Day is a set of single mission arcs created in the MA as a challenging TF/SF for RO members. This contest requires a team to complete the entire set of six missions in the fastest time possible.
The Six (6) Missions (in order)- Arc #262520 Training Day: Morning -- Apply to RO: Defeat Hobo Healer & EvilRat
- Arc #262522 Training Day: Afternoon -- Protect the Formula: Defeat Akari Hayasa & L6
- Arc #262524 Training Day: Evening -- Recover the Packages: Defeat Teklord & ilr
- Arc #262525 Training Day: Midnight -- Find Evidence: Defeat Ceejer & OtterCub
- Arc #262529 Training Day: Zero Hour -- Rescue Alty: Defeat: Abnormal Joe & Concrete Dragon
- Arc #262530 Training Day: Dawn -- Defeat the Kings of Aggro: Prince of Fallout, Duke of Nukes, Baron of Buffs, Lord of ID, Sire of PBAoEs, Saint of Side Aggro, Dominus of Domination, Imperator of IOs
Requirements- A team of a 5 - 7 players (LEVEL 35-50) +1 RO Oberserver.
- The mission difficulty must be set to LEVEL 3 (Rugged/Vicious) or higher
- Team makeup may be all-hero, all-villain, or mixed
Rules- All team members must be individual participants; no fillers nor multi-boxing.
- No Vengeance nor Fallout Dummy. "Natural" repeated deaths allowed"
- No Temp Powers.
- Accolades, Empowerment Station Buffs, Fortune Teller buffs allowed.
- We will start the clock inside the mission once your team starts. We will consider "starting" scouting, positioning toward enemies, fighting or buffing. Moving a step over away from the door to make room will not be considered starting. These rules are to encourage teams to wait and let all team members load in the mission.
- One "Time Out" per team which the team leader can use at any time to stop the clock for a maximum of 15 minutes. This time may not be used to achieve mission objectives (kill mobs, click glowies, etc.) but may be used for anything else (refill inspirations, return from the hospital, AFK, etc). The "Time Out" may be ended early at the team leader's request, but any remaining time is lost. (Note: please wait for the RO observer to acknowledge the start/stop of a "Time Out" before proceeding.)
Judging- The combined total time for all 6 missions will determine the winner.
- Teams that are unable to complete the entire 6 missions will be disqualified.
- Teams must complete the missions on the same day and within the maximum of alloted time of 4 hours.
- If the RO observer has to go AFK (away from keyboard) / DCs (disconnects), etc., team must finish their current spawn and stop immediately. Team may not resume fighting until the observer returns or a replacement can be found (recommend team leaders should RO EVENTS channel prior to event start). Time lost in this way may be used to hospital / refill inspirations, etc., and will NOT count toward your finish time (basically functions as a free "Time Out").
- Prizes will be awarded to the 5-7 members of the winning team who finish the challenge. If the team had to replace a member halfway through mission 2, sorry about your luck - if you think you're entitled to something for your efforts, take it up with the team leader.
Procedures for Observers- Observers may not aid the team in any way.
- Observers must a stop watch or other methods to record time. http://www.online-stopwatch.com/
- If an Observer goes AFK (away from keyboard) or DC (disconnects), they must pause their stopwatch. If an observer cannot return for whatever reason, they are required to record and save the time up to that point. Replacement observers must start their own timer at zero when the observer instructs the team to resume the challenge. The times will added together to equal the final total.
Training Day Challenge -- Bunny Bonus! -- By Smurphy
1) Form up a team.
That's right. All you've got to do is try* and 50M Inf is yours.**
2) Run the RO Training Day Challenge on Challenge level 5 and not the required level 3.
3) Complete the challenge within the 4 hour time limit.
4) Receive bacon! Wrong Challenge. Sorry, no bacon
4, try two) The team receives 50,000,000 Infamy or Influence.
But wait, there's more!
I'll be organizing my own team to take on the Training Day Challenge on Challenge level 5.
If a team does the challenge, beats my time, and is the fastest team to beat my time they get a...
1 Billion Inf bonus!
If no team succeeds at beating my team's bonus challenge time...1st place team receives 22 Quadrillion Influences, their names on the Atlas Blimp, and a limited edition Matt Miller verses Jack Emmert Rock 'em Sock 'em Dev-Bot.
So let's get all the details and questions handled. Each person's global account only gets 1 shot at the Training Day Challenge. Choose your team and choose your attempt wisely. In order to be eligible for Bonus Prizes a team must do the entirety of the Challenge on Challenge level 5. This uses up their one attempt. That team still is eligible for the main prize. Smurphy's team is not eligible for either Training Day Challenge first place prize.
1st Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
2nd Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
3rd Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
4th Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
Quote:Smurphy's team runs the challenge in 3 Hours on Challenge level 5.
Team A runs the challenge in 2 hours on Challenge level 3.
Team B runs the challenge in 2 1/2 hours on Challenge level 5.
Team A wins the main prize of XXX Inf
Team B wins the bonus prize of 1 Billion Inf
No teams receive loser places.Quote:Smurphy's team runs the challenge in 1 hour on Challenge level 5.
Team A runs the challenge in 3 hours on Challenge level 3.
Team B runs the challenge in 2 hours on CHallenge level 5.
Team B wins the main prize of XXX Inf
Team B is first loser for the bonus prize and receives an additional 250M Inf.
2nd through 4th loser prizes available.
Team A wins nothing.*and succeed
**your teams. Limit one per global account. As supplies last. At least 20 teams will be able to receive the bonus. More if I'm feeling generous... and I am rich... but I am cheap... so who knows!
Team Leaders can also send me a global tell @Alty to sign up. We need the global of the contact person/team lead.
