69 -
Hey! You see, I created my very first Defender. I really love the Time Manipulation powers and Dual Pistols seems to be pretty snazzy.
However, I never PLAYED a Defender before. Furthermore, I'm trying to figure out whats the best option in both of these.
Any suggestions would be appreciative. -
It was another normal evening.
Emily had sent Jeremiah to bed, after some minor argument from him due to wanting to play more of his video games. She shook her head, picking up the controller and a few games all across the floor in the living room. Picking up the last video game case, Emily looked up to the wall where Seiken hung along the wall.
Below the wall, there was a shelf with so many pictures and newspaper cut outs. Some were of Xanatos, Imperial, and few other heroes she had known and kept their articles framed. There were also different photos of Jeremiah from ages five and up, smiling brightly with different toys in hand and flashing a medal he earned back in 3rd grade.
The center picture was the most important photo of all.
It was the photo of the Steadfast Pact, posing in a group photo as well as some affiliates.
There was True Silver in all of his stoic glory with Mr. Tiny Tiger looming in the background with his big grin. Unit v2.0 and Unit v.4.0 hovered together while the "mad" scientist was already coming up with some strange experiment. Gothic Defender had his hands on his hips and XM Radio had his arms crossed. And there was Luficia, smiling happily with Seiken hoisted over her shoulder right next to Moonflash.
It made her smile.
She turned her gaze over to the newspaper article of Xanatos, all in his prime with a brief description of the latest heist he foiled. She stared to the photo a bit longingly before snapping out of it.
"No wanting what you can't have." She reminded herself, turning away from the wall.
"... Still... Goodnight, Xan."
"Emily, WAKE UP!"
Seiken's panicked cry and the scream of her son woke her up. She rolled right out of bed and got right of bed. She was in a simple t-shirt and didn't bother to wear pajama pants on. She didn't care for that though, Her feet rushed her out through the hallway of her apartment.
Her path was interrupted with half of the hallway missing... half of the whole apartment building, as a matter of fact. It gave a horrifying view of all of Galaxy City in flames with Shivan creatures attacking civilians all over the place. It was unlike anything Emily has ever seen in her whole life.
It made her glance down.
Seiken had somehow gotten off of the wall of the living room and was latched into a piece of debris. Jeremiah was clinging onto the whole blade for dear life. From above, the groan and roar of an extremely large Shivan was coming to life and hovered over the building. Emily had to act fast.
And she did.
"Sweetie, I'm coming! HANG ON!" Emily yelled out, leaping from the hallway and straight down. In a quick grab, she was able to gather Jeremiah into her arms and pull Seiken right out of the debris. Moments later, the large Shivan arms smashed the entire apartment complex and the very remants of the hallway where Emily stood only moments before. The whole area was crashing down around them and was easily catching up to them.
"I seriously hope you have a bright idea, Emily, or else we're going to get crushed under the building we were LIVING in moment's ago!" Seiken yelled in a panic.
"I have somewhat of an idea, but its going to be rough!" Emily yelled out, gripping Jeremiah tighter into her arms. A light burst of flames came along her very feet that sent enough power to send her whole form forward. It was as close to flying as she could get. Behind them, the entire building collasped with the rush of a debris cloud gathering all over the place.
"Emily, watch it! I said wat--LOOK OUT!"
Emily had forgotten about the Shivan. Its large size had went to swipe at her whole form, like a fly right out of the sky. While falling, Emily tried shifting her form to land without Jeremiah taking the brunt of the blow. In the process of falling, her left arm cut against a large piece of debris that caused her to yell out in pain. Soon, she landed hard right on the ground as pieces of side walk sprayed along her.
"Mom? Mom!?" Jeremiah called up to her. Barely, Emily rolled over to grab at her heavily bleeding arm. She glanced back to her son. She smiled as she saw there was barely a scratch on him. Still, there was a threat out there and she had to get him to safety.
Pulling herself and Jeremiah to their feets, she used Seiken as a crutch whilst cradling a bleeding arm and a broken ankle from the fall. She limped on, leading her son from any enemies nearby and get them to rescue.
