880 -
* Supergroup Name: Malicious Multiplicity (All Mastermind VG)
* Website (if any): Repeat-Offenders.net
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Acid Queen
* Preferred Method of contact: Website; Global Channel:Repeat Offenders; Global: @Evelyn Spider
* Guild Description: We are an all Mastermind Villain Group - We currently have a functional base: Teleports, Medical, Mission Comp when needed. We are not PvP focused and the base is not raid ready at this time. We are on coaltion with the other groups in the Repeat Offenders Network of VG/SG.
Rules: Be a mature adults. Most of our members are adults. Respect people in the SG and outside of it. Use our coalition heavily to build teams if needed. Run in SG mode until level 25 and then when its good for you to do so. Last but not least have fun. -
Please use this thread to post details regarding your Villaingroups (CoV) on the Freedom server.
Include the following information:
* Supergroup Name:
* Website (if any):
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
* Guild Description: (Motto, membership requirements/guidelines, and any other information that might help a hero decide whether or not to apply to your group. -
Time to start a new thread, as I don't think the original one is returning anytime soon.
Please use this thread to post details regarding your Supergroup (CoH) on the Freedom server.
Include the following information:
* Supergroup Name:
* Website (if any):
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
* Guild Description: (Motto, membership requirements/guidelines, and any other information that might help a hero decide whether or not to apply to your group. -
how do i crack the code for installing stuff without being the adminstrator of the computer, all my sites have computers and i do security day and night and am often alone however this thing is on lock down, should i steal the admin password from the technicians, like make up a problem on the computer make them log in and try really hard to remember what they typed? anyone gotta code cracking program on disc maybe?
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In case you didn't know that's a REALLY bad idea
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QTF! Seriously this is a hilarious guide, but if you need to crack something to play the game at work....don't!
What you might want to do is get a laptop with a lovely air card and play to your content at lunch for an hour. That will get your fix in AND you won't have the potential to get fired!
Another tip is come to work very early and play. Your boss will see that you are always on time if not earlyMeanwhile you can play on your laptop to your hearts content.
Your job is WAY more important than CoH/V. Heck I'm happy the folks that pay me allow me to look at this board. That's enough for me. -
I have a short (very) wav file I want to turn into an avatar...any idea how to do that?
[/ QUOTE ]
are you sure its a .wav file, that is sound. Is there a .wmf that's a window media file, which can contain video but .wav is sound only. -
Hey Bill, i was curious as to how you color your inked pictures? is it some coloring program?
[/ QUOTE ]
Umm, his pen name is GILL not Bill
Great work as always Gill (with a G), speedy looks well um, speedy(it's late for me - that's the best I can do for tonight)
Thanks all!...Hey did I ever tell you guys I LOVE to draw villians?...MUHAHAHAHAHAH!
[/ QUOTE ]
get off the boards and go draw some :P
Dude you rock!!
[/ QUOTE ]
HEY if he's posting on the boards that means his in the studio working! -
Creepily fantastic! I got the whole day of the dead feel there. The fact that she's dancing with flowers gives it a definite ghoulish feel.
Re: confused - Ohhh yep I did thanks for clearing that up silly me. Then never mind what I said...I have no clue
I saw that too Concern...you got like an instant flame on! In like 5 minutes -
EDIT: Never mind I got Fast healing and Regeneration confuzzled....I have no clue why it doesn't effect that click heal.
Awww man! I had hope there! But I'm happy to hear that it is working correctly on Dull Pain.
Does Weaken stack from another user? -
I will be searching through the guide section very soon for more reference material to add to this list.
Again, remember that the link to this thread will always be available at the sticky post at the top of the mastermind section. Just look for my name. -
I think they are supposed to be from 1 single character who changes into these 13. Least that was what it said way up at the front of this here wondermous thread.
The boy drawing it is Static's son. Cuite pie that he is! -
Good day all! I finished up Stretch and I hope your son enjoys.
Stretch Inked
Stretch Colored
[/ QUOTE ]
Woot I'll update the wallpaper when I get home....nice job. I'm actually interested in how your coloring differs from what I did with your little sketches.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe Gill is paying a slight homage to Plastic Man, since red and black were part of his signature colorsOf course I could be wrong but that's what I thought of when I saw the coloring.
Thanks, folks!
[/ QUOTE ]
*looks down at the 12 different versions of the Rook avatar she submitted*
Three different versions same image Colors can be altered/Logos can be added or removed.