If you have any questions, please post here or ask in our event global channel: RO Events
Training Day Challenge
Training Day Challenge -- Heroes & Villains
Saturday, August 15 through Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET
Take a team of 5-7 players thorough a series of six MA missions and live to tell about it. Do it quickly and get rewarded handsomely. There also a Bunny Bonus (aka Smurphy's challenge)
Contact: @Alty
Prizes: 300 million x7 + 5 Participation Points| Total Prize Value: 2.1 Billion Inf
Bunny Bonus: 1 Billion Inf + extras
Players can can register their teams by posting here or sending me a PM with the following information:
- Your Global Name:
- Your Team's Globals:
- SG Affiliation:
- Server:
- Date & Time preferred for Official Observeration:
The Details
The Challenge
Training Day is a set of single mission arcs created in the MA as a challenging TF/SF for RO members. This contest requires a team to complete the entire set of six missions in the fastest time possible.
The Six (6) Missions (in order)- Arc #262520 Training Day: Morning -- Apply to RO: Defeat Hobo Healer & EvilRat
- Arc #262522 Training Day: Afternoon -- Protect the Formula: Defeat Akari Hayasa & L6
- Arc #262524 Training Day: Evening -- Recover the Packages: Defeat Teklord & ilr
- Arc #262525 Training Day: Midnight -- Find Evidence: Defeat Ceejer & OtterCub
- Arc #262529 Training Day: Zero Hour -- Rescue Alty: Defeat: Abnormal Joe & Concrete Dragon
- Arc #262530 Training Day: Dawn -- Defeat the Kings of Aggro: Prince of Fallout, Duke of Nukes, Baron of Buffs, Lord of ID, Sire of PBAoEs, Saint of Side Aggro, Dominus of Domination, Imperator of IOs
Requirements- A team of a 5 - 7 players (LEVEL 35-50) +1 RO Oberserver.
- The mission difficulty must be set to LEVEL 3 (Rugged/Vicious) or higher
- Team makeup may be all-hero, all-villain, or mixed
Rules- All team members must be individual participants; no fillers nor multi-boxing.
- No Vengeance nor Fallout Dummy. "Natural" repeated deaths allowed"
- No Temp Powers.
- Accolades, Empowerment Station Buffs, Fortune Teller buffs allowed.
- We will start the clock inside the mission once your team starts. We will consider "starting" scouting, positioning toward enemies, fighting or buffing. Moving a step over away from the door to make room will not be considered starting. These rules are to encourage teams to wait and let all team members load in the mission.
- One "Time Out" per team which the team leader can use at any time to stop the clock for a maximum of 15 minutes. This time may not be used to achieve mission objectives (kill mobs, click glowies, etc.) but may be used for anything else (refill inspirations, return from the hospital, AFK, etc). The "Time Out" may be ended early at the team leader's request, but any remaining time is lost. (Note: please wait for the RO observer to acknowledge the start/stop of a "Time Out" before proceeding.)
Judging- The combined total time for all 6 missions will determine the winner.
- Teams that are unable to complete the entire 6 missions will be disqualified.
- Teams must complete the missions on the same day and within the maximum of alloted time of 4 hours.
- If the RO observer has to go AFK (away from keyboard) / DCs (disconnects), etc., team must finish their current spawn and stop immediately. Team may not resume fighting until the observer returns or a replacement can be found (recommend team leaders should RO EVENTS channel prior to event start). Time lost in this way may be used to hospital / refill inspirations, etc., and will NOT count toward your finish time (basically functions as a free "Time Out").
- Prizes will be awarded to the 5-7 members of the winning team who finish the challenge. If the team had to replace a member halfway through mission 2, sorry about your luck - if you think you're entitled to something for your efforts, take it up with the team leader.
Procedures for Observers- Observers may not aid the team in any way.
- Observers must a stop watch or other methods to record time. http://www.online-stopwatch.com/
- If an Observer goes AFK (away from keyboard) or DC (disconnects), they must pause their stopwatch. If an observer cannot return for whatever reason, they are required to record and save the time up to that point. Replacement observers must start their own timer at zero when the observer instructs the team to resume the challenge. The times will added together to equal the final total.
Training Day Challenge -- Bunny Bonus! -- By Smurphy
1) Form up a team.
That's right. All you've got to do is try* and 50M Inf is yours.**
2) Run the RO Training Day Challenge on Challenge level 5 and not the required level 3.
3) Complete the challenge within the 4 hour time limit.
4) Receive bacon! Wrong Challenge. Sorry, no bacon
4, try two) The team receives 50,000,000 Infamy or Influence.
But wait, there's more!
I'll be organizing my own team to take on the Training Day Challenge on Challenge level 5.
If a team does the challenge, beats my time, and is the fastest team to beat my time they get a...
1 Billion Inf bonus!
If no team succeeds at beating my team's bonus challenge time...1st place team receives 22 Quadrillion Influences, their names on the Atlas Blimp, and a limited edition Matt Miller verses Jack Emmert Rock 'em Sock 'em Dev-Bot.
So let's get all the details and questions handled. Each person's global account only gets 1 shot at the Training Day Challenge. Choose your team and choose your attempt wisely. In order to be eligible for Bonus Prizes a team must do the entirety of the Challenge on Challenge level 5. This uses up their one attempt. That team still is eligible for the main prize. Smurphy's team is not eligible for either Training Day Challenge first place prize.
1st Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
2nd Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
3rd Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
4th Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
Quote:Smurphy's team runs the challenge in 3 Hours on Challenge level 5.
Team A runs the challenge in 2 hours on Challenge level 3.
Team B runs the challenge in 2 1/2 hours on Challenge level 5.
