880 -
Quote:That was my point that the numbers could be read or skewed however you wanted by using a bunch of factors.Dominate, sure. World of Confusion... why? Controllers and Defenders both get it, at the same level, and it's the same power for both. And why would I ignore powers in the APP? Are those powers less "real"? They may come later, but they do come.
We could play this game forever. "Are you going to discount that the Mind Controller can do X Y and Z?" Read the numbers how you want, because if you're intent on it you will find some flaw or another. I left the snipe and the nuke off of the chart because I'm under the impression that most Empathy Defenders skip it. Maybe that's wrong. I'm not committed to it one way or another; my only point is to show that the numbers are very close, the Controller possibly having an edge. It has never been my intent to stop people from playign Empathy Defenders.
But all of this explanation is really pointless because I don't think, for a lot of people, the numbers matter as much as world view. They believe the set is inferior, so it must be. I guess those folks are still fans of Trick Arrow [runs].
As for the "world view", it depends on the world you're in. In my world, as far as those that I team with, don't think of Empathy as inferior. These same defenders take their nuke and use it. When you say "they", it should be kept in mind that your "they" is very different from my "they" and it'll probably be different from the next player's "they".
I still state strongly that there aren't any inferior powersets, just poorly played ones. If anyone wants to make a Empathy/Psi or Mind/Empathy go ahead. Use those powers to the best of their abilities and enjoy yourself. I don't think you're trying to dissuade anyone from making an Empathy Defender, I do think though that you're trying hard to make the case for Mind/Empathy Controller but I don't think a case needs to be made for either. Both powerset combinations have their uses.
Quote:[Edit: I'm a little confused. Did you just edit your post to remove what you originally said. If so I'll edit my comments to reflect your edited argument. Thanks. -OT]
PS I totally forgot that WoC is available to both Defenders and Controllers. (doh!) -
Quote:Hmm...I looked over the table and realized I could slide things around to present a slightly better case for Psi Blast by comparing TK Blast to Levitate and Mesmerize to Will Domination. of course real DpR calculations wouldn't be based on a power-by-power analysis. I just want to show that if nothing else the sets are very close in damage, with Mind Control possibly doing more damage.
As far as I can see you can really only compare two powers from the same set and both of those powers come from the APP pool and not the main powerset. You could have just easily added in Dominate or World of Confusion from the defender APP pool as well. Even if say you didn't, don't you think if you're using powers available at level 41 you should also include Psychic Wail to your chart too? The APP gives other AT access to tools it wouldn't normally have. Controllers get blasts and Defenders get a mix of Scrapper and Blaster powers. Controllers get a mix of Tank and Blaster powers. Both of which makes them a bit stronger than they were before.
Since you've said the chart can be moved in either direction in favor of the Defender or the Controller, I don't understand why the chart was created in the first place. There appears to be a few ways to skew the information to favor Mind or Psy Blast using a variety of factors. -
Quote:You really are flipping from one extreme to the other here aren't you?
Personally I would say that a Empathy excels in three places:
1. At lower levels (up to the low to mid twenties)
2. On smaller teams (5 players max)
3. During Hamidon raids.
Outside those places it's still a very nice set but other sets do tend to outshine it although Empathy is still good, especially if you have two on the same team.
EDIT: Ok, I did the math and all I can say is WOW! Assume we have two Defender Empaths who have Fortitude, the Auras, Adrenalin Boost and Hasten all ED capped for Recharge (and Defense for Fortitude). If they cast Adrenalin Boost on each other then they get almost perma-hasten and can permanently AB each other. This allows them to keep at least one set of auras up constantly and they can each keep 7 instances of fortitude going (i.e. they each get ti one and their teammates get two). This means that everyone else on the team has soft-capped defenses, a 61.5% damage boost, a 37.5% To hit boost and a huge regen/recovery boost. The Empaths themselves don't have as much damage and defense but they have even more regen/recovery and enough recharge to keep the blasts flying.
Those numbers have been crunched before and applied in repeated practice in Green Machine, an all Empathy Defender SG around since 2005 on Freedom, behold the power of buffs multiplied!
Re tarrantm: The power of Empathy is hardly an undiscovered or untapped power. At least those of us in RO have been aware of this source for a few years and most of us got together within the Defender section of this forum. -
Quote:Empathy has not now nor ever been "universally awful". It contains some of the most powerful buffs that even Pain cannot compare to. There aren't any powersets in the game that are "awful", just players who play them poorly.Nope, I haven't noticed that people restrict their powerset opinions to ATs at all. Empathy is universally pretty awful no matter what the AT, especially compared to some of the newer equivalent options like Pain Dom. And unless you're Ghost Widow, Mind is equally meh with the only use of it that comes immediately to my mind is having an overly easy time for the last part of the LRSF.
Again, I wouldn't waste too much to trying to figure out the minds of players here. Lots of things passed off as fact are often just repeated opinion. After hanging around the forum for years you begin to see the same discussions, rebuttals and posted "logic" that has nothing to do fact but has a whole lot to do with play style and assumptions.
Quote:Here's the thing, Player "logic" typically is heavily based on their personal player experience and maybe, in rare cases some basic numbers.That's the thing though. Even accounting for the differences between ATs some power combos perform well at something they aren't "supposed" to be good at, at least by player logic.