Behind the trio, the crushed frame of the Steadfast Pact picture lie among the ruins and half burnt along the edges. A gush of wind would blow the picture right out of its frame and into the destruction below. -
((It makes more sense to post this here since you guys know what this is. Its a story, a response of what would happen to Galaxy City. Luficia lives there so, yeah.))
It was another normal evening.
Emily had sent Jeremiah to bed, after some minor argument from him due to wanting to play more of his video games. She shook her head, picking up the controller and a few games all across the floor in the living room. Picking up the last video game case, Emily looked up to the wall where Seiken hung along the wall.
Below the wall, there was a shelf with so many pictures and newspaper cut outs. Some were of Xanatos, Imperial, and few other heroes she had known and kept their articles framed. There were also different photos of Jeremiah from ages five and up, smiling brightly with different toys in hand and flashing a medal he earned back in 3rd grade.
The center picture was the most important photo of all.
It was the photo of the Steadfast Pact, posing in a group photo as well as some affiliates.
There was True Silver in all of his stoic glory with Mr. Tiny Tiger looming in the background with his big grin. Unit v2.0 and Unit v.4.0 hovered together while the "mad" scientist was already coming up with some strange experiment. Gothic Defender had his hands on his hips and XM Radio had his arms crossed. And there was Luficia, smiling happily with Seiken hoisted over her shoulder right next to Moonflash.
It made her smile.
She turned her gaze over to the newspaper article of Xanatos, all in his prime with a brief description of the latest heist he foiled. She stared to the photo a bit longingly before snapping out of it.
"No wanting what you can't have." She reminded herself, turning away from the wall.
"... Still... Goodnight, Xan."
"Emily, WAKE UP!"
Seiken's panicked cry and the scream of her son woke her up. She rolled right out of bed and got right of bed. She was in a simple t-shirt and didn't bother to wear pajama pants on. She didn't care for that though, Her feet rushed her out through the hallway of her apartment.
Her path was interrupted with half of the hallway missing... half of the whole apartment building, as a matter of fact. It gave a horrifying view of all of Galaxy City in flames with Shivan creatures attacking civilians all over the place. It was unlike anything Emily has ever seen in her whole life.
It made her glance down.
Seiken had somehow gotten off of the wall of the living room and was latched into a piece of debris. Jeremiah was clinging onto the whole blade for dear life. From above, the groan and roar of an extremely large Shivan was coming to life and hovered over the building. Emily had to act fast.
And she did.
"Sweetie, I'm coming! HANG ON!" Emily yelled out, leaping from the hallway and straight down. In a quick grab, she was able to gather Jeremiah into her arms and pull Seiken right out of the debris. Moments later, the large Shivan arms smashed the entire apartment complex and the very remants of the hallway where Emily stood only moments before. The whole area was crashing down around them and was easily catching up to them.
"I seriously hope you have a bright idea, Emily, or else we're going to get crushed under the building we were LIVING in moment's ago!" Seiken yelled in a panic.
"I have somewhat of an idea, but its going to be rough!" Emily yelled out, gripping Jeremiah tighter into her arms. A light burst of flames came along her very feet that sent enough power to send her whole form forward. It was as close to flying as she could get. Behind them, the entire building collasped with the rush of a debris cloud gathering all over the place.
"Emily, watch it! I said wat--LOOK OUT!"
Emily had forgotten about the Shivan. Its large size had went to swipe at her whole form, like a fly right out of the sky. While falling, Emily tried shifting her form to land without Jeremiah taking the brunt of the blow. In the process of falling, her left arm cut against a large piece of debris that caused her to yell out in pain. Soon, she landed hard right on the ground as pieces of side walk sprayed along her.
"Mom? Mom!?" Jeremiah called up to her. Barely, Emily rolled over to grab at her heavily bleeding arm. She glanced back to her son. She smiled as she saw there was barely a scratch on him. Still, there was a threat out there and she had to get him to safety.
Pulling herself and Jeremiah to their feets, she used Seiken as a crutch whilst cradling a bleeding arm and a broken ankle from the fall. She limped on, leading her son from any enemies nearby and get them to rescue.