Team A wins the main prize of XXX Inf
Team B wins the bonus prize of 1 Billion Inf
No teams receive loser places.Quote:Smurphy's team runs the challenge in 1 hour on Challenge level 5.
Team A runs the challenge in 3 hours on Challenge level 3.
Team B runs the challenge in 2 hours on CHallenge level 5.
Team B wins the main prize of XXX Inf
Team B is first loser for the bonus prize and receives an additional 250M Inf.
2nd through 4th loser prizes available.
Team A wins nothing.*and succeed
**your teams. Limit one per global account. As supplies last. At least 20 teams will be able to receive the bonus. More if I'm feeling generous... and I am rich... but I am cheap... so who knows!
Team Leaders can also send me a global tell @Alty to sign up. We need the global of the contact person/team lead.
If you have any questions, please post here or ask in our event global channel: RO Events
The prize is still up for grabs! So draft up a team and enter, the odds of winning are very favorable.
Winners of the Costume Contest
Quote:First a big thank-you to Alty and AbnormalJoe for helping me with judging the contests. And of course a shout-out to Caiged for caging the prize money. Also to those who helped spread the word this evening - thanks! It was especially crazy on Virtue, where we ended up splitting into 2 shards, and had to run back and forth.
Without further ado, here are the winners. Each received a cool 40 million inf - thanks to our donors!
Best Male - Apep the Destroyer
Best Female - Dark Lure
Best Bio/Costume Combination - Cruel Symmetry
Best Classic Costume - Chrome Omega
Best Cliche' Costume - Supa Fly Pimpdaddy
Best Male - Omni-versal
Best Female - iMaid
Best Bio/Costume Combination - Y2K-Bug
Best Classic Costume - Major Power
Best Cliche' Costume - El Santo de Aguilas
Best Male - Fate Spirit
Best Female - Redtail Hawk
Best Bio/Costume Combination - Widow Jenkins
Best Classic Costume - Kid Sovereign
Best Cliche' Costume - Amish Disco
It was great fun - I hope you enjoyed it. -
Winners of the Costume Contest
Quote:First a big thank-you to Alty and AbnormalJoe for helping me with judging the contests. And of course a shout-out to Caiged for caging the prize money. Also to those who helped spread the word this evening - thanks! It was especially crazy on Virtue, where we ended up splitting into 2 shards, and had to run back and forth.
Without further ado, here are the winners. Each received a cool 40 million inf - thanks to our donors!
Best Male - Apep the Destroyer
Best Female - Dark Lure
Best Bio/Costume Combination - Cruel Symmetry
Best Classic Costume - Chrome Omega
Best Cliche' Costume - Supa Fly Pimpdaddy
Best Male - Omni-versal
Best Female - iMaid
Best Bio/Costume Combination - Y2K-Bug
Best Classic Costume - Major Power
Best Cliche' Costume - El Santo de Aguilas
Best Male - Fate Spirit
Best Female - Redtail Hawk
Best Bio/Costume Combination - Widow Jenkins
Best Classic Costume - Kid Sovereign
Best Cliche' Costume - Amish Disco
It was great fun - I hope you enjoyed it. -
Very nice work..love the transparent fade!
Cool! I like the stamps. Credit goes to Bayani, he had the idea, first. -
“Save the Day with RO” - Zone Event/GM Hunting - Heroes
Justice/Heroes: Sunday, August 16 @ 6 pm - 10 pm ET / 3pm - 7pm PT
Patrol the Paragon City with RO! Take down giant monsters, save a city from crazy clockwork machines, zombies and alien invasions. Generally do hero stuff with us and maybe earn a badge or two along with some points.
Server: Justice & Freedom
Contact: @Bobaloo
Prizes: 3 Participation Points
Meet us in Steel Canyon at the Yellow Line Tram!
Join the global channel RO EVENTS (/chanjoin "RO Events") for current details on our Monster Hunting team. -
Screenshot Scavenger Hunt -- Villains
Saturday, August 15 @ 12am ET - Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET
We post a list, you take screenshots and win a prize. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Dr. Robert / @Alty
Prizes: 150 million x2, 100 million x2 + 2-10+ Participation Points | Total Prize Value: 500 million Inf
Screenshot List
Basic: Any Nemesis lieutenant
Advanced: Manticore Automation
Master: Nemisis (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Nova Roma
Basic: Ashley McKnight
Advanced: Proximo
Master: Romulus Augustus
Alien Nation
Basic: Any Rikti boss
Advanced: The Rikti Mothership
Master: Ukon Gr'ai
Basic: Any Goldbricker boss
Advanced: The Warburg Rocket
Master: A Missile Launch in progress
Something Fishy
Basic: Any Coralax lieutenant
Advanced: Barracuda
Master: The Eye of the Leviathan
Basic: Ractespriel
Advanced: Lilitu
Master: Infernal vs Bat'Zul
Pyramid Scheme
Basic: Hardcase
Advanced: Silvertongue
Master: Johnny Sonata's Soul (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Ebil Marketeer
Basic: Sell any item at the Black Market.
Advanced: As above. Sale price must be 10 million Infamy or more.
Master: As above. Sale price must be 100 million Infamy or more.- Note: To take a screenshot of the market UI, hit the "Print Screen" key, paste (Ctrl + v) the image into an external image editor (such as Microsoft Paint), then save (Ctrl + s) the resulting file. CoH/V will not automatically save the image in your default screenshot directory, so doing it manually is the only way to get this shot.