Overall if you simply stick to what people say is "good" or "bad" on this forum you would wind up not playing anything at all or at best, miss some decent powersets. What you should instead do is simply make an alt, play the character and make it work for you. -
How about providing your global name or character name and the time of day you play, so those on Defiant or Union can look out for you and give you a better tour of the game
Congrats on hitting your 5th Anniversary!
Have a great event.
This thread has lasted longer than any buffs applied by Drive By Buffing would. Most buffs are 1-3 mins long at max.
Of all the things in life one has to suffer through, a random buff within a game world is at the very bottom of the list of intolerable actions. -
Quote:Redraw is not a problem, it's just an animation...you can adjust to it.The problem that both Kin/AR and Kin/Archery have is the redraw. Other than that they are both quite good. AR is one of the best (if not THE best) blast set for AoE and Kin is the best set for boosting damage. Therefore a Kin/AR will be anice high damage AoE defender. Assuming you don't go mad from redraw.
I've yet to be bothered by redraw on my Kin/AR Kin/Archery or AR/Kin corr. And when it comes out I'm sure my Dual Pistols alts won't be troubled by it either -
RO team did it in 1:06....so close
But we had a blast doing it. -
Pretty respectable time for doing it the long way.
4 of us were from RO and 3 of the 4 were from an all Kin SG. So we're very used to running with stacked SB. It does take some getting used to though. But everyone on the team was at the damage cap for the entire TF unless they missed an FS.
RO is about to run its all Def ITF shortly, so I'll post up our time. I don't think we're doing it the speedy way, cause I have no idea what that is and its fun to do it the normal way. -
Quote:I'm in Cim on my Defender hanging around Imperious.Having played Controllers so much (including that awesome combo) I really wonder how a Defender team can keep up. I can't wait to find out.
I'll probably start forming up in Cim about 15 minutes before 1:00pm EST. I'll start hitting up the global chat channels at 1:00 if the teams aren't full. Hopefully it won't take too long to get started. -
Quote:I understand that you've put work into prestige but just as an example that your experience is not everyone's experience.Did I say we had a hard time making prestige??? Oh Nope sure didn't... I say it was harder to get in the top cause most people Don't wanna play MMs and Most don't want MMs on their team.
I've had an All Mastermind VG (Malicious Multiplicity) since the day COV was introduced in Oct 2005. Prestige earning hasn't been a problem. I don't know where the SG is on the top 100 list but as that's server based it's probably not in that top list considering its on Freedom. But we've earned enough prestige to get the largest plot and before the prices were adjusted we were able to buy the 3rd Tier power and control units. Most MMs tend to solo because they're pretty dang good at it, earning prestige is not an issue for any members who are willing to run in SG mode. -
I'll join the you folks running at 1pm EST on whichever team needs more folks. My global is @Alty
RO will be running an all Defenders ITF but at a later time on Sunday. -
Looks like some ROers want to do the TF race but we'll probably have to do it at a later time. Is it okay if we just post up our finishing times?
More than likely we'll be an all defender team, probably doing the ITF.
I can still run with either of the set Def / Con teams listed in this thread at the 1pm ET time. -
Sunday is fine...I'm PST so that's 10am for me. I'll point some ROers to this thread and see if we want to join or put together our own Def or Con team.
If there's not enough interest with my RO mates, then I'll join whichever team will have me.
Since being 50 is required, I have the following 50's available.
Defenders: Kin/Elec, Kin/Archery, Empathy/Psi, Storm/Elec
Controllers: Ill/Storm, Fire/Kin, Mind/FF -
It's 2010....The year of the Big Red Ball!
(Shouldn't this thread be stickied by now) -
No matter how fast your team is, you're going to wait 30 mins (IIRC) at that reactor, period.
That's a built in speed bump, those waves don't come any faster even if you open all the doors, click all the glowies or dance a jig. Of course you could always just subtract 30 mins from everyone's time to find the fastest.
I don't have a preference or anything, just pointing out some factors. Whatever the OP decides to do, I'll try and draft up an RO team for. -
Quote:RO did this TF for 2008/09 ROlympics, which is SG vs SG. The winners of 2009 was our all corruptor SG, Repeat Offenders. The team finished with a time of 0:18:45. Which is faster than the times from last year, all around 30 mins.(BTW, the Mender Silos TF is pretty rockin', and has a nice "zomg kill Nazis" motif.)
It is one of the more interesting TF that isn't run often (available on both sides) but its short and caps at 39 so you get a nuke but no APP. It's a great racing Task Force because of that and also a lot of those lovely set bonuses won't be working, depending on the levels of the set IOs you have.
Could always run the Abandoned Sewer Trial...*ducks* -
Quote:No, I don't think I have room anymore, but it is a good link.Do you need to add the link in my signature to yours, Alty? It's really helpful!
Back to the topic: I think we do this every issue or near issue. We ask, we sometimes get an answer but ultimately we won't know when more changes to bases will be done. I really do think they want to do something with bases and that it is probably one of those items that keeps getting putting on the back burner because perhaps they would have to overhaul the whole thing and the time required to do that just isn't available. -
Quote:I remember doing this a few years back....Called it DEFCON but it was PVP and it was great fun, way before inventions though.Since I've been dying to get an all-Defender team together, I thought of an idea. Wondering if anyone else thinks it is worthwhile.
A contest between an all-Defender team and an all-Controller team.
I can beat the drum in RO and see who comes to the call. We have Def/Cons up the ying yang there
I'll check here to see what TF you decide, I wouldn't mind putting together an RO Defender or Controller team for this.