880 -
I've decided to video some of the crafted base items so folks can get look at the animations prior to crafting. I'm not sure if this has been done before or I'm just re-inventing the wheel. In any case, let me know if this is helpful or not.
YouTube link: Arcane Defense Items
Quote:LOL this has to be one of the best quotes about us since Castle.I'm not a member, but the Repeat Offenders have a branch on Virtue. They're pretty much the go to guys for turning a group of defenders, controllers, and corruptors into a kill 'em all, dear-god-why-aren't-they-nerfed-yet superteam.
Thank you!
He found us and we're brainwashing...err welcoming him into the group. -
Wow interestingly enough I have a arcane base and I thought today about making videos on the items. My first test item was the Arcane Control items Bookcase and Mystical Bookcase. Take a look and let me know if this is something you could use.
YouTube link: Arcane Base - Control Bookcase -
Time to kick myself in the butt and get it done...
I have time in July to work on the remaining palettes. Please stay tuned as I want to get this completed by the end of July. It's been years and everyone's been super awesome about it, but enough is enough
Look forward to Dark, Cold, Earth/Lava set of name charts by July 31st at the latest.
Thank you all!
Enjoy the game,
@Alty -
Quote:Actually the forums are alive and fine, there's a posting error which is putting "boards.cityofheroes.com" in front of the correct URL. If you click the links in the other older posts they work just fine. We'll get the wacky links fixed ASAP.I hadn't even thought of the spam angle of the thread until SG pointed out the forum rules, and thumbing through previous pages there were many stretches a lot longer then a month where this was dead only to be necro'd by the same person over and over.
Though I'm assuming that is irrelevant to the couple of people keeping this alive, one of whom I swear must be a looping script.
Case in point, all the links in the quote posted just today are dead, even after I pointed out all the dead links in my first post, they link to the old forums that haven't been used for how many years now, four I think.
Quote:Which means that even though I pointed out all the dead links in my first post the other day no one has checked for this in subsequent posts.
As we explained, this thread was moved from the Supergroup Recruitment forum and placed here when that forum was removed. Options were discussed and this was the best solution for us. Placing individual threads in server forums would mean much more posting and more work for our members that take time to post in the recruitment thread.
I assure you Repeat Offenders is active, after all why would we be responding if we were dead.
Quote:So all sg events and recruitment from every server can be allowed here, is there any other way to look at it since this group isn't even on all the servers, it's only on three?
I guess I'm poking a stick in someone's eye but what started this up for me was a virtue sg mate getting a mod pm this year over a sg hosted event thread posted here in general, it was the same type of thing that's updated and bumped in this thread, and when you completely remove the length of time this's been kept alive from any thought equation, that doesn't jive.
Because obviously there's some advantage in number of eyeballs passing over an event posted here over the various servers.
Logically unless the general discussions section is going to be opened up as a super group event calendar for all groups on all servers, then this sg recruitment and activity thread should be stickied on the three servers where it's applicable.
I know for example that tanker tuesday has been going longer then this has with sgs and bases I'm pretty sure on all the servers and as far as I know they don't post weekly or monthly events here but on the server where they happen.
Maybe it's time to put the thread and any duplicates required prominently stickied on the individual servers where it arguably should've gone when it was asked where to place it.
Or stop modding us when everyone else posts sg hosted events here. -
Quote:Thank you I'm glad I could help. I do check the thread and then wind up mentally kicking myself at my unfinished work.I don't like bring up old threads, but thanks! While I'm not color blind, I can't tell the difference between the various shades. I really hate how so many games don't provide support in the character creation areas for us that have color trouble. I usually stick with just blacks and whites and greys because of it, but that gets bland and boring after a while, so thank you for this.
At very least I'll update the color picker image to the current one in game. -
Quote:These questions should be posed to a moderator or community rep. This is an SG recruitment thread that was moved from the former SG forum. If the moderators request that we not post our SGs activity daily, then we will comply. Until then, we will continue posting RO activity.The reason why I asked is that I find it strange that this thread is an example of the following:
Spam - this is considered to be repetitive posting of the same topic or text or nonsensical posts that have no substance.
Usually, it is the exact same 3 posts every week.
Thread bumping (posts the sole purpose of which is to keep a thread at the top of a particular forum) is prohibited. To request increased visibility for a thread, please contact a forum moderator.
This is what is happening, and if you needed the increased visibility, then why aren't you contacting a forum moderator?
Thread necromancy, or necro-posting is responding to a thread that has not been active (has had no posts) in at least 30 days. Necro-posting is a form of thread bumping and as such is prohibited. If you wish to discuss a considerably older topic, create a new post and link to the older discussion.
I can cite sever examples of this, including a gap from Dec 2011 to May 2012.
Other threads are getting locked over these rules and I'm trying to understand why this one isn't, especially with the recent update of the forum rules and the recent hard crackdown on thread necromancy.