Mage Hunter
Basic: Any CoT Mage (lieutenant or boss class, must have "Mage" in the name)
Advanced: Akarist
Master: Archus
Basic: Any Hellfrost boss
Advanced: Arch-A
Master: The Thorn Tree (Monster class, must have 50% health or less)
Project Fury
Basic: Any Arachnoid minion
Advanced: Biff
Master: Lord Recluse (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Basic: Doc Buzzsaw
Advanced: B4nKbUsTah
Master: Dreck (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Basic: Timothy Raymond
Advanced: Traditionalist Ambassador: Il'los
Master: The Honoree (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Broken Arrow
Basic: Any Longbow Spec-Ops minion
Advanced: Indigo
Master: Crimson (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Project Destiny
Basic: Lord Recluse (as NPC, in Grandville)
Advanced: Ruined Atlas Globe (in Future Atlas Park)
Master: Statesman (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Terra Edo
Basic: Any Devouring Earth boss
Advanced: Any Devouring Earth giant monster
The Hamidon (or Weakened Hamidon)
Basic: Lt. Demitrovich
Advanced: Aurora Borealis
Master: Valkyrie (AV class, during her Resurrect/MoG animation)
#18 to be listed later today
The Rules
General Info- A list of "subjects" will be published on the main forums at 6:00pm EST on Saturday, August 15th, 2009. Take screenshots of these subjects and enter to win fabulous cash & prizes!
- Villains only, levels 1-50, on Freedom, Virtue, and Justice.
- Self-paced; there is no teaming schedule for this event.
- Limit of one contest entry per global account.
The List- Will contain 17 subjects to be captured.
- Each subject will be broken down into 3 levels of increasing difficulty: Basic, Advanced, and Master.
- Basic: can be solo'd by a level 1 character. Every subject will be something that can be found in an open zone.
- Advanced: can still be solo'd, but you'll need a high level character to do so. Most subjects will require access to level restricted zones and/or use of the Flashback system.
- Master: will be difficult or impossible to solo. Most subjects will require use of SF/Trial content and/or the completion of an exceptionally dangerous task (such as the defeat of a Hero or Archvillain).
- No randomly occurring events (i.e. Giant Monster spawns or similar) will be required at any level.
- Please submit only one screenshot per subject.
Sample Subject (Based on Hero content and will not be on the real list.)
ClockworkBasic: Any Clockwork Spawn (easily found in most low level zones)
Technical Requirements
Advanced: Psychic Clockwork King (found only in a level 40-44 mission, accessible via the Flashback system)
Master: The Clockwork King (found only in the Synapse or Lady Gray TF)- Screenshots of Mission Architect / Architect Entertainment content will not be accepted.
- All screenshots must be taken with UI enabled. For perfect results every time, use this handy slash command: /screenshotui 1
- Your character(s) must be at least partially visible in each screenshot. However, you do not need to use the same character for every shot, or even take them all on the same server.
- If the subject is a targetable entity (an enemy, ally, NPC, etc.), then it must appear in your target window.
- Screenshots must have filenames and/or tags that indicate their subject matter. If in doubt, use this format: "SubjectName (DifficultyLevel).jpg"
- Perfect: "Clockwork (Advanced).jpg"
- Unacceptable: "screenshot_2009-08-25-14-19-53.jpg"
- Upload all screenshots to the online host of your choice (such as www.Photobucket.com). Please keep images as close to their native resolution as possible (shrunken images may be difficult to judge).
- Once you have uploaded a qualifying screenshot of all 17 subjects, post the link in this thread and PM the link to: Altoholic_Monkey also, include your global name.
- Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline of 11:59pm EST on Sunday, August 30th, 2009.
Judging- Images will first be evaluated to ensure they meet technical and subject matter requirements.
- If all 18 images are accepted, your entry will be awarded between 18-126 points:
- 1 point per Basic level image.
- 2 points per Advanced level image.
- 3 points per Master level image.
- 4 bonus points per image captured while participating in any other RO Anniversary event. If you believe one or more of your images should qualify for this bonus, please mention it at the time of your submission.
- No partial credit. 16/17 subjects = 0 points.
Prizes- The first complete entry submitted (any difficulty level) will receive: 100 million Infamy
- The first complete Advanced level entry submitted will receive: 100 million Infamy
- The first complete Master level entry submitted will receive: 150 million Infamy
- The submission that is awarded the most points will recieve: 150 million Infamy
In the event of a tie, this prize will be divided equally among the winners.
In addition, all contest participants will be awarded RO Participation Points equal to 10% of the point value of their submission, rounded to the nearest whole number (87 points = 9 RO Participation Points), and will automatically be entered into the grand prize drawing to be held on Monday, August 31st, 2009.
Screenshot Scavenger Hunt -- Villains
Saturday, August 15 @ 12am ET - Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET
We post a list, you take screenshots and win a prize. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Dr. Robert / @Alty
Prizes: 150 million x2, 100 million x2 + 2-10+ Participation Points | Total Prize Value: 500 million Inf
Screenshot List
Basic: Any Nemesis lieutenant
Advanced: Manticore Automation
Master: Nemisis (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Nova Roma
Basic: Ashley McKnight
Advanced: Proximo
Master: Romulus Augustus
Alien Nation
Basic: Any Rikti boss
Advanced: The Rikti Mothership
Master: Ukon Gr'ai
Basic: Any Goldbricker boss
Advanced: The Warburg Rocket
Master: A Missile Launch in progress
Something Fishy
Basic: Any Coralax lieutenant
Advanced: Barracuda
Master: The Eye of the Leviathan
Basic: Ractespriel
Advanced: Lilitu
Master: Infernal vs Bat'Zul
Pyramid Scheme
Basic: Hardcase
Advanced: Silvertongue
Master: Johnny Sonata's Soul (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Ebil Marketeer
Basic: Sell any item at the Black Market.