Behind the trio, the crushed frame of the Steadfast Pact picture lie among the ruins and half burnt along the edges. A gush of wind would blow the picture right out of its frame and into the destruction below. -
((Oh snap. Red-Havok is gonna rough up some baddies! Awesome read!))
Actually its so if the power and water go out, he can flush the toilet.
I had to do it as Renegade made me do it.
Luficia's formspring. Or "Emily Engel" -
(( This is looking really good so far. Can't wait for the next part!))
Huh. So people still do that?
I guess this is my two cents. I love to walk up to others and RP. I'm such a social person in that way. I love to see other people's styles, their stories, etc and gives me a lot of diversity when playing my characters. Why go for a fruit basket of only bananas? I love apples, pears, and even strawberries. So instead of all bananas, I put in different kinds of fruit in there.
People who do it just to cause fights is, well... its dumb. Those I tend to just pull away from very slowly. But I'm not against walk ups or and I'd NEVER blow anyone off because their style is different from mine. It just doesn't seem right. Why stick with a certain crowd when you can meet the whole crowd, y'know?
I guess that's me in a nutshell. I'm just... friendly and bubbly... or something. Just figure I'd put something up there. I'd put something up about PVP and RP but, well. I hadn't really PVPed yet since I came back so making a comment on it now wouldn't be fair. -
Take Two! I... wrote this in the wrong forums before.
Hey fellas.
I know I came briefly but with the Freedom project coming up, I'm definitely hear to stay. Some of you might have seen me RPIng as Luficia, the... woman with the talking... sword.... many years ago.
So here I am and loving the updates. Hope to see some of you guys within the game!
-Lu -
Man. :/ I wish I could get a free one. I can't even buy one. D: No fair I found this late.
((I see two here, come on ya'll! Work the creative juices! :P))
((This is something for the Virtue server. i19 is coming and with it, the beginning of the invasion. How is your character preparing? What are they doing? Are they from Primal Earth or here from Praetoria? Have fun and show it off be it in a picture you drew or in a role play post!))
Paragon City always looked beautiful at night.
Emily Engel sat alongside her bedroom apartment window with her coffee mug, filled to the brim with her favorite hot chocolate. A pair of fluffy slippers were on her feet with a pink robe to shield her from the cold. Her eyes stared out to the twinkling lights that decorated along the skyline outside of her window.
She always admired how so much beauty could be found in a city that she called home in the four years she had been here, defending it from Nemesis, to the 5th Column, to Arachnos.
The difference, though, was that it was so easy to interpret the good from the bad and arrest the villains who wanted to disrupt the peace and hurt the innocent. This new chapter in her career made her question even her own views on everything, from what she was fighting for to who she was protecting.
"Are you pondering about Praetoria again?" A voice called out in the darkness of the apartment.
Emily looked over her shoulder to see the green glow of her sword, one that was missing for almost a whole year. Seiken was her partner and her weapon of choice. He was someone who had been with her when she crawled out of a hole with little to no memory of anything. He was there when everything was crashing down and he was there when he flirted with the wrong mistress and it was Emily who had to suffer the consequences of the mistress' husband.
Ah, good times.
"I can't help it, Seiken," Emily spoke, sipping her cup of hot chocolate, "It just seems... odd. I thought I knew everything about Tyrant and the Praetorian dimension. I thought that they were all evil and that it was nothing but a dictatorship over there."
"... But now, when I got out of retirement once I got you back... and I met the Praetorians at Pocket D... Some for these loyalists, some for the resistance, I just... wonder if we made a big mistake with our assumption. As if.... As if I did something wrong."
Seiken grew quiet while Emily pondered her own decisions those many years ago with the other heroes. Her gaze went out to the window, keeping her cup of joe close to her lips.
"... Everything was so easy many years ago," Emily spoke up quietly, "Everything was so clear before. There was an evil, and I went in fighting with all my might. I didn't always succeed but I had the will to get back up, fighting... no matter what. If I ever felt alone, I had my friends... and the Steadfast Pact."
"I remember all of them."
"I do too," Emily smiled, "I remember True Silver and that crazy scientist... The might of Tiny the Tiger, and Unit v2.0's snarky comments. Everyone that was part of that group... We did everything together, from weddings to anniversaries to fighting any kind of evil that got in the way. Those really were the days."