Enjoy the game,
Alty -
Well, I don't think we are in negotiations on how often we post or the validity of the posts. Please understand that all options regarding this thread have been discussed via PM with the mods last year, prior to this thread being located in this section.
Hmm I should probably try and update these costumes now that there are so many options available.
Today is Freedom Tuesday. Here's a list of the groups that may be teaming up!
Apostles of RO- Freedom: Just the place for you if you don't fit in anywhere else!
[Open to All Archetypes]
Heretics of RO-Freedom: What did I tell you about those words 'catch-all', punk?
[Open to All Archetypes]
Bubblicious: They may be pink, but they'll protect you with FF anf Sonic bubbles. A few melee blasters and Peacebringers have snuck in here as well.
[Open to All Force Field and Sonic Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors, Masterminds, & Peacebringers]
Damn Dirty Apes: Oppressing unevolved humans throughout the Isles!
[Open to All Archetypes [DDA] *Planet of the Apes Theme & Costume SG*]
Death From Above: What's that crunching noise? That's right, your spine as the nasty boys and girls from DFA pounce down upon it!
[Open to All Stalkers, Bane Spiders and Night Widows ]
Faithful Fans of Fallout: You know those 'Masters of' TF runs? Not with these guys. They WANT you to die . . often. It increases DPS.
[Open to All Radiation Defenders & Controllers]
Fast & Furious: Why are they mad? Because you took their SB! Run! (Quickly!!)
[Open to All Brutes and Kinetic Corruptors]
Green Machine: Call these Tank Mages 'healers' and it's no auras for you, bub!
[Open to All Empathy Defenders]
Legends of RO: This is where old heroes (45+) go to make room for a younger generation. They're still pretty spritely, though!
[For Level 45-50 Heroes previous RO SG affiliation required]
Malicious Multiplicity: These masterminds snear at you, you brought a knife to a battlefield . . .and they control the army!
[Open to All Masterminds]
Perfect Storms: The forecast calls for winds, rain and freezing rain. Look out it's the chaos stormies! Hooray!
[All Storm Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors & Masterminds]
Pinball Wizards: The original, fastest SG in the game! They bring the SB AND the pain . . .what were you bringing again?
[Open to all Kinetic Defenders, Controllers & Corruptors]
Repeat Offenders: Named for the Coalition, not the other way around . . .and they're corrupt to their very hearts!
[Open to All Corruptors]
Repeat Offenders Legion (ROfL): This is where the old and infirm . .I mean, very mightiest! . . members of RO go when they get put out to pasture . .I mean, make room for the next generation?
[For Level 45-50 Villains previous RO SG affiliation required]
Shadows of Salvation: Don't let their gloomy appearance fool you, these Dark based heroes are party animals!
[Open to All Dark powersets & Warshades]
Think Tanks: The Toughest SG in the game.
[Open to All Tankers, Dwarf-focused Kheldians and Brutes]
World Domination, Inc.: I'd tell you about them, but their powers are controlling my every action!
[Open to all Dominators, Controllers, Arachnos Widows & Fortunatas]
Descriptive text by RO Member: Artillery_MKV
RO always welcomes new members...
If you are interested in joining us please sign up on our forums and say hello in our Introductions section. -
Quote:No worries, thanks for the info about the links we'll get them fixed up ASAP.Couple things, don't chew my head off..
First most of those links are dead.
According to your website RON is mostly a coalition of super groups spanning Freedom, Virtue, Justice & Exalted, so is this General Discussions section of the boards the accurate place to be posting or having a running update for server specific events and super group type activities?
Shouldn't this be on those servers where this is applicable or maybe even the Calendar events section, otherwise can everyone with SG coalitions on any server use this section to post and update their weekly-monthly group events, costume contests, static teams and so on?
Completely putting aside that the threads been kept alive by a few people for x-number of years, I'd legitimately like to know the answer because I've seen some players post events here over the last year who were told this wasn't the section for that, that events, schedules for teaming, super group activities, role play times and so on should be posted on the Event Calendar or on the server where it's going to occur.
Is that wrong?
As to the question of why is this thread here: Because RO is a multi-server network, when the SG Recruitment section was removed the mods were kind enough to ask us where we wanted to go. We did not want to have the same thread in 4 places on the forum. So the section that fit best was this one so here we are. -
Momma Mayhem face is the right shade but her body seems to be on the pale side, someone forgot to match skin tone to the body.
The leaning tower of boobage is a bit too much for me. -
RO is internationally known! We have members in nearly all parts of the world! Check out our awesome Member Map!
RO always welcomes new members...
Join us on our forums or hello in our global channel: Repeat Offenders -
You can also find Repeat Offenders in a galaxy far, far away, making stupidly things difficult things easy.