Advanced: As above. Sale price must be 10 million Infamy or more.
Master: As above. Sale price must be 100 million Infamy or more.- Note: To take a screenshot of the market UI, hit the "Print Screen" key, paste (Ctrl + v) the image into an external image editor (such as Microsoft Paint), then save (Ctrl + s) the resulting file. CoH/V will not automatically save the image in your default screenshot directory, so doing it manually is the only way to get this shot.
Mage Hunter
Basic: Any CoT Mage (lieutenant or boss class, must have "Mage" in the name)
Advanced: Akarist
Master: Archus
Basic: Any Hellfrost boss
Advanced: Arch-A
Master: The Thorn Tree (Monster class, must have 50% health or less)
Project Fury
Basic: Any Arachnoid minion
Advanced: Biff
Master: Lord Recluse (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Basic: Doc Buzzsaw
Advanced: B4nKbUsTah
Master: Dreck (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Basic: Timothy Raymond
Advanced: Traditionalist Ambassador: Il'los
Master: The Honoree (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Broken Arrow
Basic: Any Longbow Spec-Ops minion
Advanced: Indigo
Master: Crimson (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Project Destiny
Basic: Lord Recluse (as NPC, in Grandville)
Advanced: Ruined Atlas Globe (in Future Atlas Park)
Master: Statesman (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Terra Edo
Basic: Any Devouring Earth boss
Advanced: Any Devouring Earth giant monster
The Hamidon (or Weakened Hamidon)
Basic: Lt. Demitrovich
Advanced: Aurora Borealis
Master: Valkyrie (AV class, during her Resurrect/MoG animation)
#18 to be listed later today
The Rules
General Info- A list of "subjects" will be published on the main forums at 6:00pm EST on Saturday, August 15th, 2009. Take screenshots of these subjects and enter to win fabulous cash & prizes!
- Villains only, levels 1-50, on Freedom, Virtue, and Justice.
- Self-paced; there is no teaming schedule for this event.
- Limit of one contest entry per global account.
The List- Will contain 17 subjects to be captured.
- Each subject will be broken down into 3 levels of increasing difficulty: Basic, Advanced, and Master.
- Basic: can be solo'd by a level 1 character. Every subject will be something that can be found in an open zone.
- Advanced: can still be solo'd, but you'll need a high level character to do so. Most subjects will require access to level restricted zones and/or use of the Flashback system.
- Master: will be difficult or impossible to solo. Most subjects will require use of SF/Trial content and/or the completion of an exceptionally dangerous task (such as the defeat of a Hero or Archvillain).
- No randomly occurring events (i.e. Giant Monster spawns or similar) will be required at any level.
- Please submit only one screenshot per subject.
Sample Subject (Based on Hero content and will not be on the real list.)
ClockworkBasic: Any Clockwork Spawn (easily found in most low level zones)
Technical Requirements
Advanced: Psychic Clockwork King (found only in a level 40-44 mission, accessible via the Flashback system)
Master: The Clockwork King (found only in the Synapse or Lady Gray TF)- Screenshots of Mission Architect / Architect Entertainment content will not be accepted.
- All screenshots must be taken with UI enabled. For perfect results every time, use this handy slash command: /screenshotui 1
- Your character(s) must be at least partially visible in each screenshot. However, you do not need to use the same character for every shot, or even take them all on the same server.
- If the subject is a targetable entity (an enemy, ally, NPC, etc.), then it must appear in your target window.
- Screenshots must have filenames and/or tags that indicate their subject matter. If in doubt, use this format: "SubjectName (DifficultyLevel).jpg"
- Perfect: "Clockwork (Advanced).jpg"
- Unacceptable: "screenshot_2009-08-25-14-19-53.jpg"
- Upload all screenshots to the online host of your choice (such as www.Photobucket.com). Please keep images as close to their native resolution as possible (shrunken images may be difficult to judge).
- Once you have uploaded a qualifying screenshot of all 17 subjects, post the link in this thread and PM the link to: Altoholic_Monkey also, include your global name.
- Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline of 11:59pm EST on Sunday, August 30th, 2009.
Judging- Images will first be evaluated to ensure they meet technical and subject matter requirements.
- If all 18 images are accepted, your entry will be awarded between 18-126 points:
- 1 point per Basic level image.
- 2 points per Advanced level image.
- 3 points per Master level image.
- 4 bonus points per image captured while participating in any other RO Anniversary event. If you believe one or more of your images should qualify for this bonus, please mention it at the time of your submission.
- No partial credit. 16/17 subjects = 0 points.
Prizes- The first complete entry submitted (any difficulty level) will receive: 100 million Infamy
- The first complete Advanced level entry submitted will receive: 100 million Infamy
- The first complete Master level entry submitted will receive: 150 million Infamy
- The submission that is awarded the most points will recieve: 150 million Infamy
In the event of a tie, this prize will be divided equally among the winners.
In addition, all contest participants will be awarded RO Participation Points equal to 10% of the point value of their submission, rounded to the nearest whole number (87 points = 9 RO Participation Points), and will automatically be entered into the grand prize drawing to be held on Monday, August 31st, 2009.[/FONT]
Screenshot Scavenger Hunt -- Villains
Saturday, August 15 @ 12am ET - Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET
We post a list, you take screenshots and win a prize. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Dr. Robert / @Alty
Prizes: 150 million x2, 100 million x2 + 2-10+ Participation Points | Total Prize Value: 500 million Inf
Screenshot List
Basic: Any Nemesis lieutenant
Advanced: Manticore Automation
Master: Nemisis (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Nova Roma
Basic: Ashley McKnight
Advanced: Proximo
Master: Romulus Augustus
Alien Nation
Basic: Any Rikti boss
Advanced: The Rikti Mothership
Master: Ukon Gr'ai
Basic: Any Goldbricker boss
Advanced: The Warburg Rocket
Master: A Missile Launch in progress
Something Fishy
Basic: Any Coralax lieutenant
Advanced: Barracuda
Master: The Eye of the Leviathan
Basic: Ractespriel
Advanced: Lilitu
Master: Infernal vs Bat'Zul
Pyramid Scheme
Basic: Hardcase
Advanced: Silvertongue
Master: Johnny Sonata's Soul (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Ebil Marketeer
Basic: Sell any item at the Black Market.