Emily turned back from the window to walk over to her bed, staring at the costume she adorned for so long while fighting the good fight. The one that brought hope in some and a groan to some villains.
"So... What do I do, now?"
"Well... Right now," Seiken spoke, "You forget about the past. Whats done is done. If the rumors are true about this invasion, then the mistakes were made and we have to fix what all of us did."
"Yeah... I guess." Emily sighed out, taking a long sip out of her cup of hot chocolate. Her gaze went to the door where her adopted son slept, the boy she swore to protect and raise when she adopted him. The boy that gave her a deeper meaning in what she was fighting to protect, to preserve and to give him as well as others a safe future.
"So!" Seiken yelled out, "Whats it gonna be, eh? What're you gonna do now?"
"Personally? I still don't know," Emily grinned over to the sword, "I might never know until I learn the truth and see who is really right and wrong in all of this... but if this invasion is true, then... I guess I suit up and keep fighting as I always do.
"I mean, thats what I am.... I'm Luficia. I protect those who cannot protect themselves! Thats what I'll keep doing until the answers are clear and I can decide what to do then. Until then..."
Luficia turned her gaze out to the window.
"... Lets just pray everyone else is taking this seriously and are preparing for this storm." -
Heya. I have a BS/DA Scrapper and long ago, it was said Dark Armor sucked.
But NOW, I heard they fixed it and Dark Armor is really good. My hero is level 50 and I want to really get it up to speed to being a good build. Any recommendations for the powers and which enhancements to put where?
Thanks! -
I guess I'll comment as an old fart.
If you want to make a real icon? Ascendant. Simply.... Ascendant.
But you know, in all truth, other then that? There are no real icons to represent Virtue. The community as a whole makes Virtue what it is. Not one person can do this: It takes the whole community to make this.
Why did I come back? The community. Not just Ascendant, the community did it.
Its not 1 person that does it for me... Its a whole huge group of people that make it for what it is.
So for me, EVERYBODY gets a "IWIN" badge and a high five! -
I'm an OOOOOLD member. Like... back in 2004 old. I played for a while and then I became Luficia. Those who remember Luficia and that blasted talking sword should know who this is.
But either way, I fell in love with Going Rogue this weekend. I missed my old friends, so....
I'm back, and ready to reunite with old friends as well as make some new ones! I seen a lot of really cool new faces around so I'm hoping to meet the newer folk! (GOD I sound old...)
So don't be afraid to hit me up if you see me around in-game!
-Luficia -
Figured I'd put this picture here. I did not draw it but I had my good friend, Isadora, draw it. It was part of a joke thread I put up for laughs since on the forums for the Virtueverse wiki, no one knows who the admin is.
He does a good job though! So I had her do this picture.
This is the picture, on my friend's deviantart.
Feel free to tell her what you guys think of it and all. -
I got to say, it was a pretty good episode! I think I lawl'd at the part with OHakubi mentioning, "Isn't it kind of sad when you get upstaged by your own sword? Wait... Squall, Cloud... Nevermind."
That's got to be the RPG Gamer in me though. -
I listen to them when I go to work. :P I know I will be listening to it when I head over to work today!
Despite the combination, do I still gotta have a level 50 villain to have the villain epic archtype or is that still the same too? :P That'd be cool to have ANY level 50 to unlock the epic archtypes but that's my laziness talking!
Yeah, really. o.o
I really like Jerk Radio. I am totally listening in to the future podcasts. Rock on! -
Is that -good- if I'm mentioned again? Oh, lord. XD
... Well. I got 8 hours, free bagels and boring work. To the podcast!
Edit: Which episode, anyway?
Edit Edit: Nevermind, found it. and now I know who dropped me that Hami-O years back. Cool! -
o_o I think I remember the Circle of Jerks. They are...well, um... well, jerks!
<- Yay for bad puns.
Oh god. XD I got mentioned in this. I'm listening at work on my headphones since, I was bored and went, "Oh, w--ooh... Jerk Radio was real? May as well listen. My player can stream it!"
While knowing I will probably be made fun. XD I kind of got a good chuckle. Thanks! -
Dude. That RULED.
Great work!