(More detail provided at the links below)
Goggle+ : http://gplus.to/RONetwork
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RONetwork
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RONetwork -
The RO thread has a new home. YAY
Hello City Life. -
Hey QL I didn't realize you posted about this here. Congratulations again!
Quote:Just to be clear, no one suggested multi-server groups post repeatedly in the server section. My question was an example to show that placing a thread in the server section wouldn't work for Multi-Server/ Multi-Supergroups. I'm pleased that the OP was edited to allow groups to move threads on request. I've already requested RO thread be moved to another more general section. So all is well on that end.I must disagree with this suggestion and posting up repetitious posts is worthless. SGs are not cross server, they can share a chat channel but unless they changed how large SGs can be, the new forum setup makes more sense. Make a SG? post in the corresponding server forum that the SG exists and maybe in your forum signature includes all your SGs and locations. I run about 9 SGs on Triumph, Union, Virtue and Freedom and each one needs recruitment, but I wouldn't collectively recruit for the lot of them, especially on the forums of the game. Honestly, SG related stuff is better matched for your OWN website/forum not here.
With forums the way they are, unless you get a post to your thread, it will get buried pretty quick. Less than a 10th of the players in CoH ever say a word in the forums and as SG recruitment is dying on the forums, they want to consolidate the subforums as they have too many. Best way to recruit? play the game.
Thank you Community Staff. -
Quote:I think you misunderstand. I'm referring to an SG recruitment thread that's currently in the Supergroup Section. It's information about Repeat Offenders Network which is a multi-server SG coalition. With the Supergroup forum going away, where would RO place its recruitment thread?...In three different server forums? The last message I received about this was a year ago and I was waiting to hear back about how the Community folks plan to handle groups that span more than one server. I'm still wondering what the plan is.Doesn't a Mod usually post multi-server events so that it would be seen in the Mod Digest? The announcement would go into Announcements and the discussion can either go in Announcement Discussion or City Life.
I have another question about the rather large Repeat Offenders thread in the SG recruitment section. Will it be moved or simply deleted? If its to be moved, where to?...If it is to be deleted...when? -
This time last year, I was speaking with theOcho about this change and how Repeat Offenders and other multi-server groups, would be handled or what options we would have.
So what do you recommend multi-server groups do in regards to SG recruitment? Posting up duplicate threads on the various server seems like a lot of repetition and if I'm not mistaken, is against the forum rules. -
Quote:Years ago I was part of a SG the Repeat Offenders ran. Was all storm, Tormento or something like that was the SG leader. It was fun and I was on the ground floor of that start up. Don't know what happen to them. But was all Storm and as you could imagine it worked well. Tormento would pull and everyone who had 02 would just spam heal him. He would pull the toons to a corner with several stacking defenses and then others would close them into the corner with hurricanes and he would walk out. Fun times for sure.
Hurricane is actually one power that you need to learn how to use properly. Push something too close to the wall and they spin off and out of the confines of the hurricane.
Perfect Storms (All Storm Summoning SG) on Freedom is still active...Tormentoso was the founder, he still plays the game but is not SG leader anymore, although his alts are still in the SG. Currently, I'm one of the leaders of Perfect Storms. We've done all Stormy TFs before, they're great loads of fun. Freezing Rain stacking is awesome.
Hurricane used to be much easier to use before it was "adjusted", but practice with the current hurricane just takes more slight nudges with the edge. It acts more like a leaf blower, a little tap goes a long way. -
Quote:I would also like to give Credit to Altoholic Monkey (@Alty) who made this incredible Story Arc Poster Artwork! She is an incredible artist, a good listener and very hard working! Watch out for her, she'll be famous one day! Thank you Altoholic Monkey for your contributions!
Thanks for letting me contribute to your work, I really had fun. I can't wait to work on the next issue...it should be a blast! -
Quote:+1000 for using Vengeance as your primary heal.-10 for "Gather for auras" when outside of combat (not counting Mish start).
-30 for "Gather for auras" when in combat.
-50 if the word "hugs" or "cuddles" is involved.
+10 for the Empath not calling anything and just knowing where to cast the aura to get the most people. -
Today is Virtue Hero Monday
You will find members of RO on their:- Heroes of all varities from Apostles of RO
- Electric blasters and defenders from Don't Whiz on the Electric Fence
- Sonics from Fortissimo
- Silver Age heroes from Justice Force
- Soloist from Lone-Stars
- Kinetics from Pinball Wizards
- Scrappers from Offensive Line
- Trick Archers from T.R.I.C.K.
- Tankers from Tanks for Nothing
RO always welcomes new members...
If your are interested in joining us please sign up on our forums and say hello in our Introductions section. -
Siphon Speed slotted with slows is pretty much Super Speed without the suppression and you get +recharge. By the time you really need to have a non target based travel, a kin will have IR aka Super Jump and drop in one recharge and it's pretty much perma.
YAY Kinetics!