Advanced: As above. Sale price must be 10 million Infamy or more.
Master: As above. Sale price must be 100 million Infamy or more.- Note: To take a screenshot of the market UI, hit the "Print Screen" key, paste (Ctrl + v) the image into an external image editor (such as Microsoft Paint), then save (Ctrl + s) the resulting file. CoH/V will not automatically save the image in your default screenshot directory, so doing it manually is the only way to get this shot.
Mage Hunter
Basic: Any CoT Mage (lieutenant or boss class, must have "Mage" in the name)
Advanced: Akarist
Master: Archus
Basic: Any Hellfrost boss
Advanced: Arch-A
Master: The Thorn Tree (Monster class, must have 50% health or less)
Project Fury
Basic: Any Arachnoid minion
Advanced: Biff
Master: Lord Recluse (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Basic: Doc Buzzsaw
Advanced: B4nKbUsTah
Master: Dreck (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Basic: Timothy Raymond
Advanced: Traditionalist Ambassador: Il'los
Master: The Honoree (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Broken Arrow
Basic: Any Longbow Spec-Ops minion
Advanced: Indigo
Master: Crimson (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Project Destiny
Basic: Lord Recluse (as NPC, in Grandville)
Advanced: Ruined Atlas Globe (in Future Atlas Park)
Master: Statesman (AV class, must have 50% health or less)
Terra Edo
Basic: Any Devouring Earth boss
Advanced: Any Devouring Earth giant monster
The Hamidon (or Weakened Hamidon)
Basic: Lt. Demitrovich
Advanced: Aurora Borealis
Master: Valkyrie (AV class, during her Resurrect/MoG animation)
#18 to be listed later today
The Rules
General Info- A list of "subjects" will be published on the main forums at 6:00pm EST on Saturday, August 15th, 2009. Take screenshots of these subjects and enter to win fabulous cash & prizes!
- Villains only, levels 1-50, on Freedom, Virtue, and Justice.
- Self-paced; there is no teaming schedule for this event.
- Limit of one contest entry per global account.
The List- Will contain 17 subjects to be captured.
- Each subject will be broken down into 3 levels of increasing difficulty: Basic, Advanced, and Master.
- Basic: can be solo'd by a level 1 character. Every subject will be something that can be found in an open zone.
- Advanced: can still be solo'd, but you'll need a high level character to do so. Most subjects will require access to level restricted zones and/or use of the Flashback system.
- Master: will be difficult or impossible to solo. Most subjects will require use of SF/Trial content and/or the completion of an exceptionally dangerous task (such as the defeat of a Hero or Archvillain).
- No randomly occurring events (i.e. Giant Monster spawns or similar) will be required at any level.
- Please submit only one screenshot per subject.
Sample Subject (Based on Hero content and will not be on the real list.)
ClockworkBasic: Any Clockwork Spawn (easily found in most low level zones)
Technical Requirements
Advanced: Psychic Clockwork King (found only in a level 40-44 mission, accessible via the Flashback system)
Master: The Clockwork King (found only in the Synapse or Lady Gray TF)- Screenshots of Mission Architect / Architect Entertainment content will not be accepted.
- All screenshots must be taken with UI enabled. For perfect results every time, use this handy slash command: /screenshotui 1
- Your character(s) must be at least partially visible in each screenshot. However, you do not need to use the same character for every shot, or even take them all on the same server.
- If the subject is a targetable entity (an enemy, ally, NPC, etc.), then it must appear in your target window.
- Screenshots must have filenames and/or tags that indicate their subject matter. If in doubt, use this format: "SubjectName (DifficultyLevel).jpg"
- Perfect: "Clockwork (Advanced).jpg"
- Unacceptable: "screenshot_2009-08-25-14-19-53.jpg"
- Upload all screenshots to the online host of your choice (such as www.Photobucket.com). Please keep images as close to their native resolution as possible (shrunken images may be difficult to judge).
- Once you have uploaded a qualifying screenshot of all 17 subjects, post the link in this thread and PM the link to: Altoholic_Monkey also, include your global name.
- Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline of 11:59pm EST on Sunday, August 30th, 2009.
Judging- Images will first be evaluated to ensure they meet technical and subject matter requirements.
- If all 18 images are accepted, your entry will be awarded between 18-126 points:
- 1 point per Basic level image.
- 2 points per Advanced level image.
- 3 points per Master level image.
- 4 bonus points per image captured while participating in any other RO Anniversary event. If you believe one or more of your images should qualify for this bonus, please mention it at the time of your submission.
- No partial credit. 16/17 subjects = 0 points.
Prizes- The first complete entry submitted (any difficulty level) will receive: 100 million Infamy
- The first complete Advanced level entry submitted will receive: 100 million Infamy
- The first complete Master level entry submitted will receive: 150 million Infamy
- The submission that is awarded the most points will recieve: 150 million Infamy
In the event of a tie, this prize will be divided equally among the winners.