Castel 1 Avatar size
Castle 1 Larger format
Castle 2 Avatar
Castle 2 Larger
Castle 3 Avatar
Castle 3 Larger
I revamped my previous entry and went with black and white having only the CoH/V logos in color. Also swapped their places with the Cyptic logo.
Castle CoH Large format
Castle CoH Avatar size
Castle CoV Large
Castle CoV Avatar
Here's the animated version of my entries switching COH & COV logos.
Castle entry animated - avatar size
Castle entry animated - large size
[/ QUOTE ]
So um what the heck am I supposed to do with those now!?!Anyone need a rook avatar?
...Bueller? -
psst roxstar stop using geocities just sign up with http://imageshack.us/
I'm getting "Sorry, this GeoCities site is currently unavailable. Exceeded transfer limit." on your links. -
This may or may not be my only entry, if the muse deems it so.
Avatar for _Castle_
Three different versions same image Colors can be altered/Logos can be added or removed.
Castel 1 Avatar size
Castle 1 Larger format
Castle 2 Avatar
Castle 2 Larger
Castle 3 Avatar
Castle 3 Larger
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
I revamped my previous entry and went with black and white having only the CoH/V logos in color. Also swapped their places with the Cyptic logo.
Castle CoH Large format
Castle CoH Avatar size
Castle CoV Large
Castle CoV Avatar
[/ QUOTE ]
I got a suggrestion from someone asking me to animated the entries so. Here's the same image with the CoH & CoV logos
Here's the animated version of my entries switching COH & COV logos.
Castle entry animated - avatar size
Castle entry animated - large size
Whew! I'll try and come up with another different one but I can't make any promises I have some graphic design homework to catch up on -
This may or may not be my only entry, if the muse deems it so.
Avatar for _Castle_
Three different versions same image Colors can be altered/Logos can be added or removed.
Castel 1 Avatar size
Castle 1 Larger format
Castle 2 Avatar
Castle 2 Larger
Castle 3 Avatar
Castle 3 Larger
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
I revamped my previous entry and went with black and white having only the CoH/V logos in color. Also swapped their places with the Cyptic logo.
Castle CoH Large format
Castle CoH Avatar size
Castle CoV Large
Castle CoV Avatar -
Ooops I didn't see someone else had re-done the Assassin Strike with the transparency...well here's another one for the taking
Transparent & Red background on AS
Assassin Strike -
This may or may not be my only entry, if the muse deems it so.
Avatar for _Castle_
Three different versions same image Colors can be altered/Logos can be added or removed.
Castel 1 Avatar size
Castle 1 Larger format
Castle 2 Avatar
Castle 2 Larger
Castle 3 Avatar
Castle 3 Larger -
I'll start doing a search for images now and put something together when I get home.
It can be done...just not now (cause I'm at work) and PLEASE change that avatar Kitty, its headache inducing.
Edit: Whew thank you my brain was doing backflips with the red and blue. -
..Is that supposed to blend in with the background?
A great deal of people use the red side too..
[/ QUOTE ]
grrr...forgot about the dual board views. I'm not versed enough with avatars to make one that senses which board is viewed and switches
Someone get Alty over here!!
[/ QUOTE ]
I do not think such a thing is possible..
[/ QUOTE ]
I've seen it...can't remember who it was that did it, somehow they had a script running in their avatar so the bkg would switch depending on if someone was viewing in CoH vs CoV mode.
Beyond my abilities, tho.
[/ QUOTE ]
The easiest and less time consuming way is to make a transparent background, for a .gif file. Presto clear matches allSadly though .gif format does not lend itself well to photos.
..Is that supposed to blend in with the background?
A great deal of people use the red side too..
[/ QUOTE ]
grrr...forgot about the dual board views. I'm not versed enough with avatars to make one that senses which board is viewed and switches
Someone get Alty over here!!
[/ QUOTE ]
You rang? (Kinda flattered someone called me)
I'll work up something tonight (woohoo my first unofficial avatar contest ) -
I'm sitting at work grinning like an idiot cause its sooo damn fantastic that folks did this for his son!
Gill and Cyber rock!! (actually everyone rocks!)
It's like xmas in March for that little boy, no doubt!
Great going and major hugs to the CoH/V community!
Its fantastic watching the human spirit at work! Up with people!