In addition, all contest participants will be awarded RO Participation Points equal to 10% of the point value of their submission, rounded to the nearest whole number (87 points = 9 RO Participation Points), and will automatically be entered into the grand prize drawing to be held on Monday, August 31st, 2009.[/FONT]
Dr Robert takes a moment to thank all those who donated to the celebration.
Quote:I'd like to take a moment to talk about the prizes. That 10+ billion didn't just fall out of the sky, ya' know.
On June 10th, we (Repeat Offenders) started kicking around some ideas for our fourth anniversary. Four years is quite an accomplishment, and we wanted to do something fun and memorable to mark the occasion. On June 15th, after we had some potential events in mind, the discussion turned to prizes for those events...
On June 16th, my initial prize estimate was 1.7 billion in total value. I rounded that up to 2 billion, just to be safe, and when fundraising efforts kicked off a day later (the 17th) I asked for 3 billion in donations. I didn't think we'd get that high, but it was worth a shot.
Well, it only took five days to break 3 billion. Then, seven days later, we broke 4 billion. By June 29th we'd increased our goal to 5 billion, but even that wasn't high enough. We cleared 6 billion on July 5th. At about that time, Smurphy offered up 2 billion of his own for the Training Day Challenge bonus prize.
It's also worth mentioning that those numbers, totaling over 8 billion inf, are all in cash. We had an additional 2+ billion in IO donations come in over the same period, including the following:
IO Donations
11x High value purples (Apocalypse, Armegeddon, Hecatomb, and Ragnarok)
3x Luck of the Gambler +recharge
2x Numina's Convalescence +regen/+recovery
1x Miracle +recovery
3x Regenerative Tissue +regen
2x Performance Shifter +end
2x Karma -KB
4x Steadfast Protection -KB
1x Steadfast Protection +res/+def
1x Blessing of the Zephyr -KB
6x Winter's Gift -slow
1x Celerity +stealth
1x Unbounded Leap +stealth
By the way, when we figured out the cash prizes for the various events, we deliberately ignored these IO's. They'll be handed out in addition to the other posted prizes on an event-by-event basis. We've already added one of the purples to the pot for the Ninja Run.
Finally, I'd like to acknowledge the people who made these prizes possible: the donors themselves. We recieved donations from a broad cross-section of Repeat Offenders members and SG leaders, ranging from our oldest members to our newest (seriously, at least one person donated on their first day as an RO member). The following 77 individuals contributed influence, infamy, and/or IO's:
@Ash Lotus
@Awesome Dude
@Baron Disruption
@Bjorn Stoutarm
@Bot Boy
@Bryan a Beast
@CMOT Dibbler
@Commander Hawke
@Concrete Dragon
@Cyan Spike
@Doctor Kumquat
@Dr. Genkidesho
@Dr. Henry
@Dr. Robert
@El Dudereeno
@Faero Malakite
@Fried Jedi
@Frozen Speed
@Glass the Grey
@Hobo Healer
@Iron Yeti
@Jade Eternity
@Jasmine Kitty
@Jenny Lynn
@Karma Jockey
@King Doomsday
@Max Firepower
@Mighty Kurgan
@Mrs. Top Doc
@Night Elf
@Pyre Flasher
@Sailor Rush
@Son of Caiged
@Swami Monsoon
Thanks to all of you. Thanks also to the founding members of RO, many of whom have since moved on to other games: none of this would have been possible without you.
-DR -
Links to Ninja Runner Costume
- Huge: Ninja_Runner.costume
- Male: MNinja_Runner.costume
- Female: FNinja_Runner.costume
- Huge: Ninja_Runner.costume
You can also send me a global tell (@Alty) (online/offline) to sign up. We need the global of the contact person/team lead.
Quote:That's what the Earn NO XP toggle under option is for ya knowAGAIN?!
I'll never get to play Heck's second arc at this rate >.<
Hey, how about maybe throwing that into the first veteran reward or something? "Congrats, we know you've been through this before. Have a boost next time." -
There's an RSS Feed for twitter accounts, you could just subscribe to it instead of twitter itself.
Positron: http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/18804242.rss
CoHBABs (BAB): http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/21552929.rss
COH_OCR (Online Community Relations Team): http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/55422789.rss -
Training Day Challenge
Training Day Challenge -- Heroes & Villains
Saturday, August 15 through Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET
Take a team of 5-7 players thorough a series of six MA missions and live to tell about it. Do it quickly and get rewarded handsomely. There also a Bunny Bonus (aka Smurphy's challenge)
Contact: @Alty
Prizes: 300 million x7 + 5 Participation Points| Total Prize Value: 2.1 Billion Inf
Bunny Bonus: 1 Billion Inf + extras
Players can can register their teams by posting here or sending me a PM with the following information:
- Your Global Name:
- Your Team's Globals:
- SG Affiliation:
- Server:
- Date & Time preferred for Official Observeration:
The Details
The Challenge
Training Day is a set of single mission arcs created in the MA as a challenging TF/SF for RO members. This contest requires a team to complete the entire set of six missions in the fastest time possible.
The Six (6) Missions (in order)- Arc #262520 Training Day: Morning -- Apply to RO: Defeat Hobo Healer & EvilRat
- Arc #262522 Training Day: Afternoon -- Protect the Formula: Defeat Akari Hayasa & L6
- Arc #262524 Training Day: Evening -- Recover the Packages: Defeat Teklord & ilr
- Arc #262525 Training Day: Midnight -- Find Evidence: Defeat Ceejer & OtterCub
- Arc #262529 Training Day: Zero Hour -- Rescue Alty: Defeat: Abnormal Joe & Concrete Dragon
- Arc #262530 Training Day: Dawn -- Defeat the Kings of Aggro: Prince of Fallout, Duke of Nukes, Baron of Buffs, Lord of ID, Sire of PBAoEs, Saint of Side Aggro, Dominus of Domination, Imperator of IOs
Requirements- A team of a 5 - 7 players (LEVEL 35-50) +1 RO Oberserver.
- The mission difficulty must be set to LEVEL 3 (Rugged/Vicious) or higher
- Team makeup may be all-hero, all-villain, or mixed
Rules- All team members must be individual participants; no fillers nor multi-boxing.
- No Vengeance nor Fallout Dummy. "Natural" repeated deaths allowed"
- No Temp Powers.
- Accolades, Empowerment Station Buffs, Fortune Teller buffs allowed.
- We will start the clock inside the mission once your team starts. We will consider "starting" scouting, positioning toward enemies, fighting or buffing. Moving a step over away from the door to make room will not be considered starting. These rules are to encourage teams to wait and let all team members load in the mission.
- One "Time Out" per team which the team leader can use at any time to stop the clock for a maximum of 15 minutes. This time may not be used to achieve mission objectives (kill mobs, click glowies, etc.) but may be used for anything else (refill inspirations, return from the hospital, AFK, etc). The "Time Out" may be ended early at the team leader's request, but any remaining time is lost. (Note: please wait for the RO observer to acknowledge the start/stop of a "Time Out" before proceeding.)
Judging- The combined total time for all 6 missions will determine the winner.
- Teams that are unable to complete the entire 6 missions will be disqualified.
- Teams must complete the missions on the same day and within the maximum of alloted time of 4 hours.
- If the RO observer has to go AFK (away from keyboard) / DCs (disconnects), etc., team must finish their current spawn and stop immediately. Team may not resume fighting until the observer returns or a replacement can be found (recommend team leaders should RO EVENTS channel prior to event start). Time lost in this way may be used to hospital / refill inspirations, etc., and will NOT count toward your finish time (basically functions as a free "Time Out").
- Prizes will be awarded to the 5-7 members of the winning team who finish the challenge. If the team had to replace a member halfway through mission 2, sorry about your luck - if you think you're entitled to something for your efforts, take it up with the team leader.
Procedures for Observers- Observers may not aid the team in any way.
- Observers must a stop watch or other methods to record time. http://www.online-stopwatch.com/
- If an Observer goes AFK (away from keyboard) or DC (disconnects), they must pause their stopwatch. If an observer cannot return for whatever reason, they are required to record and save the time up to that point. Replacement observers must start their own timer at zero when the observer instructs the team to resume the challenge. The times will added together to equal the final total.
Training Day Challenge -- Bunny Bonus! -- By Smurphy
1) Form up a team.
That's right. All you've got to do is try* and 50M Inf is yours.**
2) Run the RO Training Day Challenge on Challenge level 5 and not the required level 3.
3) Complete the challenge within the 4 hour time limit.
4) Receive bacon! Wrong Challenge. Sorry, no bacon
4, try two) The team receives 50,000,000 Infamy or Influence.
But wait, there's more!
I'll be organizing my own team to take on the Training Day Challenge on Challenge level 5.
If a team does the challenge, beats my time, and is the fastest team to beat my time they get a...
1 Billion Inf bonus!
If no team succeeds at beating my team's bonus challenge time...1st place team receives 22 Quadrillion Influences, their names on the Atlas Blimp, and a limited edition Matt Miller verses Jack Emmert Rock 'em Sock 'em Dev-Bot.
So let's get all the details and questions handled. Each person's global account only gets 1 shot at the Training Day Challenge. Choose your team and choose your attempt wisely. In order to be eligible for Bonus Prizes a team must do the entirety of the Challenge on Challenge level 5. This uses up their one attempt. That team still is eligible for the main prize. Smurphy's team is not eligible for either Training Day Challenge first place prize.
1st Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
2nd Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
3rd Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
4th Loser team receives 250M Inf Bonus
Quote:Smurphy's team runs the challenge in 3 Hours on Challenge level 5.
Team A runs the challenge in 2 hours on Challenge level 3.
Team B runs the challenge in 2 1/2 hours on Challenge level 5.
Team A wins the main prize of XXX Inf
Team B wins the bonus prize of 1 Billion Inf
No teams receive loser places.Quote:Smurphy's team runs the challenge in 1 hour on Challenge level 5.
Team A runs the challenge in 3 hours on Challenge level 3.
Team B runs the challenge in 2 hours on CHallenge level 5.
Team B wins the main prize of XXX Inf
Team B is first loser for the bonus prize and receives an additional 250M Inf.
2nd through 4th loser prizes available.
Team A wins nothing.*and succeed
**your teams. Limit one per global account. As supplies last. At least 20 teams will be able to receive the bonus. More if I'm feeling generous... and I am rich... but I am cheap... so who knows!
Team Leaders can also send me a global tell @Alty to sign up. We need the global of the contact person/team lead.
If you have any questions, please post here or ask in our event global channel: RO Events
So no other sign ups except for one team from Freedom?! Looks like there won't be much competition for the prizes.
I'd forgotten about the doing an MA mission about BRB and had throughly lost the ideas I had.
I'll try to jump start my brain again.
Also it's time to make another avatar for BRB:
This one is still available (80x80)
You might want to scroll back up and check where you stated "I don't believe you" which is another way of saying "I believe you're lying". I don't exactly find that funny.
Quote:So you don't believe women are:Hahahaha, on the internet?
I can't believe sentient AIs have developed such finely-tuned senses of human humour! Hahahaha, that's great.
Maybe I was wrong about you robots. You guys are okay.
a) capable of being on the net
b) interested in MMOs
c) would post on a forum about an MMO? -